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JAN. 12, 1884.-No. 610.]

streams of the River Plate as far as Asuncion on the Paraguay, some 1,300 miles from the coast. In these wild sub-tropical regions, never before visited by an English yachtsman, some novel experiences are met with, as in Gran Chaco while navigating a large lagoon near Paraguay, when the vessel became, not ice-bound, but "lily bound." As it lay at anchor during a calm, the camelotas floating down in myriads got foul of the chains, and gradually accumulating, formed round about the yacht

"one great island of beautiful lilies in leaf, in flower and fruit. Finding that these were causing us to drag our anchors, we left off hanging over the bows, living up to the precious things,' and, waxing unaesthetic, commenced to ruthlessly cut them away with cutlasses and hatchets, a long and tedious process." Here also an opportunity was afforded of verifying the statement that the curious pavo birds will remain quietly perched on a tree to be shot in detail, if the sportsman is fortunate enough to knock one over before the flock takes wing.

An interesting account is given of the present social and political state of Paraguay and its heroic Guarani inhabitants, who appear to show no signs of recovery from the disastrous war waged by Lopez against his powerful Brazilian and Argentine neighbours. But, although the country seems to have no future, "her people dance and sing and weave garlands of flowers in the sunshine; like the practical epicureans that they are.”

cluding this episode, and a diversion to British than when dealing with literary ladies.
Guiana and Barbados, where the yacht was Opportunities to do so were few, and were as
laid up, the cruise and land journey, extend- welcome as a holiday. To him, as to most
ing over a period of twenty months, from men of the age, it was a surprise that women
August 1880 to April 1881, covered altogether should write so well; and he expressed his
a distance of some 22,000 miles, a sufficiently surprise, not in Johnsonian style, to the effect
noteworthy performance for a yawl of eighteen that the marvel lay not in their writing so
tons register, manned by a crew of four well, but in their writing at all, but with the
A. H. KEANE. charming extravagance of a school-girl.
amateurs and a cabin-boy.
From the choral tribute of contemporary

"Eminent Women Series.

(W. H.

Maria Edgeworth. By Helen Zimmern. hyperbole it is well to turn to Byron's judg
ment of these works, expressed with his
usual searching insight: "they excite no feel-
ing, and they leave no love-except for some
Irish steward or postillion. However, the
impression of intellect and prudence is pro-
The value of
found, and may be useful."
the moral tales is discussed with much keen
sense by Miss Zimmern. Her final remark
on their popularity contains an excellent

FEW literary women have possessed more genuine pretensions to eminence than Maria Edgeworth, and her right to a place in Mr. Ingram's series may not be disputed. For many years of her long life she was indeed pre-eminent. From nearly all her contemporaries her works received unmeasured applause, while she herself was prodigiously caressed by society. This success was owing in no slight degree to her social gifts, her powers of observation and conversation, her admirable good sense and serene geniality. The story of her life has never before been told with such completeness. Miss Zimmern's style is in accord with her subject; and her work is commendably free from digressions, skilfully arranged, and well-proportioned. There is much that is interesting, even more that is attractive, in Maria Edgeworth's life. Her strong life-long affection for her father is very charming. It is something even deeper Several well-written chapters are devoted and more pathetic than the love Mdme. de to a graphic account of a long ride across the Staël bore towards her father. Miss Zimmern Argentine States to the remote province of instinctively recognises in this ruling passion Tucuman, the "Eden of South America," a biographical fact of primary importance, the over 1,100 miles from the coast. During this key-stone of a life not less exemplary in itself expedition good opportunities were afforded than fruitful in influencing others. The right of studying the present condition of the estimation of this fact may seem a slight Pampas lands and their wild Gaucho inhabit-matter, yet it is on some such fundamental ants. But it requires no small amount of credulity to accept some of the astounding instances of the preternatural sagacity of these semi-nomad children of the prairie. Two Englishmen, we are told, were once sleeping in a lone hut, when one of them, hearing a noise in the bush, hurriedly put on the wrong boots in the dark, and went out with his gun in the hope of getting a shot at some nightly prowler. In the morning his Gaucho servant said to him, "What did you think there was in the bush when you went out last night, Señor?" "How do you know I went out ?" "I saw the marks of boots in the ground, not your boots, but your friend's; but it was your tread!"

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But space will allow no more than the briefest allusion to the venal judges, disreputable clergy, visiting saints, mediaeval systems of torture still in vogue, the teeming insect life, the "Colorado bichos and locusts, the weird forests of giant cacti, the Quichua-speaking Spanish communities, the clever Bolivian "collas" or medicinemen, the concave roads, crazy ferry-boats, and other varied sights and scenes of this strange borderland between civilisation and barbarism.

On the return voyage, a visit was paid to the almost unknown islet of Trinidad east from Rio de Janeiro, abounding in tame fish, still tamer water-fowl, and horrible land-crabs, but destitute of all other animal life. In

truth that all biography, worthy of the title,
rests. To it may be traced all that is valuable
in Miss Zimmern's book, its consistency and
unity and truth.

