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at first worked chiefly by insisting on the
large survivals of Catholicism in the Anglican
formularies, the breach did not immediately
manifest itself, though Palmer early showed a
tendency to compromise; for instance, instead
of protesting against the reduction of cathedral
establishments by the Ecclesiastical Commis-
sion, he brought Napoleon's plan of honorary
canonries before the Commission, which he had
the satisfaction of seeing adopted, with some
safeguards of his own. When Froude's Remains
appeared, he was over-excited by the naïve
way in which Froude put down the result of his
and Newman's conference with Wiseman on
the possibilities of corporate re-union, and his
anxiety was increased when Newman met the
proposal to contribute to the Martyrs' Memorial
with a solemn query on the same subject.
Still, Newman's strong language was re-
assuring up to 1839, when it began to be
noticed that Newman's immediate disciples
were shaken by Wiseman's arguments against
Anglican Orders, to which our author replied
in such a manner as not to encourage a

rejoinder. So, too, when Wiseman interfered
in the controversy about Tract XC., he first
proved that "the worship of the Virgin and
the other errors of the Church of Rome
characterised by Newman. were binding
on Roman Catholics," which Wiseman had
denied, and then that Wiseman's quotations
to prove the "
errors" primitive were worth-
less. It is very characteristic of Sir W.
Palmer's mind that, from the time he
ascertained that Roman controversialists, from
the days of Bellarmine to now, have been in
the habit of appealing to uncritical editions
of the Fathers, he felt that the question was
closed. As for the restoration of intercom-
munion, he was
on the whole content to
reflect that all
attempts that
way since
the days of Calixtus had come to nothing,
and that no revival of holiness in the
Church of England was likely to bring them

to more.

for the Times,

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There is

be intolerable. Lady Constance is not a successful character. The amount of self

deception she must have unconsciously practised is very crudely intimated, and there is no foundation for her mysterious power. Nor is Maud very real. The true interest of the book, indeed, lies in the early development of Charles's character, and it is a very what can scarcely be other than personal remiingenuous one. The author has drawn upon niscences very pleasantly and profitably. But there is rather too much of the trick of reminding us that it all happened long ago, and things have changed very much since, &c., &c. Once or twice this is amusing, but the repetition becomes intolerable, and leaves us with the conviction that the writer is not such a veteran after all.

Mrs. Reade includes two sensational stories plenty of vice and low passion and intrigue, in her three volumes. They are coloured by but end in a blaze of triumphant morality which ought, no doubt, to put us into a mood of virtuous exultation. Unfortunately the contrasts are so startling and the morality is

MR. JULIAN HAWTHORNE has adopted a milder
which, if it displayed a certain quality of
manner since his last book, Fortune's Fool,
power, abounded in extravagance.
of his peculiar mysticism, in Beatrix Randolph.
none of his exultation in physical force, none
To say this, however, does not mean that it
escapes the charge of extravagance. It has
exactly the same fault as its predecessor, Dust.
Like the hero's renunciation in Dust, the cen-
tral situation in Beatrix Randolph, the inno-so forced that they only leave us feeling very
cent assumption of the personality of a famous helpless and in the confused state which,
prima donna by an unknown singer, violates all perhaps, the heading of one of Mrs. Reade's
moral probability. Putting aside the possi- chapters best describes "Mixed with Sad
to be so easily deluded is totally inconsistent not spare us her good things. Many of the
bility of the impersonation, to allow herself Wonder." Mrs. Reade is generous, and does
with the character of Beatrix which Mr. headings are three-volume sensational novels
Hawthorne labours to bring home to us else- in themselves, and would make the fortune of
where. But this is the cardinal fault with all a less inventive person.
his creations: they are described as one thing done with
and they act as another. Men of the world,
it is true, probably do more foolish things
than any other people, but Mr. Hamilton
Jocelyn's ill-timed persistence is, if nothing
else, grossly at variance with his character
for astuteness.
Mr. Hawthorne works out the details with
Given the situation, however,
considerable ingenuity, even if the conclusion
There is less description of scenery
than usual in Beatrix Randolph, but the
little Mr. Hawthorne gives us is fresh and
pleasant. He has for once succeeded in not
The sketches of New York society are amusing
being over-strained in his effort to be vivid.
so far as they go, but they are very slight.
There is a lack of finish or subtlety about
them, and a resemblance to the sketches which
But perhaps Mr. Hawthorne's pen was hur-
now abound in a certain class of journalism.
ried; his later books have been treading very

be lame.

fast on each other's heels.

What could not be "Smitten and Bitten" or "O Tiger's Heart"? All the customary ingredients of this class of fiction flavour her pages. The men, of course, are "great and strong and swartly grand."

But there are

also some new and strange things. Lady valescence, is not only supremely happy, she is Carmalt, when she enjoys the luxury of conthe "champion of apolausticism." We have much for which to be thankful to Mrs. Reade. The evil genius of the first story is very evil. Modesty forbids us to enquire into her earlier days in the last years of the Second Empire. then, in order to make a wealthy match, she Under the Commune she is a pétroleuse; and enters into the domestic circle of an English clergyman as governess. Between her, however, and Sir Peter Carmalt there intervene, and a wife. Why the dog should have been oddly enough, a pet dog, a favourite horse, in the way is uncertain. Perhaps she only

