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Titles of Articles are printed in heavier type. The names of authors of
articles are printed in italics.]


ica, The Late German Colonies
, 462-position, 463-administra-
on, 463, 476-system of water-
ays, 464-Lake Tanganyika, 465
-configuration of East Africa, 466-
70-railways, 468 South-West
frica, 470-472-province of Groot-
ontein, 471-industries and rail-
ay system, ib.-the Cameroons,
2-474-Lake Chad, 474--Togo-
nd, 474-476-method of govern-
ent, 476-labour question, 477.

ohol, A Scientific Decision on,
-Lord D'Abernon's Committee,
--members, 63 note-preface, 64,
-action of alcohol on the nervous
stem, 65, 70-use of tobacco, 66
sedative action, 67-symptoms of
toxication, 68-stimulation of the
art and pulse, ib.-influence on
scular acts, 69-the brain, ib.—
periments on rum, 70-the chief
traction, 71 the temperance
ovement, 72-rules for the use,
-influence of wine on ague, 75.
ed armies, military operations on
e western front, 257-261.

ace-Lorraine, 169-the test of
tionality, 170-race, language or
ographical position, ib.-applica-
n of the plebiscite, 171-annexa-
n of the Three Bishoprics, 172,
4-acquisition of Alsace, 173-
rraine, 174-administration by
ance, 176-cession of Saarbrücken
d the Saar, 177-annexation to
ermany, 178-Treaty of Frank-
ol. 231.-No. 459,

fort, 179-policy of Germany, 180-
result of the restoration to France,
181-the valuable potash deposits
of Alsace, 182-coal and iron fields
of Lorraine, ib.

America, bee-farms, 499, 500.

Amschel, Mayer, founder of the
House of Rothschild, 430.

2 M

Ancestor Worship and the
Chinese Drama, 296-the 'Shu
King,' the Book of Historical
Documents,' ib.-the 'Shih King,'
the •
Book of Poetry,' 297-four
parts, 298-origin of ancestor wor-
ship, 299--the same ritual for all
classes, 300-chief festivals, ib.-
the spirits invoked, 301-celebra-
tion of Shang or 'first fruits,' 302
-fishing, ib.-sacrifices in the
royal temple, 303-personators,'
ib.-origin of Chou-chi, 305-de-
scendants, ib.-reign of king Wu,
306-309-king Chang, 309-sacri-
fices to Wan and Wu, 309, 311,
315-music and ceremorial, 310-
ode to Wu,' 311-the 'Lai,' 312-
'Cho,' ib.-dialogue between Con-
fucius and Pin-mou Chia, 313-315
-war-dances, 316.

Anglo-Italian Trade, The Pro-
spects of, 49. See Italy.
Armstrong, Edward, 'The Empire
of Spain,' 345.

Austria-Hungary, military opera-
tions against Italy, 253-255, 266-
defeat of the army, 255.



Bate, J. Pawley, The Freedom of
the Seas,' 184.

Bee-Keeping, Modern, 498--amount
imported and average price, ib.-
an ideal hobby, 499-importance of
honey, ib.-food, 500-fertilising
an orchard, ib.-disease of Micro-
sporidiosis, 501, 504-stings, 501-
how to handle bees, ib.-smoke
and carbolic acid, 502-remedies
when stung, 503-Ligurian bees,
ib.-precautions against disease,
505-hives, ib.-honey, 506-pre-
parations for winter, ib.-swarm-
ing, 507-feeding, ib.--robbing a
hive, 508-number of eggs laid by
a queen-bee, 509.

Bigelow, John, 'Life of Benjamin
Franklin,' 192.

Blood, Col W. P., 'The End of the
War,' 252.

Bosanquet, Bernard, The Philo-
sophy of Benedetto Croce,' 359.
Boscawen, W., member of the
Literary Fund Committee, 289-
preface to 'Claims of Literature,'

Bradley, F. H., 'Principles of Logic,'
extract from, 372.

Bulgaria, surrender, 252, 267.

Butler, advice on bees, 502.

[blocks in formation]

Chambers, Dr King, Manual on Diet
in Health and Disease, extract
from, 75.
Christianity, Eastern: Reform
and Reunion, 112. See Eastern.
Church of England, relations with
the Eastern Church, 124.
Clayton, Bertram, Utopias Un-
limited,' 510.

