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only a vague and indefinite notion. Nor is this very much to be wondered at, having regard to the ambiguous manner in which the words "Massorah" and "Massoretic" have been employed. The word "Massoretic " may be applied to the text of the Old Testament as a whole, including consonants, vowels, accents, and other signs, together with such marginal notes as are usually printed in the Hebrew Bible; or it may be taken as excluding the consonants, and having regard to the rowels, accents, and notes; or the word "Massorah" may be employed with special reference to the notes. As applied to the notes, the Massorah has two divisions-into Masserah parva and Massorah magna, expressions which have reference respectively to the briefer notices in the margins at the two sides of the text, and to the fuller indications given at the top and bottom of the page in MSS.

The origin of the Massorah is involved in obscurity. The stoutly maintained positions of former days that both Massorah and vowelpoints came from Moses on Mount Sinai, or from Ezra and the men of the Great Synagogue, are not likely, in these times, to meet with serious defenders. That the Massorah has been derived from diverse sources is sufficiently clear. And, probably, what has come down to us is but a small portion of the whole body of Massoretic tradition. Elias Levita, indeed, speaking with reference to his own observation, says, "I believe that, if all the words of the Great Massorah which I have seen in the days of my life were written down and bound up in a book, it would exceed in bulk all the twenty-four books of the Bible." A vast mass of tradition has, indeed, been preserved in the MSS. still accessible; and it has been Dr. Ginsburg's aim to present this as accurately as possible, leaving it for the critic to determine the relative value of the materials now submitted. It is not, of course, to be expected that Dr. Ginsburg's labours will result in very considerable alterations of the existing text-that is, looking at the matter from the point of view of the ordinary and unlearned reader-for, to the eritical student, to obtain a text as accurate as possible is of extremely high importance. Not, indeed, that Dr. Ginsburg's great work is likely to be wholly without influence on interpretation. To take a single instance, the famous passage, Ezek. xxi. 27 (Heb. 32), which the A. V. translates, "I will overaru, overturn, overturn it; and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it [him]." Here, instead of with Var, the Massoretic text, according to ir. Ginsburg, has lo with Aleph, that is, the


We have

The preliminary labour which Dr. Ginsburg the not very distant future, he at present only has undergone in order not only to the pre- proposes to stimulate efforts preparatory to it. sentation, but also to the completion and recti- He has mapped out the whole lexicographical fication of the Massorah, has been immense. material of Latin into 250 portions, each of which is to be assigned to some one contributor. Ten folio volumes in MS. are a monument of It may be here noted, as a hint to English careful toil. And, besides these, he had pre-scholars who have a little leisure and who love viously given to the world "The Massoreth learning, that Prof. Wölfflin desires to enlist Ha-Massoreth of Elias Levita, being an Ex-fifty more collaborateurs to fill the gaps in his position of the Massoretic Notes on the Hebrew regiment. Each contributor receives a free copy Bible, in Hebrew, with an English Transla- of the Archiv. Our younger graduates could tion, and Critical and Explanatory Notes" find no worthier employment for their unoccu(London, 1867). Also, in 1865, he had pied hours, while the veterans would do well to published the Introduction to Bomberg's among us one leader of learning who has open up their accumulated stores. Rabbinic Bible, by Jacob ben Chayim, above gathered during a lifetime treasures of surmentioned. The Massorah, as given by ben passing richness in this field, and who could Chayim, is now printed in the second volume; make to the work now contemplated a contribubut it extends only from p. 715 to p. 830, a tion greater than can be looked for from any space less than that occupied by the single other European scholar, now that Georges and letter Aleph in Dr. Ginsburg's presentation of Paucker have passed away. The method of the Massorah. procedure is clearly explained by the editor. linguistic problems will be issued to the conEvery six months a definite number of Latin tributors, who will return to the editor all the information bearing on them which can be derived from the portions of the material they have severally undertaken to examine. The answers of the contributors will all be written on cards of uniform size. As much of them as the editor thinks expedient will be published in the Archiv, but everything sent in will be carefully preserved, and will be available for use at any time. Besides this, there will be printed in the Archiv all sorts of aids to the study of Latin grammar and lexicography, and also reviews of other works in the same department. One admirable proposal is to print from time to time an alphabetical register of words treated in scattered programs and in the pages of periodi

Among curious particulars connected with
the work, one is the necessity which occurred
for cutting new type, on account of the
abnormal form of some letters found in one or
more MSS. Thus there is a Zain with an
appended curl, and a Yod which seems to be
a connecting link between the Yod of the
square characters and the Yod of the Old
Hebrew and Phoenician. Then, as to the
counting of the letters, which, as is well
known, was one of the tasks of the Massoretes,
Dr. Ginsburg has in his possession a MS. of
the Pentateuch with the text in one column
and a column for each of the letters parallel
with it. In these columns is registered the
number of each of the letters occurring in
every line.

A specimen page will be given
in Dr. Ginsburg's supplementary volume.

Of the ten folio volumes in MS. mentioned
above, three contain a Concordance of the
Hebrew particles. It is satisfactory to learn
that there is some probability of this Con-
cordance being published. The student is
compelled at present to have recourse to the
work of Noldius, which has become some-
what scarce; and it is, moreover, in some
respects imperfect.

The cost of producing the work has necessarily been very large; but it is not agreeable to hear that, notwithstanding the two grants made by the English Government, amounting together to £700, and the subscriptions and donations, the total expense to the distinguished compiler is likely to amount to several thousand pounds. THOMAS TYLER.


Archiv für lateinische Lexikographie und Gram-
matik. Hrsg. von Eduard Wölfflin. Heft 1.
(Leipzig: Teubner.)

