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Italiam, fato profugus, Lavinaque venit
Litora, multum ille et terris iactatus et alto
ᏙᎥ superum, saevae memorem Iunonis ob iram,

the reader between himself and his hero by saying, in effect, that the poet who wrote the Eclogues and the Georgics, sings the hero who founded Rome. Wagn. and Forb., however, as well as Henry, consider the lines as genuine; and they have been imitated by Spenser in the opening of the Faery Queene, and Milton in the opening of Paradise Regained.

'Arma virumque:' this is an imitation of the opening of the Odyssey, avopa uo EVVETE K.T.A. It may also be taken from the first line of the Cyclic poem of the Epigoni, preserved by the Schol. on Aristoph. Peace 1270, Niv avơ dπλотéρov av Spar apxúμeda, Moura. It is followed by all the other Roman writers of epic poetry, Lucan, Flaccus, Statius, and, above all, Silius, the most faithful copier of Virgil, with a unanimity which strongly supports the view taken in the preceding note. The words are not a hendiadys, but give first the character of the subject and then the subject itself. Arma' may have been intended to suggest, though it does not express, a contrast between this and Virgil's previous poems.--In commencing with 'cano' he has followed his own example in the Georgics, rather than that of Homer, who at once invokes the Muse; and the Latin Epic writers have followed Virgil. The earlier commentators have found a difficulty in reconciling 'primus with Antenor's previous migration (below, vv. 242 foll.), and suggest that Aeneas had first reached Italy proper, though Antenor had previously reached Venetia. On the other hand, Heyne and Wagn. make 'primus' equivalent to olim,' thus weakening a word which from its position and its occurrence in the first line of the poem must be emphatic. The more obvious sense is that Aeneas is so called without reference to Antenor, as the founder of the great Trojan empire in Italy.


2.] Fato,' a mixture of modal and instrum. abl., as in 4. 696., 6. 449, 466, &c. Here it seems to go with profugus,' though it might go with 'venit comp. 10. 67. Perhaps the force may be " fugus quidem, sed fato profugus," a glori ous and heaven-sent fugitive. For the poetic accus. Italiam-Lavina litora,' without the preposition, see Madv. § 232, obs. 4. The MSS. are divided between Lavinaque,' 'Laviniaque,' and perhaps Lavinia.'

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The last, however, though adopted by Burm. and Heyne, and approved by Heins., seems to rest solely on the authority of Med., which has Lavinia' (corrected into 'Lavina'), with a mark of erasure after the word. 'Laviniaque' is found in the Verona fragm., and is supported by quotations in Terentianus Maurus and Diomedes, and in single MSS. of Priscian, Censorinus, and Servius in artem Donati. Lavinaque' is found in Rom., Gud., and probably most other MSS., and is supported by quotations in Macrobius, Gellius, Marius Victorinus, Pompeius, the Schol. on Lucan, most MSS. of Priscian, and one of Censorinus. Servius mentions both readings, saying, "Lavina legendum est, non Lavinia." Lavinia' is supported by 4. 236: but the synizesis, though not unexampled (comp. 5. 269., 6. 33, and see on G. 4. 243), is perhaps awkward, especially in the second line of the poem, and the imitation in Prop.3. 26. 64, "Iactaque Lavinis moenia litoribus," is in favour of the form Lavina.' Juv. 12. 71 has "novercali sedes praelata Lavino," though there as in Prop. the quadrisyllabic form might be introduced and explained by synizesis. On the whole, I have preferred Lavinaque,' believing the form to be possible in itself (comp. Campanus,' Lucanus,' Appulus,' &c.), and more probable in this instance; the modern editors however are generally for Laviniaque.' Lachmann on Lucr. 2. 719 speaks doubtfully. The epithet which belonged to the place after the foundation of the city by Aeneas is given to it here, as in 4. 236, by a natural anticipation at the time of his landing.

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3.] The imitation of the exordium of the Odyssey continues, multum iactatus

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multa quoque passus,' being modelled on πολλὰ πλάγχθη πολλὰ δὲ πάθει. 'Multum,' &c., used to be pointed as a separate sentence; it is however evidently constructed with venit,' so that 'ille' is virtually pleonastic. Comp. 5. 457., 6. 593., 9. 479. Here it appears rhetorically to be equal to 'quidem.'Iactatus' is naturally transferred from wanderings by sea to wanderings by land. In such passages as vv. 332, 668, we see the point of transition. So 5. 627, " freta, cum terras omnis.. ferimur."