Naturally, in 1843, after Newman had refused to do anything to bridle the British Critic, then the organ of Ward and Oakley, though edited by Newman's brother-in-law, be felt called to stand in the breach himself, and addressed to the Bishop of Oxford the parrative of events here reprinted. Considering that the author obviously felt that he had finished his theological education when "the respected author of Tract XC." and Dr. Pusey were beginning theirs, the Tractarians are thated with great generosity and forbearance. In rebuking the Romanising tendencies of the British Critic, the writer appeals to the Tracts needed to be recalled to the principles of their as if Ward and Oakley only master. In the supplement to the narrative, Sir W. Palmer goes so far as to recognise the superior wisdom of Dr. Pusey, who contrived to keep Newman's followers together by avoiding any public censure of their leader or to censuring at least to suppressing-the Master Charles is not a genius, but he might| tis principles. In the same spirit he is averse ism, and partly because he admires Dr. Little- piloted through the dangers of the two last Ritualists, partly because Rome detests Ritual- have been. Las largest theological conception is that the protest against Mr. Norris's conclusion, but it and unreal, but somewhat simpler and less ale's Plain Reasons against Romanism. Perhaps volumes back to his first love. Experience may Mrs. Reade's second story is equally unpleasant revival of religion in the latter half of the cannot be denied that he is very long bringing ighteenth century undoubtedly began within him through. the pale of Anglicanism-a fact which also with Lady Constance unpleasantly suggest seems to have weighed with De Maistre.


destroyed it to keep her hand in. She was The first volume of Mr. Norris's new novel capable of anything. As for horse and wife, disappointment of the two next. The descrip- attempts to "take off" her ladyship with is far the best, and ill prepares us for the Mdlle. Emeraude nearly succeeds in killing them together. Failing, however, she then tion of the hero's boyhood among the Norfolk Broads, old Bunce the keeper, the great pike, hellebore; luckily, the revelations of her and the frozen fens is written with great accomplice, a groom, madly in love with freshness and feeling. It was Alfiori who my ladyship herself, frustrate this. first made the dangerous statement that pre-ceeds to drown himself in two feet of water groom, having made his revelations, prococity in falling in love is a sign of genius. in a most desperate way. His fate points


Under Mr. Norris's care he is a moral, and was indeed well deserved. He had coquetted with Radical doctrines, and ventured to think the aristocracy a sham.

The interminable dialogues padding; and, were it not for the grace and clearness of the author's style, they would

further go."

"The force of Nature could no

An amusing collection of uncouth words gathered from the smaller American news




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papers appeared in a magazine some years calling the academy of the girl-graduates "a ascribed to Euripides. Possibly this is a typoThey were not old provincial words collegiate celibiate for the fair sex"? Dr. graphical error, Eur. for Eum., in which play, which have gradually dropped into disuse in Blandford's Conscience abounds in phrases we think, the phrase first occurs. In the same England, but newfangled inventions, sub-coined from the same mint which are neither section, &vev Borĥpos airoλouμeval is not well ordinated to the purpose of ignorant ostenta- jocose nor smart. Mr. Ingram falls between rendered, we think, "untended by a guard." βοτήρ is not exactly tion. To Mr. Johnston belongs the honour two stools. He has written a novel with a dering obscures the very metaphor it is meant a guard," and the renof introducing this democratic licence of dic-purpose; the purpose is to show how a poet to exemplify. These are small points, but may tion into what purports to be a serious may trace the spiritual regeneration of a be worth correcting; a manual needs exactness literary production. Here are some of the doctor who possessed a certain amount of beyond other books. But this chapter-" Hints choicest flowers gathered at random from his culture, appreciated Montaigne, and could not on Poetic Forms and Usages"—is invaluable. pages. One of his heroines-an invalid, it is persuade himself to become a Christian by It redeems the luckless tyro from that sense of true-yields to her "impulsions." The hero, reading Paley's Evidences. As a work of wandering in the wilderness which the unwho has done much for higher education in fiction, the story is completely killed by theo-assisted hunt for appropriate "turns" always his native State, announces his "declinature" logical discussion; as a theological discussion, ment (pp. 5-9) of the Caesura; and the authors brings to him. Excellent, also, is the treatof a professorship; Dukesborough was notable it is interrupted and impeded by fragments of (Pref. p. v.) justifiably pride themselves on their for the seriousness of its sermons-they were narrative and description. The author's style sections on the metrical treatment of monomore than serious, they were "prognostic of is very heavy and pretentious, a result to syllables. This is a matter which has often what would eventuate;" while the musical which his habit of rejecting simple words and puzzled older scholars, as well as boys, simply genius of the township delighted his audience using pedantic ones outside their true signifi- for want of a few obvious formulas. Hitherto, with the exquisite "rendition of such cation materially contributes. Mr. Ingram's de minimis non curavit ler; and these monosimple tunes as "Molly [sic], put the kettle little fishes do more than talk, like whales. syllabic minima have been pushed and turned into erroneous positions, ἄνευ βοτῆρος αἰπολού. Mr. Johnston is conscientiously con- Why should an accident with him " "'initiate cerned with the topography of his settlement an intimacy" instead of give rise to a friend-forge of miseries; " its embers will fade and be The question of Crasis has also been "a in Georgia. Unfortunately his painstaking ship? There is nothing to be gained, and extinct after a perusal of pp. 20-23. The description leaves no clear impression on the everything to be lost, by this pedantry. exercises, graduated in difficulty, and with a mind. But, as he justly points out, to underline of demarcation between 30 and 31, at stand Dukesborough aright, you should fix which point real literature is employed for yourself in the main street (not in the backtranslation, are excellent; our only doubt is whether they are track), and then turn "square-round." In numerous enough. They calling his production a tale, Mr. Johnston will, we fear, be worked through too easily, and illegitimate keys " will abound. This practises upon an unsuspicious public. It is not a story in any sense of the word, but compass; it is, however, a real evil. Another is, perhaps, unavoidable in a manual of limited an account of the founding of Dukesborough, criticism we should be inclined to make on the and a rambling chronicle of the leading families who conferred distinction upon it. The reader is passed on from family to family until a happy inspiration induces Mr. Johnston to put in a chapter called "settlements." These are simpler than lawyers would have us believe. The one villain Dukesborough was capable of producing gets his deserts; while the virtuous inhabitants are suddenly sorted off into pairs, and live happily ever afterwards. Few people, however, will be strong enough to struggle through the whole book in order to feel their hearts glow within them at this satisfactory conclusion.