This reading may be incorrect; but it is defensible, and is likely to be de- THE above-named book is the first instalment leaded. Dr. Ginsburg's labours will probably of a work which promises to have the weightiest be influential also in the department of gram- consequences for the historical study of Latin mar. Here, again, an example may be given. and of the evolution of the Romance languages Gresenius and Ewald were acquainted with from Latin. The editor, Prof. Wölfflin, who only four instances of dageshed Aleph (see, eg., has succeeded the lamented Halm at Munich, Gen. xliii. 26), trusting to the Massorah as takes up in a modified form a project for a iven by Jacob ben Chayim in Bomberg's Rab-complete "Thesaurus Linguae Latinae" which anic Bible; while, on a single page of the made a brilliant start in 1858 under the auspices Carlsruhe MS. of the Former and Later scholars, but came to utter failure. of Ritschl, Georges, Halm, and other eminent After phets (date 1105), out of thirty Alephs discussing the causes of that failure, and exhere found, eleven are dageshed. This page pounding its lessons, the editor explains his own been reproduced by the Palacographical plan, which is more modest and tentative. Scety, plate 77, Oriental Series. While he looks forward to the full Thesaurus in

The present number of the Archiv contains some very valuable contributions. The editor's Preface, though necessarily technical and mainly devoted to organisation, is instructive also, as might be expected from his name. We may observe, in passing, that he pronounces a justly severe sentence of condemnation on the recently completed edition of Forcellini. He also gives us an Appendix to his well-known Bücheler has a keen and scholarly paper of work on the degrees of comparison in Latin. miscellanies, and there are important articles by Löwe, Studemund, and others. Gröber discusses the question, "What is Latin? which is as hard to answer Peel's famous query, "What is a pound?' He comes to the sensible conclusion that the problem cannot be solved by fixing a would wholly lie, but rather by a careful of which Latin "

on date,

side one

as Sir Robert

[ocr errors]

classification of material. We note, not with-
out a passing twinge, that Dr. K. Krum-
bacher, of Munich, gives a description of an
important collection of glosses preserved in a
MS. at the British Museum which does not
tion by any of our own countrymen.
seem to have been subjected to careful examina-

This new scheme is perhaps the greatest field of scholarship. If we cannot co-operate specimen ever exhibited of co-operation in the ourselves, we may at least assist those who do by helping to maintain the journal in which the results of their labours will be given to the world. It is to be hoped that the Archiv, which only costs twelve shillings a year, will find purchasers in England. With combined efforts such as Prof. Wolfflin proposes, we may see achieved in ten years work which the scattered


endeavours of a century would hardly suffice to produce. The editor truly says that, for want of a fitting storehouse such as he designs to provide, much valuable material has been dissipated and lost. He also justly insists that precious indirect results may be expected to

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Mr. CHARLES WATKINS MERRIFIELD, who died at Hove on January 1, aged fifty-six, was for many years on the staff of the Education Department, the post which he last held being that of one of its senior examiners. His family came from Tavistock, but he was born in

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often come from d. Thus: lacruma, from OldLatin dacruma ("nemo me dacrumis decoret "); larva, from *dar(c)va, cognate with dépoμαι; levir Sanskrit devara, Greek daFhp; lingua, from Old-Latin dingua. So in inlaut: mulier, from "mudies, "one who gives suck" (cf. uvde, from uvojaw, the Homeric ex-uvchσas, Fick, Bezzenberger's Beitr., i. 63; the Irish muimme, "foster-mother," from mudmia); oleo, from *odeo (ef. odor and (w); solum, from *sodum, oldas; Ulysses, from 'Odvoσeus; &c.

To these examples may be added three words of which the cognates have not, so far as I know, hitherto been pointed out: they are lautia, laurus, larix.

1. Lautia, a banquet given to ambassadors, comes from dautia, which actually occurs in Festus, s.v. dacrimas: "dautia, quae lautia dicimus, et dantur legatis hospitii gratia." It derived from the root du (" to give "), like the Old-Latin duint, the Umbrian pur-dovitu, the Lith. dovana ("gift"), the Church Slavonic davati (" to give "), and the Irish dúass, a gift or reward.

London, October 20, 1827. For the South
Kensington Museum he superintended the pub-is
lication of a Catalogue of the collection of
models of ruled surfaces which was constructed
by M. Fabre de Lagrange. A handbook by
Mr. Merrifield on technical arithmetic and
mensuration appeared in Mr. T. M. Goodeve's
"Text Books of Science," and a key to it was
afterwards published by the Rev. J. Hunter, a
gentleman who has compiled keys for a consider-
able number of arithmetical works. Mr. Merri-

field was an accomplished mathematician, and
contributed many papers on his favourite pursuit
to the Assurance Magazine. A volume of Mis-
cellaneous Memoirs on Pure Mathematics, which he
had communicated to that journal, was printed
for private circulation in 1861. He married
Miss Elizabeth Ellen Nicholls, daughter of
Mr. John Nicholls, of St. Columb, Cornwall.
She predeceased him March 23, 1869.



