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familiarised the world with the glories she possesses and possessed. So that if Mr. Brown had chosen to follow in the wake of Gautier and Ruskin, and speak again of palaces and pictures, of art and architecture, his book, instead of being delightful, might even have been irritating. But he has chosen to take a newer way. As he himself tells us, he seeks to show Venice "from the point of view of the boat." To quote his own explanation:

"This is not one of the great aspects of the city. It leaves aside much that is attractive and grandiose in Venetian history; the splendour and pageantry of her ancient life; the richness and abundance of her art; the problem of her extraordinarily permanent constitution; the triumphs of her commerce and her arms; the great debt which Europe owes to her as a valiant bulwark against the Turk; almost all, in fact, that appeals to the imagination or the knowledge of those who come to Venice. But the aspect has some compensations. The part of Venice which it includes is still actual and alive; visibly there for all eyes to see. . The author's intention has thus been to tell us about the waters of Venice and of those who live on them; and he is qualified to speak. His book is not built up of hasty impressions and random notes, but it comes as the fruit of five years' life with Venice and Venetians, and shows in all its sections a more than usual amount of research. The

chapters are each little essays on Venetian subjects-short, bright, picturesque, and filled with information. No one, we suppose, before Mr. Brown, has ever written for Englishmen the natural history of the gondola in such a detailed, and yet attractive, way. Truly, as he says, "it is the boat for leisure, and not for business. Life was not meant to be bustled through and done with by the men who developed the gondola; and it would be difficult to discover any greater provocative to utter idling than this boat of Venice." But its day, perhaps, is waning now, in this age of progress; and, when Venice is wholly given over to the Philistines, for the gondola we may expect a fleet of shrieking pennysteamers, and for majestic palaces a grimecovered forest of factory chimneys.

Another most interesting account is that of the traghetti, those ancient ferries which are fixed at several points along the Grand Canal. The author touches here a wholly unfamiliar subject, and sets us in possession of much valuable knowledge. "A traghetto of to-day,"

it seems,

customs, popular poetry, popular beliefs, have each a share of his attention; and we see that he writes with his eye upon the objects, looking closely, lovingly. Nor when painting a scene for us, as in the sketches of "San Martino di Castrozza," "In Istria," "A Regatta," "Castelfranco," does he want for his task sincerity of expression or beauty of form. Indeed, the technical qualities of his book are of a very high order. The volume is a real and solid contribution to Venice literature. It is full of poetry and full of heart We feel that it is written by one who has a passion for his subject, by one who knows how love-impelling Venice is, who knows how genial, frank, and winning are her people, and who desires others to accept his belief." Love for Venice-that is the keynote of his volume. That is what joins him in sympathy to Howel-kind, quaint, impressionable Howel, whose words of praise, written centuries since, with the Venice passion yet hot upon him, find their echo to-day in this latest, and withal triumphant, effort of an English writer to give honour to the loveliest, most enthralling city in the world. PERCY E. PINKERTON.

History of China.

By Demetrius Charles (W. H. Allen.)

had been wise; and, if his reign had been as long as his father's, the probability is that the empire, which had been so firmly consolidated and wisely administered during the preceding decades, would have been dismem bered and brought to ruin. As it was, the secret societies which had lain dormant from want of wrongs to feed upon sprang into activity, outbreaks occurred in various parts of the empire, and the Emperor himself w13 twice attacked by assassins. It was during this reign that Lord Amhurst presented himself at Peking; and his curt dismissal from the capital, without having been admitted to an audience, was a gauge of the contempt with which Keak'ing and his Ministers regarded foreigners. Indeed, if it had not been that the mandarins at Canton found that the foreign trade added considerably to their profits, the probability is that at this time a determined effort would have been made to drive out the English and other foreign residents, who, on their part also, endured the insolence of office which was lavished upon them for the sake of the wealth which the China markets supplied.

In 1820 Keak'ing was succeeded on the throne by his son Taoukwang, whose reign is chiefly memorable as being the one during which China first engaged in a European Boulger. Vol. III. war. Mr. Boulger carefully traces the various causes which led up to the outbreak THIS volume appears at a most opportune of hostilities; and, though in him the Chinese moment. The course of recent events in find a lenient critic, he admits to the full the Tongking, the disgrace of Prince Kung, and justice of our case. The Pottinger treaty in the opening of Corea to foreign trade have 1842, however, by no means put an end to lately attracted more than usual interest to the usurpations of the Chinese, who still the affairs of China and her dependencies. persistently refused to admit foreigners within At the same time, we are beginning to under-the walls of Canton. The last few years of stand the Chinese better than we did, to know Taoukwang's reign were agitated by negotiasomething of their modes of thought, and to tions on this subject; and his successor, recognise that, far from being the polished Heenfung (1850-61), inherited this and other barbarians they have been always believed to dynastic troubles, which were destined eventbe, they share with us the same motives, ually to lead up to a second European war instincts, and aspirations. and to the outbreak of the Taiping rebellion. This monarch, who began his reign by refusing to admit foreigners within the walls of a city at the extremity of his empire, ended it as a fugitive exile, driven from his capital by a European army; while to the despised barbarians who had invaded his capital was due the preservation of the empire to his successor and the suppression of a revolt which at one time threatened to legitimatise itself by success.

low one.

