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Insula Sicanium juxta latus, Æoliamque
Erigitur Liparen, fumantibus ardua saxis;
Quam subter specus, et Cyclopum exesa caminis
Antra Ætnea tonant, validique incudibus ictus
Auditi referunt gemitum, striduntque cavernis
Stricturæ chalybum, et fornacibus ignis anhelat;
Vulcani domus, et Vulcania nomine tellus.
Huc tunc Ignipotens cœlo descendit ab alto.
Ferrum exercebant vasto Cyclopes in antro,



Brontesque, Steropesque, et nudus membra Pyracmon. 425
His informatum manibus jam parte politâ
Fulmen erat, toto Genitor quæ plurima cœlo


Dejicit in terras; pars imperfecta manebat.
Tres imbris torti radios, tres nubis aquosæ
Addiderant; rutili tres ignis, et alitis Austri.
Fulgores nunc terrificos, sonitumque metumque,
Miscebant operi flammisque sequacibus iras.
Parte aliâ Marti currumque rotasque volucres
Instabant, quibus ille viros, quibus excitat urbes ;
Ægidaque horriferam, turbatæ Palladis arma,
Certatim squamis serpentum auroque polibant,
Connexosque angues, ipsamque in pectore Divæ
Gorgona desecto vertentem lumina collo.

Tollite cuncta, inquit, cœptosque auferte labores,

Ætnæi Cyclopes, et huc advertite mentem.
Arma acri facienda viro: nunc viribus usus,
Nunc manibus rapidis, omni nunc arte magistra.
Præcipitate moras. Nec plura effatus. At illi
Ociùs incubuere omnes, pariterque laborem
Sortiti. Fluit æs rivis, aurique metallum ;
Vulnificusque chalybs vasta fornace liquescit.
Ingentem clypeum informant, unum omnia contra
Tela Latinorum, septenosque orbibus orbes
Impediunt. Alii ventosis follibus auras




429. Tres imbris torti. By the torti imbris all the commentators understand hail. The form of thunder, to which Virgil seems here to allude, is well known from medals. It consists of twelve wreathed spikes or darts, extended like the radii of a circle, three and three together, with wings spread out in the middle. The wings denote the lightning's rapid motion, and the spikes its penetrating quality.

Near the side of Sicily and Æolian Liparè an island rises, of steep ascent, with smoking rocks; under which a den, and the caves of Etna, embowelled by the forges of the Cyclops, thunder, and from the anvils the sturdy strokes in echoing groans resound, the red-hot bars of steel hiss in the caverns, and the fire in the furnace pants; Vulcan's habitation and the land Vulcanian called. Hither then the fiery power descended from the lofty sky. The Cyclops in their capacious cave were vexing the steel, Brontes, and Steropes, and naked-limbed Pyracmon. In their hands half-formed, with one part already polished off, was a thunderbolt, such as those which in profusion the eternal Father from all quarters of the sky hurls on the earth; the other part unfinished remained. Three spikes they had added of the wreathed hail, three more of watery cloud; three of glaring fire, and winged wind. Now they were mingling in the work alarming flashes, the thunder's roaring noise and terror, and in the resistless flames vindictive rage. In another part they were hastening forward a chariot and nimble wheels for Mars, by which he rouses men and cities to war; and were polishing amain the tremendous ægis, the armour of enraged Pallas, with serpents' scales and burnished gold, and the snakes in mutual folds entwined, and (to be worn on the breast of the goddess) the Gorgon's self, rolling her eyes in death after decapitation.

Away with all, he says, ye Etnean Cyclops, these your begun labours set aside, and hither turn your attentive minds. Arms for a valiant hero must be forged; now it is requisite to ply your strength, now your nimble hands, now all your masterly skill. Shake off all indolence and delay. Nor more he said. All instantly began to work, and equally the labour shared. Brass and mines of gold in rivulets flow; and wounding steel in the capacious furnace melts. A spacious shield they form, alone sufficient against all the weapons of the Latins, and orbs in orbs seven-fold involve. Some with the

By the four different kinds of spikes Servius understands the four seasons. 432. Sequacibus. Persecuting, that always followed the attack.


Accipiunt redduntque; alii stridentia tingunt
Æra lacu: gemit impositis incudibus antrum.
Illi inter sese multâ vi brachia tollunt