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Clifford, Sir Hugh, German Colo
nies: A Plea for the Native Races,

Cole, G. D. H., Labour in the Com-
monwealth,' 514-517-'The World
of Labour,' 515.

Corwin, Edward S., 'The President's
Control of Foreign Relations,' 145.
Cowan, T. W., Bee-keepers' Re-
cord,' 500.

[ocr errors]

Cretan Prophet, A, 378-Epime
nides, 379-personality, ib.-visi
to purify Athens, 380, 387-semi
divine origin, 381-one of the
Seven Wise Men, 382-views of
German scholars, 383-of English
ib.-the Greek character, 384-re
forms of Epimenides, 385-387-8
scientific investigator and a philo
sophical thinker, 388-Prof. R
Harris' identification of an Epime
nidean fragment, 389-poe
'Minos,' 391-393-the true spirit of
Hellenism, 394.

Croce, The Philosophy of Bene
detto, 359-character of his philo
sophy, 360-knowledge, 361-intui
tion, ib.-language an aestheti
expression, 363, 374-Logic the
science of the 'pure concept, 363
365-economic will, 365-367-'use
ful' and 'utilitarian,' 367-reality
of freedom and the unreality of
evil, 368 dialectical optimism
369-cosmic progress, 370-
on Hegel's dialectic, 371-373-views
against metaphysics, 373-exter
nalisation a mere practical act
374-repudiation of transcendence,
375--the Universe, 376-religion,

[ocr errors]

Croker, John Wilson, Memoirs, 9.
Crozier, W. P., "The Theory and
Practice of Marshal Foch,' 239.
Currency Note, The, in Relation
to Banking and the Exchanges
97-four items in the issue of cur
rency notes, 98-102-collapse of

[blocks in formation]

- numerous

northern and southern divisions,
ib.-unity and solidarity, 114-
cause of separation between the
East and West, ib.-
schisms, 115-the Church of the
Seven General Councils, 116-four
ancient Patriarchates, ib. - the
case of Russia, 117-Rumania, 118
-Serbia, 119-Greece, 120-124-
relations with the Church of Eng-
land, 124-need for a religious
union, 125.

Ellison, Canon, founds the Church of
England Temperance Society, 72.
Epimenides, a Cretan Prophet, 379.
See Cretan.

Escott, T. H. S., 'The House of
Rothschild,' 430.


Abernon, Lord, Chairman of the
Committee on Alcohol, 63-preface,
4, 74.

le, H. H., member of the Com-
mittee on Alcohol, 64 note.

mes, M. Longworth, 'The Late
German Colonies in Africa,' 462.
rwin, Charles, publication of
Origin of Species' and 'Earth-
Worms,' 12.

vison, Charles Stewart, 'The
reedom of the Seas,' 202, 204.
ges, Rev. J. G., The Practical
Bee-Guide,' 501.

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Farmer, Eric, The Psychology of
an Internment Camp,' 396.
Finland, The Revolution in, Its
Causes and Results, 149-position
under the Tsar, ib.-Senate and
Diet, 150-chief political parties, ib.
-Labour party, 151-relations with
Russia, ib.-strike of 1905, 152-
result of class hatred, ib.-effect of
the war, 153-legislative measures,
154-formation of the Red Guards,
155-the White Guards, 156 — A
People's Council, ib. reign of
terror, 158-overthrow of the Red
Guards, 159-162-General Manner-
heim's operations, 159, 168-equip.
ment of his troops, 160-Grenadiers
and Jägers, 161-victory of the
White Guards, 162, 168-escape of
Judge Svinhufvud, 163 - Prince
Frederick Charles of Hesse elected
King, 165-foreign policy of the
Government, 166-General Manner-
heim elected Regent, 168.
Folk-lore, meaning of the word, 445.
Foch, Marshal, The Theory and

Practice of, 239-lectures, 239,
244, 248, 249-career, 239-Chief
of the Staff, ib.- personal qualities,
240-conception of war, ib.—of the
Commander, 241-244-theory of the
supreme blow, 245-period of pre-
paration, 246-doctrine of Economy
of Force, 247-of sûreté, 247-250-
efficient system of intelligence, 248
-extracts from his lectures, 249-
number of offensives, 251.


France, restoration of Alsace-Lor-
raine, 169, 181-acquisition of
Alsace, 173-Lorraine, 174 - The
Three Bishoprics, ib.-character of
her administration, 176-cession of
territory, 177-military operations
on the western front, 256-261.