It is to be feared, however, that, if they are judged by the contents of Mr. Boulger's volume, the opinion formed of their political wisdom, honesty, and courage must be a very No one can doubt that in her foreign relations China has stooped to a depth of Oriental duplicity and cunning which deserves the contempt of all nations whose conduct is guided by principles of honour and Whatever common-sense. motive in desiring to keep all foreigners at arm's length, the folly and dishonesty of the


have been her

The story which Mr. Boulger has to tell of the relations of China with foreign Powers is a very unsatisfactory one. It is not that

"closely resembles a traghetto of 1300, though methods she adopted to that end are con- China has been persistently hostile, but her

the years have overlaid its lines with dust; it is still a corporation with property and endowments of its own; the same officers, under the same titles, still keep order among the brothers; only the whole institution has a somewhat ancient air, is marred by symptoms of decay, and we fear it may not last much longer." The traghetti are, in fact, a genuine part of the Venetian Republic imbedded in united Italy; a fossil survival unique in the history of the country, and perhaps in that of the world.

But while Mr. Brown writes with such sureness and skill when handling subjects like the gondola or the ferries, he shows his ability in an equal measure when he tells of gondoliers and their life and interests, and of the curious habits of the Venetian popolo. Popular

spicuous. Clothed in pride as in a garment, her statesmen have guided the foreign policy of the empire as though they believed that assurance and threats were as effective weapons to fight with as soldiers and Armstrong guns. Events in Tongking have shown that even still they are of the same mind, and that they are forgetful of the proverb that "the empty vessel makes the greatest sound."

The present volume begins at the point when, from whatever cause it may have been, the tide of public opinion was first turned against foreigners. The Emperor K'eenlung, after a prosperous reign of sixty years, had been gathered to his fathers, and his son Keak'ing reigned in his stead. The new monarch was as weak a man as his father


good-will has been broken up into such short lengths, and the intervals of "treasons, stratagems, and spoils" have been so frequent, that an air of sensitive uncertainty has been cast over all our dealings with her. brighter era appears now to be dawning on her foreign politics; and there is reason to hope, with the author, that, when the present boy-Emperor

assumes the reins of government... in the autumn of 1887-8... he will acquire the possession of a throne which is the most ancient in the hearts and affections of a people who are the world, and which is firmly established in the most self-contained, the most retentive of their own possessions, and the most intensely national and patriotic of whom history preserveth the record."

The task of writing the present History has evidently been to Mr. Boulger a labour of love. He has devoted untiring energy to it, and has fairly earned the success which will surely attend his work. As a History, in an Oriental sense, it is truthful and accurate, and as a literary production it is worthy of much praise.


fruit as a simile for results such as the we think he was burnt a little for all three following:and a great deal for none of them, but mainly "Three persons A, B, C, are set to sort a heap because he made himself obnoxious to those of books in a library. A is told to collect all who had the power and will to burn. The the English political works, and the bound fact is that martyrdom is a most mischievous foreign novels; B is to take the bound political delusion. The accident that A. is murdered works, and the English novels, provided they in a shocking and picturesque way while B. are not political; to C are assigned the bound dies in his bed is supposed to confer some English works and the unbound political novels. What works will be claimed by two of them? mysterious authority upon A.'s teaching, and "" and . We find that English bound political give him the right to "light candles Studies and Exercises in Formal Logic. By works and foreign bound political novels are force his purblind guesses down the throat of John Neville Keynes. (Macmillan.) claimed both by A and B." all posterity-an error as universal as misIn solving such problems Mr. Keynes doeschievous. Real suffering for conscience' sake not proceed so methodically as Boole and the is about as grand a thing as we are capable followers of Boole; he relies more upon in- of; nor is it very rare. genuity and happy conjecture. It is thus that, in elementary books on algebra, there are often examples of equations of a high degree solved by special dodges, not by the general theory. This very absence of method may conduce to mental training. In a country used for hunting and racing the absence of a be an advantage. On the other hand,

To incur insult and

MR. KEYNES' contributions to logic are of three species: studies, exercises, and an original method. The studies may be described as short pithy disquisitions upon controverted points. Mr. Keynes does not here strike out an entirely new path. He goes over the beaten road, and wherever it requires improvement he lays down a little additional material. He does not turn aside to plunge into the adjacent metaphysical swamps, like a contemporary writer on Principles of Logic, who, à propos of singular a road may lead somewhere; Mr. Keynes' pro- has given him undue prominence, his life is

judgments, informs us that we never see
reality "but through a hole"! More
intelligibly, Mr. Keynes defends Mill's
doctrine that "proper names have, strictly
speaking, no signification." He denies that
the features, form, and character of the
individual are connoted by the name.
"The connotation of a name is not the quality
or qualities by which I or anyone else may
happen to recognise the class which it denotes.
For example, I may recognise... a proctor
by his bands, or a barrister by his wig."

Many other vexed questions he rehandles, comparing, correcting, supplementing his predecessors. He does not imitate the fashionable practice of writing treatises on speculative topics without reference, or with only a general reference, to other workers in the same line. A clear recognition of the work of others enhances the terse enunciation of his own. He is neither alieni cupidus nor sui prodigus.

