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Printed for and fold by DANIEL ISAAC EATON, Printer and Bookfeller to the Supreme Majefty of the People, at the Cock and SWINE, No. 74, Newgate street,



For the Editor of the PHILANTHROPIST.


The infertion of the following extract from VOLNEY's much admired work, entitled "A furvey of the Revolutions of Empires," will greatly oblige,

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a to himself these words,

SCARCELY had the genius from the Weft, and turning than an immenfe noise prf perceived, at the extremity of the my eyes to that que country of one of the European nations, a prodigi movement, fimilar to what exifts in the bofom of a lae city when pervaded with fedition, an innumerable people, like waves, fluctuate in the streets and public places. My ear ftruck with their cries, which ascended to the very heavens, diftinguished at intervals these phrases.

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"What is this new prodigy? what this cruel and myfterious fcourge? we are a numerous people, and we want strength! we have an excellent foil, and we are deftitute of provifion! we are active and laborious, and we live in indigence! we pay enormous taxes, and we are told that they are not fufficient ! -What then, is the fecret enemy that de

vours us?"

From the midft of the concourse, fome individual voices replied: "Erect a standard of diftinction, and let all those who by useful labours, contribute to the fupport and maintainence of society, gather round it, and you will discover the enemy that preys on your vitals."

The ftandard being erected, the nation found itself fuddenly divided into two bodies of unequal magnitude and diffimilar appearance: the one innumerable, and nearly integral, exhibited, in the general poverty of their drefs, and in their meagre and fun burnt faces, the mark of toil and wretchedness; the other, a petty groupe, a valueless faction, presented in their rich attire, embroidered with gold and filver, and in their fleek and ruddy complexions, the fymptoms of leisure and abundance. Confidering these men more attentively, I perceived that the large body was conftituted of labourers, artifans, tradesmen, and every profeffion useful to fociety; and public the leffer groupe, there were none but priests, courtiers, military, or tants, commanders of troops, in short, the civil, The two bodies agents of government.

looked with astonishment ah other, I faw the feelings of front to front affembled, and having indignation and resentment spring in the one, and a fort of panic in the other; and the large faid to fmall body:

Why ftand you apart? are you not of our nu her?

No, replied the groupe; you are the people; we are privi leged class: we have laws, customs, and rights peculiar to ourfelves.

People. And what labour do you perform in the society?


Privileged Clafs. None: we are not made to labour.
People. How, then, have you acquired your wealth?
Privileged Clafs. By taking the pains to govern you.

People. To govern us! and is this what you call governing? we toil, and you enjoy; we produce, and you diffipate; wealth flows from us, and you abforb it.Privileged men, clafs diftinct from the people, form a nation apart, and govern yourselves.

Then deliberating on their new fituation, fome among the groupe faid, Let us join the people, and partake their burthens and cares; for they are men like ourselves. Others replied, to mix with the herd would be degrading and vile; they are born to ferve us, who are men of a fuperior race. The civil governors faid, the people are mild and naturally fervile: let us speak to them in the name of the king, and the law, and they will return to their duty.People! the king decrees, the sovereign ordains.

People. The king cannot decree any thing which the safety of the people does not demand; the fovereign cannot ordain but according to law.

Civil Governors. The law calls upon you for submission. People. The law is the general will, and we will a new or


Civil Governors. You are in that cafe rebels.

People. A nation cannot be a rebel! tyrants only are rebels. Civil Governors. The king is on our fide, and he enjoins you to fubmit.

People. Kings cannot be separated from the nation in which they reign. Our king cannot be on your fide; you have only the phantom of his countenance.

Then the military governors advanced, and they said, the people are timorous, it is proper to threaten them; they will yield to the influence of force.---Soldiers, chastise this infolent "Swinifh multitude!"

People. Soldiers, our blood flows in your veins! will you


ftrike your brothers? if the people be destroyed, who will maintain the army?

And the Soldiers, grounding their arms, faid to their chiefs we are a part of the people; we whom you call upon to fight against them.

Then the ecclefiaftical governors faid: there is but one refource left, the people are fuperftitious, it is proper to overawe them with the names of God and religion.

Priefts. Our dear brethren, our children, God has commiffioned us to govern you.

People. Produce the patent of his commiffion.

Priests. You must have faith; reafon leads men into guilt. People. And would you govern us without reafon ?

Priests. God is the God of peace: religion enjoins you to obey.

People. No, juftice goes before peace, obedience inplies a law, and renders neceffary the cognizance of it.

Priefs. This world was intended for trial and fuffering.
People. Do you then fhew us the example of suffering.
Priefs. Would you live without Gods or kings?
People. We abjure tyranny of every kind.

Priefs. You must have mediators, perfons who may act in your behalf.

People. Mediators with God, and mediators with the king! Courtiers and priefts, your fervices are too expenfive; henceforth we take our affairs into our own hands.

Then the fmaller groupe exclaimed, it is all over with us; the multitude are enlightened. And the people replied, you fhall not be hurt; we are enlightened, and we will commit no violence. We defire nothing but our rights: refentment we cannot but feel, but we confent to pass it by: we were flaves, we might now command; but we afk only to be free, and FREE we are.

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MAY the crops be triumphant all over the world,

And down from all power be their enemies hurld,
For nature ordains that we should be all fhorn,
And thus are we crops from the time we are born.
Yes nature doth teach, even Paul doth declare,
'Tis a fcandalous fhame not to cut off your hair.
Then every brave freeman no more be a fop,
But fhew to your foes a Republican crop.

In each gallant age men of greatest renown,
Difdain'd to appear with long hair on their crown,
At Athens each hero who fcorn'd to wear chains,
And triumph'd for freedom on Maratha's plains,
At Rome every man who adored Liberty,

Who drove out the Tarquins, and refolv'd to be Free.
Each Brutus, each Cato, were none of them fops,
But all to a man wore Republican crops.

When Frenchmen appeared with long hair on each head.
Then tyranny triumph'd, and Liberty fled,

But cropt they have thrown off the defpots controul,
And the love of fair freedom inspires every foul,
Behold with what spirit their Rights now they scan,
And gallantly fight to emancipate man.

Their foes with long hair to fly and wont ftop.
For how can they face a Republican crop,

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