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4.] Vi superum' expresses the general agency, like 'fato profugus,' though Juno


Multa quoque et bello passus, dum conderet urbem,
Inferretque deos Latio, genus unde Latinum
Albanique patres atque altae moenia Romae.
Musa, mihi caussas memora, quo numine laeso,
Quidve dolens, regina deum tot volvere casus
Insignem pietate virum, tot adire labores

was his only personal enemy. Gossrau's
fancy that vi superum,' Bia ewv, 'in
spite of heaven,' has no authority. For
'memorem iram' comp. Livy 9. 29, "Tra-
ditur censorem etiam Appium memori
Deum ira post aliquot annos luminibus
captum." So Aesch. Ag. 155, uváμwv
μnvis. Ob iram,' below, v. 251, 'to sate
the wrath.'

5.] Passus,' constructed like iactatus.' Quoque' and 'et' of course form a pleonasm, though the former appears to be connected with 'multa,' and the latter with 'bello.' 'Dum conderet' like "dum fugeret," G. 4. 457, where see note. Here we might render 'in the struggle to build his city.' So Hom. Od. 1. 4 foll., roλλà πάθεν . . ἀρνύμενος κ.τ.λ. The clause belongs to multa bello passus,' rather than to iactatus.'

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6.] "Victosque Penatis inferre," 8. 11. 'Unde' may be taken either as 'qua ex re,' or as a quo,' as in v. 568., 6. 766, &c. The latter seems more probable. 'Genus Latinum,' Albani patres,' 'altae moenia Romae,' denote the three ascending stages of the empire which sprang from Aeneas, Lavinium, Alba, and Rome. Comp. 12. 823, foll., which is a good commentary on the present passage. Albani patres' probably means not our Alban ancestors,' but the senate, or rather the noble houses of Alba, of which the Julii were one.

8-11.] 'Why was it, Muse, that Juno so persecuted so pious a hero ?'

8.] Caussae' is not unfrequently used where we should be content with the sing., e. g. v. 414., 2. 105., 3. 32., 6. 710, the last of which will illustrate the epexegetical clause 'quo-inpulerit.' 'Memora' is appropriate, as the Muses were connected with memory: comp. 7. 645, and see note on E. 7. 19.-There are various ways of taking ‘quo numine laeso.' Some think there is a change of construction, and that 'impulsus fuerit,' or something like it, should have followed; so that Virgil should have imitated Homer, Il. 1. 8, Tís Tap opwe dewv Epidi Evvéŋke μáxeσbai; But this, as Heyne remarks, though not unexampled, would be a singular piece of loose writing so early in the poem, and

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would moreover involve the inconsistency of first saying that it was Juno, 'saevae memorem Iunonis ob iram,' and then asking the Muse what god it was. Others make 'numine' nearly equivalent to voluntate,' citing 2. 123, quae sint ea numina divom;" but even supposing that 'numen' in this sense might be taken distributively, which the passage above quoted does not prove, laeso' would scarcely be appropriate to 'numine' in this sense, while the words frequently occur in conjunction in the sense of outraged majesty. Comp. 2. 183, Hor. Epod. 15. 3, and Macleane's note. Heyne accepts Serv.'s proposal of separating 'quo' from 'numine,' and taking it in the sense of 'qua re,' 'qua causa, which would be extremely harsh. It remains then, with Wagn., to regard the expression as equivalent to "quam ob laesionem numinis sui ;" referring it to the cases already noticed on E. 1. 54, where the pronoun or pronominal adjective stands for its corresponding adverb. Thus the negative answer to quo numine laeso' would be "nullum numen Iunonis laesit." Or we may say that 'numen laesum' alone would stand for "laesio numinis" (see Madv. § 426), and that in such a construction the question could hardly be asked otherwise than by making the interrogative pronoun agree with the noun. charge of impiety strictly could be brought against Aeneas, but there might be 'dolores,' such as are mentioned vv. 23-28, which impelled Juno to persecute even one renowned for piety.

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9.] Volvere: see on G. 2. 295, "Multa virum volvens durando saecula vincit." The misfortunes are regarded as a destined circle which Aeneas goes through.