The academic character of the studies is sustained by the exercises. This element of the work is not kept separate from the others. Problems and bookwork are judiciously intermixed; taken together, they are calculated to give help to the large and increasing class of persons engaged in preparing themselves or others for examination. Those who hold with Jevons that Formal Logic is a subject peculiarly adapted to the purpose of the examiner, affording "a definite measurable amount of exercise," will estimate very highly the logical praxis supplied by Mr. Keynes; they will rank it with Jevons' Studies in Deductive Logic.

road may

cedure does not hold out any such prospect.
It is probable that without Boole he would
not have thought even of his questions, to say
There is in his
nothing of his answers.
system no affinity to probabilities, no deep
connexion between mathematical and ordinary
forms of thought. In short, Mr. Keynes'
system is a gymnastic apparatus; Boole's
may be a scientific instrument. The one is
like an academic outrigger adapted to the
sports of youth; the other a ship equipped
for the discovery of some imagined North-west
passage between widely separated regions.
Pursuits so incompatible are not combined by
Mr. Keynes. He follows up the achievements
of Aristotle; he relinquishes the aspirations
of Boole.

misrepresentation, to lose a guinea of one's salary, to break an old friendship, to be despised where one would shine-this is martyrdom worth reading about; but the final scene is only a public execution, interesting where there is no noble sacrifice whatever, for to connoisseurs of hangings alone-a scene the victim has no respite save in recantation

worse than death. But if the death of Bruno

sufficiently striking, both as an individual and as a type, to reward the careful study which Berti has exhibited both in his Vita di Bruno and in his Documenti, into which labours Mr. On the whole, Plumptre has now entered. we cannot but regret the tincture of romance which he has infused into this attempt at a very historical novel. Mr. Plumptre would have done much better to simply recast and abridge Berti's work as a solid biography. Romola is the standing and sufficient romance of this class, and hardly admits of rivals. But we must not find fault. It is because the book is such a careful biography that we regret the very plausible but still unhistorical embroidery. Until the public learns to weave romance for themselves as they go along out of history and lives they will thirst for historical novels, and this one ought well to Giordano Bruno. By C. E. Plumptre. In 2 serve their turn. It not only presents many vols. (Chapman & Hall.)



Point Blank. By the Author of "Jack Urqu-
hart's Daughter." In 3 vols. (Bentley.)
In Sunny Switzerland. By Rowland Grey.
(Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co.)

Lettice. By M. L. Molesworth. (S. P. C. K.)
Glenairlie. By Robina F. Hardy. (Edinburgh:

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The New Dance of Death. By A. E. Hake and J. G. Lefebre. In 3 vols. (Remington.) WE lax and degenerate children of pious ancestors-we who, to our spiritual peril, suffer wizards to live and anti-vaccinators and antieverythings to work their wanton wills-are surprised and indignant overmuch at a monk being burned for the venial eccentricity of preaching the Copernican theory and believing in the plurality of worlds." Giordano Bruno has been lately enrolled among the noble army of theological, political, and scientific martyrs, and is now receiving such modified latria as the modern devotee is wont to bestow. Mr. Plumptre's censer exhales a good, wholesome, historical savour, but it laps us in no devotional ecstasy. Sig. Mariano thinks Bruno was burnt for his heretical, Sig. Berti for his scientific, Mr. Plumptre for his political, opinions. So the martyr is pretty Leaves, perhaps, are more appropriate than much common property. For our own part,

In the third part of his work, Mr. Keynes appears as an original discoverer. He shows that the ordinary logic may be extended to problems which have been hitherto attacked only by means of symbols. This he effects by widening the signification of Conversion and other familiar terms. He grafts a scion of Boolian extraction on the Aristotelian stock. The old trunk, under the treatment of this skilful cultivator, puts forth a new luxuriant growth

"Miraturque novas frondes et non sua poma."

good and correct portraits-notably that of Castelnau-but gives, so far as we can judge, a clear and attractive view of life and thought cannot pause to dissent, as we might, from at a period generally misunderstood. We Mr. Plumptre on several points, but can only recommend the book to all readers of solid fiction.



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plot is thin and drawn out by unnecessary
As a novel, Point Blank is very poor.
delays and misunderstandings. Except the
heroine, none of the characters are attractive,
and the comic element is carried to burlesque.
The printer is probably responsible for such
errors as "Marie Liezurska" (for Leczinsky),
but not for the often reiterated assertion that
Baveno lies among the Apennines, nor for all
the errata in the profuse French.
passage, "Ce qu'il y, a de père dans l'erreur,'
required considerable conjecture to hit upon
the right reading. Adelaide Wynter is, how-
ever, a very pleasant woman to read about.
She is the one who does not count" in a
horribly shabby-genteel family, gibbeted with
more than the exaggeration of Dickens, but
with most of his force and liveliness. Lily
the consumptive beauty, Missy the "dis-
tinguished mimic," and the shameless man-
hunting mother, their frivolity, gentility,
vulgarity, and sordid poverty, form a ghastly

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picture. The discordant presence of this dove in the vultures' nest is adroitly accounted for by her education by an aunt who had disgraced the family by keeping a school. Whenever Addie refuses to join in the husband-stalking expeditions, or blushes for the degradation of her sisters, Mrs. Wynter pathetically owns that "it serves her rightit is a just punishment upon her for delegating a mother's trust, and handing over her child to be brought up by strangers.' Could Dickens have made her say more? For, in fact, this book abounds in clever things, though it fails as a whole. Much that stands for padding is really good reading, and is strewn with pearls of reflection and original humour. In many of the characters there are touches quite admirable. Marguerite-a superior Blanche Amory-comes very near a distinct creation. She is the clever, shallow, cold, French girl, deliberately laying herself out for the reputation of an original-with an unapproachable style of her own in dress and everything, which no one need try to imitate, as it would never suit anyone but herself. Unfortunately, the character is not well developed by the course of the plot. The author is original, too, but to better purpose, as, in describing Marguerite's dress, for instance-" but it was a very pale blue, and did not vulgarise herthe effect which blue generally produces when worn by fair people." The book is disfigured by much flirtation or adultery, the more nauseous because its precise nature is, as usual, left in genteel uncertainty.

