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William Jennings Bryan's "The Fruit of the Tree," a striking address which won general appreciation when delivered at the World's Missionary Conference at Edinburgh last June, has been published in a convenient booklet by the Fleming H. Revell Company.

Henry Holt & Co. are just having to send to press for the fourteenth time Berthold Auerbach's masterpiece, "The Villa on the Rhine," which they first issued over forty years ago. They will signalize this new printing by issuing the book, which has appeared, during all that time, in two volumes, for the first time in one.

The increasing interest in amateur photography ensures a welcome for Adolphe Abrahams's little treatise on "The Photography of Moving Objects and Hand-Camera Work for Advanced Workers"-the more so because it is the fruit of long practical experience and is illustrated with numerous specimens of the results of this fascinating department of the photographer's art. E. P. Dutton & Co.

The painful ambiguity which sometimes arises from the names assumed by contemporary fiction-writers is clev

erly hit off by Punch in this paragraph about "The Greatest Little Lion.":


"So glad you've come. You're just in time to meet Evelyn Starker. dropped in quite informally, you know. No ceremony or anything of that sort." "Very glad to meet her," I murmured. "Her! My good man, you don't mean to say you haven't heard of Evelyn Starker? You've read his books, anyway. He wrote 'Fallacy or Phantasy' and "The Duke's Diogenes' and-and lots of others. Come on in. You'll find him awfully affable and nice considering what he is."

It is the desperado of the story rather than the real hero who gives his name to Caroline Lockhart's tale "Me-Smith" and it is a desperado of large and varied gifts in his particular line, but without a single redeeming quality unless mere brute courage is to be so reckoned. The story is one of the wild and lawless west; and there figure in it Indians and half-breeds, cowboys and ranchmen, a guileless and highminded "school-marm," a diligent and unsophisticated scientist, and a brave young deputy sheriff, who is the real hero. There is no lack of incident; from the first chapter to the last the story goes at a gallop; and it is still proceeding at a rapid pace when "Me

Smith" meets his tragic and well-deserved end. Four or five spirited illustrations interpret the situations and characters. J. B. Lippincott Co.

Fedor Dostoieffsky's masterpiece, "Crime and Punishment," is published in Everyman's Library, with an introduction by Laurence Irving. Diffuse as the author's style is, and numerous as are the digressions which hinder the movement of the plot, there is no escaping the intense realism of the story. And there is good reason for this, for the horrors which the author depicts in this and his other novels he had himself witnessed or experienced. He had himself stood upon the scaffold, with his hands bound, in momentary expectation of the execution of a death sentence; he had spent years in Siberia; and he had passed through the horrors of epilepsy, and lived a life of keenest deprivation. Yet, with it all, he did not lose hold upon spiritual realities. This is a marvelous book, and it is a satisfaction to have it accessible in so convenient a form. E. P. Dutton & Co.

In "Half a Hundred Hero Tales," edited by Francis Storr, and published by Henry Holt & Co., we have some delightful retellings of the old classical stories, of Ulysses and Eneas and Theseus and Hector and Hercules and Hero and Pygmalion and the rest-all of them told just as stories, without any attempt at didacticism, and with no pretence of following or translating ancient texts. Ten of the stories are borrowed from Hawthorne's "Tanglewood Tales" and one from Thomas Bulfinch; the other thirty-nine are original and represent the work of half a dozen different authors, cooperating with the editor, who himself contributes six to the collection. Some of the stories follow more closely than others the earlier forms, while some have

a decidedly light and modern touch; but all are cleverly told and all will appeal to the youthful imagination. There are eight full-page illustrations by Franck C. Papé.

In Carolyn Wells's new detective story, "The Gold Bag," the Fleming Stone who solved the mystery of "The Clue" reappears, but the hero is an admiring subordinate of his, a young man whose friendly human impulses threaten to interfere with his professional activities. Needless to say, there is a charming heroine, on whom falls the first suspicion for the murder of her rich uncle, found dead in his library chair the morning after he has threatened to disinherit her. The tale is brightly told; there is some good character sketching; the various clues -the yellow-rose petals, the transfer slip, the extra edition of the New York paper, and the gold bag itself-are all of the latest fashion; and the dénouement is an agreeable combination of expected and unexpected. But why did not Mrs. Egerton Purvis's card come to light sooner? J. B. Lippincott Co.

Readers who enjoyed "Pa Flickinger's Folks" will welcome a new story, "Opal," by Bessie R. Hoover, in which is realistically portrayed the romance of Pa Flickinger's youngest daughter, a high-school graduate, whose mother's ambition would have her study for her "stiffcut" and become a teacher, but for whom a stalwart farmer's sonthe proud owner of a buggy with red wheels-has different plans. The scene is laid in the suburbs of a western city; the characters are all workingpeople, whose manners and talk are rough and uncouth almost to the point of burlesque. To many the dialect will seem forbidding and the humor forced. But there is an undeniable quality of wholesomeness and right

feeling, which holds the reader in spite of his prejudices, and the Flickingers fitting out Opal for the picnic or William Panner writing to Butch to stick by his job may linger in the memory when more conventional characters are forgotten. Harper & Bros.

