With shallow jesters, and rash bavin wits, Soon kindled, and soon burn'd: carded his state; Mingled his royalty with capering fools; Had his great name profaned with their scorns: And gave his countenance, against his name, To laugh at gibing boys, and stand the push Of every beardless vain comparative : Grew a companion to the common streets, Enfeoff'd himself to popularity: That being daily swallow'd by men's eyes, They surfeited with honey; and began To loathe the taste of sweetness, whereof a little More than a little is by much too much. So, when he had occasion to be seen, He was but as the cuckoo is in June, Heard, not regarded; seen, but with such eyes, As, sick and blunted with community, Afford no extraordinary gaze, Such as is bent on sun-like majesty When it shines seldom in admiring eyes: But rather drowz'd and hung their eyelids down, Slept in his face, and render'd such aspect As cloudy men use to their adversaries; Being with his presence glutted, gorg'd, and full.
in that very line, Harry, stand'st thou :
For thou hast lost thy princely privilege, With vile participation; not an eye But is a-weary of thy common sight, Save mine, which hath desir'd to see thee more; Which now doth that I would not have it do, Make blind itself with foolish tenderness.
P. Hen. I shall hereafter, my thrice-gracious lord,
As thou art to this hour, was Richard then When I from France set foot at Ravenspurg; And even as I was then, is Percy now. Now by my sceptre, and my soul to boot, He hath more worthy interest to the state, Than thou, the shadow of succession: For, of no right, nor color like to right, He doth fill fields with harness in the realm: Turns head against the lion's armed jaws; And, being no more in debt to years than thou, Leads ancient lords and reverend bishops on, To bloody battles, and to bruising arms. What never-dying honor hath he got Against renowned Douglas; whose high deeds,
Whose hot incursions, and great name in arms, Holds from all soldiers chief majority,
And military title capital,
Through all the kingdoms that acknowledge Christ? Thrice hath this Hotspur Mars in swathing clothes, This infant warrior in his enterprises
Discomfited great Douglas: ta'en him once, Enlarg'd him, and made a friend of him, To fill the mouth of deep defiance up,
And shake the peace and safety of our throne. And what say you to this? Percy, Northumberland, The archbishop's grace of York, Douglas, Mortimer, Capitulate against us, and are up.
But wherefore do I tell these news to thee? Why, Harry, do I tell thee of my foes, Which art my near'st and dearest enemy? Thou that art like enough,-through vassal fear, Base inclination, and the start of spleen,- To fight against me under Percy's pay, To dog his heels, and court'sy at his frowns, To show how much degenerate thou art ?
P. Hen. Do not think so, you shall not find it so; And Heaven forgive them, that have so much sway'd Your majesty's good thoughts away from me! I will redeem all this on Percy's head, And, in the closing of some glorious day, Be bold to tell you, that I am your son; When I will wear a garment all of blood, And stain my favors in a bloody mask, Which, wash'd away, shall scour my shame with it. And that shall be the day, whene'er it lights, That this same child of honor and renown, This gallant Hotspur, this all-praised knight, And your unthought-of Harry, chance to meet. For every honor sitting on his helm, Would they were multitudes; and on my head My shames redoubled! for the time will come, That I shall make this northern youth exchange His glorious deeds for my indignities. Percy is but my factor, good my lord, To engross up glorious deeds on my behalf; And I will call him to so strict account, That he shall render every glory up, Yea, even the slightest worship of his time, Or I will tear the reckoning from his heart. This, in the name of Heaven, I promise here: The which if it be pleas'd I shall perform, I do beseech your majesty, may salve
The long-grown wounds of my intemperance: If not, the end of life cancels all bands; And I will die a hundred thousand deaths, Ere break the smallest parcel of this vow.
K. Hen. A hundred thousand rebels die in this :Thou shalt have charge, and sovereign trust, herein.
Many of the incidents of this Play, and much of the dialogue, were taken by Shakspeare from chronicles of Hollingshed and Stowe, who were themselves indebted to "Cavendish's Life of Wolsey" for most of the particulars they gave of the Cardinal's history.
Shakspeare has depicted the character of the gentle and noble-hearted Katharine of Arragon, with such felicitous skill, that the scenes in which she is introduced are considered among the finest efforts of the Poet's genius.
The haughty Wolsey, is also a powerfully drawn picture. Our selections are devoted to the display of these two master-pieces of historical dramatic composition.
CAPUCIUS, Ambassador from the Emperor, Charles V.
CRANMER, Archbishop of Canterbury.
Lord Chamberlain.
Lord Chancellor.
GARDINER, Bishop of Winchester. BISHOP OF LINCOLN.
Secretaries to Wolsey.
CROMWELL, servant to Wolsey.
GRIFFITH, Gentleman-Usher to Queen Katharine.
Doctor BUTTS, physician to the King. Garter King at Arms.
Surveyor to the Duke of Buckingham. Brandon, and a Sergeant at Arms. Doorkeeper of the Council-Chamber. Porter, and his man.
QUEEN KATHARINE, wife to King Henry, afterwards divorced. ANNE BULLEN, her Maid of Honor, afterwards Queen. An old Lady, friend to Anne Bullen.
PATIENCE, woman to Queen Katharine.
Several Lords and Ladies in the Dumb Shows; Women attending upon the Queen; Spirits which appear to her; Scribes, Officers, Guards, and other Attendants.
SCENE,-chiefly in London and Westminster, once at KIMBOLTON.
Queen Katharine incurred the jealousy and hatred of Wolsey, by her opposition to his overbearing arrogance, and the exactions he was continually enforcing on the people. Shakspeare introduces the Queen, as a suitor to the King, on the subject of these oppressions of the people.
SCENE II.- The Council-Chamber.
Cornets. Enter KING HENRY, CARDINAL WOLSEY, the Lords of the Council, Sir THOMAS LOVELL, Officers, and Attendants. The KING enters, leaning on the CARDINAL's shoulder.
K. Hen. My life itself, and the best heart of it, Thanks you for this great care : I stood i' the level Of a full-charged confederacy, and give thanks
The KING takes his State. The Lords of the Council take their several places. The CARDINAL places himself under the KING's feet, on his right side.
A noise within, crying, Room for the Queen! Enter the QUEEN, ushered by the DUKES OF NORFOLK and SUFFOLK: she kneels. The KING rises from his State, takes her up, kisses, and places her by him.
Q. Kath. Nay, we must longer kneel; I am a suitor. K. Hen. Arise, and take place by us:-Half your suit
Never name to us; you have half our power; The other moiety, ere you ask, is given; Repeat your will, and take it.
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