10.] Insignem pietate' (6. 403) characterizes the hero, as TOAUTроTOV does Ulysses in the commencement of the Odyssey. The contrast, however, between piety and sufferings is made in the case of Ulysses himself, Od. 1. 60 foll., 66 foll. Pietas' includes the performance of all duties to gods, parents, kinsmen, friends, and country. 'Adire periculum" is not uncommon in Cicero; see Forc.

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Inpulerit. Tantaene animis caelestibus irae ?

Urbs antiqua fuit, Tyrii tenuere coloni,
Karthago, Italiam contra Tiberinaque longe
Ostia, dives opum studiisque asperrima belli;
Quam Iuno fertur terris magis omnibus unam
Posthabita coluisse Samo hic illius arma,
Hic currus fuit; hoc regnum dea gentibus esse,
Si qua fata sinant, iam tum tenditque fovetque.
Progeniem sed enim Troiano a sanguine duci
Audierat, Tyrias olim quae verteret arces;

11.] It is difficult to say whether 'animis caelestibus' is a dat. with an ellipsis of the verb substantive or the ablative.

12-33.] Juno was patroness of Carthage, which, she had heard, was destined one day to be crushed by a nation of Trojan descent. Hence she persecuted the Trojans, who were already her enemies, and kept them away from Italy.'

12.] Urbs antiqua,' said with reference to Virgil's own age. For the parenthetical constructionTyrii tenuere coloni,' comp. v. 530 below, "Est locus, Hesperiam Graii cognomine dicunt." Tyrii coloni,' 'settlers from Tyre,' as "Dardaniis colonis," 7. 422, are settlers from Troy.

13.] Longe,' as contrasted with the adjacent islands. The sense is clear ("Against the Tiber's mouth, but far away," Dryden), though it is not easy to determine the exact grammatical position of 'longe.' The choice seems to lie between connecting it with 'contra' and making it an adverbial adjunct of ostia,' i. q. longe distantia.' The latter is a Grecism (Wund. comp. To Texaμwvos Tηλóbev olкou, Soph. Aj. 204), but may perhaps be supported by the use of "super" 3. 489, note. It appears that some in the time of Serv. actually took 'longe' with 'dives.'


14.] Dives opum,' 2. 22. 'Opum' includes all sources of power. Asperrima' is the epithet of war (9. 667., 11. 635., 12. 124) applied to the warlike nation. Given to the stern pursuits of war.' "Ad bella studium," G. 3. 179.

15.] Germ. comp. Od. 8. 284, 1⁄2 of yarάwv πολὺ φιλτάτη ἐστὶν ἁπασέων. Unam magis omnibus coluisse' = 6 unam omnium maxime coluisse.' The Astarte of the Phoenicians is identified, in the loose way common among the ancients, with Juno. On the temple of Hera at Samos,

see Hdt. 3. 60.

16.] 'Coluisse,' as dweller in the temple.




Comp. v. 447. "Pallas quas condidit arces Ipsa colat," E. 2. 61. For Juno's arms, comp. 2. 614, note. Her chariot is from II. 5. 720 foll. The Phoenician Astarte was represented seated on a lion.

17.] Regnum gentibus,' 'the capital of the nations,' instead of Rome. The dative, as in 8. 65., 10. 203. For the pronoun taking the gender of the following substantive, see Madv. § 313.

18.] 'Si qua' is similarly used 6. 882. "Fata sinebant," 4. 652., 11. 701. Iam tum,' in that early age, long before it became the actual rival of Rome. Tendit' determines the construction, the infinitive being the object of both verbs. 'Tendere' is often followed by an infinitive, the subject being the same as the nominative to the verb, as "aqua tendit rumpere plumbum," Hor. 1 Ep. 10. 20, "si vivere cum Iove tendis," Pers. 5. 139. 'Foveo,' on the other hand, takes an accusative, as "fovere consilium." These two constructions are united, the sentence 'hoc-esse' standing in the relation of an ordinary infinitive to 'tendit,' and of an accusative to 'fovet.' Three MSS. give 'favet,' and 'vovet' has been conjectured. Some have thought 'hoc regnum--fovetque' spurious, on the strength of a notice of Serv., which really refers to v. 534 below.

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19.] Sed enim,' 2. 164, &c., àλrà yáp, however,' or 'nevertheless.' The present infinitive, duci,' denotes the event as existing in the designs of fate. Duci,' as in 10. 145. Gossrau, following a suggestion of Serv., thinks the progenies' is Scipio, which is very improbable, and besides makes 'hinc,' v. 21, inexplicable; and the same objection applies to Ladewig's more plausible explanation of 'progenies' as the great Trojan families among the Romans.