Brackley: Jan. 4, 1884. Now that the Franco-Chinese question is occupying so much public attention there will doubtless be many cadets, missionary students, and philologists turning their thoughts towards the East, and in some instances they will be anxious to know what are the languages chiefly spoken, and where reliable text-books may be obtained. I am glad to be able, at this emergency, to call the attention of such enquirers to a new work, by Mr. Dyer Ball, which has just been published in Hong Kong under the title of Cantonese made Easy. The dialect of Canton is the most important of South China; and as it contains fewer provincialisms than almost any other Chinese dialect, and employs the classical characters entirely in writing, the knowledge of this sub-language, so to speak, is indispensable to anyone who intends taking a position in the East. Mr. Dyer Ball has rendered good service in his timely publication. Born in China, of European parentage, favoured with exceptional advantages for the acquisition of the dialects of China, having a natural gift for this particular work, and being employed in her Majesty's Civil Service as interpreter to the Supreme Court, he has had every opportunity to gain an accurate knowledge of Cantonese. As this is not the place for writing a review, I will content myself with stating that copies of the book may be obtained of Mr. G. Roberts, Upper Norwood, who will forward it to any part of Europe, post-free, for 10s.; interleaved copies are also kept at 12s. 6d.; and Easy Lessons in the Hakka Dialect, 5s. The difficult questions relating to tones, classifiers, finals, &c., are treated with a masterly hand. HILDERIC FRIEND.

2. Laurus, from *daurus, and this from *darvus, as taurus from *tarvus: Gaulish tarvos.


With darvus the Lith. dervà, pinewood," and the Welsh derw-en, "oak," are identical. 3. Larix, from darix, identical with darix, the Old-Celtic form inferrible from the Irish fem. c-stem dair, "oak," gen. darach. The Greek λápis, which does not appear to be older than Dioscorides (perhaps a hundred years after Christ), must be a loan from the Latin. With larix and laurus, dpûs, dru, triu, and other words cited by Curtius, G. E., No. 275, are, of course, connected. WHITLEY STOKES.

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The word feft has been duly noted in my edition of Ray's Glossary (E. D. S.), p. xvii., and there is a note on it (by Ray) in the same, p. 6. Ray says: "We in Essex use feffing for putting, thrusting, or obtruding a thing upon one; "and he also says feft is "to persuade, or endeavour to persuade.' It is obvious that feft is a mere corruption of feffed, and is only used as an infinitive mood (if it ever really was so, for our old writers mix up participial and infinitival forms) by a mistake. There is no difficulty at all. Feft is for feffed, and feff is another spelling of fief, a verb formed from fief (sb.), a well-known feudal term. It occurs in "Piers Plowman;" I need not stay to explain it more fully. As for camp, I explain that, too, in the same work, p. xvii. Properly, kemp (verb) was formed by vowel-change from camp (sb.), just as A.-S. cemban (to comb, whence unkempt) is from A.-S. camb (a comb); but the verb and sb. were confused. The word is merely from the Lat. campus, whence also E. champion, the surname Kemp, &c.


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Allow me also to note, anent the "origin of the Aryans" (ACADEMY, December 8), that long before Profs. Penka, Schrader, and Poesche (1878) wrote, one Latham made Lithuanian the In Latin, as every philologist knows, 7 has fountain-head of Sanskrit. As he was only an

LATIN ETYMOLOGIES. Queen Anne's Mansions, S.W.: Jan. 6, 1884.

Englishman, he is naturally forgotten in favour of those model claimants, our cousins German. RICHARD F. BURTON. [Prof. Sayce had already written (1.c.)"This theory, indeed, first propounded by Dr. Latham."-ED. ACADEMY.]


St. Maur, Ventnor: Jan. 5, 1884. The late Lord Lytton may claim to be a propounder of the view that Europe, not Asia, than Poesche or Prof. Penka. In Zanoni is the was the original home of the Aryan race earlier following passage:—

"The pure Greeks, the Hellenes, whose origin has bewildered your dreaming scholars, were of the lords of the universe, and in no land on earth to same great family as the Norman tribe, born to be become the hewers of wood. Even the dim traditions of the learned, which bring the sons of Hellas from the vast and undetermined territory of Northern Thrace to be the victors of the pastoral Pelasgi, and the founders of the line of demi-gods; which assign to a population bronzed beneath the suns of the West the blue-eyed Minerva and the yellow-haired Achilles (physical characteristics of the North); which introduce among a pastoral people warlike aristocracies and limited monarchies -the feudalism of the classic time; even these might serve to trace back the primeval settlements of the Hellenes to the same regions whence in later times the Norman warriors broke on the dull and savage hordes of the Celt, and became the Greeks of the Christian world."



A SUM of £500 in prizes is offered by Mr. Francis Galton for extracts from the "family records" of competitors. They are to be sent to him before May 15, according to the conditions and under the restrictions published in his recent book, Record of Family Faculties (Macmillan), which contains full explanations, together with blank forms sufficient for the records of a single family.



A BEAUTIFUL autotype, representing a system of faults in slate, forms the frontispiece of the new volume of the Geological Magazine. slate is from the Borrowdale series of the Lake District, and shows the well-known miniature faults, of which splendid examples are preserved in the Museum of Practical Geology. J. H. Teall accompanies the plate by a paper in which he discusses the origin of faults," and is led to accept the explanation of troughed such faults which was given by Mr. Topley some years ago in his memoir on the geology of the Weald.