It is to be feared that the present genera-
tion does not read Maria Edgeworth. There
is, perhaps, little cause to regret that her
fashionable novels and prolix moralities are
now relegated to the limbo of fossil fiction.
It is greatly to be deplored, on the other
hand, that her delightful stories for children,
so full of happy, artless grace and exquisite
fancy, should give place to writings in every
One would hope, too, that the
sense inferior.
humour of Castle Rackrent was as evergreen
as the shamrock, that the fame of the one
work of Maria Edgeworth that has never been
overrated would last beyond our time, and
that it was still read. Yet it is not easy to
meet with this admirable book, and few novel-
readers can give much account of it. Perhaps
both it and the children's stories are suffering
their unmerited share of the retribution of
time and the reaction from the extreme
laudation of Almeria and Manoeuvring.
must be confessed that Miss Zimmern's criti
cism of those works is not so sound as her
excellent estimate of the juvenile series.
She quotes Macaulay's well-known commenda-
tion of The Absentee with the remark, "No
mean authority and no mean praise!" and
without the faintest reprehension. Like most
literary men, Macaulay was never less critical

aperçu :

"Like all Miss Edgeworth's writings, they found instant favour, and were translated into from their merits, we cannot avoid the inference that this circumstance points to a great lack of contemporary foreign fiction of a pure and attractive kind."

French and German. With no desire to detract

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Miss Zimmern is a little prone to exaggerate the importance of women's work in literature. It is difficult to restrain a smile when we are told that, "When the literary history of the nineteenth century is written, its historians will be amazed to find how important a part the contributions of women have played therein; and this is observed à propos of Maria Edgeworth and her contemporaries. Surely the fact that they played a part is more important than the part they played, and the amazement of the future historian will be duly tempered with the proverbial justice of posterity. Miss Zimmern's natural appreciation of nineteenth-century literature is combined with a little injustice towards the eighteenth century. In allusion to the worldliness and somewhat low morale of Maria Edgeworth's heroines, who are ever looking out "for a good establishment," Miss Zimmern remarks:

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But, after all, she was teaching only in accordance with the superficial philosophy of the last century, which led people to found their doctrines entirely upon self-interest." In what respect, it may be asked, did they differ from the practice of the present century? In another place we read of "the crude mechanical school of Rousseau," and feel it hard that Rousseau's theories should be involved in Mr. Edgeworth's and Thomas Day's clumsy application of them.

These little blemishes, however, do not affect the general excellence of Miss Zimmern's book, which will do good service to literature if it only assist in a revival of Maria Edgeworth's writings and a reconsideration of her place in literature. It also furnishes some capital little pictures of the home-circle at Edgeworthstown and the interesting Lichfield society presided over by the amiable and accomplished Anna Seward.



The Institutes of the Law of Nations: a
Treatise of the Jural Relations of Separate
Political Communities. By James Lorimer.
Vol. I. (Blackwood.)

The Nature of Positive Law. By John Light-
wood. (Macmillan.)


has been gradually becoming more and more
clearly defined, but now the fog threatens to
settle down once more. say that juris-
prudence should be confined to the study of
existing laws, argues Mr. Lightwood, "seems
seek to improve the current text-books in
equivalent to saying that we may, indeed,
dynamics, but must not seek to alter their
substance." The analogy is sound on neither
side. There are hidden phenomena in existing
systems of law, as there may be hidden forces
in nature; to discover them, or to give a
new true explanation of known phenomena,
is within the province of the jurist, as it is
within that of the physical philosopher to dis-
cover existing but unknown facts, or to give
a new and true explanation of known facts;
but beyond this neither may go. We cannot
allow a jurist finally to decide whether the
rules of succession to personal property and to
real property should be made identical, any
more than we should take the opinion of a
professor of applied mathematics on the ques-
tion whether steam engines have benefited the
human race. Of a hundred things which
must be considered in deciding whether a law
is good or bad, such as the temper of the
people, or the economical effects of the law, the
jurist, as jurist, knows nothing. Mr. Light-
wood himself recognises this when he says
that where there is a conflict of interests the
source of law must be legislation, not science.
He ignores the fact that in the making of new
laws, which is not merely formal, whether it
is made directly by Parliament or indirectly
by judges, there is always a conflict of in-