In Sunny Switzerland is a refined and unexceptionable, but dull and lachrymose, story. It tells how a London physician took his family for a holiday in the Vaud, and how a good and beautiful young woman fell in love with a bad and beautiful young man. But, alas! this young man had been keeping company with another young woman, and the banns were well-nigh put up. And so by a poetical justice the vast wealth which he was to have got is left to this very young woman -the first, of course-and when she has broken her heart she dies, and leaves it back to him by a poetical injustice, and now he has gambled it away, and is still a bachelor, and probably a billiard-marker. This depressing atmosphere is not enlivened, to our thinking, by the prolix amours and flirtations of boys and girls of tender years. Repulsive as this is, it is only an error of judgment, for though Rowland Grey is no gentleman, she is evidently a lady.

Mrs. Molesworth is a great deal more. She possesses the true Austen-Edgeworth-Ferrier insight into middle-class female character, and wisely contents herself with doing one thing at a time, and doing it well. Here her object is to draw that terrible role of the infallible eldest sister of an orphan family which wellmeaning girls often assume to the misery of The character is very common, but we doubt if we have ever seen it treated before. The book is not very lively or ambitious, but it is excellent as a practical and useful study of character.

all around them.

Glenairlie is also somewhat weak and juvenile in plot, but it has great merits. True, it is terribly Scotch. We cannot read the Wizard of the North. But we can read Miss Hardy. The Hyperborean locutions

of Betty Downie amply repay the labour of translation, if Elspeth M'Ara recalls too forcibly that terrible Meg Merrilies. In fact, we suspect that Miss Hardy's pictures of Scotch life give us what Scott was too romantic to describe accurately. At all events, they read like very real life. The second part is occupied with a Border town, and here the English people are less satisfactory; but a book which contains such characters as Miss Leslie, Betty, and the impracticable "oldest inhabitant ". -a persona muta only-can need no recommendation. But surely the Minister never identified his variety of Anthericum as the serotinem or the palustris.

At times

We close with a dismal, direful phenomenon the New Dance of Death. The name is a meaningless puff. The book is a dance-no, a regular cancan of nonsense and coarseness. Some scenes we should have been surprised to find in an English book were it not plain that the authors have erred only from extreme ignorance of the convenances. Of these let us say no more. As to plot, it is a mere swampy jungle, pathless and entangled, fitly infested by the characters, who are nearly all wild beasts in not very human forms. the story digresses into long rigmaroles about a Church and State guild, the mysteries of roulette, racing, gambling, Ritualistic parish work, theatrical gossip, and fast life in London. One of the authors has evidently contributed these racy topics, which have been pitchforked into the book at hazard. Such scenes as the curate decoyed into the Haymarket supper-rooms by the ballet-girls, or the death of the Earl in the house of ill-fame, and others even worse might have been spared us. Of the astounding rubbish—such as the verbal horseplay about the fast man's comedy -we could make plenty of fun, but we have already said too much of this curiosity of literature. But we must add that it-like nearly all the others we have noticed this week-contains several touches of power, some scenes well drawn from life, and a few really dramatic situations. E. PURCELL.


The Annotated Book of Common Prayer: being an Historical, Ritual, and Theological Commentary on the Devotional System of the Church of England. Edited by J. H. Blunt. Revised and Enlarged Edition. (Rivingtons.) This new edition is altered in so many respects from the first that it deserves a separate notice. The editor, whose death we recorded with sincere regret a few weeks ago, has done much to improve the book. Many valuable additions are made, and many inaccuracies corrected. One feature of special interest in the new edition is the exhibition of the result of a partial collation of the printed texts of the Sealed Books with the MS. subscribed by the Convocations of Canterbury and York, and annexed by Parliament to the Act of Uniformity. We say a partial collation, because, for reasons which do not appear, the Parliament Office Committee refused Dr. Blunt permission to correct the text from the MS. throughout. However, in the more Lord Cairns, Dr. Blunt was allowed to make important passages, through the kindness of such use of the MS. as enables him to say that its text is faithfully reproduced in the work before Even the punctuation has been noted in cases where the sense may seem to be affected by