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20.] Quae verteret,' 'to overturn.' 'Vertere,' as in 2. 652, &c. As might be expected, some MSS. have 'everteret.'


Hinc populum late regem belloque superbum
Venturum exscidio Libyae: sic volvere Parcas.
Id metuens veterisque memor Saturnia belli,
Prima quod ad Troiam pro caris gesserat Argis-
Necdum etiam caussae irarum saevique dolores
Exciderant animo: manet alta mente repostum
Iudicium Paridis spretaeque iniuria formae,
Et genus invisum, et rapti Ganymedis honores;
His accensa super iactatos aequore toto
Troas, reliquias Danaum atque inmitis Achilli,

21.] 'Late regem,' comp. eupukpeίw, and "late tyrannus," Hor. 3 Od. 17. 9. Populus' is a personification, and therefore takes the epithet 'rex.' 'Hinc,' i. e. 'Trojano a sanguine,' rather than 'ex hac progenie;' but it is not very clear, as, though in the latter case the distinction between the 'progenies' and the 'populus' springing from it seems unmeaning, the former view creates a tautology. In v. 235, where the expression is somewhat parallel, "revocato a sanguine Teucri" seems epexegetical of "hinc." Serv. mentions that Probus marked this and the next line as doubtful; but it seems to have been merely a critical opinion. 'Superbus' here seems to be equivalent to 'praestans,' as in Sil. 10.573, "I, decus Ausoniae, quo fas est ire superbas Virtute et factis animas."

22.] Venire exscidio,' like venire aux ilio' and 'subsidio,' 'Libyae' being probably the dative, as 'Dardaniae' seems to be 2. 325. But there is room for doubt in both instances. It is hard to fix the precise meaning of 'yolvere.' The passage 3. 375, "sic fata deum rex Sortitur volvitque vices," is equally obscure; and we are left to choose between the ideas of a cycle of events (which is recommended by "is vertitur ordo" in the passage in A. 3), an urn in which lots are shaken, the threads of a spindle (which is the view of Servius), and a book. The orthography exscidium' has been adopted on etymological grounds, as the word must be derived from 'exscindo,' as 'discidium' from 'discindo,' unless, deriving it from 'excido,' we pronounce it as a trisyllable by synizesis. Excidio' on the other hand seems clearly to come from excido,' like " cidio from 'occido,' so that we must suppose a synizesis in Plaut. Curc. 4. 3. 2, "Sed eapse illa qua excidionem facere condidici oppidis."

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23.] Veteris' and 'prima' are applied to the Trojan war, as contrasted with this



new antipathy of Juno to the Trojans, caused by her anxiety for Carthage, as the former had been caused by her love for Argos. Prima,' adverbially, as in G. 1. 12. 25.] The words from necdum' to 'ho


are parenthetical. These causae irarum' are distinguished from the 'vetus bellum,' in other words, from the 'irae' themselves, the bitterness displayed in or produced by the war. Virgil had already, v. 24, suggested one cause in her love for Argos; but though this supplies a parallel to her present feeling, it scarcely accounts for its existence; so he goes back to show that her old quarrel with Troy had other grounds. Dolores' is the pang, put for the affront. It is only in the sense of the affront that it can properly be joined with 'exciderant animo,' understood of being forgotten. So 'dolens,' v. 9. Or if 'dolores' is taken in its ordinary sense, 'exciderant animo' will shift its meaning, 'had passed from her soul.'

27.] The injury which consisted in her beauty being scorned,' explaining the 'iudicium Paridis.' The legend does not appear in Homer earlier than II. 24. 29 foll.

28.] Genus invisum," the hated stock,' referring to the birth of Dardanus, who was the son of Jupiter by Electra, daughter of Atlas. The carrying off of Ganymede, who belonged to a later generation of the royal house of Troy, was a further provocation.

29.] The construction is resumed after the parenthesis with some variation, ‘his accensa super' referring to the subjectmatter of the parenthesis. 'Super' for insuper,' 2. 71, &c. Iactatos arcebat' is equivalent to 'iactabat et arcebat,' or iactando arcebat.'

