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artist. The text intently perused, and the illustrations carefully examined, will give such a vigorous enjoyment to the mind, that whoever partakes of it will confess that he has had a high intellectual treat.

The text, superintended from the best, though hitherto neglected, edition, by Mr. Bolton Corney, is as correct as it is possible for it to be made; and the life, a very esteemed one, is amended, by copious and curious notes, by the same gentleman. The paper and printing are luxurious in the extreme, and the binding shows also a triumph of the bookbinder in at last producing a brilliancy of colour in the cloth that has not hitherto been able to be given to it.

Let the reader, however, judge for himself; and he will confess that it is a very tempting work, and one that, to make a present of, cannot be surpassed either in appropriateness or beauty.

A Guide to Fancy Needlework and Embroidery, with illustrative Engravings. 32mo.

This is one of many neat and useful little works published by Mr. Mitchell. It contains, in a small compass, a vast deal of information. There is first a very agreeably written introduction, on the advantages of Fancy Needlework; then comes an entertaining history of it, in which mention is made of the most important pieces of needlework, down to Miss Linwood's productions; and last, the important matter of the work, "A Guide to Fancy Needlework." And here follows an infinite variety of stitches, of all sorts and kinds; and it is so universal, that we expected to find an account of


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hemistiches," distiches," and all those "stiches" that the poets have indulged in. Next comes an account of the materials necessary for the art, including every thing, from "Berlin wool to gold, mother-ofpearl, and floss silk."

To give an idea of the mode in which it is executed, we cannot do better than quote the words of a very experienced young lady, to whom we have submitted it. She says, "It is

a very useful little work, and will greatly facilitate both teacher and pupil. No lady, after being acquainted with its contents, could think her work-table complete without it. To those who wish to acquire the art, it is a most clear guide, and also to the experienced it will give many valuable hints."

Eucharista. Meditations and Prayers
on the Most Holy Eucharist, from old
English Divines; with an Introduc-
tion, by Samuel Wilberforce. 32mo.
This is one of the most elegant
little books lately issued; and the
contents are tastefully and judici-
ously selected for the purpose they
are intended to answer. The intro-
duction is written with the earnest
spirit that belongs to the class of
Churchmen who are associated with
the author. There is a biographical
notice of authors from whom the
Meditations are selected; and the
Meditations are culled from the elo-
quent divines who are known as the
champions of the High Church. The
embellishments are imbued with an
elegant taste, that arises from a par-
tiality towards and intimacy with the
productions of the Roman Catholic
churchmen in its palmiest state. A
large class of the members of the
Church of England will be deterred
from using it by its missal-like ap-
pearance, though this will be the in-
ducement to purchase with that in-
creasing set, who, if not imbued with
the spirit of Roman Catholicism, at
least wish to re-introduce many of its
forms. For our own parts, we must
say we regard with great suspicion
the silent and apparently insidious
endeavours now making to enslave
the reasoning faculties, with regard
to religion, through the medium of
the imagination.

The Coltage on the Common, and The
Little Gleaners. By C. M., Author
of "The Child and the Hermit."
Sq. 32mo.

We are very glad to see C. M.
again in the shape of paper and print.
Her tale of "The Child and the Her-
mit" we had occasion to speak highly
of some time since, and we can say,
that the same interest attaches to

these stories, and the same knowledge of human childhood.

The Climate of the South of Devon · and its Influence upon Health; with short Accounts of Exeter, Torquay, Babbicombe, Teignmouth, Dawlish, Exmouth, Budleigh Salterton, Sidmouth, &c. By Thomas Shapter, M.D., Physician to the Exeter Dispensary, Lying-in Charity, &c. Post 8vo.

The reputation that Dr. Shapter has obtained, is such as to guarantee that he would not put forth a volume without bestowing great care upon it.

The climate is very minutely described from a series of scientific observations, and its effect on health and disease very clearly discussed.

