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We shall never reach a fair estimate of woman in business until we give this most important fact due weight. No estimate is just without it, but with it I myself feel bound to give women in business highest praise for the showing they have made under this great disadvantage.

We have capable men who have had but little business training and the same may be said of some women. But until the conditions are more nearly equal with men and women in business, we may well reserve our judgment as to their comparative ability.

Who can question the ability of a widow who has successfully conducted a large wholesale business since the death of her husband some ten years ago; or of another woman who took in hand, at the death of her husband, a great manufacturing, wholesale and retail business conducted in two cities, and carried it on, in increasing volume, every year since, under her own personal management?

The banking department of a concern doing an annual business of two hundred and fifty millions is conducted by two maiden ladies, who sign all checks and stand responsible for the correct balance of this large sum of money.

One Theodore Beacham contracted for the grading of the Old Dominion Railroad bed. While the work was in progress he lost his health and became a confirmed invalid. His wife assumed the whole responsibility, and at last accounts was carrying on the great work to the admiration of all the railroad officials.

It is interesting to note that the great meat-packers' strike in Chicago was brought to a settlement through the skillful management of a woman physician. She discovered that the sanitary condition of the barracks where the workmen were housed and fed was a menace to the

health of the city, and demanded that they be abolished. The strike could not be continued if her demands were met, and, as they were just and imperative, it was called off. Her action showed a comprehension of the situation which seemingly no man had thought of, certainly had not acted upon either in the interest of humanity or of busi


The Board of Immigration, for the first time in its history, recognizing the business ability of a woman, not long ago appointed Miss Amy Allemand Bernardy, Ph. D., of Smith College, Special Commissioner of Immigration at the Port of Boston. This position requires an understanding of industrial conditions, and much business ability.

Among persons of great wealth perhaps Helen Gould has shown as much business ability in the management of her great possessions, and in the distribution of her bounty, as has Andrew Carnegie.

Perhaps Hetty Green has shown as great a grasp of business affairs in accumulating and not distributing her great wealth as did Russell Sage. If I were permitted to step outside of the realm of what might be strictly called business, I could fill hours in relating instances I have known where women have stood bravely and alone in the midst of wrecked fortunes, upholding and inspiring the broken-spirited husband, either to the end of his life, or until his fortunes were retrieved. That may not be actually conducting business, but of such qualities successful business ability is born. Notwithstanding all that may be said of the peculiarities of women in business, it may be that with the same opportunities, the same freedom of action and the same training, they would show as high average ability as is now shown by men.

At any rate it must be admitted that in those qualities that help to make up the highest type of human character,

such as purity, temperance, patience, perseverance and fortitude under discouragement, the average woman appears far superior to the average man.

In my opinion, were such natural characteristics as women possess carried into business, combined with the advantages enjoyed by men, we should have the ideal business person.

I have not touched upon business ability as shown by the majority of women in the management of their households, but there is no severer test of that than the demands upon a woman in this particular. If the average mercantile house is conducted with better business management, or more systematically, or with greater economy, it has escaped my notice.

Women are trained for managers of the household and for some professions, and their success in these positions demonstrates that when the training is available the ability is not wanting.

That women have made and are making great progress there is no doubt. This is true no less in business than in the social world. That they are to be a still greater factor in business is beyond question. Their progress has been made under great difficulties and in spite of a strong sentiment against it. But wherever woman has entered she has brought nothing worse than the effects of the unfortunate restraints mistakenly imposed upon her.



ZE'LL not stay long," said Tom Mullins, decisively. "He's too much of a gentleman for this office."

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"What's your definition of a gentleman, Tom?" asked Calker, "Cub" Calker, as he was called, not by reason of his being of a tender and unsophisticated age, but because he had served but a paltry two years in the office where the rest of us had worked for what Tom Mullins would term "a crow's age." was always getting himself into trouble by asking impudent or foolish questions, on which occasions "the office" individually and collectively would proceed verbally to sit upon him.


"Listen to the innocent! What's a gentleman?" jibed Hughes.

"Did you ever see one?" queried Watson.

"Why yes, I've seen one or two," responded Cub, "though, now that I think of it, not among the company here assembled. That, however, was not my question. What I want is simply Mullins's definition of a gentle


Tom looked Cub over very deliberately from head to heel before deigning to answer.

"Well then, sonny, listen." Tom's manner was most self-satisfied and condescending. "A gentleman is a fellow who has been pampered and waited on, and who

1 From "Clever Business Sketches," by permission of The Business Man's Publishing Co., Detroit.

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