The History and Principles of the Civil Law of
Rome: an Aid to the Study of Scientific
and Comparative Jurisprudence. By Sheldon
Amos. (Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co.)
THE first volume of Prof. Lorimer's Institutes
is devoted to international recognition and to
the normal, or peace, relations of States; the
second will treat of their abnormal relations-
of belligerency and neutrality. The portion
of the work which has already appeared has
all the merits of his former books: it is
written in a clear and vigorous style, it dis-
plays a wide knowledge of his subject, and it
is full of bold and independent thought. If
he could only convert us to his own sturdy
belief in the law of nature-of which he
holds all true and valid laws to be the realisa-
tion-we should feel that he had swept away
half the difficulties of the subject. His aim
is "to place International Law on deeper and
more stable foundations than comity or con-
vention." In his view, recognition is not an
act of courtesy or comity, but is a right which
cannot be jurally withheld; there is no such
thing as purely conventional law; unnatural
laws are not laws, extradition is a natural
duty. The point of view from which Prof.
Lorimer regards law is in many ways so
remarkable that we must defer a fuller con-
sideration of his book till the appearance of
the second volume. We refer to it at pre-
sent in connexion with a book of a very
different character-Mr. Lightwood's Nature
of Positive Law. At the outset Mr. Lightwood
and Prof. Lorimer are as far apart as two
thinkers can well be. The former criticises
Austin by the light which Sir Henry Maine
has furnished; in the eyes of the latter the
progress of the historical method is the rising
of the tide of empiricism. Yet, travelling by
different roads, they both arrive at very nearly
the same conception of jurisprudence. Mr.
Lightwood defines it "as a science which has
for its ultimate aim the ascertainment of rules
which shall regulate human relations in ac-
cordance with the common-sense of Right;"
the Law of Nations, according to Prof.
Lorimer, is "the law of nature realised in the
relations of separate nations."
Both agree
that it is within the province of jurisprudence
to determine the goodness or the badness of
laws. And their tests are alike. Mr. Light-
wood's test is public opinion, or, where this
opinion cannot be directly ascertained, utility;
and Prof. Lorimer's law of nature is only a
glorified utility. They carry out their prin-
ciples, indeed, with unequal boldness. While hood. We do not lose sight of the ability
the one would say that a law which is neither with which Mr. Lightwood supports his
popular nor useful is an exceptional pheno- theory of law, when we say that the best
menon, the other courageously holds that "a parts of his book consist of his sketch of the
private law founded on an erroneous growth of Roman law (selected as the best
interpretation of natural law, however for- example of a system whose development has
mally enacted, is not a law at all in the sense been little affected by external circumstances),
which attaches to law as falling within the and his exposition of the different views of
scope of the science of jurisprudence." When the English and the German schools of juris-
so much is being done to improve on Austin, prudence. Is it due to Mr. Lightwood that
it is surely to be regretted that such a back- another English translation of Thering's Der
ward step should be made. Jurisprudence Kampf um's Recht has recently appeared?


Of Mr. Sheldon Amos's Roman Civil Law we cannot speak very warmly. His aim, indeed, is excellent. Before the study of Roman law can become of real service in legal education, we must be ready to go direction was made by the publication of beyond the Institutes. A step in the right Holland and Shadwell's Select Titles from the Digest. But there is still need of "a trustworthy guide to those who propose to study the Corpus Juris, or parts of it, exhaustively." Mr. Amos, however, does not play the part of Blackstone very well. It is in the study of such titles as Possession that the student has real need of preliminary guidance; but as to the nature of Possession and the growth of the conception Mr. Amos has not made up his own mind, and he gives an account of it which is both hazy and incorrect. But the most serious defect of the book is its failure to fulfil the promise of its title. We have a sketch of the external history of the law before Justinian, and a sketch of its external history in modern times; and between these sketches is sandwiched a summary of the principles of the law as it existed in Justinian's time. There are plenty of existing text-books which relate to external history; but what the student needs more than this is an introduction to the history of the principles themselves. Of the history of contract or of the rules of succession Mr. Amos has little to say. The student, moreover, will have to read with some suspicion such history as Mr. Amos is content to give. The account of the jus gentium is so obviously unsatisfactory that perhaps it will lead nobody astray; but he perpetuates a mischievous error when he says that Roman law preponderates in Bracton. We must not, however, do Mr. Amos's work injustice. His aim, as we have said, is excellent; and, in default of a more scientific work, the student will find that a summary of the whole law, such as is given him here, will be of very considerable service. G. P. MACDONELL.


Juan de Valdés' Commentary upon St. Paul's
First Epistle to the Church at Corinth.
Now first Translated by John T. Betts.

Golden Thoughts from the Spiritual Guide of
Miguel Molinos. With Preface by J. Henry
Shorthouse. (Glasgow: Bryce; London:
Fisher Unwin.)

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In other respects Mr. Lightwood's book is full of interest. It is an attempt to arrive at such a conception of law as recent historical research demands; and both he and Prof. Clark, working independently, have arrived at nearly the some result. What is the true characteristic of law? It is not the sanctioning force, though that may exceptionally be the only support; it is rather public opinion. And he defines a law as a rule explanatory of a rule of morality, ascertained by proper authority, and resting upon the assent of the community." The terms of the definition may be improved; but probably no more precise statement would apply to all societies. (It may be observed, in passing, that by his own definition Mr. Lightwood is guilty of an illegal act in publishing a book without an index.) He is less successful in the distinction which he draws between law and morality. He says that "all the rules of morality may be assumed to be known, and THE "Considerations" of Juan de Valdés and yet that the best disposed individual may the works of Miguel Molinos found English often be in doubt as to how he is to observe admirers and were translated in the seventhem "-and the law gives him the infor- teenth century by men whose general opinions mation. Yet to the natural mind perjury were singularly in contrast with the theois not less obviously immoral than false-logical views of the originals. Valdés, whose opinions more nearly resemble those of the Friends or of the Plymouth Brethren of our day, than those of any other sect, was englished in 1638 by Nicholas Ferrar, one of the noblest of those High Churchmen who have attempted to graft a modified monastic rule upon the Church of England. The works of Molinos, the Quietist, who carries absorption to its highest pitch, and sublimates Christianity till its essence has well-nigh evaporated, were collected, turned into French, and published at Amsterdam in 1688, under the care of the