An Introduction to Greek Verse Composition, with Exercises. By Arthur Sidgwick and has been so much thrust from its former pride F. D. Morice. (Rivingtons.) Verse composition of place as an instrument of classical education that it may at first sight seem curious to find one of the ablest tutors in Oxford and a master at a leading public school submitting themselves to the drudgery which must have been involved in the preparation of this manual. The truth is that the irrational use of verse composition as a panacea for ignorance and clumsiness has been supplanted by its rational use as the best method-perhaps the only method in the case of a dead language-of teaching fairly advanced scholars to grasp the distinctions between the poetic and the prosaic vocabularies. Without this distinction, the savour of Greek poetry escapes us, as the savour of Shakspere would elude a foreigner who felt no difference between the language of "King Lear" and that of a City article. Messrs. Sidgwick and Morice undertake, in five manageable chapters the whole book, exclusive of the excellent vocabulary at the end, is less than 150 pages to Greek verse composition, from the first rudiments till he has reached a fair proficiency in turning into Greek iambics an average piece of English dramatic poetry" (Preface, p. v.). This much is promised; this much, and something more, is performed-the something more being the superadded flavour of good literature and critical discernment. Here are two editors who, in addition to a far more exact account of the iambic metre, its limits and its privileges, than we have seen elsewhere, can think their Shakspere and their Arnold into terms of Sophocles. AIf there be a fault, it is that the book is almost over-Sophoclean. Boys are apt to catch the weaknesses of Euripides and the extravagancies of Aeschylus, no doubt; Sophocles is far more flawless and equal. But yet we that Aeschylus and the Aeschylean forms have an attractiveness for

Across the Hills possesses the melancholy interest, as the Preface tells, of being the last story that the author lived to write, and of "foreshadowing the close of a life lavishly spent in the loving service of others." The story of the walk across the hills is told very simply and gracefully; the reader feels the free, fresh air, and catches glimpses of the blue moving sea beyond the gorse and heather. The allegory is one which appeals to all whose high privilege it has been to come in contact with those who, in no blind enthusiasm, but with clear gaze, have found that happiness which "can only be told from pain by its being what they would choose before everything else." wanderer in search of rest and health learns from his companion of one day that perhaps life can make clear what many thoughts have left dim, and that existence is only perfect in self-sacrifice. He is taught the full meaning of his intuition by the faith in which she passes across and beyond the hills into the light and peace which lay upon them.

Mr. Gilbert has proclaimed himself to be the author of a "respectful perversion of the Poet Laureate's Princess, but what epithet is applicable to Mr. Ingram's performance in

"take the learner through all the stages of


clever boys which should be taken into account.
Aeschylus is direct; Sophocles is not usually so.
But we must learn to be direct before we
can indulge in the luxury of subtlety.
Once or twice we note an Aeschylean phrase
ascribed to a later writer-as, e.g., on p. 56, in
the section on metaphors, the phrase Boukoxou-
uevos Tóvov, which is primarily Aeschylean, is

more advanced exercises is that there is rather too much from Mr. Swinburne and Mr. Arnold

from "Atalanta in Calydon" and "Merope," highly assimilated to Greek form as they areand too few passages from Shakspere, in which the thought is Greek, or rather of the high poetical order common to all great poets, while the form is markedly English. Translation of these is the ultimate achievement, we

may be told, and beyond the scope of a manual. But we wish there were more such passages here, even if the editors had found it necessary to append their own versions of them, indicating the course of thought by which they proceeded. Able boys would mark and learn thereby. The prominence given to passages from Mr. Rhoades' writings is puzzling; nor do we see why No. 77 should be treated as anonymous: if we mistake not, it is from Alexander Smith's Life Drama. The vocabulary-intended to be "useful not merely for these exercises, but for

any other"-is a thesaurus of Greek poetic diction, and simply invaluable, being classical, instead of the ugly congeries of epic, lyric, tragic, and Aristotelian Greek presented to the tyro in most English-Greek lexicons; and the marking of the quantities doubles its use for the young. The only question we feel inclined to ask is, How is the memory of boys to be stimulated to absorb this vocabulary? Composition cannot be written, in examinations at all events, without a verbal memory; a hint upon this point from such accomplished teachers and writers as Messrs. Sidgwick and Morice would be valuable.