it-e.g., in the definition of a Sacrament as it appears in the Catechism: "an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace, &c. The given unto us, ordained by Christ, well as in the printed text of the Sealed Books, comma after " grace" is found in the MS., as It is true that the punctuation of the seventeenth century was often capricious; but, nevertheless, as the punctuation now stands, the Latin of Durel represents the meaning, while that of Parsell and that of Bright and Medd do not. The ordinary text of Prayer-Books now in use seems to omit it. We have just looked at ten recent editions (including the S. P. C. K.'s Barry's Teacher's Prayer-Book), and all are Prayer-Book with_Commentary and Bishop alike inaccurate. Dr. Blunt has not noted whether he examined the punctuation of the first words of the Litany. We suspect he did not, and think it likely that the MS. correthe comma sponds with the Sealed Books in not having printed "O God the Father, of heaven." in the clause now ordinarily The work before us, taken all in all, may, we think, be considered the most valuable commentary on the Prayer-Book that we possess: but still there are some minor inaccuracies to be regretted. A rapid examination of the volume showed us the following:-"O sapientia " is, in the Sarum rite, the first, not of seven, but of eight, or (including St. Thomas) of nine, 0" Canon of St. Andrews, not "of St. Andrew's, Alexander Aless was a antiphons (p. 176). Edinburgh (p. 104). The addition "or Remission of Sins" in the title of the Absolution is referred at p. 183 to 1662, but more correctly at p. 25 to 1604. Prof. Salinon, of Dublin, is incorrectly credited with the authorship of 710). In the account of the Scottish Liturgy of the Preface to the new Irish Prayer-Book (p. 1764, the words at the delivery of the Elements are incorrectly given. The Humble Access Collect is not "as in the English Office " (p. 367). The marginal titles "The Invocation " and " Oblation" (p. 367) are correctly given, but "The ""The Commemoration Oblation of Ourselves," of the Living," "The Commemoration of the Dead," have no existence in the Liturgy this professes to represent.

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Gospel according to St. Luke. By Archdeacon deacon Farrar's edition of the Gospel of St. Luke Farrar. (Cambridge: University Press.) Archin Greek naturally contains much the same matter as Canon Farrar's edition of the same gospel in English; and, as we know no better edition than the one, our judgment holds of the other. Nowhere do Dr. Farrar's wide reading and mentary. Beside notes on the Greek text, we retentive memory tell better than in a comnotice many additions. In one place a new reference, in another a quotation, in a third a fresh parallel, are added, as in the note on "Zealot" (p. 184), where the words "the Carbonari of Palestine are let in. One passage on the same page, written under some unfortunate planet, the Archdeacon has left unaltered, though he must have re-read it, for a sentence has been added at the end. He is demonstrating "the deeply interesting fact, if it be a fact, that so many of the apostles were related to each other.' Others, before Dr. Farrar, have suggested that Judas was the son of Simon Zelotes, because their names are run together in the lists. It would seem a sufficient answer to this that Judas naturally was put last, and somebody must come last but one. But Dr. Farrar has another argument-"If the reading Iscariot' is right in John vi. 71, xiii. 26 ( B.C.G.L.), as applied also to Simon Simon' (John vi. 71), the last pair of apostles Zelotes, then, since Judas is called 'Son of

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were father and son.'

Running with the hare and hunting with the hounds is child's play to the ingenious critical method here adopted. The words we have italicised are a conjecture of

Dr. Farrar's resting on the words of the A.V. (John vi. 71): "He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon.' Then Dr. Farrar turns to his MSS. and finds the reading ought to be "Judas the son of Simon Iscariot." Of course, then, his previous conjecture goes for nothing. Not Dr. Farrar treats the A.V. (with his conjecture) and the MSS. reading of the same


learner who sits down to begin the study will
be more confused by the wordy and involved
paragraphs than enlightened by the erudition.
The Mystery of the Universe: Our Common
Faith. By J. W. Reynolds. (Kegan Paul,
Trench, & Co.) Apparently Prebendary Rey-
nolds' mind moves in a spiral; both the method

passage as separate authorities, and finds that. and the substance of this work recall The Super- to eloquence, which is exhibited in the sermons together, they prove his point. Such a curiosity

of criticism we never remember to have met.

dresses. By the late Thomas Jones, of Swansea.
Edited by Brynmor Jones, with a Short Intro-
duction by Robert Browning. (Isbister.) Mr.
known both in London and in Wales. English
Jones was a Congregationalist minister, well
was for him an acquired tongue; and, when
this is taken into consideration, we can the better
appreciate the ready fluency, frequently rising
as here printed and, in what must have been
a still more impressive form, as they were
extemporaneous address. Mr. Robert Brown-
preacher's powers is, no doubt, justified by his
ing's hearty and generous estimate of the
recollections of Bedford Chapel. But, as in
similar cases, the absence of voice, gesture, and
effectiveness of the discourses.
play of feature detracts very seriously from the

How came Dean Perowne to let such a mare's different plane. In the first book the argument originally delivered with all the freedom of

nest escape the editorial eye?

Short Studies in Ecclesiastical History and Biography. By the Rev. H. N. Oxenham. (Chapman & Hall.) This volume is a reprint of forty-three articles which have appeared at intervals for several years past in the Saturday Review, in some instances being of the nature of criticisms on works bearing on the topics handled, in others being obituary notices of persons of more or less mark in the ecclesiastical sphere, and in the remainder being purely occasional, and due to the interest some particular episode in history chanced to arouse in the writer's mind. They all bear the stamp of culture, of extensive reading within a certain area, of attention to the philosophical as well as the external aspects of the events discussed, and of impartiality. In many of them it would be impossible for one unacquainted with the facts to infer the writer's own theological position from his language, and he is entitled to the praise of general freedom from prejudice. It is, no doubt, due to the small scale upon which the papers have necessarily been constructed that they are suggestive rather than exhaustive, and can do no more than put some of the more salient facts under each head before the reader; but this they never fail in doing, as Mr. Oxenham is quite able to see what are the main points and what the merely subsidiary ones. Not a few of the items in the volume would gain by considerable expansion-it is obviously impossible to handle a subject like "Latin Hymnology or "The Origin and Growth of Universities" in a dozen pages; but there is always something to instruct and interest, and to induce some at least of the more studious readers to pursue enquiry further on the lines indicated. It would have been a