turbulent and intriguing (though The Pastoral Care shows that there was another side to his character) Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury. It is interesting to enquire what it was in these Italianised Spaniards of whom the one taught at Naples (1530-41), the other at Rome (1665-96)—which attracted to them men of schools of thought in some respects so opposite to their own.

Juan de Valdés, as a commentator, is wellnigh unique. His commentaries are the most personal and subjective of any that I know. Though of considerable scholarship evidently translating from, and able to think in, the original Greek; showing on every page that he was no unworthy friend of Erasmus; not unacquainted, as his noble version of the Psalms proves, with the Hebrew-he makes no parade of his learning, but sedulously depreciates it in comparison with inward light. In textual criticism he is wholly subjective; thus, he thinks the words, 1 Cor. i. 12, "and I of Cep has, and I of Christ," an interpolation, simply from his exegesis of the context. As a translator his renderings are often singularly happy. On difficult and disputed points he either says plainly that he does not understand them, or gives his opinion as one of many from which the reader must make his choice. In accordance with this, his theory of inspiration is far removed from the Protestant one of verbal inspiration. He does not hesitate to say, e.g., 1 Cor. v. 9-13, "St. Paul, throughout this passage, speaks so confusedly that it is scarcely possible to understand what he means." Apostolic inspiration differs only in degree and not in kind from that of every true Christian. He is free from Bibliolatry, and says "that the faith which springs from man's report, or from the Scriptures, will never plant them in the Kingdom of God." The doctrine of imputation he holds in its most extreme form, and also that of election. Assurance consists in inward peace of conscience. His views of baptism are high, but on the Eucharist he is far more reticent. His attitude generally is that of an esoteric teacher speaking to a select circle of disciples. At times he seems conscious of what is lacking in this attitude: "Were it permitted to true Christians to live Christianly, they would not have to hide up they do." Yet he does not attain to toleration; he would have all the vicious and those who differ "excommunicated and cast out of the Christian Church." What, then, is it in such a writer which could attract G. Herbert and Ferrar in the times of the Puritans? The magnet is, I think, his incomparable style. Valdés saw that beauty of language does not consist in elaboration and affectation, but in natural fitness to the thought. He never descends to the coarse abuse of opponents current in his day. To read his works is like listening to the conversation of a high-bred, courteous gentleman; he says plainly what he thinks, he is not afraid to call a spade a spade, yet he still preserves all the grace of the most refined courtier. This is the charm of Valdés. It is for this that he will find readers fit, if few; and of those whose religious views are in sympathy with his, he must ever remain a most choice favourite.

Molinos presents us with a more difficult, but not less interesting, problem. Though at frst his writings were received with favour in

Italy and at Rome, it is hardly exact to imply that his condemnation was due to the Jesuits alone. He was condemned by Bossuet and by Fénelon. Burnet's attraction to him can have consisted solely in the fact that he was condemned by Rome. Mr. Shorthouse concludes his Preface with a page of rare eloquence and beauty in praise of the service of the Mass; but, though Molinos wrote a treatise on Daily Communion, his followers seem to have been first remarked, and afterwards detected, by their abstention from the Mass as well as from other external observances. This volume is called Golden Thoughts, and beautiful some of them are; yet the sense of straining and effort after an almost unattainable end contrasts sadly with the deep calm of the De Imitatione; and of the penultimate chapter, the climax of the whole, the conclusion is, "Walk, therefore, in this safe path, and endeavour to overwhelm thyself in this nothing [the italics are not ours]; endeavour to use thyself, to seek deep into it, if thou hast a mind to be annihilated, united, and transformed." What is this but Nihilism? Can it be, as Menendez Pelayo has suggested, that the revived study of Molinos marks a secret sympathy between his doctrines and those of pessimism and agnosticism? Neither Juan de Valdés nor Molinos attains the highest rank. Even as mystics, both need the contact with practical life which did so much for St. François de Sales and for Sta. Teresa. Neither can vie with St. Augustin, who ruled the theological, or with St. Bernard, who swayed the political world of his day, yet whose mystic writings speak still to the inner soul of millions now, as they have done to successive generations of almost every Christian tongue and Christian sect in the past.

One word as to the merits of these translations: that of Mr. Betts is far superior. On p. 55, l. 11, of the Golden Thoughts a word must have dropped out. "Interiorising" is surely not a gain to English. Why follow Mr. Bigelow in saying that Molinos was born at Minozzi (Minuesa), in Aragon? This is like stating that an Englishman was born at Londres. Nor can Sta. Teresa be truly said to be "of Arila.


