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Turbidus hic caeno vastaque voragine gurges
Aestuat atque omnem Cocyto eructat arenam.
Portitor has horrendus aquas et flumina servat
Terribili squalore Charon, cui plurima mento
Canities inculta iacet, stant lumina flamma,
Sordidus ex humeris nodo dependet amictus.



Κωκυτός θ', ὃς δὴ Στυγὸς ὕδατός ἐστιν 569., 9. 105., 10. 114. ἀπορρώξ· 297.] Disgorges into Cocytus,' into πέτρη τε, ξύνεσίς τε δύω ποταμῶν ἐριδού- which Virg. evidently supposed Acheron to empty itself. Hom., as we have seen, makes Cocytus an àroppé or arm of Styx.


but he does not mention them at all when he comes to the actual journey of his hero. Virg. conducts Aeneas over the water circumstantially, but from his description we should infer that there is only one river, which, after being called Acheron or Cocytus here, turns out eventually to be Styx, v. 385. Heyne remarks with justice (Excursus 9) that the poet would have found it awkward to have to describe the passage of all three, especially as Styx alone is said to surround the lower world nine times, v. 439. Generally we may say that Virg. found the notion of a single river of death most convenient for poetical purposes, but that he wished as usual to introduce the various points of the legends he followed, and so he employed the names Acheron, Cocytus, and Styx, whenever the river was to be spoken of, with a dim conception of Acheron as emptying itself into Cocytus, and perhaps of Styx, as the most inward of the three, and a clear one of Phlegethon as specially surrounding Tartarus. Plato gives a much more definite description in his Phaedo, pp. 112, 113, speaking of four rivers, Ocean, Acheron, Pyriphlegethon, and Styx, the last of which disappears under the earth and reappears as Cocytus-an attempt apparently to realize the picture in Hom.and later Roman poets, as Heyne observes, Exc. 9, have introduced varieties of their own.

296.] Acheron has here the Platonic characteristics of a marshy slough, combined with those of a rapid river. Caenum' and 'arena' are doubtless the same, as Heyne thinks. Comp. the description of the muddy pool in Catull. 17. 10, "totius ut lacus putidaeque paludis Lividissima maxumeque est profunda vorago,” ib. 25, "Et supinum animum in gravi derelinquere caeno, Ferream ut soleam tenaci in voragine mula." Vorago' is applied to the infernal rivers in the only other passage where it occurs in Virg., 7.

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298.] Portitor,' properly a person who collects the portoria, duties on exports-and imports, or tolls (Dict. A. Portorium'); hence a person who receives toll for carrying passengers or goods, and so, as here, a ferryman, a sense which it bears Sen. De Benef. 6. 18, and in various passages of the poets, where, as here, it is applied to Charon. In later Latin it came to be used for a porter: see Forc. We have had the word used of Charon G. 4. 502.

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299.] Terribili squalore' is not to be taken with horrendus,' but forms in fact a second epithet. Charon is later than Hom., who employs only the agency of Hermes for transporting the dead to the shades (Od. 24), while the living cross the Ocean river in ships: he appears however in Aristoph. Frogs 180 &c., and was represented by Polygnotus in his paintings in the Lesche of the Cnidians at Delphi.

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300.] 'Canities for cani,' as in 9. 612., 10. 844., 12. 611. Stant lumina flamma' like "pulvere caelum Stare vident" 12. 407, comp. by Turn. V. L. 28. 32. 'Stant' expresses the fixedness of the eyes (Donatus), and the mass of the flame (Henry). His eyes are fixed orbs of fire.' The comparison of eyes to fire occurs more than once in Hom., e. g. II. 1. 104, booe δέ οἱ πυρὶ λαμπετόωντι ἔΐκτην. ‘Flammae' is read by many MSS., including Med. (originally), Rom., and Pal. from a correction; but the attributive gen. would be harsh. Some copies have flammea,' which is approved by Heins., and might be scanned by synizesis (comp. 7. 448, "flammea torquens lumina ").