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gain if Mr. Oxenham had supplied the references and foot-notes which are essential to accurate verification of his statements, but which cannot very well be appended to articles in a weekly journal, and an index would have been a further boon; but we concede that the nature of the volume does not directly call for such an addition, and that the author was fully within his rights in omitting it.

natural in Nature. One feels continually that
one is moving in the same direction, only in a
still touched the ground; now it has taken wing,
and we have bird's-eye views of the same
country, with the natural want of perspective.
There are passages of lyrical prose which were
written with rapture and will be read with
pleasure; there are others which are on the
best level of Proverbial Philosophy; there are
abundance of poetical quotations, almost all a
little altered; and a really distressing crop of
misprints: the quaintest is a quotation from
Percy R. Meir in the Sayings of the Jewish
Fathers. The strongest part of the book is the
discussion on prayer; the weakest, the attempt
to put an optimist gloss on orthodox eschat-

Recent Discoveries on the Temple Hill. By the
Rev. James King. The Religious Tract Society
continues its series of useful and interesting
contributions to the "By-paths of Bible Know-
ledge." Mr. King has put into a compact and
readable shape the results of the excavations
carried on by the Palestine Exploration Fund
confines himself too exclusively to these, for we
on the Temple Hill at Jerusalem. Perhaps he
miss an account of the recent researches of Dr.
Guthe and the German Palestine Society, as
well as of the discovery of the Siloam inscrip-
tion, and the topographical discussion it has
occasioned. But, within the limits he has
prescribed to himself, Mr. King is an accurate
and lucid writer.

Christ and Democracy. By C. W. Stubbs. (Sonnenschein.) Mr. Stubbs' former volume on Village Politics was remarkable as a courageous attempt on the part of a clergyman of the Church of England to face the social and political problems involved in the Labour Question. The present volume equally deserves a careful perusal. The sermons and addresses it contains are full of broad sympathy with the working classes, but a sympathy that never uns into a weak flattery of their follies and intellectual narrowness. The first two sermons were delivered before the University of Cambridge, the third before the University of Oxford; most, if not all, the other discourses were addressed to more popular audiences.


Revealed Religion expounded by its Relation to A History of Canon Law in connection with the Moral Being of God. "The Bedell Lecture for Other Branches of Jurisprudence, by the Rev. 1883." By H. Cotterill. (New York: Putnam.) J. Dodd (Parker), is the work of an elderly These are three lectures delivered at Gambier, clergyman, who has, indeed, read a good deal Ohio, U.S.A., on a foundation connected with upon the subject of his volume, but whose the Theological Seminary of that place. The mind is obviously neither a legal nor an histori- fundamental idea is that the truths of revelacal, but a homiletic one. Instead of presenttion, though incapable of discovery by unaided ing either a clear narrative of the origin, reason, are such as commend themselves, when growth, and local modifications of the Canon once grasped, to the enlightened conscience. Law, or summarising that law itself so as to An earnest protest is entered against the suppoexhibit its general scope, range, and character, sition of some "sincere and carnest if not very Mr. Dodd has compiled a rambling and dis- profound Christians," that theology is "uncursive work, quite deficient in order and method, profitable, if not injurious, to spiritual life,' and incapable of being used as a text-book for and the spiritual significance of even the techgetting up the subject. He is continually nical terminology of scientific theology is expreaching little sermons in illustration of his hibited with considerable power. Like other views-very nice in their way, but not legal writings of Bishop Cotterill, the exposition dehistory; and a plentiful use of italics shows that mands a close attention, but it will, we believe, he has not acquired the art of being emphatic be generally thought to repay it. The Bishop by force of style. The reader who is already must have entrusted the correction of the press fairly well versed in Canon Law will recognise to some very careless person. We have seldom, Mr. Dodd's acquaintance with various cognate if ever, seen such preposterous blunders as figure the Greek quotations.

matters, and will often be reminded of some fact which had slipped his memory; but the

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Sermons preached at Westminster Abbey. By Alfred Barry. (Cassells.) The Bishop of Sidney's friends at home, as well as the Churchmen of Australia and Tasmania, will be pleased to receive this volume of sermons, all preached within the last four years, and exhibiting the powers of the preacher at his best. Dr. Barry cannot be the Church of England possesses; but the reckoned congregation at the Abbey, when he was in among the few great preachers which residence, might count on at least a wellreasoned and animated discourse. These what is penetrative and subtle in thought or sermons, it may be, are never marked by affecting in sentiment; but vigorous commonsense is too rare in the pulpit not to deserve a word of commendation.