The Girl of the Period, and other Social Essays. By Mrs. Lynn Linton. In 2 vols. (Bentley.)

CONSIDERABLE interest attaches to the republication of these Essays. In the first place, there was long a doubt as to the identity of the author, which we were surprised to find settled in favour of a lady whose novels we so thoroughly dislike. Again, it is curious to be reminded of the fuss and indignation which were excited by the setting up and demolishing of that monster of fiction the Girl of the Period, and to note how far, and to what good purpose, the world has travelled since then. Still stranger is it to find that these papers, which, as we used to skim them each Sunday, seemed so largely tinctured with paradox and clever flippancy, when read in the light of later controversies are very full of truth and soberness. This, indeed, is the legitimate excuse for their re-appearance, and it is a very sufficient one. The book possesses a distinct value, not only as a permanent record of a bad tidal wave which passed over

(but by no means engulfed) Society when we were all about fifteen years younger, but as an able and cheerful polemic against most of the worst follies which will pester us, and possibly our children, to the last-recorded not without a good deal of plain-speaking, which may yet do something, as it must have done already, to stem the torrent.

Ephemeral in its exaggeration and nervous striving after effect such writing must be of necessity; but it would be unjust and ungenerous to deny that, taken as a whole, a rapid review of the book will cause most readers to modify very materially their opinion of its demerits. In fact, we agree in the main with Mrs. Linton's views as she summarises them in her Preface. "More than ever convinced that I have struck the right chord of condemnation," she says, "I neither soften nor retract a line of what I have said. One of the modern phases of womanhood-hard, unloving, mercenary, ambitious, without domestic faculty, and devoid of healthy natural instincts-is still to me pitiable mistake and a grave national disaster." As in her attack on what she called the "Shrieking Sisterhood," she still disapproves of a "public and professional life for women,' thinking "that the sphere of human action is determined by the fact of sex, and that there does exist both natural limitation and natural direction."


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Probably no satirist has ever yet been fair to his victims, for exaggeration is the practical difference between satire and history. If something, therefore, is to be conceded to a Persius or a Churchill, still more may be allowed to a weekly Juvenal who can only instruct by amusing. In the existence of the Girl of the Period probably no one ever seriously believed any more than in the possibility of a Mrs. Gamp; but there can hardly be much doubt that the monster was compounded of certain well-defined follies and vices, which were each sufficiently unmistakeable and prominent at the time in various individuals. The famous article will now be read with little more than antiquarian interest, since the monster it attacks has now somewhat changed her mien; but we can hardly dismiss as of bygone interest such passages, for instance, as the description of a "fair young English girl"-"a creature generous, capable, modest, something franker than a Frenchwoman, more to be trusted than an Italian, as brave as an American but more refined, as domestic as a German and more graceful," with much more that is well worth an English girl's attention.

The papers on "Modern Mothers" are, perhaps, too severe; but they strike at a crying evil, and are scarcely yet out of date. It would be useless to single out for special mention a few of the essays, which, indeed, preserve a pretty uniform level of tone and of ability. Nor do we wish to point out those which, while passing at the time without reproof, seem now open to the charge of bad taste. There is often in the very titles a something not quite pleasant, and much also on the surface; but, considering the necessity of writing up to the popular craving for novelty and piquancy, the general impression is one of sound sense and apparent rectitude of feeling. Two volumes, and bulky volumes, of light satires on departed follies are rather

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a remarkable sobriety and accuracy of judg ment. The importance of Beyle in French literary history is something of a modern discovery, and M. Bourget has a right to claim a position as one of its chief expositors, but he is not carried away by "discoverer's mania.' Altogether the book is a very good one, and may be said definitely to increase Par by one the for some time past dwindling list of contemporary French critics of a high class.

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Red Deer. By Richard Jefferies. (Longmans.)
Everything that Mr. Jefferies writes about
wild nature is worth reading, for he pos-
sesses both an observant eye and a descriptive
pen. But we had begun to fear that he had
yielded to the temptation that besets every
successful man of letters nowadays of repeating
ad nauseam those effects by which he first won
breaks new ground-for him, though the
reputation. In the present little volume he
ground is not so entirely new as he would have
his readers think. He takes us to Exmoor, the
one part of England where deer are still found
wild, and the one part of the United Kingdom
where they are still hunted with hounds and
horses for the legitimate object of slaughter.
He describes the hunt, though apparently not
as one who has taken part in it. His main
purpose, however, is to describe the red deer
themselves, and the peculiar tract of country
which is, as it were, consecrated to them. From
the huntsman and the "harbourer" he has
picked up many wrinkles; but he has also
much to tell from his own keen experience. The
readers of his other books-and who has not
read them?-will find the same elaboration of
details that would be tedious if each detail were
not true and expressed in such choice English.
The book, it must be confessed, is a slight one,
and somewhat lengthened out with poachers'
stories. Still, it is one not to be overlooked by
those who love nature and the literature of

was the true title of the work referred to in the Preface as a "Year in a Lancashire Garden". yet the treatment is all the author's own. Mr. the poets; E. V. B. draws her chief charm from Milner indulged in bountiful quotations from the personal associations she is able to weave

round her flowers, her shrubs, her trees, and her birds. In addition, she has used with much effect for head- and tail-pieces that graceful pencil with which the world is already familiar. It must be a grievous thought to some who were themselves brought up in a garden, that their children cannot have the same privilege. Half the pleasures of the country are due to the revival of old memories.