301.] Charon apparently wears a scarf or chlamys, which is twisted round the shoulder (Dict. Ant. Chlamys,' 'Nodus '). Cerda shows that this was a pilot's costume from Plaut. Mil. 4. 4. 41 foll.:

"Facito uti venias ornatu ornatus huc nauclerico,

Ipse ratem conto subigit, velisque ministrat,
Et ferruginea subvectat corpora cymba,
Iam senior, sed cruda deo viridisque senectus.
Huc omnis turba ad ripas effusa ruebat,
Matres atque viri, defunctaque corpora vita
Magnanimum heroum, pueri innuptaeque puellae,
Inpositique rogis iuvenes ante ora parentum :
Quam multa in silvis autumni frigore primo

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Nodus' is to be taken strictly, not as implying a 'fibula' or brooch, which would hardly be in keeping with the rest of Charon's trim. Some early correctors read 'nudo,' which Pier. rightly rejects.

302.] Ipse,' without assistance, old as he was. 'Subigit' G. 1. 202, apparently expressing the motion of the pole or oar, pushing up from beneath. Conto' 5.

208. "

Velisque ministrat" 10. 218. It has been a question since the time of Serv. whether velis' is dat. or abl. "Ministrare" is used intransitively with a dat. of the person or thing served, and it also takes an abl. of the instrument of the service-two constructions which are exemplied in "Claudius Vinio fictilibus ministrari iussit," Tac. H. 1. 48. Ministrat velis' then might either be attends to the sails,' or 'manages the ship (understanding 'rati' or 'ratem') by means of the sails.' Either construction would suit the present passage: 10. 218 is in favour of the dat., as there is nothing to suggest 'rati' or 'ratem,' unless we consider 'velis ministrat' to have become an elliptical phrase. On the other hand Tac. Germ. 44 has naves velis ministrantur," which makes strongly for the abl., and Val. F. 3. 38 has "ipse ratem vento stellisque ministrat," evidently imitating either this passage or that in A. 10. Stat. Theb. 7. 752, "Ipse sedens telis pariterque ministrat habenis " (of Apollo sitting in the car with Amphiaraus, like Pallas with Diomed in Il. 5), also an evident imitation of Virg., is rather in favour of the dat., as it could not so well be said that Apollo was ministering either to the car or to Amphiaraus. The result of our examination of these passages,



which the commentators have collected, seems to be that the question must still be left open.

303.]Ferruginea' (see note on G. 1. 467) seems to denote the murky hue of the infernal boat. It may however merely indicate the ordinary colour of ships (comp. VEдs кνаνожρúрolo II. 15. 693), as Plaut. referred to on v. 301 says as a reason for wearing the ferrugineum pallium' "is colos thalassicu'st." At any rate it is evidently the same with "caeruleam puppim v. 410 below. Subvectat' used like "subvectus" 8. 58, perhaps to express the difficulty of the exertion. Corpora :' see on G. 4. 475, and comp. v. 391 below. Cymba' G. 4. 506.


304.] "Iam senior" 5. 179. 'Senior' with Virg., as Forb. remarks, is not the same as senex.' In its technical sense among the Romans it was applied to those who were between forty-five and sixty, Gell. 10. 28, referred to by Forb. Cruda senectus' is a translation of wudv ynpas, which occurs Od. 15. 357, Hes. Works 705, though apparently in a different sense of untimely (or perhaps cruel) old age. There is however a compound wuoyépwv applied to Ulysses II. 23. 791, and this is doubtless what Virg. meant to represent here, crudus' meaning fresh, with the blood still in the veins, opposed to dried up and withered-i. q. 'viridis' in short.

Viridis' is elsewhere applied to youth, as in 5. 295, so that its connexion with 'senectus' is a kind of oxymoron. Serv. remarks of 'deo' "Td atriov: ideo cruda et viridis, quia in deo."

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305.] Huc' may be explained by 'ad ripas' (see on E. 1. 54), or it may refer to the boat. 'Effusa' qualifies 'ruebat.'

306.] This and the two next lines are repeated from G. 4. 475-477, where see notes. For magnanimum' see on 3. 704.

