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terrible as an army with banners. Were the laws of Christ care fully observed, in all Christian churches, and were ecclesiastical government, which is a govcrnment of love, universally practised among men, it would lay a more effectual restraint on men, than all civil laws, together with all their penal sanc-, tions.

These considerations may serve to show, that it is a matter of no small importance, that Christians treat an excommunicated person with less familiarity, and company less with him, than they may be allowed to do with many of their neighbors, who never made a profession of religion. But whatever outward treatment they give the unhappy person they are obliged to exclude from their Christian fellowship, they are, nevertheless, continually to pray for his recovery, and, upon proper manifestations of repentance, cordially and thankfully to receive him again into their communion. W*.


The following letters were written by two young ladies, now the wives of American Mis sionaries in India, to another young lady, who is their companion in labors and sacrifices, now the wife of another Missionary. They are dated, as will be seen, but a short time before the writers and their correspondent sailed for Cal


B., August 29th, 1811. YOUR letter, my dear Miss Pwas productive of sensations pe

culiarly pleasing. From the first intimation of your voluntary sacrifice of worldly happiness for the cause of Christ, I felt an attachment, which can only be known by those whose views and prospects are similar, and which has increased by your late af fectionate epistle.

The idea of walking in the same path through life, partaking of the same trials and diffculties, induces me already to rank you with the number of my much loved friends, and inclines me to write freely on a subject dear to us both.

Our contemplated undertaking is great, arduous, and highly important. To enter a path untrod before by any American female requires much previous consideration. The subject should be thoroughly investigated, and every argument in favor and against candidly weighed. If arguments in favor of females accompanying missionaries to a heathen land preponderate, we ought impartially to examine ourselves, to see, if we possess those quali fications absolutely requisite for such an undertaking. If through the mercy of God, we humbly dare to hope, he has in any measure prepared us, should we not seriously and prayerfully search for the prevailing motive, which induces us to make the attempt? A life of self-denial is before us, and we must begin by cutting the most tender ties. The paternal roof, and all that is endearing in the appellation of parent, sister, and brother, must be forsaken, never to be seen more. The scenes of our playful years, the companions of our lives, and the much loved circle who surround the social altar for

prayer and praise, must no lon-
ger be enjoyed, but lost forever.
We must encounter the dangers
of the deep, perhaps be taken
by some foreign tyrannical pow-
er, separated from those we love,
and if spared from immediate
death, condemned to drag out a
wretched existence, in some
gloomy prison, or under the gal-
ling yoke of slavery and oppres-
sion. But if preserved from tri-
als like these, what awaits us in
a heathen land? Not the cheer-
ing salutations of long absent
friends, but the uncouth dialect
of an unknown tongue will every
where sound in our ears.
shall be surrounded by those
whose very countenances wear
a terrific aspect, who are desti-
tute of a religious principle by
which to govern their actions,
and whose consciences are so
dead as to cease to alarm when
committing the most atrocious
crimes. We must live in con-
stant dread of those around, ex-
cept when faith raises us above
the fear of the power of crea-


Our bodies may be emaciated with sickness, our mental faculties lose their vigor in consequence of the sultry climate; want, peril, and distress may every where attend us. We may soon be called to part with our dearest earthly friends, and be left alone in a land of strangers. When we come to lie down on the bed of death, no parent or sister will soften our dying pillow and wipe away our tears; no congenial friend to close our eyes and lay our bodies in the grave. Thus we may end our days in a heathen land. How gloomy, my dear girl, this pic ture! And yet, have we not rea


son to expect to find it a reality? -
What motives are sufficient to
induce us to enter a path so fil-
led with briars and thorns? If
the object which lies at the end,
is not worth making all these
sacrifices and enduring all these
trials, we shall sink and be dis-
couraged before we get half
through. But if actuated from
motives of sincere love to the
Redeemer, and an ardent desire
for the salvation of sinners, we
have nothing to fear. He will
strengthen and support us in ev-
ery trying hour. Although he
may appoint for us a path full of
dangers, yet he will provide a
way for escape. He can easily
take away those painful sensa-
tions of which a separation from
our friends will be productive.
If he deprives us of every other
source of enjoyment, and gives
us himself, we cannot be unhap-
py. If we must leave our par-
ents, on whom we have been de-
pendent, will it not lead us to
feel the more need of having
God for our Father, and to see
more clearly our entire depen-
dence on him? If our sisters and
social friends must be forsaken,
may we not find sisters in each
other, and erect the social fe-
male altar in a land of pagans?
Perhaps we may induce some of
the wretched, degraded females
of India, to join with us in wor-
shipping our heavenly Father.
Perhaps we shall be the first to
teach some listening, attentive
child to lisp the praises of Jesus.
O my dear sister, thoughts like
these, are sufficient to excite in
our hearts a wish to spend our
days in a heathen land. Yes, we
will give up worldly happiness,
joyfully encounter the dangers
of the deep and the unknown

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THE Commencement of a correspondence with my dear Miss P is attended with many pleas ant sensations. When one whom I love, though an entire stranger, addresses me by the endearing appellation of "sister or friend," 1 lose every embarrassment, and feel the same perfect freedom as when conversing personally with those companions, with whom I have spent the playful hours of youth. Your affectionate letter met with a cordial reception. The perusal of it increased the wish which I have long indulged, of being favored with an interview with you. The anticipated separation from a beloved mother, affectionate brothers and sisters, and other valued friends, strongly attaches my heart to those "dear selected few" who will be my only associates, through the little remnant of my life. When eagerly listening to the maternal advice of the best of parents, or when attend ing to the accents of love which


flow from the lips of brothers and sisters dear, I often say to myself, will my Father in Heaven condescend to grant friends similar to these, in my dear Miss P, and my ever dear N-?-Oh yes, my heart replies, they will instruct, ad. vise, reprove, and love me too. When the accumulated difficulties of a missionary life depress my laboring bosom, they will direct my thoughts to that Savior, who has kindly engaged to be the friend of the friendless,the Their prayers, their sympathy support of his believing children. and love, will sweetly calm each rising fear, and tranquillize my distressed soul.