The account of the various places is exceedingly interesting, and will be found valuable, not only to the invalid, but to the general traveller, or the resident inhabitant.

The Pictorial Edition of Shakspere. Part XLV. William Shakspere : a Biography. No. I. Royal 8vo.

This is the commencement of that Life in which Mr. Knight will pour forth the accumulated store of knowledge that he has so long been garnering on the subject; and we are quite sure that the scholar, as well as the general reader, will be delighted by the knowledge that will be thus laid before him. We have not space here to make any remarks on his very elaborate and excellent edition of the works; they are pretty well known to all readers of Shakespeare by this time, and will long exist a monument of tasteful and judicious zeal.

The Life will be more properly the Life and Times of Shakespeare, though the Times will only be recorded as reflecting on and affecting the genius of the poet; and so far the history may be legitimately very discursive. This is applying the same philosophical spirit to biography that has been latterly applied to history. It doubtless has its objections; and if deductions, however plausible, are drawn too closely, it leads the reader into a world of

hypothesis, which only elicits the probable biography of the subject. Mr. Knight, however, though possessing fully the true philosophic temperament, is not of that enthusiastic nature to lose himself in the vagaries of a strong imagination. He will adhere rigidly to the few landmarks that exist in this ocean of conjecture; and he will, we feel assured, from what he has done, strictly and sternly acknowledge the immense superiority of one well established fact, over the results of a theory, however apparently sound, in delineating that ever shifting and varying commodity, human character.

This first number is, doubtless, a very fair sample of the structure of the whole-and a broad and magnificent one it is. The relations in which the Poet is as yet manifested, are those relating to his "Ancestry," "The Town of Stratford," his family, as recorded in "The Registry," "The School," and "The School Boy's World." All these matters are fully yet most pleasantly examined and enlarged upon, and are copiously embellished with excellent designs from drawings recently made in the localities they illustrate. We shall hereafter more critically examine it as a whole; in the mean time, we say, let all who love the Poet, purchase this ample and pleasing account of him.

Canadian Scenery Iilustrated: Uniform with American Scenery, Switzerland, Scotland, &c. From Drawings by W. H. Bartlett, engraved in the first style of the Art, by R. Wallis, J. Cousen, Willmore, Brandard, Bentley, Richardson, &c. The Literary Department by N. P. Willis, Esq. Part 23.

These engravings, if not exactly in the "First style of the Art," are, nevertheless, exceedingly pretty, and give a lively idea of the scenes they depict. The Forest Scene shows the settler there is no lack of wood, though he might say, would there were. The Settler's Hut brings home vividly to one's mind the endurances to be sustained, where a £20 a year house would be considered a palace. The contrast, too, is the greater, being

seated in magnificent scenery. The other views are more cheering, and give an equally lively notion of the localities.

The letter-press, by Mr. Willis, is written in his light and agreeable style, and depicts a life so totally different to that highly civilized people are accustomed to, that it must prove interesting to those who have no idea of settling, but merely as showing the perseverance and fortitude of those who are laying the foundation of another mighty empire.

The Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland; Illustrated uniform with American Scenery, and by the same Artists. 4to. sewed. The Literary Department by N. P. Willis, Esq. Part XIV.

The Four Views given here are of the same class as those in "The American Scenery ;" and if not very extraordinary as engravings, are, "for the money, quite a heap." The letter-press is entertaining, and gives pleasantly the history and biography of the various places.

Part I. of Ranke's History of the Popes

of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Translated from the last edition of the German. By Walter K. Kelly, Esq., B.A. "Whittaker's Popular Library." Medium 8vo.