Harold Begbie's "Souls in Action" (George H. Doran Company) is a book similar in scope and purpose to his "Twice-Born Men," which attracted wide attention a year ago and was the subject of a striking symposium which The Living Age of February 5 and February 19, 1910, reprinted from the London Nation. But there is this difference. The earlier book was a series of studies of religious conversion as witnessed among London slumdwellers, in connection with the work of the Salvation Army; and most of the subjects were men. But in the present studies of "Christianity militant" the subjects, most of whom are women, are of a higher social class, saleswomen, governesses, etc., and the elevating agency among them is the West London Mission. But there is as much moral and spiritual tragedy in the second book as in the first, and the evidence of the present-day power of the gospel of Christ in transforming character and inspiring the most despairing with a new hope is hardly less convincing in the later book than in the earlier. Mr. Begbie studies these phenomena of religious experience with genuine sympathy and from first-hand information. The stories of the conquest of dipsomania through religious faith are especially noteworthy. Such narratives as "The Vision of a Lost Soul," "Betrayed,” “Out of the Depths” and "A Girl and Her Lover,"-simply and directly told as they are,-are extremely touching, and the "Tale of a

Treaty Port,". although different, is hardly less moving. Altogether, if one is in quest of present-day "evidences of Christianity" he will find both books full of them. To avoid confusion, it should be stated that the English title of the earlier book is "Broken Earthenware" and that of the later "In the Hands of the Potter."

There is an interval between babyhood and the school age when the small child is often a perplexing problem: how to employ his restless energies, or in the common phrase "how to keep him out of mischief" is a question which has perplexed many a mother. A hopeful solution to the problem is offered in Mr. V. M. Hillyer's "The Kindergarten at Home." The book. which is the work of an experienced teacher, is precisely what it purports. to be, a guide to simple kindergarten instruction which any mother, who is unable to send her child to a kindergarten, may use herself for the diversion of the small mind and the training of the little hands. Altogether. here are more than a hundred lessonsso arranged that each leads naturally to the next, in which a multitude of "gifts" and "occupations" are taught. all with the simplest material and at a minimum of trouble and expense. Most of the lessons are illustrated with simple drawings which make the use of the materials clear; and in addition to the regular daily lessons there are special lessons and designs suited to special days,-Christmas, Thanksgiving day, St. Valentine's day, Washington's birthday, etc. In homes where there are children between the ages of three and six, this book will be a boon alike to the children and those who have the care of them.. The Baker & Taylor Company.


No. 3484 April 15, 1911



1. Arnold Bennett: An Appreciation. By F. C. Bettany.

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II. The Declaration of London and Its Surrenders to Germany. By
H. W. Wilson
Ill. The Wild Heart. Chapters XVII. and XVIII. By M. E. Francis
(Mrs. Francis Blundell). (To be continued)
IV. The Economics of "Cheap." By Hilaire Belloc. DUBLIN REVIEW 154
V. The Works of J. M. Synge.

VI. Benjie and the Bogey Man. By Stephen Reynolds

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VII. At the Sign of the Plough. (Answers.) By Owen Seaman


VIII. Private and Public Salaries.



IX. Turkish Ambitions and British Interests.
X. Little Plays for Amateurs. IV. "The Lost Heiress." By A. A. M.



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FOR SIX DOLLARS, remitted directly to the Publishers, THE LIVING AGE will be punctually for warded for a year, free of postage, to any part of the United States. To Canada the postage is 50 cents per annum.

Remittances should be made by bank draft or check, or by post-office or express money order if possible. If neither of these can be procured, the money should be sent in a registered let ter. All postmasters are obliged to register letters when requested to do so. Drafts, checks, express and money orders should be made payable to the order of THE LIVING AGE CO.

Single Copies of THE LIVING AGE, 15 cents.

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And some will tell you of Evolution

With social science thereto: and some Look forth to the parable's retribution, When the lot is changed in the life to come,

To the trumpet sound and the great awaking,

To One with healing upon His wings In the house of the many mansions making

An end of the evil things.

In the name of Knowledge the race grows healthier,

In the name of Freedom the world grows great,

And men are wiser, and men are wealthier,

But-Lazarus lies at the rich man's gate;

Lies as he lay through human history. Through fame of heroes and pomp of Kings,

At the rich man's gate, an abiding mystery,

Receiving his evil things..
Alfred Cochrane.

The Spectator.


Ah! the long hours of waiting
Before the blesséd Morn,
When Night broods on the tree-tops
And Nature sighs forlorn;
Ah! in these hours of darkness
Illusion's veil is torn,

And bats fly in the night-time
Before the blesséd Morn,

Ah! the dread hours of silence,
When Hope with drooping wings
Sits staring through the darkness,
While gray imaginings

Come creeping through the shadows:
When Sleep no longer brings
The opiate branch of comfort
To banish cruel things.

Ah! now the long-sought daybreak
Comes floating on the breeze,
And Hope looks up from weeping,
Rejoicing as she sees

The bats fly from the sunlight,
While joyful in the trees
The Golden Birds of morning
Make music with the bees.

The Academy.

C. S.

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