THE Clarendon Press has in preparation for the "Anecdota" Series, an edition, with translation, notes, and glossary, by Dr. Kuno Meyer, of Hamburg, of the Cath Finntrága or Battle of Ventry Harbour, from the vellum MS. (probably of the fifteenth century) in the Bodleian Library. The Cath Finntrága, and the Agallam ná Senórach or Dialogue of the Old Men, which is contained in the same MS., and an edition of which is in course of preparation by Prof. Eduard Müller, are the oldest of the so-called Fenian or Ossianic tales, and have never yet

been printed in any


THE library of Dr. A. C. Burnell, who died just fifteen months ago, 18 to be sold by Messrs Sotheby on Monday next and the three follow ing days. We believe that Dr. Burnell lef express instructions in his will that his book should be sold; but it is to be regretted fo many reasons that this unique storehouse o Oriental philology should be dispersed. No

was Dr. Burnell a philologist only. He possessed the enthusiasm of a bibliographer for rare books and choice bindings; and his means allowed him to gratify his tastes. For example, he had gathered together more than 130 volumes of various editions of the works of Pietro Bembo. His collection of early Portuguese and Dutch travels was also peculiarly rich-e.g., five editions of Linschoten. If the list of MSS. be thought disappointing, it must be recollected that the most valuable have already been acquired for the library of the Royal Asiatic Society. Many of the books unfortunately bear the tell-tale stains of Indian sojourn; but, on the other hand, many of them are enriched by copious annotations in Burnell's minute handwriting. It is due to Burnell's memory to add that the Catalogue is scarcely worthy of the collection. Not a few of the lots are most ignorantly assorted. To take one page only. The purchaser of Metz's Vocabulary of the Todas will have to buy also Piedmontese and Provençal Grammars; and the purchaser of Callaway's Religious System of the Amazulu will have to buy a Natural History of Cranes. PADRE F. FITA has collected, under the title Epigrafia Romana (Madrid: Fortanet), some of the articles he has lately published in various Spanish periodicals. Those on "Latin Inscriptions" are to correct or supplement Hübner's Corpus; but perhaps more curious are those on Hebrew paleography, and on Basque toponymy of the eleventh and twelfth centuries.

tensive additions in that part of the Epistle
where there is a lacuna in the texts hitherto
known. Of this new portion, which is four
times as long as all the rest, we are bound to
say that it does not at all correspond to the
Latin version, and that its elaborate allegorising
from the Old Testament is singularly unlike
the simplicity of the earlier part of the letter.
The grammarian is provided with a careful
sketch of the historical development of the
periphrastic tenses in Modern Greek, by M.
Khatzidakes. For the anthropologist there are
measurements of human heads from numerous
provinces of Greece. Finally, the mythologist
and collector of popular tales and ballads will
find here songs from Triphylia, legends of
giants from Crete, traditions from various dis-
tricts, and a continuation of the Athenian
stories which were commenced in the former
number. In one of these last, entitled "The
Sleeping Prince," the story of "The Sleeping
Beauty" appears in an inverted form, the prince
and all his surroundings being overpowered by
a magic sleep, while the princess comes and
wakes him. This version, we should suppose, is
specially suited for Leap Year.

THE Philologische Wochenschrift appears for
the future under the title of Berliner philologische
Wochenschrift. The form of the paper has been
slightly altered, and several improvements in-


his own standpoint, and given frank expression
to his own opinions. He frequently differs from
Mariette. In the mastaba-tombs of the Mey-
doom necropolis he recognises a style of archi-
tecture more akin to the school of the XIIth
Dynasty than to the IIIrd; and he is inclined
not only to attribute the Meydoom pyramid to
one of the Usertesens, but also to assign to that
period the famous sitting statues of Rahotep
and Nefer-t. He is by no means con-
fident as to the origin of the so-called
"Hyksos - monuments," one of which-a
human-headed sphinx-has hitherto been con-
fidently attributed to Apepi, the last of
the Hyksos usurpers. This sphinx bears the
cartouches of three kings of widely separate
epochs, the earliest being that of Apepi; but
upon the breast (which was the place of honour)
under the latest of these ovals Prof. Maspero
has detected traces of a yet earlier name. This
would be the name of the king for whom the
monument was sculptured, and he asks whether
that king was indeed a Hyksos or a king of
some earlier native line. The funerary cones
of stamped and baked clay which have long
puzzled archaeologists, and which are found
buried in the sand in front of the more ancient
sepulchres of the Theban necropolis, were
supposed by Mariette to have been employed
as boundary marks indicating the extent of
ground belonging to each grave.
Maspero conceives them to be imitation bread-
offerings, and in the powdery white deposit
with which these objects are invariably coated


ALBERT MOORE'S PICTURE, COMPANIONS." A Photo-engraving. he recognises that mixture of fine white flour

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"THE PRINCES in the TOWER," by J. E. MILLAIS, R.A. A Line Engraving of this subject, by LUMB STOCKS, R.A., forms the Frontispiece to the "ART JOURNAL" for JANUARY (2s. 6d.).

J.E. MILLAIS, R. A.-The Painting by MILLAIS, "THE PRINCES in the TOWER," engraved in Line by LUMB STOCKS, R.A., is one of the three separately printed plates in the JANUARY Number of the "ART

JOURNAL" (29. 6d.).

and salt which was presented in sacrifices to the
deities as well as to the dead.
"Just as at
Memphis," he writes :-

"under the Ancient Empire, geese and loaves
carved in stone were destined to provide the dead
with geese and loaves which should endure for
ever, so at Thebes they provided the deceased with
bread more durable than real bread. Thus, the
image of an object offered in this world pro-
cured for the soul the reality of that object in the
next world. If we do not find cones at Memphis, it
is for the reason why we do not find stone geese
at Thebes. Each city followed its own customs,
and we need not look to find those customs pre-

IN Die Abhandlungen der Ichwan es-Safa, in Ausahl (Leipzig: Hinrichs), Prof. Dieterici at last gives us part of the text of the tracts of the Brotherhood of Purity, from which he has, from time to time, published translations during the last twenty years. These fifty treatises profess to form a species of encyclo. to an attractive exhibition."-Daily News. paedia of Arabian philosophy, as the term was understood in the tenth century of the Christian era. Undoubtedly they are the most interesting expression of Mohammedan thought that we possess before the time of Avicenna and Averrhoes. So far they are only known by Prof. Dieterici's translation, of which the only English summary is in Mr. Lane-Poole's Studies in a Mosque, though one special tractate, the "Fable of Man and the Beasts," has found translators in several languages. It is certainly satisfactory to be able to refer to the Arabic original of Prof. Dieterici's version, now pubshed from a Paris codex; but we should have been better pleased if the text had been printed in extenso, and strictly in the order selected by The work is too important to affer abbreviation or re-arrangement, and Prof. Districi attempts both. However, we must be thankful for what he has given us, though we want more, and we must congratulate him on the approaching termination of his long and Falzed work on this little explored subject. Another part of the text, and a dictionary of Arabic philosophical terms, which may shortly be expected, will complete this important conibution to the history of thought, which will highly prized by all who care to follow the us fortunes of Greek philosophy in the East and to gauge the practical influence of soCed Arabian philosophy upon the development of European thought.