John Bull and his Island. By Max O'Bell. Translated from the French under the supervision of the Author. (Field & Tuer.) It is unnecessary now to recommend this book to anyone. It deserves to have the same sort of success as had The Fight in Dame Europa's School or The Battle of Dorking. We will only remark that the translation has been unusually well done, and that the geniality of the satire is undergone this process. attested by the success with which it has John Bull's best

defence is that "Max O'Rell" knows little of the inside of an English home, and still less of English country life.

It is impossible not to regret that M. Bourget has deferred, or appeared to defer, to contemporary fashion (unkind folk might call it contemporary cant) by calling his book "psyehological" essays. Who will deliver us from psychology and physiology and all the rest of the pseudo-scientific jargon in matters literary? M. Bourget would be at least as well qualified as another to attempt this deliverHe has in reality given us five excellent literary essays-on Baudelaire, on M. Renan, on Flaubert, on M. Taine, and on Beyle. But his title, or rather the aim which prescribed his title, has induced him to dwell chiefly on the mental peculiarities of his authors as displayed in their works, and on the effect which these peculiarities exercise on the mental development of their readers. For our part, we frankly own to a preference, in matters literary as in others, for dealing with the ding an sich; but that is, no doubt, a personal preference and an arguable point. However this may be, M. Bourget has, as a matter of fact, been led very little, if at all, astray by his desire to elevate or to degrade (let us give the fullest choice of terms) literary criticism into a branch of experimental science. His five essays are all remarkable pieces of work. The first, on Baudelaire, is the shortest, and not, we think, the best; for M. Bourget hardly gives sufficient expression to Baudelaire's remarkable faculty of irony, and to the strong and sound sense which lay behind his affectations and extravagances. Unquestionably the critic is aware of these things, and more than one remark of his suggests his knowledge. But a reader of his essay who did not know Baudelaire's own work, and had not corrected the Fleurs du Mal by La Fanfarlo and the critical essays, might go off with the same entirely erroneous notion of the with a glossary to his other books. Quite apart which we have not had access, purports to be

poet which has deceived not merely the common herd of Philistia, but even such a writer as Mr. Henry James. On M. Renan M. Bourget is copious and extremely interesting; as a characterisation of the man, his paper is the best critical study yet published. That on Flaubert is also very good, and M. Bourget does yeoman's service in showing how

Sailors' Language: a Collection of Sea-Terms
and their Definitions. By W. Clark Russell.
(Sampson Low.) Mr. Clark Russell, like Mr.
Jefferies, has got the ear of the public; and, in
a matter of this kind, the public are never
entirely wrong. In this book he provides us
from the attraction the sea will always exercise
on Englishmen, there is a special attraction in
sea-slang, which is not so entirely unintelligible
to landsmen as Mr. Clark Russell seems to
imply. There are, of course, a large number of
purely technical terms which can only be ex-
plained by experience, or, perhaps, by illustra-
tion. But most of the metaphors and proverbs
would, we venture to think, be sufficiently
understood by all who have kept their eyes and

An Infallible Way to Contentment in the Midst of Public and Personal Calamities. First published in the year 1638. (Religious Tract Society.) This is the third of the society's "Companions for a Quiet Hour." We have read it with much interest, and can testify that it is judicious and sober in tone, singularly free from all trace of sectarianism, uniformly well written, and that it attains often to a considerable degree of eloquence, which is well sustained, and shows but little tendency to sink into the bathos that is the pitfall of minor writers of the seventeenth century. Scattered through it are interesting historical allusions, such as the metaphor from the closing of the Exchequer at p. 109. From the references to Hobson, the carrier, Hieron (here spelt Heiron), and Luther, and, among others, the concluding passages referring to "reproaches, oppressions, into prisons, draggings before tribunals," we and persecutions; false accusations, halings had suspected that the author was a Cambridge man, and a Nonconformist of the school of