We look with much interest to this series of publications, regarding it as one of the most important experiments that have yet been made with respect to cheap literature. The intention of the publishers, so far as it is evidenced by what they have already done, appears to be something very different from what is too often apparent in the getting up of your popular literature. We have now-a-days plenty of what Bacon calls "distilled books," and which he dismisses with the contemptuous judgment that they are flashy things." Works of this class are for the most part made to order: they are not the production of authors who write out of the abundance of knowledge, or with the contagious earnestness of men who give utterance to their spontaneous thoughts and feelings on some favourite topic. For the most part,

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the only originality displayed about them belongs to the shrewd speculator who concocts their titles: these are afterwards parcelled out among a set of literary contractors, who fit each with a body, according to specification, as a builder runs you up a house, flimsy as a snailshell, but tricked out with the help of stucco, after the most approved fashion of the day, and so made vendible at least, if not inhabitable. The "Popular Library" of the Messrs. Whittaker comprises works of genuine excellence, the truly original productions of minds of a high order: in print, paper, and all the mechanical details of publication it is excellent, and its cost is such as to place it within the reach of the humblest student's means. We should be much inclined to regard the degree of public favour bestowed on this excellent series as a test of the healthiness of the popular taste in literature.

A well executed translation of Ranke's celebrated history in so cheap a form is an opportune offering to readers of the present day. There has sprung up amongst us a strong and growing tendency to search out all the elements of that surpassingly important period which the learned author has chosen for his theme. Hitherto our attention has been too much engrossed by some of the more prominent details; occupied by the externals of the mighty movements then effected, we have not had leisure to form just and enlarged conceptions of their more inward nature. Nor have we been sufficiently calm and dispassionate for such a task; the feeling of partisanship has been too strong within us. The Germans are happily placed beyond the influence of many of the causes that in this country have exasperated and prolonged the strife of interests and feelings; they are, therefore, the better qualified to be our leaders in the course of investigation which it seems the bent of our age to pursue. The work before us is one of the most valuable contributions that have been made to history within the current center

The wealth of original and wholly unwrought materials of which the author has been enabled to avail himself is really amazing; and he has employed them with a skill, an exquisite perfection of criticism, and an integrity and impartiality, that are above all praise. The work belongs to that class of history which is technically called philosophical; it deals with events more in the mass than

in the detail; but there is nothing vague or obscure in its mode of treating them; the historian seizes his subject in its widest compass with a firm and precise grasp. It is from no lack of pictorial power that Ranke is sparing in his use of mere narrative or description. Now and then he is more minute, especially in his delineation of personal traits, and then he writes with a vigour and grace that prove him equally master of the picturesque as of the philosophical style in history. On the whole it may be said of his book, that laborious Germany has rarely produced one on which a larger proportion of toil seems to have been expended; nor can any country boast of a work on which the writer's vast industry has been more happily bestowed to prevent all sense of weariness in his reader.

Part I. of the present edition brings down the history of the popedom, from the times of Alexander VI. to the last year of the pontificate of Sextus V. A close comparison of the English version with the original enables us to declare that the translator has executed his task with spirit and fidelity.

Cardinal Allen's Admonition to the Nobility and People of England and Ireland, &c. A. D. 1588. Reprinted with a Preface, by Eupator. 18mo. This is a reprint from an extremely rare Tract; so much so, that some of our ablest antiquarians and historians were unacquainted with its existence.

It is not only valuable on account of its preserving so extremely scarce and curious a work; but it is intrinsically so, as an historical document portraying the true views of the

Church of Rome, and the religious as well as political aim of the Spanish Armada. It is written in a bold, vigorous and comprehensive style, and embodies all the principles of the Church it advocates in a masterly manner. Its virulence towards Elizabeth is excessive, accusing her of every vice, both as a queen and a woman. This, however, only tends to exalt her as a politician still higher, showing as it does vividly, the numerous and potent parties she had to contend with and control. Το any one taking an interest in the theological discussion now existing, or in the history of the period to which it relates, the reprint of the tract must be indispensable.