GREAT SALE of PICTURES, at reduced prices (Engravings, Chromos, should pay a visit. Very suitable for wedding and Christmas presents.— GRO. REES, 115, Strand, near Waterloo-bridge.

and Oleographs), handsomely framed. Everyone about to purchase pictures vailing elsewhere."

the authors.

THE second part of the Journal of the Hiscal and Ethnological Society of Greece tains contributions which will be interesting a great variety of readers. Numismatgists will find in it an account of the medals k in the Ionian Islands during the eventperiod between 1797 and 1814, with trations, by M. Lambros. For the theoan there is a new text of the Epistle of St. arp to the Philippians, taken from a MS. ch has lately been discovered in a monasry in the island of Andros, containing ex


THE publication of an authoritative handbook to
any great collection is an event of more import-
ance than may possibly be suspected by that
general public for whose use and instruction it
is prepared. It registers the high-water mark
of that particular branch of knowledge at the
date of issue; and it probably epitomises in a
popular form the labours of a learned life. Such,
for instance, is M. Heuzey's excellent Catalogue
of the terra-cotta statuettes at the Louvre,
recently published. Such, undoubtedly, in a
wider and more important sense, is Prof.
Maspero's Guide du Visiteur au Musée de Boulaq,
which may be expected in the course of the
third week of the present month. Even if he
were not curator of the collection, Prof.
Maspero is, of all men, the one whose special
studies and achievements would have pointed
him out as best qualified for the performance of
this task. The pen which has thrown such a
flood of light upon the literature and art of the
Egyptian tomb is evidently the pen which
should describe and classify the stelae and Ka-
statues of Boolak. Again, who so fit to cata-
logue the mummies of Rameses and his peers as
the historian of the youth of Sesostris and the
discoverer of the secret of Dayr-el-Baharee?

Prof. Maspero, as I mentioned in a former
note, has treated the treasures of Boolak from

The well-known shabti, or funerary statuettes, of
Thebes, of which the blue porcelain variety is
so abundant, are pronounced by Prof. Maspero
to be degenerate Ka-statues, identical as to
their original conception with the
stone statues of the Ancient Empire. The
oldest Theban shabti, which form the connect-
ing link with the Memphite Ka-statues, repre-
sent living persous clad in ordinary garb. The
later shabti reflect a new religious idea, and
represent agricultural labourers whose office it
was to sow and reap for the deceased in the
under-world. Last of all, the identification of
these images with the mummied corpse is so
complete that they become mere miniature
mummies in clay.

Of Prof. Maspero's interesting remarks on ancient Egyptian glass, and especially on that beautiful parti-coloured and striated variety which is chiefly met with in small vases shaped like amphorae, I can here only note that he unhesitatingly rejects the theory which attributes objects of this class to Phoenician and Cypriote workshops. So far from allowing that it was an importation, he is "tempted to believe that much of the socalled Phoenician and Cypriote glass was made in Egypt, and thence exported to foreign countries as a current article of commerce." funeral amulets, on canopic vases, on scarabs, on the moulds for castings, on statuettes of the gods, on special works of sculpture in the Museum, and, in fact, on almost every subject of which he has to treat, Prof. Maspero has some original and luminous opinion to offer.



To the funeral stelae of the Ancient Empire he devotes several pages. He shows how the earliest examples were miniature representations of sepulchral façades; how these façades by-and-by lost their architectural character and became conventional representations of complete tombs; lastly, how these representations of tombs were regarded as epitomes of tombs; and how the scenes engraved upon them were, from the point of view of religious magic, as real in a mystical and Occult sense as the sepulchral wall-paintings which Prof. Maspero has so ably interpreted in some of his former writings. All this is quite new, extremely curious, and, I may add, absolutely convincing. The history of the royal mummies and how they were found is of course told again, the mummies and their belongings being described much more fully than in Prof. Maspero's official Report of two years ago. Next, however, in archaeological interest to the dissertation on the stelae comes Prof. Maspero's description of the tomb and sarcophagus of one Horhotpou (Horhotep), discovered at Thebes in April 1883. This remarkable relic of the XIth Dynasty has been transported to Boolak, and re-erected in the new Salle funéraire. The walls are lined with paintings representing offerings of various kinds-stores of arms, toilette objects, eatables, drinkables, vases, mirrors, jewels, and the like. The sarcophagus is painted in the same manner, and is, as it were, a résumé of the tomb. Of hieroglyphic texts there are but few, and these are chiefly extracts from the " Book of the Dead" and the "Funereal Ritual." I hope to be able to return to the subject of this most interesting tomb in a future note.



IT would be difficult-nay, impossible-to
describe in words this rich display of works by
eminent artists now brought together on the
walls of Burlington House. Nor dare we say
that, if we attempted to do so, we should have
a chance of being of use to our readers, who
know themselves how to enjoy the beauti-
ful. On the other hand, it would be an easy,
but, under the circumstances of a public show
like this, not altogether a worthy, task to indulge
in criticisms about those more or less indifferent
works which have professedly been "cata-
logued under the names given to them by the

Apart from the enjoyment which the visitor is sure to find in visiting the exhibition, he will experience not a few surprises when examining those pictures which have a just claim to be considered as standard works of their authors. In bringing such pictures before the public, the Royal Academy renders the greatest service to the study of the history of painting; and we may say with confidence that these yearly recurring exhibitions are the more welcome to English and not less to foreign art students because in no other country is there an equally large field for research.

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The most prominent feature among the Dutch and Flemish pictures exhibited in Room II. is the landscapes. There are two by Rubens which must be placed foremost among all those which he executed entirely himself. No. 74, called the Farm at Laeken," from Buckingham Palace, is widely known as one of the gems of the royal collection. The bright and brilliant colouring and the distinctness in the modelling indicate the middle period of the artist's career, to which the two famous landscapes in the Pitti Palace also belong. Very different in every respect is the wooded landscape in dark glowing colours, with spiritedly sketched

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figures in the foreground, "Atalanta and
Meleager pursuing the Calydonian Boar" (70-
lent by W. B. Beaumont, Esq.), probably one
of Rubens' last works. If anywhere, it is here
that Rubens approaches the manner of Rem-
brandt. Broad lights, chiefly of a deep-toned,
reddish-brown hue, play upon the dark masses
of a dense forest. In looking closely at the paint-
ing, there seems to be no outline or precision in
drawing. Yet, at a proper distance, the different
objects are of the greatest possible reality. By
Jacob van Ruysdael there are not less than five
genuine landscapes. The most imposing_one
(191), representing a storm at sea (lent by Lord
Lansdowne), well displays the qualities of grand-
eur and melancholy by its juxtaposition with
Murillo's full-length portrait of "Don Justino
Francesco Neve, Canon of Seville"- -a painting
that appeals to similar feelings. "The Waterfall"
(134-lent by S. Herman de Zoete, Esq.) is a
subject, and composition as well, which the
artist was fond of repeating, introducing therein
but slight variations. The landscape represents
a strip of wooded scenery, with a few cottages and
a road in front, on which a bright cold light falls.
No. 146 (lent by the Earl of Normanton) is one
of those scarce pictures in which the artist's
second manner is mixed with characteristics of
his early style. From Lord Lansdowne's collec-
tion comes a very remarkable view of a Dutch
town and harbour, said to be Amsterdam (145).
The treatment of the subject has nothing in
common with Ruysdael's often repeated views
of the town of Harlem. It is, in fact, a unique
work in its way, proving incontestably that
Ruysdael was not one of those Dutchmen who
disappoint whenever they trespass the limits of
the subjects in which they were wont to
excel. Among the Ruysdaels we have still
to mention the large canvas (89), lent by
Lord Mount-Temple, representing a wooded
landscape. The tone and harmony of colours
displayed herein are not, we believe, those
peculiar to Buysdael. This is evidently a work
of that less-known, but excellent, landscape
painter of Harlem, Jan van der Meer or
Vermeer. The signature of the artist may have
been purposely effaced. The only picture by
Hobbema (97-lent by Augustus W. Saville,
Esq.), a wooded landscape, might also be
easily mistaken for a Ruysdael, with whose
style it has much in common. It is not
signed, but there can be no doubt about its
authenticity. Two very similar pictures of
his are at Edinburgh, in the National Gallery
of Scotland. One of them is noteworthy from
its signature and date, M.L.Hobbema (the three
capitals combined) 1659, possibly the earliest
known date on a picture of his; the other, hung
close by, is officially stated to be by Ruysdae.
"The Skating Scene," by Aart van der Neer,
(96-lent by Lord Egerton of Tatton), is also an
early work, remarkable for its broadness of

deep warm light on the large sail of the
boat in the foreground. The extensive view of
the harbour and town of Amsterdam (73-
lent by the Hon. W. F. B. Massey Mainwaring),
is certainly the artist's masterpiece, and at the
same time, in its prominent position on the
walls, one of the most attractive Dutch pictures
in this exhibition. The observation we have
made about the numerous works by William
van de Velde may also apply to the seven or
eight genuine works of Albert Cuyp, the
fine "River Scene" (109-lent by S. Herman
de Zoete, Esq.) ascribed to this master being
more probably by one of the little-known
followers of William van de Velde. The most
striking among the genuine Cuyps is the large
landscape in evening light (93-lent by
Lord Scarsdale). Among the others we notice
No. 104 (lent by the Earl of Normanton) only
because of its subject, although in its execution
the work does not rank high. The scenery is a
sea-shore with steep rocks and high trees in the
foreground, illuminated by the dim light of a full
moon, the sky being bright. We need not add
that the effect is the very reverse of the well-
known moonlight sceneries in which Aart van
der Neer excelled; compare, for instance, No.
133 (lent by S. H. de Zoete, Esq.).

Among the Dutch figure-pictures there
is none which can rival that masterpiece
of Terburg's (122) called
"The Letter,"
which comes from Buckingham Palace. Per-
haps it has no equal among the numerous
works of this master, who, in striking con-
trast to his fellow-artists, never fails in bestow-
ing on his figures the characteristics of high
culture and refined__ manners. The picture
by his pupil Metsu, "Pleasures of Taste" (111),
from the same collection, when compared with
the former, will discredit the belief, tradi-
tionally held by art historians, that Metsu


a pupil of Gerhard Dow, with whose style he has nothing in common. Nothing, in fact, can come nearer to Terburg than the above-named picture by Metsu. The only genuine Rembrandt so far as we can judge-among three ascribed to the master is the three-quarter length figure of a lady, painted in 1642 (106-lent by Lord Lanedowne). Of Rembrandt's scholars, we have this time only one, Gerbrandt van den Eeckhout, whose interesting composition "Christ in the Temple" (65-lent by S. H. de Zoete, Esq.) is full of reminiscences of his master. By Frank Hals there are two excellent portraits, both coming from the collection of Earl Howe. One of them (90) is a half-length figure of a young man playing a guitar, signed F. H.; the other, an oval (98), is the bust of a gentleman wearing a large hat. We find neither of them mentioned in Dr. Bode's excellent and comprehensive treatise on the master, now embodied in his Holländische Studien, a work full of learning, in which special attention is paid to the private collections of England.


It is

Among the sea-pieces there are works by William van de Velde, Backhuysen, and Among the portraits by Flemish masters we Jan van de Capelle, but only those by the last notice one by Rubens (91-lent by the Hon. W. named are historically of importance. By F. B. Massey Mainwaring), said to represent William van de Velde, there are not less than the Burgomaster van der Gutch. It is inscribed eight pictures, all genuine and good specimens "Anno 1629, aetatis suae 30." The charming of his style, but none of them happens to picture of the two babies in a richly decorated throw a new light on the development of his cradle (100-lent by Major C. Jones) was, we manner. The same may be said of the two believe, formerly also ascribed to Rubens. fine pictures by Backhuysen; but it is different by Cornelis de Vos, whose name it now bears in with Jan van de Capelle, an artist about whom the Catalogue. The half-length figure of a very little is known, and whose works are merchant (288-lent by Lord Lansdowne) is rare. The National Gallery is perhaps the only erroneously ascribed to Holbein. It bears collection in Europe which possesses as many throughout the stamp of contemporary Flemish as five works by him. The present exhibition art. The inscriptions point to the same brings before us three of his pictures from origin. The tone and harmony of the colour, private collections. Of these, the "River Scene" the rendering of the human forms, especially of (114-lent by the Earl of Normanton) is the the hands, are those we meet always in the only one signed and dated, "J. v. Capelle 1656." genuine pictures by Jan van Mabuse. In fact, No. 101, a sea-piece, is very piquant in it would be difficult to find a more beautifu its contrasts of cool tones of colour with the portrait by this master. J. PAUL RICHTER,

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London: Jan. 7, 1884. Considering that some first-rate scholars, Hellenists and historians, have expressed their conviction of the Germanic kinship of the Thrakians, the reviewer of Dr. Schliemann's Troja in the ACADEMY would, perhaps, have done better to mitigate the vigour of his own opinion with a little scientific courtesy. "Fanciful and exploded theories is simply calling names; but inconvenient facts cannot be got rid

of in this off-hand manner.

It is a fact that, according to Herodotos, there was once a vast Thrakian race-"the largest of any nations, except the Indians"-dwelling in Eastern Europe and Asia Minor. That race happened to be blue-eyed, red-haired; most martial; highly musical; given to Bacchic habits, but also to profound philosophical speculation; and producing, especially in one of its branches, a great many learned men. Its misfortune was, according to Herodotos, that its different tribes were not able to unite for common action-a remark made again in later times, in the form of a devout wish, by the Roman historian who described our German forefathers.

It is a further fact that in the Thrakian nation there was a mass of personal and place names-dagger- and spear-names, SigVictory-), As (God-), Teut- (Folk-), Od-, Ter-, la-, Attal-, and other names of a strangely Teutonic sound, such as we find on German sol and among the warriors living there. Curiously enough, there were Getic (also Gaudic) tribes, whom Herodotos calls "the noblest of the Thrakians," which seem to remind us of the Geats, Gauts, or Goths-a German race, held to be of an especially noble origin and character.

More wonderful still, at the time

when the "Getic " name began to change into the "Gotic" one, clear classical testimony is

given as to their identity. To complete the

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"I do not hesitate to consider it to be merely a variant form of our own word Frack or Frank. The Franks were called in Anglo-Saxon Franc-an, and in Icelandic Frakkar. The letter-change which connects Frakk-ar with Frank-un is wellknown in the Teutonic dialects. In the Icelandic, This last word is known to our northern dialect:Ther was never a freake our foot wold fle' (Chevy Chace); as also the adjective frack, quick, hasty.' So far Dr. Guest. But few, I imagine, will follow him in his attempt to draw Frank" into a Keltic channel.

Frack-r is a Frank, and Frack-i a brave fellow.

ance and perfection of preservation has, they say, been discovered at Nîmes. It represents a Roman Emperor, throned, with a nude female figure at his side. In front are two men leading a lion and a boar, and, behind, a warrior. Some slaves, excited, complete the composition.

THE issue is announced of one of the volumes so rarely published in connexion with the Gazette des Beaux-Arts. The subject is "Raphael et la Farnesine." The text, part only of which has appeared in the Gazette, is by M. Ch. Bigot; and it will be illustrated with fifteen engravings hors texte, including thirteen etchings by M. T. de Mare, of which eleven have not been published before. The price to subscribers will be

20 frs.; to others, 40 frs.

THE last rumours about the pictures recovered from the charitable foundations of Antwerp are a little conflicting. It, however, seems pretty clear that their importance has been over-estimated, and that few of them rise above meci

The list of artists includes Rubens,

Van Orley, Mostaert, Martin, Cornelis and Simon de Vos, Martin Pepyn, and the Spanish painter and sculptor Alonzo Cano. It is said that the exhibition will be opened soon, in the chapel of the Girls' Orphanage, and will contain 104 pictures.