Latin Prose Exercises. With Passages of
Graduated Difficulty for Translation into Latin.
By George G. Ramsay. (Glasgow: MacLehose.)
Few subjects are so purely empirical-using
the word in its best sense-as the teaching of
Prof. Ramsay's

composition to the young.
experience is, therefore, of high value, and his
injunctions, both positive and negative, deserve
the utmost consideration, even from those un-
able to accept them in their entirety. He has
prefixed to this collection of exercises a concise
and interesting little essay, in which he formu-
lates the principles at which he has arrived,

These may be briefly classified. (1) Simple sentences-except for mere children-are useless. "It is impossible [here Prof. Ramsay concurs with Dr. Bradley] to make any real use of a language as an instrument of thought without introducing subordinate clauses." We have no doubt whatever of this; as Prof. Ramsay well points out, the dryness of the process of learning a language is enormously increased by being introduced to it in a quite illiterate and unpractical form. (2) "Teach from the beginning the necessity of observing the true Latin order of the words." So only can the fault of "Anglicising" Latin prose be avoided. This is a principle which, in the hands of a practised teacher, is of great import. We are inclined, however, to think that it is often taught in a

and more serious side of the same process-in
ousting something else which is read at present.
In fact, unless a local and temporary want has
been created by the University of London, or
some other examining body, imposing the Cyro-
paedia as a thing to be read, there would seem
to be no demand, and not even any room, for a
school edition of it. But, if it is prescribed,
students will find that Dr. Bigg's notes (which
seem to us to show a distinct improvement in
teaching power upon his notes to Thucydides)
give them quite as much aid and direction as is
good for them.

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MR. FRANCIS PERCIVAL has arrived in London from Egypt, bringing with him a collection of inscribed potsherds from the island of Elephantine, where they are still found by the inhabitants, though not in large numbers. inscriptions are for the most part in cursive Greek, but some of them are in Coptic and Early Arabic. Prof. Sayce has made a collection of them at Luxor, where he has been staying since his visit to Abydos. He will probably return to England before the end of this month, if quarantine is abolished at Marseilles.

Pithom, which will be printed immediately, and M. NAVILLE has completed his memoir on presented to the subscribers and donors of one pound and upwards to the Egypt Exploration


PROF. W. G. WHITNEY will contribute the

The Satires of Juvenal. By E. G. Hardy. (Macmillan.) is wanted; and, after all that has been written A good school edition of Juvenal on the subject, it ought not to be so difficult to compile one. In Mr. Hardy's notes, however, we find:-" altum dormiret: cognate acc. altum somnare (1.17); "Heracleas, Diomedeas: fabula is to be understood, just as Odyssea fabula = the Odyssey" (1.44); "quadringenta article on "Philology" to the new edition of the parant: i.e., sestertia, not sestertios" (1.94); Encyclopaedia Britannica, and Mr. E. Maunde (7.68); Saguntun north of the Ebro " (15.114); and so on. Thompson the article on was just Palaeography." notes, when correct, do not always seem ade-in writing a chapter on the urkeltisches SprachMR. WHITLEY STOKES is at present engaged quate or well put together, while wrongly schatz for the new edition of Ficke's Wörterbuch. accented Greek and misprints are too common. We quite believe Mr. Hardy, when he says has in many cases not followed Prof. Mayor; but we doubt if his edition, as it stands, could be used in schools with satisfactory results.



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too peremptory way. There are options in
Latin, as in English, prose; it is possible to
starch Latin prose too stiffly, even for beginners.
(3 "Let the English propounded for transla-
tion be idiomatic, not Latinised; let a pupil
learn as early as possible that Latin and English
are two different languages." We fully agree
with the Professor, and with Mr. Mundella's
recent deliverance, as to the mental gain it is to
be bilingual. The difficulty seems to us to lie
in the tender age at which boys begin Latin-
long before they have any full grasp of
English. They understand colloquial, but
not literary, idioms; and the requirement of
the Professor, that all the English presented
to them for translation shall be idiomatic,
demands, in our judgment, careful interpreta-
tion. The exercises in part i. are adjusted to
boys recently through the Latin Primer, to
which a general reference is given; those in
part ii, to Dr. Bradley's edition of Arnold's
Latin Prose, to the editor of which Prof.
Ramsay pays the tribute of a grateful pupil.
Parts . and iv. consist of selected passages,
adapted to pass-men and honour-men
spectively. The Professor takes credit to him-
self (pp. xi.-xiv.) for having intentionally
omitted a vocabulary and forsworn the pre-
paration of a key. On the latter omission we
heartily congratulate him. There is no doubt
that the ubiquitous keys have done much
to spoil composition and to encourage deceit;
even those teachers who wholly renounce their
se have to keep their eye upon them, "for
A sentence for translation is not a
nundrum to be solved, but a weapon for varied
-ntal practice. As regards the omission of
the vocabulary we have more doubt. To make
Cheself acquainted with a large number of
words is (p. xiv.) "a work one must do for one-
This is the language of a matured
cadent half forgetful, for the moment, of the
ulties of immature minds.
We hold that
the sooner a boy, by any and every help, can
aire a vocabulary the sooner he will be
terested in the language. In this matter the
od gradus, amid all its odd frivolities, certainly


did good service.

V-seem to us


On the whole, whatever

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Plauti Trinummus. By C. E. Freeman and A. Sloman. (Oxford: Clarendon Press.) This is an edition "for the higher forms of public schools," by two Westminster masters, which we regret we cannot call successful. The editors, from an obvious wish to suit boys, pass over many characteristics of Plautine Latin, and those who use the book. The notes, though often so leave a rather untrue idea of their author on good, seem sometimes too short (see, e.g., 332, 123, 484, 879), sometimes too elementary, while a few more advanced ones (454, 494, and several on the readings) are surely useless to boys. Both notes and Introduction contain errorsamong others, such derivations as lengthened from aio," "provincia contracted from providentia"-and do not betray always a full acquaintance with the best writings on We admit that the edition does not claim to be elaborate, and that it is not without good points, but we had expected something better from Westminster and the Clarendon Press.