The Gospel History for the Young: being Lessons on the Life of Christ adapted for use in Families and in Sunday-schools. By William F. Skene. Vols. I. and II. (Edinburgh: David Douglas.) The object of these two

volumes is to furnish a consecutive narrative of the life of Christ in a form intelligible to children. Dr. Skene's standpoint, critically words. He considers that the Gospels as we speaking, may be best described in his own

now have them were the first written Gospels, and were the work of the authors whose

names they bear, and that they were preceded at which he arrived after careful study of the by oral teaching only." This is the conclusion article on the "Gospels" in the Encyclopaedia untenable it may be, we suppose there is no Britannica by Dr. E. A. Abbot; and, however doubt that the majority of parents who send their children to Sunday-school would prefer that no doubts were raised as to the general credi

bility and authenticity of the New Testament writings. Even on this ground, however, the temptation need hardly have been treated so literally. We could easily imagine a Life of Christ more graphically told and better adapted to the tastes and capacities of young persons than this. Still, Dr. Skene has done his work with considerable care; the lessons are, on the whole, clearly and simply written, and should, we think, prove serviceable to those for whom they are intended.

The Preacher's Promptuary of Anecdote. By W. Frank Shaw. (Griffith & Farran.) This is a collection of "stories new and old, arranged, indexed, and classified for the use of preachers, teachers, and catechists." The thing was worth doing, and it has been done well; if only reference to the original sources had been added, we should have said—very well.

of Christian Doctrine. The First Principles of the Faith: a Handbook (Alexander & Shepheard.) Mr. Walters is poet By Edmond Walters. as well as preacher; and in this volume he has dis-interspersed much orthodox theology with selections from a little volume of poems that we received for review at the same time. Neither The Divine Order, and other Sermons and Ad-in his poetry nor in his preaching is there

anything that calls for much notice. It has
evidently been a pleasure to him to write these
two books, but we must decline criticising them
at length.
We have also received Sermons for the
Church's Year, Edited by W. Benham, Vol. I.
(Griffith & Farran); Sermons preached in Temple
Church, by Theophilus Smith (Blackwood); The
Churches of Christendom, St. Giles' Lectures,
Fourth Series (Edinburgh: Macniven & Wal-
lace); The Evangelical Succession: a Course of
Lectures delivered in Free St. George's Church,
Edinburgh, Third Series (Edinburgh: Mac-
niven & Wallace); Types and Antitypes of our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (S. P. C. K.);
Reasons concerning our Hope (Alexander &
Shepheard); Current Discussions in Theology,
by the Professors of Chicago Theological Semi-
nary, Vol. II. (Chicago: Revell); &c., &c.


MR. ROBINSON ELLIS will shortly edit for the Vienna Academy of Sciences the poems of Orientius, a Christian writer of the fifth century. These poems, usually known as Commonitorium Orientii-a name, however, not found in the MSS.-are in elegiac metre, and show the author to have had a knowledge and command of scientific prosody only possessed by the more cultivated writers of that time. They are, besides, interesting from the not unfrequent imitations of classical poets, notably Catullus and Ovid, which they contain. The Commonitorium, edited by Mr. Ellis, and Corippus, by Mr. Petschenig, will form a new volume in the

valuable series of Latin "Patres Ecclesiastici," which contains Halm's Sulpicius Severus, Minucius Felix, and Firmicus Maternus, as well as Harbel's Cyprian and Ennodius. The text of Orientius will be based on the valuable tenthcentury MS. once in the library of St. Martin at Tours, and now in possession of Lord Ashburnham.

THE General Board of Studies at Cambridge has appointed five university lecturers in history -Messrs. Oscar Browning, Cunningham, B. E. Hammond, Prothero, and Thornely.

MR. KARL PEARSON has been appointed Professor of Applied Mathematics at University College, London.

MESSRS. W. H. ALLEN & Co. will shortlying, and the torchlight_procession of the publish The Repentance of Nussooh, translated students in the evening. The present number from the Hindustani tale of Maulvi Nazir of matriculated students is 409-Evangelical Ahmad by Mr. M. Kempson, with a Preface by theological, 40; Catholic theological, 10; law, Sir W. Muir. The scene is laid at Delhi, and 131; medicine, 161; philosophy, 67. There is the story throws much light on the manners an increase in both theological faculties, and in and customs of native society in modern India, the medical; the legal and philosophical show especially among the Mahommedans. the same numbers as in the last semester. The MESSRS. J. & R. MAXWELL announce for number of "Auskultanten" (hearers) is 17. immediate publication a cheap edition of "Rita's" novel, My Lady Coquette; a second series of the Biographies of Celebrities; and also a second series of the British Standard Handbooks of Sports and Pastimes.

THE next volume of Prof. Arber's " Scholar's Library," being the sixteenth, will English consist of a reprint of the complete works (1608-31) of Capt. John Smith, President of Virginia and Admiral of New England, which have never before been collected. The volume is much larger than the others of the series, for it will consist of 1,120 pages, with six maps, address is 1 Montague Road, Birmingham. In and will be published at 12s. 6d. Prof. Arber's the near future we are promised by this indefatigable editor the poems of Stephen Hawes and of William Dunbar, and The Epitome, &c., of Martin Marprelate.

THE Browning Society gives its third entertainment at University College on the evening of Friday, June 27. As formerly, there will be given recitations and songs from Mr. Browning's works, the latter including several new settings by Miss Ethel Harraden and Mr. Edwin Bending (who takes charge of the musical arrangements) composed expressly for this

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occasion. Mr. Stanford's "Cavalier Tunes
will also be given, and a piece by the Abbé
Vogler. Some tickets will be reserved for non-
members, for which application should be made
to the hon. secretary, 29 Albert Hall Mansions,
Kensington Gore, S. W.