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Baxter. But we are indebted to the courtesy
of the secretary of the Religious Tract Society
for the information that the original edition, to
by the author of The Devout Communicant-i.e.,
Abednego Seller, then rector of a parish in
Devonshire, and afterwards a non-juror. Par-
ticulars of his life and works are given in
Wood's Athenae; and Hearne makes mention of
him in 1705 as recently dead, and as having
supplied Cave with materials for his Historia
Literaria. Perhaps the attribution may be
open to some doubt; but there can be no doubt
on another point-viz., the writer's indebted-
The latter's Art of Contentment was published
ness to the author of The Whole Duty of Man.
in 1675, and a comparison of the two shows that
the later author was indebted to the earlier not
only for the general scheme of his treatise, but
also for many illustrative details. It may be
added that Fell, at the end of his Preface to
plains of another imitation of the Contentment
published in the form of an Appendix to it
and entitled The Art of Patience under al

that great novelist was a romantic, and not a naturalist, in creed and method. With the fourth essay, that on M. Taine, we confess somewhat less satisfaction; not that it does not contain much good literary criticism, and, like that on M. Renan, some acute analysis of character. But M. Bourget seems to us to put the brilliant author of Thomas Graindorge a little Of the many matters in it that have arrested the anonymous author's collected works, com

too high in the scale. To most English readers the last essay, that on "Stendhal," will contain most that is new, for the author of the Chartreuse de Parme is anything but 80 well known here as he ought to be. Besides this accidental attraction, the paper (which, though its length is considerable, we could wish longer and increased by a detailed notice of all Beyle's work) is distinguished by

ears open. To say (p. ix.) that "sailors' talk is
a dialect as distinct from ordinary English as
Hindustanee is, or Chinese," is certainly a gross
exaggeration. Still, we are far from wishing to
grumble (nautice "growl") at what Mr. Clark
Russell has here given us. It is undoubtedly
the best modern sailor's dictionary in existence.
our attention we will only mention "crinkum-
crankum whales"-those that can't be cotched;
and, with much deference, ask Mr. Clark
Russell to reconsider whether "on the beam"
is satisfactorily defined as "said of an object
right abreast."

Days and Hours in a Garden. By E. V. B.
(Elliot Stock.) A beautiful book in a beautiful
dress. Though the idea is admittedly taken
from Mr. Milner's Country Pleasures-for that

The Marriage Ring. By the Right Rev
Connor, and of Dromore.
Jeremy Taylor, D.D., Bishop of Down an
Fourth Edition of his ENIATTO published in 167
A Reprint from th
Edited, with a Preface, Appendix, and Notes
by Francis Burdett Money Coutts. (Bell.)

an accurate and carefully annotated reprint of one of the choicest masterpieces of English rhetorical prose this book is very acceptable, though perhaps the Parchment Series might have suggested a more desirable format. But it claims to be more than this, and is, in fact, an édition de luxe with a purpose. The Appendix, so modestly indicated on the title-page, occupies considerably more space than Jeremy Taylor's discourse; and we are invited to regard it as "an essay, in which it is sought to develop the ideas of marriage, suggested in The Marriage Ring, with reference to social problems of the present day." While doing full justice to the author's intentions, to the delicacy of his thought and expression, to the catholicity of his literary taste, to the wide range of his reading, we cannot help expressing a doubt whether this "ethical Appendix is not an excrescence on a work of the apparent character of that before us. The editor's practical conclusion is to be found in his closing words :"It is a solemn thought for the pure of the Christian upper classes, and especially the women, that, after all, some of the roots of vice may be in themselves, in their own false and inadequate ideas. They cannot keep their children's hearts empty, swept, and garnished." Let them, therefore, people them with those ideas of love and marriage which religion inculcates and the moral sense approves."

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This is no doubt a problem of vast importance to society, but it is scarcely one to be treated in an édition de luxe of an English classic.



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An Illustrated Manual of Object Lessons. Containing Hints for Lessons in Thinking and Speaking. Edited from the work of F. Wiedermann by Henrietta and Wilhelmina Rooper. (Sonnenschein.) This book is evidently the product of actual experience in the teaching of little children, and differs materially from the ordinary manuals of object lessons, in which lists of "qualities,' ""parts," and arranged in a more or less scientific order, with a great array of technical terms. Familiar objects, such as a chair, a knife, a stocking, and a window, are taken one after another and made the subject of little conversational exercises, beginning with something very familiar and within the range of an infant's experience, and carrying him on to some facts which lie a little way beyond it. The book will strike most teachers as needlessly bulky in proportion to the amount of material or suggestion which it contains. A good many questions and answers are printed at length which will seem to many readers to be either trivial or redundant. It is rather in regard to the method than to the substance of these elementary lessons on common things that the book is likely to prove helpful to young teachers. By insisting on the necessity of obtaining from children, in answer to questions, entire sentences instead of single words, the authors make their object lessons, from the first, a discipline in expression and in the right use of language-a point of considerable importance too generally overlooked by teachers of infants. And by regarding the object lesson, not as a lecture, but as a sort of Socratic colloquy, in which the children themselves shall take an active part, the book shows how the faculties of observation and reflection may be effectively called forth in dealing with the most farhiliar experience of common life. The clever little blackboard diagrams which accompany the lessons are not the least useful and novel features of a very suggestive book.