A New French and English Lexicon; comprising, besides the usual number of Words found in the best Dictionaries extant, in a similar size, an extensive addition of Commercial, Nautical, Military and other highly useful Terms, with the novel introduction of the Singular and Plural Persons of every Tense and Mood, belonging to all the Regular and Irregular Verbs in the French Language; the whole Alphabetically Arranged, and preceded by a Compendious Key, that shows how to find out the Meaning of any Part of Speech, be it conjugated, declined, contracted, or modified in any way. Constructed upon an entirely New Plan. By Marin G. De la Voye.


The title of this work explains very fully its contents, and although title pages of this kind are commonly to be mistrusted, being generally like other protestations made to answer a purpose, and with very little regard to facts, yet we are bound to say this is not the case in the present instance.

For the purposes of translation, this is the most convenient dictionary we have examined. And for persons who are not grammatically acquainted with the language, invaluable, as it gives the verbs and nouns in their various modifications of tense and numbers, so that the most ignorant person will be able at once to comprehend a sentence, at least as far as he can without understanding the idiom of the language. And here

we may observe, we have been shown a dictionary of phrases, about to appear, so comprehensive, that with the two, a person without any previous knowledge of the language will be able to interpret any French work

at once.

M. De la Voye has bestowed immense labour on the work before us, which, although contained in a very convenient size, has a vast variety of matter in it. He seems to have contemplated all the difficulties that can present themselves to the learner, and to have been determined to obviate them. He has also a clear and logical mode of arrangement and ex. planation, that contributes greatly to the ease of the student. The book is beautifully printed, and is particu. larly distinct, in spite of the great varieties of references and peculiarities, owing to M. De la Voye's system, with which it abounds. We cordially recommend it, though we are quite sure the work will recommend itself.

Banks and Bankers. By Daniel Hard


castle, jun. 2 vols. post 8vo. Many persons are restrained from the examination of such a work as that upon Banks and Bankers, by Daniel Hardcastle, jun., by a feeling that they are not competent judges upon such a subject, and perhaps there are not many who are so. men not professionally engaged in the business of Banking, or to those whose minds have no peculiar aptitude for speculations of the sort, there can be few inducements to engage in a study, when the very terms and definitions appertaining to the science, (if science it can be called,) are matters of controversy,-where theories the most contradictory find zealous and able defenders,-and where, consequently, the unpractised student finds himself lost in the labyrinth of conflicting systems. For these reasons the generality of persons, though anxious to gain information, are apt to approach the mysteries of the Currency with fear and reluctance. These feelings will not be excited by a perusal of Daniel Hardcastle, jun. Very much to our

surprise and gratification, we quickly found ourselves in company with no metaphysical pedagogue, as we might have expected, but with an instructive and entertaining guide. It is seldom the latter term can be justly coupled with a treatise upon any of the various branches of political economy, yet it is strictly applicable to this book upon Banks and Bankers. The author has succeeded in imparting to the subject a degree of interest of which many persons would previously have considered it wholly unsusceptible. No doubt, the many anecdotes he has collected relating to Bankers, and now for the first time presented to the public, have contributed considerably to this effect; but we are inclined still more to ascribe it to his clear and forcible style to his power in historical narrative-and to the faculty possessed by him in no common degree, of transferring to the minds of his readers the ideas that are impressed upon his own. Every one who takes up the book will dwell with deep and painful interest (at least we have done so) on the melancholy sketch he has given of that series of monetary convulsions to which this nation has been subjected by the operations of ignorant and selfish quackery during the last sixty years. He has demonstrated beyond all doubt that the various theories on Currency that have appeared upon and vanished successively from the public stage since the time of Adam Smith, have each been preliminary to some fearful experiment, and all tending to one consummation-the reducing the body politic to its present state of almost hopeless debility.

Hardcastle, jun. will have done the public an incalculable service if he succeeds in the object which apparently he has in view, of withdrawing the attention from the subtleties of the subject, and fixing it upon those cardinal principles, the value of which has been attested in the misery and ruin that have invariably been consequent upon their being departed from. We have had enough of speculations and speculative operations. It is now

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