Nothing but an ardent wish: of more extensive usefulness, first led my thoughts to the heathen world. Favored by heaven with every temporal blessing heart could wish, a foreign country could have no charm for me. Although I fre quently contemplate with pleasura a life so peculiarly devoted to the service of GOD; yet the consciousness of wanting many important qualifications which I know I do not possess, often creates a depression of spirits, and a doubt with respect to duty. My youth, a slight education, so little vigor and strength of mind, so little piety, these are obstacles, great indeed. I think it does rejoice my heart that you my dear Miss P and N are so eminently qualified for the work of the mission. May you be made the favored instru ments, of leading many wretched female Indians, to the Lamb of God, who bled on Calvary. On the "great day of dread decision," may the millions who have heard

from your lips the way to heaven, rise up and call you blessed. The idea that an independent, Sovereign GOD, often uses the weakest instruments to promote his glory, and carry on his plans, frequently affords me encouragement. If he has any work for me to do in heathen lands, he will remove every obstacle, qualify me for the important undertaking, and support me under every trial.

Sabbath Eve. I have this day been to the house consecrated to the worship of the Most High God. I have sat under the droppings of the sanctuary with great delight. The inviting sound of the glorious Gospel,which bringeth life and salvation, has conveyed to my inmost soul, a sublime ardor, and heart-felt satisfaction, almost unknown before. O, my sister, how valuable, how exceedingly precious, is the religion of Jesus? How unlike that of Mahomet, how different from any which the carnal heart can invent! How well is it adapted to secure the eternal interest and happiness of all created intelligencies; "how just to God, how safe for man!" While contemplating with rapture the superior excellency of the Christian religion, does not your heart burn within you, at the anticipated prospect of its universal promulgation throughout the world? The present state of the heathen is deplorable beyond description. No star in the east directs them to the Babe of Bethlehem. No Sun of righteousness has arisen amongst them, to irradiate their benighted, dreary path. They spend their days in wretched ness, strangers to the consolations of the Gospel, without a

friend to point them to the Sav-
ior of sinners, who alone can
make them happy beyond the
grave. But "faith looks over
these" lowering "mountains" and
beholds with joy unutzerable the
millennial reign of peace and
love. The banks of the Ganges
and the Indus, shall resound with
the high praises of Immanuel;
redeeming love shall be the
theme of the Hindoo; it shall
warble sweetly from the lips of
the uncivilized Hottentots on
Afric's burning sands. The wan-
dering, inhospitable Indians of
our own dear native country,
shall catch the sacred fire, and
their hearts will beat in unison.
Shall we, my dear Miss P-
be made instrumental in hasten-
ing this great revolution? Will
our covenant GoD condescend
to employ us in his service, and
bless our feeble efforts? And
shall we think any sacrifices too
great to make for him? Oh no!
Let us willingly take a last fare-
well of friends and native coun-
try, cross the tempestuous ocean,
and spend a self-denying, active
life in the attempt of leading the
females of Hindostan to that Je-
sus, whom we have found so
precious to our souls. What if
our lives are replete with hard-
ships and afflictions?

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to this conclusion; that considering our present indispensable engagements, it would be very impracticable. Were we to continue another year in America, I should enter upon the study with pleasure. Perhaps in the course of three months, if nothing in Providence should prevent, we may commence the voyage. Would it not then be more for our own improvement, to devote our time to reading books calculated to excite a spirit of genuine piety, and prepare us for future trials and privations? Mr. N is probably with you....When shall I see you

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On the sixth instant, the British and foreign Bible Society held its Eighth Anniversary, at Freemason's Hall. The attendance was So. numerous, that the Hall was filled almost immediately after the doors were opened and many hundreds, among whom we regret to say were the Earl of Hardwicke, and several members of parliament, and other gentlemen, were unable to obtain admission. At 12 o'clock, Lord Teignmouth, the president, opened the business of the day by reading the Eighth Report; which, from the variety and importance of the facts it enumerated, and the very animated and impressive sentiments



which it concluded, may justly be considered the most interesting and valuable of those compilations for which the Society is indebted to the able, pious, and indefatigable exertions of its truly Christian presi. dent. His Lordship having brought it to a close, delivered a brief and impressive address; and proceeded to read a letter from the Bishop of Durham, wherein that excellent prelate expressed his deep regret at being prevented, by the state of his health, at so advanced a period of life, from attending the meeting of a society in which he took so cordial an interest, and desired that a draft for 50%. might be accepted as his proxy. The Bishop of Kildate, a vice president of the society, then moved, that the Report should be adopted and printed. The Bishop prefaced this motion by an admirable speech, in which he stated the want and acceptability of the Scrip tures, according to the authorized version, not only among the Protes tants, but also among very many of the Roman Catholics in Ireland, and spoke in terms of high commendation of the exertions made by the

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