66 autumo

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THE volume of essays by George Eliot which Messrs. Blackwood announce for immediate publication was left by her ready corrected for the press. It will contain all her contributions to periodical literature that she was willing to have republished, together with some short essays and pages from her note-book that have not hitherto been printed. Among the reprinted articles will be "Worldliness and Otherworldliness," "German Wit," "Evangelical Teaching, "The Influence of Rationalism," and "Felix Holt's Address to Working Men."

marble bust of the poet Gray in the hall of
A COMMITTEE has been formed to place a
Pembroke College, Cambridge, and a bronze
replica in the Fitzwilliam Museum.
the members are Lord Tennyson, Lord
Houghton, Prof. Sidney Colvin, Mr. Gosse,

Mr. Austin Dobson, Mr. Alma Tadema, and
Mr. Boughton, with a branch committee in
America, where Gray's popularity has recently
been shown by three illustrated editions of
Mr. Hamo Thornycroft has
the "Elegy."
been selected as sculptor, and the total cost of
the two busts is put at £300.

PRINCIPAL TULLOCH has in the press a new

MR. THOMAS HUGHES has written a Preface Extracts from Martial. By Profs. Sellar and for a series of Letters from Texas which will be Ramsay. (Edinburgh: Thin.) These selec-published shortly by Messrs. Macmillan under tions, for the use of the humanity classes at the title of The Boy Emigrants. Edinburgh and Glasgow," seem well chosen, and a good Life of Martial, by Prof. Sellar, is prefixed. But we fear the book will be of little use generally, unless the editors follow it up with a volume of notes.

new be taken of this last point, we think this School Class Books," Demosthenes: The First WE have also received:-In "Macmillan's remarkably good manual for its purpose. Philippic, with Introducation and Notes, Edited The most advanced selections-those of part (after C. Rehdantz) by the Rev. T. Gwatkin; remarkably well chosen; they in Macmillan's " Elementary Classics," Terence: are, many of them, inspiritingly difficult with- Scenes from the Andria, by F. W. Cornish, ut being hopeless; and all of them interest-Horace: Odes I. and II., by T. E. Page, Vergil: English an important proviso too often Selections by E. S. Shuckburgh, and Eutropius, by W. Welch and C. G. Duffield; Graecula: a With First Book of Greek Translation, by H. R.


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volume, entitled Modern Theories in Philosophy and Religion.

IN theology, Messrs. Macmillan announce a series of popular lectures on the New Testament the Books; and an Introduction to the Study of by Archdeacon Farrar, entitled The Messages of Theology, by Prof. James Drummond, of the Manchester New College.

Thought is to be discontinued in consequence
WE hear that our contemporary Modern
of the serious illness of its owner, Dr. George

THE next volume in the series of "Philosophical Classics for English Readers" will be

Caldon Press.) Mr. Barlow and his pupils Easy Passages for Unseen Translation, by C. S. Leibniz, by Mr. T. T. Merz. Future volumes Sanded and Merton possessed some familiarity Jerram (Oxford: Clarendon Press); A Key to arranged for are Hobbes, by Prof. Croom with education and character of the elder the Second Part of

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whether e Cyropaedia has been much read by (Macmillan); Latin Course, Second Year, by by Prof. Nichol; and Spinoza, by Principal or to sch boys since Mr. Barlow's time; and T. T. M'Lagan (Chambers); Sallustii de Caird. we hardly ink that even so useful an edition Catilinae Conjuratione Historia, by

as Dr. Bigg the whole re-introducin

Would have been, if he had edited
tead of a part, will succeed in
the vork, or-which is the other


Egan (Baillière, Tindall, & Cox); Caesar de
Bello Gallico, Book II. (Moffatt & Paige);
&c., &c.

WE understand that Messrs. J. & R. Maxwell are going to publish immediately a satirical romance of an original character, by "Austen Pember," entitled Pericles Brum; and a cheap

edition of Miss Braddon's recent work, Phantom Fortune. The same firm are also producing Madeline's Mystery, edited by Miss Braddon.

THE English translation of John Bull et son Ile is affirmed on the title-page to have been done "under the supervision of the author." This is, we have reason to believe, only a roundabout way of saying that Mr. "Max O'Rell" was his own translator. Apart from American editions, more than thirty thousand copies of the English version have been sold within three months; and the author has received from his English publishers an additional cheque for half as much again as the sum first stipulated for. THE first half-yearly issue of the Railway Companies' Directory, edited by Mr. Percy Lindley, giving the capital, authorised, received, and expended, the revenue, dividends, and mileage, with classified lists of directors and officials, of the railways of the United Kingdom, will be published next week.

THE late Sheriff Barclay, of Perth, who died last week at the age of eighty-six, had just completed a little book on Heathen Mythology Illustrative or Corroborative of Scripture, which will be published in a short time by Messrs. Morison Bros., of Glasgow.


THE famous Pitsligo Press, which founded by the late G. H. Forbes, and which has been continued since his death in 1875 by his literary executor, the Rev. Walter Bell, was transferred last week from Burntisland to Edinburgh. We trust that there is no other foundation than this for the rumour that this valuable aid to the publication of rare theological texts is to be discontinued.

