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departed friend, and in his warmth he said, after those remarks the thing should be done, and so it was. The next morning he called upon me in his gig, and we visited nearly all the friends in the Circuit who had, as we thought, the means and disposition to help us; the result being that more than £80 were promised before the service for the collection was held, thus securing the £100 desired. Happy would it be for the Church if all our young men were endued with the zeal and liberality which marked our lamented brother's life].



ONE of the greatest advantages that can be inherited in this world is to be born of pious parents. Another is to be successfully trained by them "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Both these belonged to Ann, the daughter of James and Jane Broadbent, who was born at Mossley, on June 5, 1837.

In childhood she was exceedingly quiet; as she grew in years she manifested a disposition of great peacefulness; was always obedient to her parents, and not known to have told a falsehood. As soon as she had attained the age at which the rules of Wyre Street School allowed, she was enrolled as a scholar, and maintained her connection with the institution until her removal to Manchester, in 1865. When about fourteen years of age she joined the Church, meeting in the class led by the late Mr. James Dyson. In all likelihood she was made "a new creature in Christ Jesus" at the time, though the exact circumstances of the event are not known.

The Rev. J. Taylor, late Superintendent of the Mossley Circuit, has kindly supplied a considerable notice of sister Walker, which I herein insert:-My first acquaintance with Mrs. Walker and her late husband was on the occasion of their coming to reside in Manchester. The appearance of so worthy and steady a couple willing to join us and throw in their energies greatly rejoiced my heart, and from the first I felt more than an ordinary interest in them and in their welfare. I frequently visited them at their new home, and had many opportunities of ascertaining their worth. It seems strange that both should have passed away at so early a period, but even so, Father: for so it seemed good in Thy sight."

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As respects Ann, I will notice :

1. Her natural disposition. She had the elements of a fine character, the predominating qualities being goodness, meekness, and gentleness. I do not say that in evidencing these qualities she never had a struggle, for that would be to deprive them of their virtue, but assuredly she evidenced a sweet disposition, and that with a steady uniformity rarely attained. The self-control she exercised over a naturally well-balanced mind enabled her to present Christianity before others under very favourable aspects.

2. The features of her character. I only mention those which stood out prominently, and which no one who knew her could fail to recognise. She was always the same. The same kindly expression invariably greeted you. She was conscientious without being fastidious, and economical without parsimoniousness. She never spoke unkindly of others, and when a depreciatory remark was dropped, she would say, "Well, but perhaps we don't know all about it." While she was well she had no idle moments. Industry was with her both a principle and a passion; and when affliction lay heavily upon her, she bore it with fortitude and patience.

3. Her domestic life. It was, as we might anticipate, peaceful and happy. Fortunately in her case matrimony was a union of hearts, and to make life a success in the truest sense they were both influenced as by one will. The time, however, came when symptoms of declining health were unmistakably perceptible in the constitution of her husband, and she

watched their development with all the anxieties of a fond and affectionate wife. And when recovery was pronounced impossible, she thought the dispensation a strange one-but neither in his affliction nor death did she sin with her lips, or charge God foolishly.

4. Her religious experience. It was sound. It not only furnished proof of a true conversion, but of a well-sustained Christian life. She expressed her experience with great timidity, but that very timidity enhanced the value of what she said. Relating her experience on one occasion, she said with great feeling and power, "I know I have not served the Lord as I ought to have done, but the Lord knows that I have tried to do it." She loved the means of grace. In health she was punctual in her attendance both on the public and social means, and in sickness she felt their loss as one of her greatest trials.

5. Her last affliction. It was long and painful. It was no ordinary affliction, nor was it endured in an ordinary way. When the intimation was first given her that cancer had formed at her breast, and that medical skill could be of little avail, except perhaps to alleviate her sufferings, she heard it with deep feeling, but with great calmness. A short time after this, when meditating on her affliction, and its probable if not positive issue, she said to the writer in a manner never to be forgotten, "The death of my husband seemed a strange thing to me, but now I see it all. The Lord knew what was coming, and it makes all the difference between leaving a husband and going to one." Month after month we expected each to be the last. Still she lingered, and still she suffered-the suffering growing more intense, and at times almost beyond endurance. I visited her most days for the last few months of her life, and many precious things did she say to me; but as I did not record them, memory fails to reproduce them. I may say that, apart from the sufferings I witnessed, my visits to her were among some of the most refreshing and profitable experiences of my life. After Conference, and just before leaving the Circuit, I paid her my last visit on earth. She was greatly changed. Suffering had chiselled unusual marks upon her countenance, but had left the well-known smile. She could scarcely speak and when after prayer I alluded to heaven as a place where there would be no more suffering or death, she said with great effort, and in broken sections, "How sweet-will-it be-to be-there!" That sweetness she now shares. At rest-" for ever with the Lord."