30.] Reliquias Danaum,' who had been left by the Greeks. Comp. Cic. de Sen. 6. 19, "ut avi reliquias (i. e. "Karthaginem ab avo relictam ") persequare," quoted by Forb. Comp. Aesch. Ag. 517, orpаTOV

Arcebat longe Latio, multosque per annos
Errabant, acti fatis, maria omnia circum.
Tantae molis erat Romanam condere gentem.
Vix e conspectu Siculae telluris in altum
Vela dabant laeti, et spumas salis aere ruebant,
Cum Iuno, aeternum servans sub pectore volnus,
Haec secum: Mene incepto desistere victam,

posse Italia Teucrorum avertere regem ?
Quippe vetor fatis. Pallasne exurere classem

déxeσbai Tòv reλeiμμévov dopós. For the orthography 'Achilli,' see note on G. 3. 91. Here Rom. has 'Achillis.'

32.] Acti fatis,' inasmuch as their destiny forbids them to rest. Comp. "fato profugus, v. 2. The opposition which Henry supposes between the impulse of the fates and the repulse of Juno, though true in fact, does not seem to be distinctly intended here. They are said to wander round the seas rather than over them, doubtless for variety's sake. In v. 667 below Aeneas is tossed on the sea "omnia circum litora."


33.] Tantae molis' for 'tanti moliminis,' as in Livy 25. 11, "Plaustris transveham naves haud magna mole." metaphor may be continued in 'condere.' 34-49.] The Trojans were just sailing from Sicily when Juno saw them, remembered the vengeance Pallas once took on the Greek fleet, and chafed to think that hitherto she had done so little.'

34.] Virgil plunges in medias res,' as the commentators remark. See Introduction to this Book. The departure from Sicily closes Aeneas's narrative, 3. 715. Forb. takes 'e conspectu Siculae telluris' to mean out of sight from Sicily,' or of those who were in Sicily, comparing 11. 903, "Vix e conspectu exierat," but there the sense is determined by the context: and the common rendering, 'out of sight of Sicily,' is more natural, and equally good Latin. Comp. e. g. "urbis conspectu frui," Cic. Sull. 9. Generally, though not universally, where the noun in the gen. is a thing, the gen. is that of the object; and, in the present case, we more naturally think of the Trojans looking towards Sicily, than of Sicily looking towards the Trojans.

35.] Heyne puts a comma after 'dabant, which is the punctuation of Med., but MS. authority on such points is of little value. Wagn.omits the comma altogether, on the ground that laeti belongs

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to both verbs; which of course it does, in sense; but in construction it must be taken with the one or the other, and it is obviously better taken with the former. Virg., in fact, is imitating Od. 5. 269, γηθόσυνος δ ̓ οὔρῳ πέτασ ̓ ἱστία δῖος Οδυσoeus, Ulysses's voyage there answering to Aeneas's here. Ruebant,' 'were driving before them; see note on G. 1. 105. Campos salis aere secabant," 10. 214. "Spumat sale" ("sale," neut. nom.) occurs Enn. A. 14. 1.


36.] Sub pectore,' 'deep in her breast,' with a derivative notion of secrecy. Comp. Aesch. Eum. 156, étuver-únd ppéras ind λoßóv. On a comparison of Lucr. 1. 34, "aeterno devictus vulnere amoris," it is perhaps better to take aeternum' closely with volnus' than, as the order might warrant, with 'servans.'

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37.] Secum: "sine conscio," says Serv., comparing v. 225 below and 2.93. Loqui secum,' as opposed to loqui cum aliquo,' is to soliloquize, if the person is alone; to think or mutter, if the person is in company. It is the port v uvehσaтo evμdy of Ŏd. 5. 285, where Poseidon takes the part taken by Juno here. Mene-desistere:' for this use of the accus, and infin. to denote indignation or surprise, see Madv. § 399. In Greek the article is not unfrequently prefixed to the infin. in this construction. Victam,' baffled.' For one aspect of the word we may comp. 7. 310, Vincor ab Aenea;" for another, Hor. 1 Ep. 13. 11, "Victor propositi."


38.] Avertere,' G. 2. 172. As Henry remarks, it means not merely to turn away, but to turn back.

39.] Quippe' always gives a reason, sometimes with irony, and here with indignation. The use of 'ne,' which implies a negative answer, expresses incredulity that Pallas should have done what Juno cannot. Hom., Od. 1. 326, makes the minstrel sing to the suitors of the vóσTov ̓Αχαιών Λυγρὸν ὃν ἐκ Τροίης ἐπετείλατο

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