THE great sale of M. Alphonse Pinart's collection-one remarkably rich in rare books and unique MSS. illustrating the ethnology, languages, and history of the native races of America-came to an end on last Tuesday evening at the Salle Silvestre in Paris. Mr. Quaritch seems to have had the same good fortune which attends him at home in acquiring all the most important articles in the sale. The gems of the collection were a magnificent copy of the

obtained prizes of £50-Mr. Satyendra Prasanna
Sinha in jurisprudence, and Mr. Rastamji
Dhanjibhoy Sethna in the law of real and
personal property.

we believe, by the author) will be published shortly by Messrs. Scribner, but it will not be on sale in this country.

LAST week we observed that Mr. Swin

As some misunderstanding exists with re-burne's poems can only be obtained in thirteen gard to the rules of the Education Department volumes, at the price of about £4 108. We concerning reading-books, it may be as well hear that an enterprising publisher at New to state that an explanatory circular has just York has just brought out a complete edition been issued on the subject. It is here pointed out in a single volume of 730 pages of close type. (1) that it has always been desired to leave the largest freedom to authors, publishers, managers, and teachers; (2) that it is not the duty of the inspector to prescribe or recommend particular books, but only (under certain circumstances) to disallow the use of books which are plainly unsuitable; and (3) that the rules were not intended to embody an absolute standard, but rather to represent a minimum of requirements without which there was efficiency.

EVERY mail from America tells of some new édition de luxe, which shows that the Americans can afford to pay for books if they choose. The last is a complete series of Carlyle's works, in twenty volumes, with proof impressions of etchings, engravings, &c. to be printed, at a subscription price of one Only 350 copies are hundred dollars (£20).

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announces a

A NEW YORK bookseller no guarantee for 'people's edition" of Mr. Ruskin's works, beginning with Modern Painters, which will be compressed into two volumes, and sold, with all the wood-cuts, for two dollars (8s.).

WE are asked to correct a misapprehension that has arisen regarding the new story competition which the editor of Little Folks has arranged for his readers to take part in. The prizes he has offered are intended for children only up to seventeen years of age, and not for professional writers and artists, as has been stated by many journals during the past week. The nature of the competition and of the prizes offered may be seen by reference to the January number of Little Folks.

WE have received the second of the reprints of its early numbers which the Norwich Mercury is now issuing, being that for January 21, 1727. The view of Norwich, the scroll headings, the initial letter, and the devices to the advertisements, have all been reproduced direct from the original by the photographic process known as Dallastype.


MESSRS. HARPER announce an important contribution to the history of the War of Secession by Col. Roman, who was on the staff of Gen. Beauregard. In the Preface Gen. Beauregard states that the book has been written under his own personal supervision.

A FORTNIGHT ago it was recorded in the ACADEMY that reprints of the Fortnightly, Nineteenth Century, and Contemporary are issued in America simultaneously with their appearance here, and, therefore, by arrangement with the English publishers, for just one-half their English price. Similarly, we learn that the Edinburgh and Quarterly, printed from the English plates and on the same paper, can be obtained in America at one-third less than the English price.

The new paper

OUR New York contemporary the Critic, which continues fairly well to maintain its place at the head of literary criticism in America, has combined with another periodical that we do not know called Good Literature. bears the joint name of the Critic and Good Literature, and will continue to be edited by J. L. and J. B. Gilder. The chief difference seems to be that in the future it will print selections from foreign reviews, and will make a strong feature of a "notes and queries department. There seems to be some falling

IT appears that the Americans are not going to let the question of international copyright sleep. The Dorsheimer Bill, the provisions of which have been already mentioned in the ACADEMY, receives the strong support not only of such papers as the Nation, but also of such first edition of Eliot's Indian Bible and some painted Mexican MSS., one of them anterior to papers as the New York Herald. In fact, we the Spanish Conquest, the others contemporary have not heard of any opposition to the prinwith it. A MS., on fifteen leaves of ciple of that measure. Meanwhile, an associamaguey paper, is of great historical as well as pictorial tion of authors has been formed, under the interest; a second, on agave paper, is in weakly style of the American Copyright League, "the off in typography and paper. object of which is to urge a reform of American copyright law, and primarily the abolition, so far as possible, of all discriminations between The the American and foreign secretary of the league is Mr. G. P. Lathrop, includes the names of R. W. Gilder, Parke the son-in-law of Hawthorne; its committee Godwin, Brander Matthews, E. C. Stedman, C. D. Warner, and E. L. Youmans; and the list of about one hundred and fifty authors and journalists who have already joined it would be a list of all those who are known in England. To show the object of the league more clearly, we quote the following from Mr. Lathrop's letter:

condition, but very interesting from its high antiquity; the other three are on large sheets of coarse leather, and are extremely curious from an artistic point of view. Besides these, Mr. Quaritch secured Brasseur de Bourbourg's copy of Beristain's great bibliographical work-a

copy of unique value by reason of the numerous MS. additions and corrections made by a competent Mexican scholar in the first quarter of the present century.

THE Browning Society's paper announced for its next meeting, February 22-" Browning in Relation to his Time," by Mr. Cyril Johnson, of Jesus College, Cambridge-having fallen through by reason of its writer's illness, two other papers, both by Cambridge men, will be substituted for it: (1) on "Waring," by Mr. A. C. Benson (a son of the Archbishop of Canterbury), and (2) "Some Prominent Points in Browning's Teaching," by Mr. W. A. Raleigh.

THE Bradford Browning Society's next papers will be-on February 12, on Cleon,'

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by Miss Every; March 11, on Browning's Use of the Grotesque," by Mr. King; April 8, on "Browning's Rymes," by Mr. Colson; May 13, on "Colombe's Birthday," by Mr. Fotheringham, the president.

