horses, possessed the heavens, when the shape of his father Anchises, gliding down from the skies, suddenly seemed to pour forth these words: Son, once dearer to me than life, while life remained; my son, severely tried by the fates of Troy; hither I come by the command of Jove, who averted the fire from your fleet, and at length shewed pity towards you from high heaven. Comply with the excellent counsel which aged Nautes now offers; carry with you to Italy the choice of the youths, the stoutest hearts. In Latium you have to subdue a hardy race, rugged in manners. But first, my son, visit Pluto's infernal mansions, and, in quest of an interview with me, cross the deep floods of Avernas: for not accursed Tartarus, nor dreary ghosts have me in their possession; but I inhabit the delightful seats of the blest and Elysium. Hither the chaste Sibyl shall conduct thee after shedding profusely the blood of black victims. Then you shall learn your whole progeny, and what settlements are assigned to you. And now farewell: humid Night wheels about her mid-course, and the dawning light, which fiercely summons me away, hath breathed upon me with panting steeds. He said; and vanished like smoke into the fleeting air. Whither so precipitant? says Æneas; whither dost thou whirl away? whom flies thou? or who debars thee from my embraces? So saying, he awakes the embers and dormant fire, and suppliant pays veneration to his Trojan domestic god, and the shrine of hoary Vesta, with a holy cake, and censer full of incense. Forthwith he calls his followers, and first of all Acestes, and informs them of Jove's command, and the instructions of his beloved sire, and of the present settled purpose of his soul. No obstruction is given to his resolution; nor is Acestes averse to the proposals made to him. They single out the matrons for the city, and set on shore as many of the people as were willing, souls that had no desire of high renown. Themselves renew the benches, and repair the boards half consumed by the flames; fit oars and cables to the ships; in number inconsiderable, but of animated valour for war. Interea Æneas urbem designat aratro, Jamque dies epulata novem gens omnis, et aris 755 760 765 770 Stans procul in prora, pateram tenet; extaque salsos 775 Porricit in fluctus, ac vina liquentia fundit. Prosequitur surgens à puppi ventus euntes : 780 Nec Jovis imperio fatisve infracta quiescit. 785 787. Cineres atque ossa. By this she emphatically understands the few weak remains of the Trojans that were then steering their. course for Italy. Meanwhile Æneas marked out a city with the plough, and assigns the houses by lot: here he orders a second Ilium to arise, and these places to be called after those of Troy. Trojan Acestes rejoices in his new kingdom; institutes a court of judicature; and having assembled his senators, dispenses laws to his subjects. Then on the top of mount Eryx a temple approaching the stars is raised to Idalian Venus; and a priest is assig assigned to the tomb of Anchises, with a grove hallowed far and wide. And now the whole people had kept the festival for nine days, and sacrifices had been offered on the altars, when peaceful breezes smooth the seas, and the south wind in repeated whispering gales invites into the deep. Loud lamentations along the winding shores arise: in mutual embraces they linger out both night and day. Even the timorous matrons, and those to whom the face of the sea lately seemed grim and horrid, and its divinity intolerably severe, would willingly go, and submit to all the toil of the voyage: whom good Æneas solaces in friendly terms, and weeping recommends to his kinsman Acestes. Then he orders to sacrifice to Eryx three calves, and a female lamb to the tempests, and to weigh anchor after the due rites were performed. The hero himself, having his head bound with a trim garland of olive leaves, standing on the extremity of the prow, holds the consecrated cup, and presents the entrails on the briny waves as an offering to the sea-gods, and pours the limpid wine. A wind arising from the stern accompanies them in their course. The crew with emulous vigour lash the sea, and brush its smooth surface. Meanwhile Venus, harassed with cares, addresses Neptune, and pours forth these complaints from her breast: The cruel resentment and insatiable malice of Juno compel me, O Neptune, to descend to all entreaties; Juno, whom neither length of time, nor any piety softens; and who is not quelled and subdued to peace even by Jove's imperial sway, or by the fates. She is not satisfied to have consumed the city from among the Phrygian race by her merciless rage, nor to have dragged its relics F Reliquias; Trojæ cineres atque ossa peremtæ Miscuit, Æoliis nequicquam freta procellis; In regnis hoc ausa tuis. Proh scelus! ecce etiam, Trojanis matribus actis, 790 795 800 805 Congressum Ænean, nec Dîs nec viribus æquis, 810 Tutus, quos optas, portus accedet Averni. Unus erit tantùm, amissum quem gurgite quæret; Unum pro multis dabitur caput. 815 His ubi læta Deæ permulsit pectora dictis, Cæruleo per summa levis volat æquora curru: 791. Nequicquam. In vain, because she had not accomplished her purpose; for both she and Aeolus were controlled by Neptune. 801. Unde genus ducis. Alluding to the fabulous account of her having sprung from the foam of the sea. 817. Auro. Nothing is more common than to put the metal for the instrument of which it is composed, as ferrum, a sword; so Virgil uses aere for a buckler, and auro for a bowl, Aen. i. 743. through all sorts of suffering; she persecutes the ashes and bones of ruined Troy. The causes of such furious resentment are to her best known. Yourself can witness for me what a heaving tempest she suddenly raised of late on the Libyan waves. The whole seas she blended in confusion with the sky, vainly relying on Æolus' storms; this presuming even in your realms. Lo also, (O wickedness!) by acting on the Trojan matrons, she hath shamefully burned the ships, and forced their friends, now that they have lost their fleet, to abandon them in a land obscure and unknown. As to what remains, may they be allowed, I pray, to sail over the waves secure by thy protection; may they be allowed to reach Laurentian Tyber; if I ask what may be granted, if the Destinies assign to them those settlements. Then the imperial ruler of the deep ocean thus replied: Bright Cytherea, it is highly equitable that you confide in my realms, whence you derive your birth: besides, I have a just claim to your confidence; for often, in favour of your son, have I checked the furious rage and maddening tumult of sea and sky. Nor was 1 less careful of your Æneas on earth-I call Xanthus and Simois to witness. When Achilles, pursuing the troops of Troy fainting and breathless, dashed them against their walls, gave many thousands a prey to death, and choked rivers groaned, and Xanthus could not find his way, or disembogue himself into the sea; then in a hollow cloud I snatched away Eneas, while he was encountering the mighty Achilles with strength and gods unequal; though I was desirous of overthrowing from the lowest foundation the walls of perjured Troy, which my hands had reared. And still I continue in the same disposition: therefore banish your fear he shall arrive safe at the port of Avernus, which you desire. Of one only, lost in the deep, shall he be bereft one life shall be given for many. The father of the floods, having by these words soothed and cheered the heart of the goddess, yokes his steeds to the vehicle of gold, puts the foaming bit into their fierce mouths, and throws up all the reins. Then along the surface of the : |