309.] "Quam multa" G. 4. 473, where the simile resembles the second of the two now before us. The comparison to falling leaves is apparently from Apoll. R. 4. 216,

Lapsa cadunt folia, aut ad terram gurgite ab alto
Quam multae glomerantur aves, ubi frigidus annus
Trans pontum fugat et terris inmittit apricis.
Stabant orantes primi transmittere cursum,
Tendebantque manus ripae ulterioris amore.
Navita sed tristis nunc hos nunc accipit illos,
Ast alios longe submotos arcet arena.
Aeneas miratus enim motusque tumultu
Dic, ait, o virgo, quid volt concursus ad amnem ?

ἢ ὅσα φύλλα χαμάζε περικλαδέος πέσει
ὕλης, Φυλλοχόῳ ἔνι μῆνι, where the thing
compared is an ordinary concourse of people.
Hom. compares a multitude to leaves on
the trees, Il. 2. 467. Putting the similes
side by side, we may see that there is a
delicate propriety in Virg.'s which is want-
ing to Apollonius', the pale ghosts being
compared to the withered leaves. The
well-known reversal of the comparison in
Shelley's Ode to the West Wind, where
the leaves dead' are compared to 'ghosts
from the enchanter fleeing,' and designated
as 'yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic
red, Pestilence-stricken multitudes,' will
illustrate what was in Virg.'s mind.
“Prima auctumni sub frigora " G. 2. 321.
310.] "
Lapsa cadunt fere idem quod
'decussa cadunt:' vide Döderlein Synon.
vol. 1, p. 128," Wagn. Ad terram gur-
gite ab alto: the birds are apparently sup-
posed to have accomplished their voyage
over the sea, and to be just alighting in a
mass in the warmer clime that is to re-
ceive them. Mr. Long however remarks,
that the flocking together of the birds be-
fore departure would be a fitter and more
natural comparison. The simile of birds
is probably from II. 3. 3 foll., where the
Trojans are compared to cranes migrating
for the winter, ἐπεὶ οὖν χειμῶνα φύγον και
ἀθέσφατον ὄμβρον. Gurgite ab alto 7.
704, which resembles this passage, "nubem
volucrum urgueri ad litora" corresponding
to ad terram glomerantur.'


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311.] Frigidus annus,' the cold part of the year, as " pomifer annus "Hor. 3 Od. 23. 8 is the fruit-bearing part of the year, "annus hibernus" Id. Epod. 2. 29 the wintry part of the year (both comp. by Forb.). So "formosissimus annus " E. 3. 57. Burm. reads 'amnis' from a few inferior MSS., interpreting it of the Strymon, as in Lucan 3. 199 we have "Strymon tepido committere Nilo Bistonias consuetus aves," but, as Heyne remarks, amnis' alone would be obscure, especially as the



correlative is terris, not any equivalent of Nilo

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312.] Terris' is awkward after 'terram,' but such repetitions are found elsewhere in Virg. (e.g. 2. 632, 633), so that we need not prefer 'et campis' from one MS., or 'atque oris' from another.

313.] "Primi transmittere' figura Graeca est, ut primi transirent," Serv. Transmittere' takes an acc. of the thing sent across ("transmissae classes" 3. 403), and so here of the passage, though in Greek we should distinguish them as the acc. of the object and the cognate. In 4. 154 the acc. is of the space passed over, the passage being put into the instrumental abl. Scaliger, Poetics 4. 48, observes "Ecce cum tractu morae videtur ipse versus stare."

314.] "Magno telluris amore" 1. 171 note.

315.] Accipit' v. 412. Nunc hos, nunc illos: each longs to be first, but he takes some early, some late, some not at all.

316.] Submotos arcet' like "submersas obrue" 1. 69. Arena,' the earth at the water's edge, as in 1. 540, 541 it is synony mous with prima terra.'

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317-336.] Aeneas inquires the meaning of what he sees, and is told by the Sibyl that only those who have been buried are ferried over, the rest having to wait a hundred years. He grieves over the fate of the unburied, recognizing among them his comrades lost in the wreck between Sicily and Africa.'

317.] Enim' may either have its ordinary sense for,' 'miratus' and ' ' motus being taken as principal verbs, and the clause made parenthetical (comp. 4. 105, "Olli (sensit enim simulata mente locutam)

Sic contra est ingressa Venus," Ov. F. 1. 659, "Cum mihi (sensit enim), Lux haec indicitur, inquit Musa"), or be understood as a strengthening particle, as in 10. 874, "Aeneas adgnovit enim laetosque precatur." Perhaps the latter is better;

Quidve petunt animae ? vel quo discrimine ripas
Hae linquunt, illae remis vada livida verrunt?
Olli sic breviter fata est longaeva sacerdos :
Anchisa generate, deum certissima proles,
Cocyti stagna alta vides Stygiamque paludem,
Di cuius iurare timent et fallere numen.