Ir is worthy of note that in the last examination at the Inns of Court two natives of India


England, provided a just one can be framed; but
"The League will favour a copyright treaty with
it criticises as unfair to the author those clauses
in the pending draft before Congress which limit the
time for obtaining foreign copyright to a few months,
and compel authors to have their books manufac-
tured in the copyrighting country. It neverthe-
less considers the adoption of some measure im-
perative, in order to save American literature from
the destruction threatened by the present state of
things, and would prefer to see a moderately good
treaty go through than none at all. With some
substantial alterations, the Dorsheimer Bill would
meet with its approval.”

MR. LANG's poems seem to enjoy a popu-
larity in America second only to those of Mr.
Austin Dobson, A collection of them (formed,

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MR. W. J. ROLFE, of Cambridgeport, MassaHe has just chusetts, is an untiring worker. completed his pretty school and college edition of Shakspere, in forty volumes, by the issue of "Titus Andronicus"--"Shakspere probably had little to do with writing the play"-and has published a like edition of Walter Scott's "Lady of the Lake," in which he restores the correct text of some important passages from the earlier prints of the poem, and removes misprints which even the owners of the copyright have allowed to disfigure their later versions. Mr. Rolfe's book has some pretty cuts from Messrs. Osgood's illustrated edition of the poem. Mr. Rolfe has several other school editions of

English classics in the press.


THURSDAY, February 21, has been fixed for the election of two members of the Acamie française in succession to Laprade and enri Martin. It is universally agreed that MFrançois Coppée will succeed Laprade, whe it is not improbable that a tide of patrio enthusiasm will give the other vacancy to4. Ferdinand de Lesseps. The only other rious candidature is that of M. Wallon.

By the election of M. Edmor About the Académie française can now cont among its

༣, -།

members eight former pupils of the Ecole normale. The others are MM. Jules Simon, Caro Mézières, Gaston Boissier, Taine, Pasteur, and Mgr. Perraud, the Bishop of Autun. The last mentioned, who is said to have refused to vote for his schoolfellow, though he would not vote against him, will have the duty of "receiving' him, as being directeur at the time of his election. In the Académie des Sciences morales the Ecole normale has no less than fourteen

breaking it, are detailed at length. The con-
stituents of the former Cortés are bishops,
abbots, and magnates, in the presence of Count
Raymond. In the second we have added clerks
of divers orders, and the assent and acclamation
of the princes and magnates of the land "et
ceterorum Deum timencium."

VOL. II. of the Historia de las Ideas Estéticas en España, by Dr. Menendez y Pelayo, is now representatives, and in the Académie des in the press, and a volume of Estudios de crítica Literaria, by the same author, will shortly appear.

Inscriptions ten.

THERE are three candidates for the succession to the late François Lenormant in the Académie des Inscriptions-MM. d'Arbois de Jubainville, Benoist, and Schlumberger.

THE death of Henri Martin has caused the sale of the copyright of his Histoire de France, which fetched no less than 250,000 frs. (£10,000).

TO-DAY (February 9) is the anniversary of Michelet's death. It is to be commemorated by the publication of the first volume of his autobiography, entitled Ma Jeunesse, which has been compiled by his widow out of the papers he left.

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M. VICTOR HUGO'S Légende des Siècles has just been issued in the final edition of his complete works, re-arranged throughout, and reduced from five volumes to four. Forty volumes of this "edition ne varietur" have now appeared out of a proposed forty-five.

THE Société des Archives historiques de la Gascogne are preparing for publication this year a magnificent series of the Seals of Gascony; already nearly 400 have been drawn and reproduced with the greatest care.

THE Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, which was founded about two years ago by M. Maurice Vernes, has changed hands. It will in the future be edited by M. Jean Réville.

M. LEOPOLD HERVIEUX has just published, in two volumes (Paris: Firmin-Didot), a work on the Latin Fabulists from the time of Augustus to the close of the Middle Ages. The first volume is occupied by an historical and critical study of Phaedrus and his early imitators, direct and indirect, with particulars of the The second contains twenty-six

MSS, &c.
collections of fables, fifteen of which, com-
posing 595 fables, had never been published in
any form; while five others, hitherto only par-
tally published, yield 325 additional, the num-
ber of fables here published for the first time
amounting in all to 920. The book thus claims
to be a Corpus omnium fabularum.


We are glad to hear that, through the exertions of the Real Academia de la Historia, the cyclopean walls of Tarragona have been saved from the destruction threatened by the unicipality.

THE Boletin of the same society for January sa sharp criticism by Señor Javier de Salas on M. J.-T. Perrin's Les Mariages espagnols sous la que de Henri IV et la Régence de Marie de Medicis for his total neglect of the most obvious Spanish sources. Latin inscriptions of Denia, and a document is printed by Padre Fita illustrating the condition of the Jews in Catalonia in the ninth century. THROUGH the kindness of Padre F. Fita we ave received the proof-sheets of the inedited tes de Barcelona held in 1131, and also that 1163. The former is chiefly concerned with rights of asylum, tithes, the defence of hants, and the prohibition of distraint on ments of husbandry. The latter deals the Peace of God (Treuga Domini), the sions of which, and the penalties for

Another article treats of the


THE doctors hev' given me ower,
They tell me I mun dee

I' th' fower stoän walls o' a prison,

early age, after an education which terminated at Blundell's school, he was sent out to make his way in the world. Without the aid of fortune, and without the éclat which comes from the authorship of any volume taking the world by storm, with a personality hidden from the knowledge of the public at large for years under mitted to the most exclusive circles of London the veil of anonymous literature, he was yet adlife. With Lord Palmerston and his devoted

wife he lived for years in terms of close intimacy; at the house of another ruler of society, Lady Waldegrave, he was a frequent guest; and when he was lying on his death-bed in St. James's Street Mr. Gladstone stole a few moments from the cares of public business to pay him the last tribute of respect.