This notice by Mr. Taylor requires to be supplemented but by few sentences. The modesty of disposition which was characteristic of Mrs. Walker impressed itself on her religious joy. Perhaps at no time was that joy ecstatic; but she often "wondered" whether she was "right" as she thought her experiences unlike those of other people. Still she never doubted her final safety. She could say, "Lord, thou knowest all things; Thou knowest that I love Thee." She rested upon the atonement made by Jesus, and sought daily the baptism of the Holy Ghost. She was diligent in reading the Bible, and such books as "The Life of the Rev. Ralph Waller," "Sermons to the Afflicted," "Sure of Heaven," and "Angels and Heaven." When unable to read for herself, she derived great encouragement by her father and sisters reading to her.

Mrs. Walker's affliction confined her to her room and mostly to bed for about nine months; for a considerable portion of which time she was exceedingly anxious to depart. Frequently, after a day of great weariness, about ten or eleven o'clock at night she would say, "I hope I shall be in heaven before two o'clock in the morning." But after thus expressing herself, she sometimes asked her father whether she was not too impatient. On such occasions Mr. Broadbent would read to her of the sufferings and patience of Job; after which she girded up the loins of her mind to new displays of resignation and hope.

The pains of our sister, which had increased in acuteness for several months, at last abated considerably; but the breathing became more diffi

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cult, and ability to converse was well-nigh lost. On Sunday, July 12, she had a bitter struggle; it was thought that the hour of departure had come; but she rallied again, and continued until Wednesday evening, July 15, in the thirty-eighth year of her age, when, after five or six hours' severe conflict with the last enemy," she was conquered, but only in that which is mortal, and even that mortal conquest will be reversed" in the resurrection at the last day."

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IN the year 1814, at Luzley, near Mossley, Simon Holt was born. His moral surroundings were not good, and until he was sixteen years of age he was a stranger to Christ, and given up to manifold wickednesses. He had, however, occasionally, distress of mind on account of sin, and when seventeen years of age he sought and found mercy through our Lord Jesus Christ, from which time to his death religion was in him a living principle, and an unfailing source of peace and hope.

Brother Holt first became connected with our denomination at Staleybridge, where he devoted himself most enthusiastically to the interests of the Church and the glory of God. In 1839 he was called to the office of local preacher. He had not the privilege of tuition at a "school of the prophets"; but at the beginning of his preaching life, he and a companion and fellow-labourer were accustomed to repair to a wood in the neighbourhood of Staleybridge, where they wrestled with the Unseen, and preached to each other on the sublime themes of "the Gospel of the grace of God"— themes by which their hearts were stirred, and by which they hoped to stir the hearts of saints and sinners in "the tabernacle of the Lord of Hosts." One who knew Mr. Holt at this time says, "There was in him much of the fire and energy of early Methodism." Through change of residence, Mr. Holt, in 1844, joined our Mossley Church, where he found spheres of useful service and opportunities for happy fellowship to the end of life. The work done by him as a local preacher and class-leader was considerable, and generally acceptable. He was also engaged between two and three years as a missionary in Mossley, during which time small-pox became prevalent, and to numbers who suffered and died he carried the words of eternal life. But in all the perils attendant on this ministry, brother Holt had no fear, and neither he nor his family sustained any harm. Subsequently, he was in great request for the visitation of the sick in the locality of his own home, often being called up in the night to help by prayer and counsel such as desired to escape "the wrath to come."

For some years Mr. Holt had very feeble health, especially in the winter season, when he was frequently confined to his home for weeks together. This restricted his labours in the church, as well as deprived him of privileges that were dear to his heart. But he was patient and cheerful, and sought progress in the Christian life by a quiet study of the Word of God and prayer.

When our brother died, many were startled at the apparent suddenness of the event. He attended our Circuit Quarterly Meeting at Lees on the 13th of July, taking some part in its business, and, returning to Mossley, visited one of our members then in dying circumstances, prayed with her, and exhorted her to look forward to the recompense of the just. In a few days afterwards his feebleness so far increased as to occasion anxiety to his family, though they hoped to see him recover as magically as he had often done before; but this time nature was destitute of her former powers of


resuscitation, and it soon became manifest that death was inevitable. was no calamity to brother Holt. The bitterness of death was long since past to him; hence, the night preceding his departure, calling to his Saviour, he said, "Take me to heaven; take me to heaven!" and to his wife and children, "Ye are witnesses." And thus, "sure of heaven," he passed away, July 25, 1874, in the sixty-first year of his age.

We do not affirm of our friend that he was faultless. He would not have affirmed this of himself. The warmth of his disposition did sometimes involve him in collision of word and sentiment with his brethren; but he loved the Lord Jesus Christ, was zealous in His service, prayed with great power, was a good husband and father, and strove hard and long "perfecting holiness in the fear of God."

"Virtue grew daily stronger, sin

Decayed; his enemies repulsed, retired;
Till, at the stature of a perfect man
In Christ arrived, and with the Spirit filled,
He gained the harbour of eternal rest."




THIS excellent woman was born at Mottram, on the 19th of July, 1799, and died at Mossley, July the 30th, 1874, having completed her seventy-fifth year.