Haec omnis, quam cernis, inops inhumataque turba est;

but it is very doubtful. "Mota tumultu" 8. 371.

319.] Quo discrimine:' what constitutes the distinction, according to which some are rejected, others admitted.

320.] "Hae linquunt:' repulsae scilicet, non transeuntes," Serv. 'Remis verrunt 3. 668. Here they are said to do what Charon does for them. Livida' of turbid water Catull. 17. 11, quoted on v. 296 above. Pal. has 'vertunt:' comp. 3. 668., 5. 141 note.

321.] Comp. v. 398. Longaeva :' the legend was that the Sibyl obtained from Apollo the boon of as many years of life as the grains of sand she happened to be holding in her hand.

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322.] Some have supposed a contrast between Anchisa generate' and 'deum certissima proles' but vv. 125, 126 above are rather against this. Deum certissima proles' like "cara deum suboles" E. 4. 49, where deum' appears to be used generally, as we should say offspring of heaven.' This interpretation has been questioned in both passages by Mr. Munro (Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, vol. 4, pp. 290 foll.), who prefers explaining the words as equivalent to "divina proles" or "suboles" (as in Lucr. 4. 1232, where "virum suboles must "virilis "), the genitive indicating the quality of the issue, not its parentage. In the present passage the sense strongly favours, if it does not absolutely require the ordinary interpretation, as the point seems to be that Aeneas is one of the class of "Dis geniti" vv. 131, 394 (comp. v. 123), rather than that his own quality is godlike. Ascanius is called "Dis genite et geniture deos" 9. 642: Aeneas is called sate gente deum" 8. 36, where " gente deum" apparently must = "dis." Aeneas was in fact sprung from more gods than one, from Venus, and hence from Jupiter, not to mention Saturn and Caelus. So Soph. Ant. 986 has beŵv maîs of Cleopatra the daughter of Boreas. "Genus deorum" 4. 12, "deum gens 10. 228, both said of Aeneas, are in the

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same category with the present line, and must be ruled by the interpretation given to it. Certissima,' because there were pretenders to the honour, as even mythology itself admitted, doubts about parentage forming the staple of some of the mythological stories, such as that of Phaethon. So Aristaeus in the passage referred to above, G. 4. 322, affects to doubt his own descent when in trouble. Thus Hercules 8. 301 is called "vera Iovis proles," having justified himself by his actions.

323.] This that you see is the pool of Cocytus.' So 1. 338, "Punica regna vides, Tyrios et Agenoris urbem." Cocytus and Styx are mentioned almost as if they were the same river: see on v. 296 above. The infernal rivers were supposed to form or flow into lakes or marshes (v. 107, Plato Phaedo, pp. 112, 113), so they are spoken of as if lakes or marshes themselves, being turbid and sluggish. So "Stygios lacus " v. 134 above.

324.] Cuius,' of Styx. Kal rd KATELβόμενον Στυγὸς ὕδωρ, ὅς τε μέγιστος Ορκος δεινότατός τε πέλει μακάρεσσι θεοῖσιν 11. 15. 37, Od. 5. 185: comp. II. 2. 755., 14. 271. So Jupiter swears by the Styx 9. 104., 10. 113. 'Iurare' with acc. v. 351 below. Iurare et fallere' to be taken closely together, i. q. "iuratum numen fallere" or "peierare." Comp. the wellknown passage of St. Paul, Rom. 6. 17, χάρις δὲ τῷ Θεῷ ὅτι ἦτε δοῦλοι τῆς ἁμαρ τίας, ὑπηκούσατε δὲ ἐκ καρδίας εἰς ὃν παρεδόθητε τύπον διδαχῆς.