Franklin, Benjamin, extract from
the Life of, 193-meeting with
Williams, 278.

Frazer, Sir J. G., Folk-Lore in the

Old Testament,' 446 et seq.

Fuller, B. A. G., The Problem of
Evil in Plotinus,' 480.


Gardnor, J., member of the Literary
Club, 285.

Gauvain, Auguste, 'A League of
Nations,' 228.

Gentz, Friedrich von, career, 435-
relations with Nathan Rothschild,

German Banks and Peaceful

Penetration,' 76 the Beteili-
gungssystem, 77-bank and indus-
trial policy, 78-five main lines,
ib.-application of science to in-
dustry, 79-concentration process,
30-long-term' credit system, 81
-the London branches, 82-' pene-
tration of Russia, ib.-the Banca
Commerciale Italiana, 83, 87-
methods of expansion, 84-organi-
sation of an Intelligence Depart-
ment, ib.-the Reichsbank, 85, 89
-efficient plans for the financial
mobilisation, 86-world-finance a
part of Welt-politik, ib.-political
intrigue in South Africa, 88-
evidence of the card-indexes, 88-93
-references to insurance


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Germany's Debt to France, 26-
condition preceding the French
Revolution, 26-28-opinions on it,
29-character of the refugees, 30-
causes of the war of 1792, ib.-
effects of the Revolution, 31-33-
collapse of the Holy Roman Empire,
32-renaissance of Prussia, 33-
Stein's Nassau Programme,' 34-
reforms of Hardenberg, 36-38-
views of Scharnhorst, 38-Gnei-
senau, ib.-collapse of the three
ecclesiastical Electorates, 39-un-
popularity of the republican rule
on the Rhineland, 40-Treaty of
Lunéville, 41-result of 20 years of
French occupation, 42-condition
of Bavaria, 43-Monteglas the
creator of modern Bavaria, 45-
the Duchy of Württemberg, 46-
Baden, 47.

Gibson, M. D., 'The Commentaries
of Isho'dad of Merv,' translated
by, 389.

Gladstone, W. E., friendship with
J. Murray III, 11, 20.

Glazebrook, Canon M. G., "The "Life
and Liberty" Movement,' 333.

Gooch, G. P., 'Germany's Debt to
France,' 26.

Görres, obituary on the Holy Roman
Empire, 32-on the unpopularity
of the French on the Rhineland,
Gray, Ezio M., The Bloodless War,'


Greece, reform of the Church, 120-
views of Meletios Metaxakis, 121-
'A Draft Constitution for the
Orthodox Church,' 122-position
and education of the clergy, ib.-
superstitions dying out, 123-rela-
tion of the bishops to the parochial
clergy, 123-the work of two
Synods, 124.

Greenwood, M., member of the Com-
mittee on Alcohol, 64 note.
Grote, Mrs, 'Life of her husband.'



Hague Conference, 211, 213.
Harris, Prof. Rendel, identification
of an Epimenidean fragment, 389.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

nternment Camp, The


chology of an, 396. See Ruhleben.

saacs, S. H., 'The True Boundaries
of the Holy Land,' 321.

aly, readjustment of commercial
relations, 49-amount of exports
and imports, 50-export trade to
the Central Empire, 51-53-fruit
and vegetable, 51-53, 56-wine, 53–
oil, fowls and eggs, 54-trade with
England, 55, 57 - organisation of
production and collection, 58-
transport, 59-61-sale, 61-mili-
tary operations against Austria-
Hungary, 253-255, 266-forcing the
Piave, 254.



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[blocks in formation]

'Life and Liberty' Movement, 333
-report of the Committee on
Church and State, ib.-failure of the
Church, 334-committee formed,
335-six grave issues, 336-amend-
ments to the Enabling Bill, ib.—
'When the Church is Free,' 337,
340-three elements of confusion
in the manifesto, 337-339-report
of the Representative Church
Council Committee, 340-lack of a
recognised standard of doctrine,
341-proposed 'Church Assembly,'
ib.-indefinite attitude of the move-
ment, 342-disestablishment, ib.

Literary Fund, Royal, members,
285-first case, 287-members of
the committee, 289-history, 290—
financial report, 292, 295.

Livingstone, Dr, portrait, 13.

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