Mr. Hayward was articled to a solicitor, but soon abandoned his desk for the bar; and, although he never practised, he paid great at

Where there's nowt, not a floower nor a tree; tention for many years to the literature and

I' th' fower stoän walls o' a prison,
Where a daaisy 'll nivver blaw,
An' nobbud gress i' th' flagstoäns,
An' bits o' moss 'll graw.

I'm not afeard o' deein',

Bud I want to hear agaän
The wind i' th' tops o' th' fir-trees,
An' smell the smell o' th' raan,
Where it comes doon streight fra heaven,-
I want to hear the call

O' th' pywipes i' th' marsh-land,
An' th' craws ahind th' ploo,
Bud they saäy them daays is ower,
An' done fer good an' all,
I've nowt bud liggin' here waätin',
An' deein' left to do.

Th' parson he's been to see me,

Wi' a straänge queer taäle to tell,
O' a narrer rough road to heaven,

An' a streight smooth waäy to hell.
Bud I think if the Lord was sarten
'At He wanted us up above,
He'd keep His roads a bit better,-
An' how can God be love,

If He maäde th' devil an' all them things
'At's creepin' an' crowlin' below,
Where parson says 'at unchristened bairns
An' murderers an' such like go?

I'm not agooin' to beleäve it

O' Him 'at maäde ivverything,
An' set th' sun to shine i' th' sky,
An' larnt th' bods to sing;

Bud I'd ray ther be doon where the fire
An' brimstun for ivver bon's,

An' just goä roond wi' a bucket

An' give foäks drinks by ton's,
Then sit i' yon streight maäde heaven,
Where saänts an' aangils sing,
Where they nivver hear a pheasant craw,
Nor the skirr o' a partridge wing.
An' there's nayther a bank nor a plantin' side
Where th' rabbits come oot an' plaäy,
An' stamp wi' their feet o' a moonleet neet,
Where it's waärm o' th' coudest daay,
An' th' otchins ligs hid 1' winter,-

There's nowt like this I doot;
Why, them 'at gets sent up to heaven
Mun be stall'd when a week's runn'd oot.
It's a weary while I've been liggin'

Wi' my faäce to a prison wall,
Bud I knaw ootside th' blackheads cry,
An' it's Spring, and th' cuckoos call --
I'm not afeard o' decin',

Bud I strangely want to see
The sun come up ower Ranthrup
Agaan afore I dee.




THE career of Mr. Abraham Hayward was
indeed a remarkable one. The son of a gentle-
man resident on the borders of Devon and
Dorset, though he was himself born in Wilt-
shire, a small-a very small-estate was all the
patrimony which he could expect; and at an

history of the law at home and abroad. The
Law Magazine was a child of his, and into its
pages he for sixteen years, from 1828 to 1844,
poured the results of his studies. His greatest
triumph in the subject of law was attained
in 1833. In that year Lord Brougham intro-
duced his Local Courts Bill, an anticipation of
the county courts which exist throughout the
country at this day, and Lord Lyndhurst deter-
mined upon meeting the measure with a reso-
lute opposition. Mr. Hayward, who had made a
special study of foreign systems of jurispru-
dence, wrote a pamphlet on the subject adverse
to the measure, and with Hayward's thunder
the ex-Lord Chancellor defeated the Bill of
his great opponent. When the London attor-
neys, who dreaded the measure, came to Lord
Lyndhurst to tender him their thanks for his
advocacy, the peer acknowledged his obligations
to the pamphlet of Mr. Hayward, and pointed to
him as the real victor in the struggle. While
not neglecting his legal studies, he had from an
early period in life given great attention to Ger-
man literature and to the life of Goethe. His
first work-one which he never surpassed in
interest or in literary workmanship-was his
translation of "
It secured for him
a prompt recognition among the reading public
as a student well skilled in the intricacies of the
German language, and as a translator able to
retain the spirit and life of the original. Most
of the illustrious writers in that country sought
his acquaintance by correspondence; while
Carlyle, a German student of like fervour with
himself, was attracted to his chambers in the
Temple by the charm of his conversation and
his knowledge.


When the Morning Chronicle passed in its erratic career into the hands of the Peelites, Mr. Hayward became one of the chief contributors to its columns. Like the distinguished men who formed that set, he had been brought up in the strictest principles of Toryism; and, like them, he had abandoned the hereditary politics of his youth. This connexion (though he always took great interest in contemporary politics) must have been abandoned with pleasure for the more congenial occupation of writing in the Edinburgh and Quarterly. later years his bright and lively articles, full of the gossipping reminiscences of the past which he had culled from books or heard in drawingrooms, were confined to the latter periodical; but for a long stretch of time he lent as much, or even more, assistance to its rival. Into the Edinburgh he did not make or retain his way without difficulty. Three of its chief luminaries combined to disparage his contributions. Nassau Senior called his article on the advertising system (February 1843) “rather pert.' Macaulay deemed one on "Parisian Morals and Manners" rather frivolous. Jeffrey styled a third "weakly and even foolishly written, but some of it with great talent, tact, and

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