325.] The belief that only those who had been buried could be received among the shades is as old as Hom., Il. 23. 71 foll.: comp. the story of Elpenor Od. 11, who however does not appear to have been prevented, like Patroclus, from crossing the river, though he is the first to meet Ulysses. Patroclus is kept off, not by Charon, who, as has been remarked above, was unknown to Hom., but by the other ghosts. Heyne remarks on the humane character of the superstition, which was likely to have its effect on savage tribes.

Portitor ille Charon; hi, quos vehit unda, sepulti.
Nec ripas datur horrendas et rauca fluenta
Transportare prius, quam sedibus ossa quierunt.
Centum errant annos volitantque haec litora circum;
Tum demum admissi stagna exoptata revisunt.
Constitit Anchisa satus et vestigia pressit,
Multa putans, sortemque animi miseratus iniquam.
Cernit ibi maestos et mortis honore carentis
Leucaspim et Lyciae ductorem classis Oronten,
Quos simul a Troia ventosa per aequora vectos

Serv. has a strange notion that 'inops' means unburied, 'Ops' being taken mythologically for the earth-goddess. "Inhumata infletaque turba " 11. 372.



327.] 'Datur,' Charonti. A prose writer would probably have said transportari,' as the prohibition really touches the dead rather than Charon. Ripas horrendas transportare' seems to mean to carry from one side of the dreadful river to another. • Transportare is used with two accusatives (see Forc.), and the more ordinary one of the object is here to be supplied from the context. With ripas horrendas' we may comp. Soph. (Polyx.) fr. 478:

ἀκτὰς ἀπαίωνάς τε καὶ μελαμβαθεῖς
λιποῦσα λίμνης ἦλθον, ἄρσενας χοὰς
̓Αχέροντος ὀξυπλῆγας ηχούσας γόους.

328.] Sedibus' see on v. 152 above. Here it must mean the grave.

329.] It is not known whether this specification of 100 years is due to any earlier authority or to Virg.'s invention. Errant àλλ' avтws àλáλnμai Il. 23. 74, of the unburied Patroclus.

330.] Revisunt,' because they had been driven away to a distance v. 316.

At any

rate we may say that having visited the river once with the hope of crossing and been disappointed, they now visit it again with a hope that has become a certainty. 'Stagna' v. 323.

331.] "Satus Anchisa" 5. 244, 424. "Vestigia pressit ' v. 195.

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332.] Multa putans' 8. 522. I have restored animi' for 'animo,' though found only in Med. "Animi miserata " is supported by the whole weight of the better MSS. in 10. 686, and the expression is just one of those which are likely to have been repeated by Virg. and altered by transcribers not understanding it, as

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has been the case in the inferior copies there. Animi' really = 'animo,' whether it is to be explained as a genitive proper (see on G. 4. 491), or as an old form of the dative with Key, who remarks that the expression in the plural would not be 'animorum' but animis.' See further on 2. 120.

333.] Mortis honore' like "honos tumuli" 10. 493. Comp. the Homeric To γὰρ γέρας ἐστὶ θανόντων Π. 16. 457.

334.] Leucaspis is not mentioned elsewhere in Virg. The name is a Greek one, as are many of those assigned by Virg., and even by Hom., to the inferior Trojans. In Hom. it is an epithet of Deiphobus II. 22. 294. The death of Orontes and his Lycians has been mentioned 1. 113. 'Oronten' Pal., Orontem' Med., Rom., Gud., &c. Heyne restored the former, which some copies have in 1. 113: and Wagn. supports it there by the remark that in 1. 220 the best MSS. have Oronti,' the Latin form of the Greek gen. of proper names ines,' not'Orontis.' In A. 1 we hear only of one ship: but the words here do not imply that the whole of the Lycian part of the fleet perished with its general.

335.] 'Simul' may either be taken with 'obruit,' meaning that Leucaspis and Orontes died together, or with 'vectos,' meaning that they were fellow-voyagers of Aeneas. Wagn. thinks the latter sense weak; but surely it has peculiar force, showing what passed through Aeneas' mind and drew his tears, the thought that these men had been with him throughout his seven years' wanderings. With the other sense it would be possible to take 'vectos' as'navigantis,' as Wagn. wishes (see on G. 1. 206, where "ventosa per aequora vectis" has occurred already), so as to refer the words to the circumstances of the storm in which they met their death: but in that case we should rather have had 'a

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