In numerum, versantque tenaci forcipe massam.
Hæc pater Æoliis properat dum Lemnius oris,
Evandrum ex humili tecto lux suscitat alma,
Et matutini volucrum sub culmine cantus.
Consurgit senior, tunicâque inducitur artus,
Et Tyrrhena pedum circumdat vincula plantis:
Tum lateri atque humeris Tegeæum subligat ensem,
Demissa ab lævâ pantheræ terga retorquens.
Nec non et gemini custodes limine ab alto
Procedunt, gressumque canes comitantur herilem.
Hospitis Æneæ sedem et secreta petebat,
Sermonum memor et promissi muneris, heros.
Nec minùs Æneas se matutinus agebat.
Filius huic Pallas, olli comes ibat Achates.
Congressi jungunt dextras, mediisque residunt
Ædibus, et licito tandem sermone fruuntur.
Rex prior hæc :
Maxime Teucrorum ductor, quo sospite, nunquam
Res equidem Trojæ victas aut regna fatebor;
Nobis ad belli auxilium pro nomine tanto
Exiguæ vires: hinc Tusco claudimur amni;
Hinc Rutulus premit, et murum circumsonat armis.
Sed tibi ego ingentes populos opulentaque regnis
Jungere castra paro, quam fors inopina salutem
Ostentat: fatis huc te poscentibus affers.
Haud procul hinc saxo incolitur fundata vetusto
Urbis Agyllinæ sedes, ubi Lydia quondam
Gens, bello præclara, jugis insedit Etruscis.
Hane, multos florentem annos, rex deinde superbo
Imperio et sævis tenuit Mezentius armis.
Quid memorem infandas cædes? quid facta tyranni
Effera? Dî capiti ipsius generique reservent.

479. Agyllinac. Agylla was afterwards called Caere.








puffing bellows receive and explode the air by turns; others dip the sputtering metals in the trough: the cave groans with the incumbent anvils. They with vast force alternately lift their arms in equal time, and with the griping pincers turn the mass.

While in the Æolian regions the Lemnian god is urging on these works, the cheering vital light, and the early morning songs of birds under his roof, rouse Evander from his humble mansion. The veteran arises, and in his tunic sheaths his limbs, and binds the Tuscan sandals round his feet; then to his side and shoulders girds his Arcadian sword, doubling back on the right shoulder a panther's skin that hung down from his left. Two guardian-dogs too from the lofty gate march forth, and attend their master's steps. The hero, mindful of the last day's conversation, and the service he had promised, hies to the apartment and recess of his guest Æneas. Meanwhile Æneas no less early was advancing toward him. With the one his son Pallas, with the other Achates came in company. At meeting they join hands, seat themselves in the midst of the court, and at length enjoy free unrestrained conversation. The king thus first begins: Great leader of the Trojans, during whose life I truly will never admit that the power and realms of Troy are overthrown; small are our abilities to support the war in proportion to so great a name: on the one hand we are bounded by the Tuscan river Tyber: on the other hand the Rutulians press upon us, and round our walls with clashing arms beset. But I intend with you to join mighty nations and camps rich and royally magnificent, which saving relief unexpected fortune opens to our view: hither you come invited by the fates. Not far from this spot stands inhabited the city of Agylla of ancient foundation, where heretofore the Lydian nation, illustrious in war, planted a colony on the Tuscan mountains. This city, having flourished for many years, Mezentius at last came to rule with imperious sway and cruel arms. Why should I mention his unutterable barbarities? or why the tyrant's horrid deeds? May the




Mortua quin etiam jungebat corpora vivis,
Componens manibusque manus, atque oribus ora,
Tormenti genus; et sanie taboque fluentes
Complexu in misero, longâ sic morte necabat.
At fessi tandem cives infanda furentem
Armati circumsistunt, ipsumque domumque:
Obtruncant socios, ignem ad fastigia jactant.
Ille inter cædes Rutulorum elapsus in agros
Confugere, et Turni defendier hospitis armis.
Ergo omnis furiis surrexit Etruria justis:
Regem ad supplicium præsenti Marte reposcunt.
His ego te, Ænea, ductorem millibus addam.
Toto namque fremunt condensæ litore puppes,
Signaque ferre jubent. Retinet longævus aruspex,
Fata canens: O Mæoniæ delecta juventus,
Flos veterum virtusque virûm, quos justus in hostem 500
Fert dolor, et merita accendit Mezentius ira;
Nulli fas Italo tantam subjungere gentem :
Externos optate duces. Tum Etrusca resedit
Hoc acies campo, monitis exterrita Divûm.
Ipse oratores ad me, regnique coronam
Cum sceptro misit, mandatque insignia Tarchon;
Succedam castris, Tyrrhenaque regna capessam:
Sed mihi tarda gelu, seclisque effeta, senectus
Invidet imperium, seræque ad fortia vires.
Natum exhortarer, ni, mistus matre Sabellâ,
Hinc partem patriæ traheret. Tu, cujus et annis
Et generi fatum indulget, quem numina poscunt,
Ingredere, ô Teucrûm atque Italúm fortissime ductor.

Hunc tibi præterea, spes et solatia nostrî,

Pallanta adjungam: sub te tolerare magistro




491. Ad fastigia. The roofs, being thatched with straw in those ancient times, easily caught fire.

508. Seclisque. Seculum, here and elsewhere, signifies the space of thirty years; in which period the old actors are almost gone off the stage, and new ones have succeeded them.

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