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fore) therefore all Men, both good and
bad, fhall have Eternal life, viz. Immorta
lity of Souls, and Refurrection of Bodies.
If it be queftioned, whether the Damned
befaid to have Eternal life,because they
have been united with Christ, so as is faid 2

We answer Yes. For their Souls are Immortal, as really as the Souls of the Bleffed, and their Bodies fhall be raised to Life at the géneral Resurrection, as truly as the Bodies of the Saints; both the Bleffed and the Damned,in Bodies and inSouls, shall then have Everlasting life,the one in happiness,the other in Mifery.


And although the Miferable State and Bex. Cat, condition of the Damned (as Beza faith) is not worthy to be called Life, and is therefore called Eternal Death, and Everlasting Damnation, yet it is such a death as is calAug. T led Mors fine morte, & Oával☺· AdaraĴO, 3.31 is a living death, and endless living in miLong1 fic fery; it is a life, though worse than death, morte ne- or annihilation, and fuch an everlasting life cabat, as Devils have. The mention of Everlast En.s. ing fire, implieth everlasting Bodies, and in that it is faid, that Death is to be destroyed; this argues, that then there will be no more Dying, and therefore it is faid, The Dead 5. fhall be raised incorruptible; And this mortal 54. full put on Immortality,and this is true,both


i Cor.




of the Good, and of the Bad, for all must ftand before the Judgment-Seat of Chrift; and Rom. this is confeffed in all our Church Creeds. Apoft. The Refurrection of the Body, and Life Ever- Nican lafting, and that we look for both,and that all Athen. Men fhall rife with their Bodies, and shall give an account; All, therefore Good and Bad.

This being evident, we are further to enquire, what is the efficient, or true cause of the Immortality of Human Souls, and of the Refurrection of Human Bodies, more than of the fouls and bodies of other inferior Creatures, although their bodies and fouls were at firft Created by God, as ours were; and therefore the Mahumetans say, that there shall be a Refurrection of Brute creatures, as Armachanus reporteth; and Arm. f. Heathens faid, that in their Elysium, a place 161, was for Birds, as Ovid. Amorum, L.2. Eleg.6.

Colle fub Elyfio nigra nemus illice frondet,
Udaque perpetuo gramine terra viret.
Si qua fides dubiis volucrum locus ille piarum
Dicitur, obfcænæ quo prohibentur Aves.

To this our Answer is, That because Hu-
man bodies and Souls, are united with the
Body and Soul of Christ, in the first Origi-
Hal Soul and Body, therefore our Souls are
Immortal, and our Bodies fhall rife immor-


Ovid. A

morum li. 2. El. 6.




by me.

tal; but so shall not the other Creatures, because they are not fo united. The réafon is clearly declared by Chrift himself in these words, He that eateth me, even he shall live For as the Body and Soul of Christ are now Immortal, because united with the Divine Spirit, as himself faith, I live by the Father,fo our Souls are, and our Bodies shall be Immortal, because they are united with the Body and Soul of the Son of God; and this, not by vertue of his meer Soul, and his meer Flesh, both of them being of themfelves but Creatures, but because his Soul and Body are, and ever were perfonally united with the Divine Spirit, or Godhead ; that is it only, which caused this kind of Vitality in all Mankind, for of his meer Flesh alone Christ faith, The Flesh profiteth nothing. But of the Spirit or Godhead, united with his Flesh, he faith, It is the Spirit that quickneth, the words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are Life; and therefore the Apostle faith of the whole Person of 1 Cor. Chrift, The laft Adam was made a quickning $5.45. Spirit, that is, He was made fo by Union


with the Godhead, for the Flefh of Christ alone was mortal, but by this Union, it be came both Vital and Vivifical.

They that fay, that our Souls are Immortal only by Creation,being Reafonable Souls,


and fhould have been Immortal, though God the Son had not united himself with our Nature. These to me, feem to gainfay the words of Christ, for it is not by the Reasonablefs, but their Union with the Soul of Christ, that makes them immortal: I fuppose, they will not fay, that our Bodies fhall rife from death, only because they are human Bodies: No, for both these are the ef fects of this Union, which Chrift called the Eating his Flesh, and Drinking his Blood,and nothing else; and therefore St. John faith, God hath given to us Eternal Life, and this 1 John Life is in his Son; he addeth, He that bath 5.11. the Son hath Life, and he that hath not the Son hath not Life.

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To this moft Holy Son of God, and Son of Man, our ever bleffed Redeemer and Saviour, together with the Eternal Father, and the Divine Spirit of both, Benediction, Honour and Thanksgiving for ever and ever. Amen, Amen.








HE Union of Chrift with Mankind in Adam, in order to our Redemption, fignified by the Eating and Drinking the Flesh and Blood of Chrift; the different understanding thereof, by Romanists, Lutherans and Zuinglians, from the Church of England.

2. The fignification of eating of the Tree of Life, of the Tree of Knowledge, of Manna, of Sacrifices, and of the Pafchal Lamb. 3. That Eating the Flesh of Christ, is not meant of Oral Eating, of St. Peters Eating, parallel'd with our Eating of Chrift.

4. That the neceffity of our real Union with the Flesh of Chrift,is called Eating; how we are united with his Body, and the benefit thereof. 5. The Doctrine ofthe Fathers concerning our Union with the Body of Chrift; of his Body natural&mystical.Of the Subjection of Chrift 6. Why this Union is described, by eating the


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