THE well-known African traveller, Com-
mander V. Lovett Cameron, has issued a circular
advocating the establishment of а "Commercial
Geographical Society " which shall have a
library, map-room, and museum of foreign
products in the City of London, easily accessible
tions, &c.. addressed to him at 1 St. Swithin's
to business men. He will be glad of sugges-
Lane, E.C.

HARVARD UNIVERSITY, which already pos-medal for this year to Capt. James Buchanan THE Society of Arts has awarded the Albert sesses a fellowship for research founded by Mr. Eads, in recognition of his engineering works Bancroft, has received a further benefaction for in improving the water communications of the same cause under the will of the late Henry North America. T. Morgan, of New York. This is to be used for the establishment of four fellowships "for the encouragement of advanced liberal studies.' Candidates must undertake to carry on at the university special work of the kinds for which the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and of Science are now given. The appointment will be made without examination, upon evidence that the candidate possesses the education and copacity. The value of each fellowship is 500 dollars (£100), and it may be renewed for a second year.


MUSURUS PASHA, the Turkish ambassador, who some years ago published a translation into Modern Greek of the Inferno of Dante, will shortly issue his translation of the Purgatorio, to form the second volume of his edition of Dante in Greek.

MR. ELLIOT STOCK has two fresh facsimile reprints in course of production-the first editions of The Vicar of Wakefield and of Rasselas. The former will be issued very shortly. A limited number of copies will be bound in wood taken from the panels of the dining-room of Dolly's Chop House-one of the haunts of Goldsmith, Garrick, and Johnson -when that tavern was recently pulled down.

THE Midland Union of Natural History Societies will hold its seventh annual meeting at Peterborough on Wednesday, June 25. Excursions are arranged for the following day to Stibbington Hall, Bedford Purlieus, and the decoy in Borough Fen and Croyland. Tickets may be procured from Mr. J. W. Bodger, 18 Cowgate, Peterborough.

In this week's Fifeshire Journal Mr. W. Hodgson begins the publication of a series of papers on his personal recollections of memorable men and things. Chap. i., which is entitled "Some Old Acquaintances," deals with Messrs. Charles Gibbon, Robert Buchanan, and Henry Irving. The papers are to be ultimately put forth in book-form.

MR. EDWARD M. BORRAJO, assistant secre-
tary of the Library Association, is engaged in
helping the staff of the Guildhall Library in
the preparation of the new catalogue.

of the University of Bern will be held from Sun-
THE festival in celebration of the foundation
day to Wednesday, August 3, 4, 5, and 6. The
guests will be received on Sunday, and the
festal procession to the Minster, sermon, and
"Promotionen" take place on Monday morn-

ON June 27, the anniversary of the death of Heinrich Zschokke, a festival is to be held at Aarau. A committee has been formed for the erection of a Zschokke-denkmal.


THE Munich fund for the encouragement of the study of international law, called the Prof. Bluntschli, has reached the sum of 30,000 'Bluntschli-stiftung," in honour of the late marks (£1,500).

at Heidelberg, of Prof. Renaud, whose lectures
THE German papers record the sudden death,
students to the university.
on German and French civil law attracted many
Like Bluntschli, he

Bern to Giessen in 1848, and to Heidelberg in
was a Switzer by birth, but was called from




WHEN still the dawn of time lay flush and fair

Upon the youngling earth, and gods were fain To dwell among us-oft the shepherd swain, Wandering the wooded dells, came unaware On Dian, bathing in mid stream, all bare

Of aught save austere beauty, and half disdain, Woke pure high thought and a chaste passion of And a divine great calm, that in his brain


And now time wanes, and dreary falls the night;
But as we plod the murk world's miry ways,
Sometimes, ah sometimes still, through the blear

A human soul breaks on us, silvery bright
In naked beauty;-and behold its light
Seems like a god-glimpse in the far-off days.

MAGAZINES AND REVIEWS. June number of the Antiquary the second part MR. W. CAREW-HAZLITT contributes to the tions. Mr. Henry B. Wheatley discourses on the It is to be regretted that there are no illustra of a very good paper on "The Coins of Venice." Adelphi and its site. He is an authority on all matters relating to old London, and has written this little fragment of a history of the Strand in a very entertaining manner. Mr. James Gairdner continues his sketch of the history of the House of Lords. It is a sketch only, but contains much that is almost unknown to all but specialists. By far the most important contribution, however, is Mr. J. H. Round's paper entitled "The Tower Guards." It is no exaggeration to say that he has added a new of the great Rebellion also. Mr. W. H. Jacob chapter to the history not only of London, but writes a short notice of a series of ancient charters of Winchester which have recently been has given us is little more than a calendar. discovered in the office of a solicitor. What he We trust that the whole of these interesting documents will be saved for all time by being printed at full length.

show that our advice to its conductors to give RECENT numbers of the new Scotch quarterly ample scope to articles treating of the history and antiquities of Scotland has been taken. deal with Scotch subjects; and a fourth, Three of the papers in the latest number on Mr. Swinburne's obligations to the Bible, which is better in substance than in form, is likewise "national" in tone. The special literary feature of the Scottish Review-its digest of the

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