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weights and measures, and on the general properties of matter. Very youthful and inexperienced teachers of infants may perhaps gain a few useful hints from it. But neither in the subjects chosen nor in the method of treatment is there anything original or specially deserving of praise. The author is unable to divest himself of the pedantry which regards it as the highest triumph of an "object lesson" to explain the meaning of such abstract terms as perpendicular, oblique, opaque, porous, malleable, ductile, tenacious, granular, and absorbent-words which have no proper place at all in the vocabulary of little children. He is apparently unaware that it is through their slavery to formulae of this kind that so many teachers in infant schools have allowed their lessons to fall into a mechanical routine; have substituted mere verbiage for mental training; and have failed altogether to fulfil the proper purpose of an object lesson, which is to awaken an observant interest in familiar things, and to teach in an untechnical way some of those elementary facts of nature which may form the best foundation for the future study of physical science. The somewhat pretentious and superficial attempt to explain the philosophy of the whole subject which is made in the Preface will hardly atone, with readers who possess any practical knowledge of infant discipline, for their disappointment on finding that the book itself does so little to enlarge the range of that knowledge, or to suggest any better methods of training, interrogation, or mental development than are already in daily use in ordinary infant schools.

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MESSRS. KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, & Co. will publish in the course of the next ten days a will be Social Problems, and it will deal with new work by Mr. Henry George. The title the questions raised in his previous book, Progress and Poverty.

MR. ELLIOT STOCK announces an edition of Gray's "Elegy," with illustrations taken principally from the scenery round Stoke Pogis, and with facsimiles of the author's early MS. copies of the poem.

IN the edition of Dr. Bucke's Walt Whitman about to be published by Messrs. Wilson & M'Cormick, of Glasgow, some additional matter will be introduced giving a fuller record of the history of opinion in England with reference to Whitman. These Addenda, compiled by Prof. E. Dowden, will include the testimonies, among others, of George Eliot, Ruskin, Tennyson, Swinburne, Prof. Clifford, Archbishop Trench, R. H. Horne, J. A. Symonds, and W. M. Rossetti.

UNDER the title of The Revelation of the Father, Prof. Westcott will shortly publish a volume of lectures on the Titles of the Lord in the Gospel of St. John.

MESSRS. MACMILLAN announce a new American novel, to be called Bethesda; and also a school edition of the Greek text of Profs. Westcott and Hort's New Testament.

Ellicott, will be published at the end of the present month by Messrs. Cassell & Co. It extends from Job to Isaiah inclusive; and the contributors are the Rev. Stanley Leathes, the Rev. A. S. Aglen, the Rev. J. W. Nutt, Prof. Salmon, and Dean Plumptre. The fifth volume, completing the work, is in active preparation.

MESSRS. J. & R. MAXWELL announce as nearly ready The Touch of Fate, by Mrs. Posnett; Madeline's Mystery, edited by Miss Braddon; Cherry, in three volumes, by Mrs. C. Reade; A True Woman, by Mr. Percy B. St. John; Under the Will, by Miss M. C. Hay; and a cheap edition of "Rita's " novels, commencing

with Dame Durden.

MR. ELLIOT STOCK will shortly publish a volume of Epirote Folk Songs, translated by Miss Garnett, with an historical Introduction by Mr. J. Stuart Glennie.

A SECOND edition of Mr. T. Wemyss Reid's novel, Gladys Fane, has already been called for, and will be issued next Monday by Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, who will at the same time bring out a third edition of Arminius Vambéry: his Life and Adventures.

Series" will be The State and Education, by Mr. THE next volume in the " English Citizen Henry Craik, author of the recent Life of Swift, and general editor of the series.

WE learn that Mr. Griggs is making progress with his invaluable series of facsimiles of the original editions of Shakspere. The Passionate Pilgrim is now finished on stone, and will be printed off next week. Richard III. will follow

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By a clerical error the title of Mr. H. Schütz

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Wilson's forthcoming book has been announced
Stories" in History, Legend, and Literature,
instead of "Studies" in History, Legend, and

THE date of the Bewick sale, referred to in the ACADEMY of last week, has been altered. It is now fixed for Tuesday, February 5, and the two following days. The auctioneers are Messrs. Davison & Son, of Blackett Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

DR. KLUGE, of Strassburg, is to re-edit, for the Early-English Text Society, the Lives of Saint Margaret first edited by the late Oswald Cockayne, and issued by the society in 1866.

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THE ordinary lecture season at the Royal Stuart Poole is to give the first of two lectures Institution will begin next week. Mr. R. of Coins and Medals," on Tuesday, January 15; on "The Interest and Usefulness of the Study Prof. Ernst Pauer will, on Thursday, January 17, give the first of a course of six lectures on The History and Development of the Music for the Pianoforte and its Predecessors;" and on Saturday, January 19, Prof. Henry Morley will give the first of a course of six lectures on 66 Life and Literature under Charles I." The Friday evening meetings begin on January 18, when Prof. Tyndall will give a discourse on "Rainbows."

AT the meeting of the Clifton Shakspere THE fourth volume of the Old Testament Com-Society held on December 29 the following mentary for English Readers, edited by Bishop communications were read:-"The Writers of

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