This is too large a subject to be dealt with in I will therefore conclude with a a letter. remark on what Mr. Evans says about a dis-ocrity. covery of Dr. Schliemann on the European side opposite the Troad. "On the whole," he writes, "it is not probable that the more developed forms of the Trojan site will be found to have any very direct connexion with the remains of the more barbarous members of the race inhabiting European soil." To this a ANOTHER of the large Hispano-Moresque reply might be made by a reference to a pas-amphora-shaped vases with lustre ornaments sage in Strabo, in which it is stated that all the has been discovered at Orihuela (Murcia). Its chief seats of the Muses in Europe had of old size and shape are said to be the same as those been Thrakian places and mountains, and had of the famous Alhambra vase. been dedicated by the Thrakians to the god- bought by M. Stanislas Baron. desses; and that music (which in ancient times implies poetry) was in the hands of the Thrakian. Not so very barbarous, after all!



THE bust of Victor Hugo by M. Rodin has been placed in the Gallery of the Institute of Painters in Oil in Piccadilly. It is one of the in sculpture, but not the less characteristic of all that is noblest in the great poet. M. Rodin is one of the few modern artists who can

It has been

IT is said that the terra-cottas discovered at be exhibited at the Louvre.

Myrina by the French Ecole d'Athènes will soon


coincidence, the same race which Herodotos most unflinchingly realistic of modern portraits of Diderot-the Paradoxe sur le Comédien. Mr.

places, as Getes, near the outlet of the Danube and the Black Sea, turns up, as Goths, in the fourth century, in the same quarter.


Anyone going carefully over the Greek and Latin writers for about 1,400 years-from Kallinos to Cassiodoros (who served under Odoaker and Theodorich) and Prokopios, not to mention the Goth Jornandes-cannot but be struck by these remarkable facts and testimonies. When, on ground anciently inhabited by Thrakian trikes, we even find an Aspurg and a "Teutoburg," we experience some difficulty in resisting an apparently obvious conclusion. That "greatest of all nations" cannot, after all, have simply vanished away. Historically speaking, we know that no room is left in that quarter for any nation known to us except the one (and here we come upon another, perhaps inconvenient, coincidence) which broke forth like a torrent in the Great Migrations, traversing all Europe, and even pushing forward into Africa.

kith and kin.

The Trojans having undoubtedly been of the Thrakian stock, have drawn the natural conclusion that, taking the Thrakians to have been the Teutons of the East, the Trojans were their In doing so I have indicated a few points hitherto not brought forward in support of the Germanic kinship of the Thrakians themselves. There are, however, several arguments in reserve. Here I will only remark that those who have compared the (unfortunately very small) remains of Thrakian speech with Lituanian and Slav, as well as with Teutonic idioms, have missed in several cases the most remarkable parallels deducible from the Norse, the Anglo-Saxon, and the German languages and dialects. This subject will by-and-by find its fuller treatment.

speak the truth not only without fear of, but without reason for, shame. The robust and confident personality of his subject is charged with the fire of imagination.



WE received some while ago, from Messrs. Chatto & Windus, Mr. W. Pollock's pleasant translation of one among the more famous of the writings Pollock has not only translated it, he has made a few interesting annotations, and the book is published in dainty fashion, printed by Strangeways, and on paper apparently of Van Gelder's. There is, to boot, a short Preface by a gentleHenry Irving has put forth the reasons for his man who has a name to conjure with. profound disagreement with Diderot's concluIN connexion with the establishment at sions as to the disadvantage, or at least the Cardiff of the Royal Cambrian Academy inutility, of "sensibility" to the comedian. which, it is hoped, will do for Wales what may be said, perhaps, that the production of the Royal Hibernian Academy does for Ireland the book in its present form was by no means and the Royal Scottish Academy for Scotland- necessary; that everybody who cares profoundly there is to be held at Cardiff, early in the for the theatrical art is able to read it in spring, an unusually important loan exhibition French. And this is doubtless true; yet good of works of art. A very influential committee service is done in bringing home to a man's has been formed, and the capital of Wales very door that which either permanent busy-ness North Midlands-Nottingham, Leicester, &c.-actively seeking. The present writer is a case would seem as much alive as the towns of the or momentary laziness has prevented him from to the necessity of art culture. Oil paintings, to the point. Twice did he set his mind on drawings in water-colour, engravings, etchings, reading the Parodoxe; never once did he read rare books and bindings of choice will be in- it till yesterday, in Mr. Pollock's translation. cluded in the forthcoming exhibition. It arrived, and when it arrived it was attended to. And among the students of the art of acting many will be in like case. We are, therefore, of no mind to grumble at the appearance of the book. On the contrary, we welcome it. How far we are inclined to agree with its main proposition, that if a man means to act it is well for him not to feel, is quite another Mr. Irving, and with Talma whom he cites, matter. We may be inclined to agree with

THE exhibition of art of the eighteenth century now open in the gallery of M. Georges Petit is a great success. All the objects have been very carefully selected-nothing but of the first order has been allowed to pass the scrutiny of the judges. The portraits include "Madame de Pompadour," by Boucher; "Madame du Barry," by Drouais; and a bust of "Sophie Arnould," by Houdon.

instead of with Diderot. But we take the THE posthumous exhibition of the works of truth of the matter to be this, that even the French painter Sellier is now open at the Diderot, a critic who greatly esteemed the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. The Catalogue is pre-presence of sensibility-not to say of gush-in faced by a study of the artist by M. Jules the art of painting, would not altogether deny its advantage in the art of acting; and that, on the other hand, Mr. Irving himself would


A ROMAN mosaic of almost unique import

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