398-410 971-972 Matty of Spitalfields, James Knowles, OLD-AGE pensions, ement of thrift, Miéville (Sir Walter F.), The New PAGET (Lady), A Child's Recollec Khartoum, 127-132 Military training and National defence, Mitra (S. M.), Lord Cromer and 'Modern Egypt,' Lord Cromer's book Modernism, A Vindication of, 311– Monster Warship, The Cult of the, Montgomery (H. J. B.), Criminals and Crime: a Reply by an Ex-Prisoner, tions, 232-244 Pall Mall Murder, The, of 1682, 272- 284 Pan-Anglican Congress, The, 898-902 Pantomime Fairy, Story of a, 138-143 assembly? 825-834 Party system, Government under the, Paul (Herbert), The Permanence of Peace, War, and Civilisation, 166-172 Petitot (Jean), Some New Informa Pictures and sculpture at the Salon Mythology and the historical origin of Poetry of Wordsworth, its permanence, fairies, 221-231 987-998 Polar displacements and earthquakes, Social Reform, The Emperor 144-150 Politics in Transition, 1-17 Pratt (Edwin A.), Sobriety by Act of Pro Deo et Patria, 476-484 Public Trustee, The, 297-304; Some QUEENSBERRY, The Duchess of, and the poet Gay, 773-786 RAILWAYS, The Nationalisation Reich (Dr. Emil), History and Char- Religious education in State schools, Religious equality in elementary Conversations with Zobeir Pasha at Gibraltar, 'Right to Work,' The, 999-1010 Roundell (Mrs. Charles), Extracts Royal Academy, Reflections at the Russell (Hon. Mrs. Bertrand), The SAINT-GERMAIN (The Comte de), St. Pancras School for Mothers, The, Salon, The Paris, and the Royal on the Public Trustee, 465–475 Self-help for the working classes, Settlements or Unsettlements? 365– William II. and, 38-47 A Soudan, Progress in the, 127-132 Zobeir Pasha and General Gordon, Spitalfields waifs and efforts to reclaim Stanley of Alderley (Lord), The Stirling (Mrs.), Fresh Light on Coke Stoker (Bram), The Question of a Sullivan (Sir Edward), A Belgian TARIFF Reform and Lord Randolph Tariff Reform, Labour and, 173–185 Temperance, alcoholism, and the Theatre, National, State support for a, Thrift and old-age pensions, 285–296 Tory Party, The, and Tariff Reform, Training Colleges and the Education Training for midwives, 90-97 Trout in Hampshire and Scotland, True Imperialism, The, 151-165 Tulloch (Major-General Sir Alexander Walker (Henry), Journalist of the Warship, Monster, The Cult of the, Wedmore (Frederick), James Knowles, Welldon (Bishop), James Knowles, Wells (Mr. H. G.), his Socialistic Whittaker (Sir Thomas P.), Will the PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO. LTD., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON |