Yet I, alone, alone do me oppose From his allegiance to an heretic; That I have room with Rome to curse awhile! To my keen curses: for, without my wrong, Pand. There's law and warrant, lady, for my curse. Let it be lawful, that law bar no wrong: Eli. Look'st thou pale, France? do not let go thy hand. And tell me, how you would bestow yourself. Pand. All form is formless, order orderless, Therefore, to arms, be champion of our church! But, if not, then know, The peril of our curses light on thee; Faul. Will 't not be ? Will not a calf's-skin stop that mouth of thine ? Lew. Father, to arms! Blanch. Upon thy wedding day? Against the blood that thou hast married? O husband, hear me!-even for that name, Which till this time my tongue did ne'er pronounce, Upon my knee I beg, go not to arms Against mine uncle. Const. O, upon my knee, Made hard with kneeling, I do pray to thee, Blanch. Now shall I see thy love; What motive may Const. That which upholdeth him that thee upholds, His honor: O, thine honor, Lewis, thine honor! Lew. I muse, your majesty doth seem so cold, When such profound respects do pull you on. Pand. I will denounce a curse upon his head. K. Phi. Thou shalt not need: England, I'll fall from thee. Const. O fair return of banish'd majesty! Eli. O foul revolt of French inconstancy! K. John. France, thou shalt rue this hour within this hour. Which is the side that I must go withal? Father, I may not wish the fortune thine; Lew. Lady, with me; with me thy fortune lies. France, I am burn'd up with inflaming wrath; The blood, and dearest valu'd blood, of France. [Exit FAUL K. Phi. Thy rage shall burn thee up, and thou shalt turn To ashes, ere our blood shall quench that fire : Look to thyself, thou art in jeopardy. K. John. No more than he that threats. - To arms let's hie! [Exeunt. A battle ensues between the French and English forces, and Arthur is taken prisoner by King John. SCENE.-Plains near Angiers. Alarums; Excursions; Retreat. Enter KING JOHN, ELINOR, AR THUR, FAULCONBRIDGE, HUBERT, and Lords. K. John. So shall it be; your grace shall stay behind, So strongly guarded. - Cousin, look not sad: Thy grandam loves thee; and thy uncle will As dear be to thee as thy father was. Arth. O, this will make my mother die with grief. [TO ELINOR. [TO ARTHUR. K. John. Cousin, -[to FAULCONBRIDGE.] -away for England. haste before: And, ere our coming, see thou shake the bags Must by the hungry now be fed upon: Use our commission in its utmost force. Faul. Bell, book, and candle shall not drive me back, When gold and silver becks me to come on. I leave your highness :-Grandam, I will pray (If ever I remember to be holy,) For your fair safety; so I kiss your hand. Eli. Farewell, my gentle cousin. K. John. Coz, farewell. [Exit FAULCONBRIDGE. Eli. Come hither, little kinsman; hark, a word. [She takes ARTHUR aside. K. John. Come hither, Hubert. O my gentle Hubert, We owe thee much; within this wall of flesh There is a soul, counts thee her creditor, And with advantage means to pay thy love: Hub. I am much bounden to your majesty. K. John. Good friend, thou hast no cause to say so yet: But thou shalt have: and creep time ne'er so slow, I had a thing to say,-But let it go: To give me audience :-If the midnight bell Hub. So well, that what you bid me undertake, K. John. Do not I know, thou would'st? Good Hubert, Hubert, Hubert, throw thine eye He is a very serpent in my way: And, wheresoe'er this foot of mine doth tread, He lies before me: Dost thou understand me? Hub. K. John. He shall not live. Enough. I could be merry now: Hubert, I love thee. Eli. My blessing go with thee! For England, cousin, go: Hubert shall be your man, attend on you SCENE.-The French King's Tent. [Exeunt. Enter KING PHILIP, LEWIS, PANDULPH, and Attendants. K. Phi. So, by a roaring tempest on the flood, A whole armado of convicted sail Is scatter'd and disjoin'd from fellowship. Pand. Courage and comfort! all shall yet go well. Are we not beaten? Is not Angiers lost? Lew. What he hath won, that hath he fortified: K. Phi. Well could I bear that England had this praise, Enter CONSTANCE. Look, who comes here! a grave unto a soul; I pr'ythee, lady, go away with me. Const. Lo, now! now see the issue of your peace! K. Phi. Patience, good lady! comfort, gentle Constance! But that which ends all counsel, true redress, Death, death:-) amiable, lovely death! Arise forth from the couch of lasting night, Thou hate and terror to prosperity, And I will kiss thy détestable bones; Come, grin on me; and I will think thou smil'st, And buss thee as thy wife! Misery's love, O, come to me! K. Phi. O fair affliction, peace. Const. No, no, will not, having breath to cry: |