We have not been able to gain any particulars of her life earlier than her seventeenth year. Her relatives possess a ticket showing that she was in church membership; and one of our leaders, Mr. William Booth, bears testimony to her earnest piety at that period. When brother Booth became acquainted with Lydia, he was an unconverted man, and displayed his wickedness by frequently persecuting this young saint. She did not retaliate nor depend upon argument, persuasion, or appeal, as a means of changing her enemy; but 'she sought the help of the mighty God of Jacob, and prayed for him who shamefully entreated her. On one occasion William Booth and three other young men, hoping, perhaps, to hear something they could employ as a cruel taunt to Lydia, took up their position near the window of the house in which she met in class. But the result to one eavesdropper was far different to expectation. As he stood, likely on tip-toe, he heard the voice of devout and lively supplication-and it was Lydia's voice -and as she strove to get near the Divine Majesty, she pleaded tenderly and powerfully for William Booth, and, says he, "This produced such an impression upon my mind that I never persecuted Lydia from that time.' He also says, "She was always a consistent Christian; an Israelite indeed.' And other persons, who knew our sister long and intimately, are unanimous in their declarations that she was a woman of eminent piety. Mr. James Broadbent, who was her leader for some years, says, "Her experience was rich and encouraging. My own mind was often cheered as she related that experience. In prayer she was much drawn out, and seemed to have power with God and prevail." She valued highly all the means of grace, and was generally admired for the diligence with which she followed the Lord Jesus Christ.

Deafness and other infirmities deprived her of the privilege of fellowship with God's people in His house for three or four years before her death; but she hailed with delight the visit of a pious friend or Christian minister to her home. I saw her myself on Sunday evening, July the 19th; she was exceedingly weak, but perfectly peaceful. She continued looking for the appearing and kingdom of her Lord; and He in whom she trusted -whose blood cleansed her-whose law was her rule-whose promises cheered her has now received her to "glory, honour, and immortality." SAMUEL WALKER,

AFTER long and painful affliction, Martha, the beloved wife of Henry Dixon, Esq., Leeds, departed this life, November 29, 1874, aged 61 years.

MRS. SARAH APPLETON, widow of the late William Appleton, in her 77th year, at the house of her son, 26, Dorset Road, Liverpool, on 30th November, 1874.-Our sister joined the Society in Bond Street in 1838, and continued a member with us in Liverpool till prevented by age. Her end was peace.

MR. JAMES HOWARTH, of Rochdale, after a long and useful career in the Church and Circuit, died in the Lord, on Sunday morning, 6th December, aged 54 years. Our loss is very great.


THE perusal of the first volume of "The Life of his Royal Highness the Prince Consort," just published, will delight and gratify the hearts of the loyal and loving subjects of our gracious Queen. A few extracts from it we are sure will be acceptable to our readers. Into very few hands it will have come at present, and its high price will forbid it ever being possessed or read by many.

Our Queen was born on the 24th of May, 1819; three months later, on the 26th of August, 1819, Prince Albert was born. The Queen's mother, the Duchess of Kent, was sister to the Prince's father. The mother of the Duchess, writing to her of the birth of the Prince, expressed the hope of seeing "the May Flower of Kensington." Two years later the Dowager Duchess of Coburg, writing to the Duchess of Kent, speaks of the beauty, vivacity, and intelligence of "little Alberinchen," with his large blue eyes, and calls him "the pendant to his pretty cousin" (the Princess Victoria). The portrait of the child given in the present volume, justifies the fond grandmother's description of " a little angel with fair curls." His disposition seems to have been at once serious and thoughtful beyond his years, and yet humorous, frolicsome, and playful. There was nothing in the slightest degree priggish in his love for knowledge, and the force and sweetness of his character were discovered more in the energy with which he was always learning, and which he carried alike into his studies and his childish sports, in his aversion from anything that he thought unjust or dishonest, in his eager desire to do good and assist others, and his gratitude for any kindness, however trifling, to himself. His course of instruction was comprehensive and exact, and he early showed a marked inclination for natural science, for music, and the arts of design. For field sports in themselves he cared less than for the healthy exercise they gave, and though a capital shot, and, as he afterwards proved in England, a bold rider to hounds, he could never understand people making a business of shooting or giving up whole days to the chase. He trained his body for the sake of his mind, and so grew up from a delicate childhood into an active, cheerful, healthy boy.

The Duke of Kent was in the habit of showing the infant Princess as the Queen of England to be; but the Princess herself was not permitted to know until her twelfth year that no one stood between herself and the succession to the throne. The following curious passage in a letter from the Baroness Lehzen, the Princess's governess, shows how well the secret had been kept. The letter is addressed to her Majesty, Dec. 2, 1867 :—

"I ask your Majesty's leave to cite some remarkable words of your Majesty's when only twelve years old, while the Regency Bill was in progress. I then said to the Duchess of Kent that now, for the first time, your Majesty ought to know your place in the succession. Her Royal Highness agreed with me, and I put the genealogical table into the historical book. When Mr. Davys, the Queen's instructor (afterwards Bishop of Peterborough) was gone, the Princess Victoria opened as usual the book again, and seeing the additional paper said, 'I never saw that before.' 'It was not thought necessary you should, Princess,' I answered. I see I am nearer the throne than I thought.' 'So it is, madam,' I said. After some moments the Princess

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