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Sed falsa ad coelum mittunt insomnia Manes.
His ubi tum natum Anchises, unàque Sibyllam
Prosequitur dictis, portâque emittit eburnâ,
Ille viam secat ad naves, sociosque revisit;
Tum se ad Caïetæ recto fert litore portum.
Ancora de prorâ jacitur, stant litore puppes.


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ivory; but through it the infernal gods send up false dreams to the upper world. When Anchises had addressed this discourse to his son and the Sibyl together, and dismissed them by the ivory gate, the hero speeds his way to the ships, and revisits his friends; then steers directly along the coast for the port of Caïeta: where, when he had arrived, the anchor is thrown out from the forecastle, and the sterns rest upon the shore.




Tu quoque litoribus nostris, Æneïa nutrix,
Æternam moriens famam, Caïeta, dedisti;
Et nunc servat honos sedem tuus, ossaque nomen
Hesperiâ in magnâ, si qua est ea gloria, signat.
At pius exsequiis Æneas ritè solutis,
Aggere composito tumuli, postquam alta quiérunt
Æquora, tendit iter velis, portumque relinquit.
Aspirant auræ in noctem; nec candida cursum
Luna negat: splendet tremulo sub lumine pontus.
Proxima Circææ raduntur litora terræ ;
Dives inaccessos ubi Solis filia lucos
Assiduo resonat cantu, tectisque superbis
Urit odoratam nocturna in lumina cedrum,
Arguto tenues percurrens pectine telas.
Hinc exaudiri gemitus, iræque leonum
Vincla recusantûm, et sera sub nocte rudentûm ;
Setigerique sues, atque in præsepibus ursi
Sævire, ac formæ magnorum ululare luporum ;
Quos hominum ex facie Dea sæva potentibus herbis
Induerat Circe in vultus ac terga ferarum:
Quæ ne monstra pii paterentur talia Troës
Delati in portus, neu litora dira subirent,
Neptunus ventis implevit vela secundis,





Atque fugam dedit, et præter vada fervida vexit.

4. Hesperia in magna. In contradistinction to Spain, which was called Hesperia the Less.




THOU, too, Caïeta, nurse to Æneas, expiring here, gavest to our coasts immortal fame; and now thy honour here resides, and the name Cuïeta points to thy ashes in Hesperia the great, if that be any glory to thy departed ghost. And now that her funeral obsequies in due form were paid, and the grave raised high in decent order, the pious Æneas, soon as the swelling seas were hushed, sails on his destined course, and leaves the port behind. The gales breathe fair at the approach of night; nor does the silver moon oppose his voyage: under her trembling light the ocean shines. They skim along the coasts adjacent to Circe's land: where with incessant song the wealthy daughter of the Sun makes her inaccessible groves resound, and in her proud palace burns fragrant cedar for nocturnal lights, flying over the slender web with her shrill-sounding shuttle. Hence were heard groans, the rage of lions reluctant to their chains, and roaring at the late midnight hour; bristly boars and bears growl in their stalls, and wolves of prodigious form with horrid howlings strike the ear; whom Circe, cruel goddess, had by her potent magical herbs transformed from human shape into the features and limbs of wild beasts: which monstrous changes that the pious Trojans might not undergo, if carried to that port, nor land on those cursed shores, Neptune filled their sails with favouring winds, and sped their flight, and wafted them beyond those boiling shoals. And now the sea began to redden with

Jamque rubescebat radiis mare, et æthere ab alto
Aurora in roseis fulgebat lutea bigis,

Cum venti posuere, omnisque repentè resedit
Flatus, et in lento luctantur marmore tonsæ.
Atque hic Æneas ingentem ex æquore lucum
Prospicit. Hunc inter fluvio Tiberinus amœno,
Vorticibus rapidis, et multâ flavus arenâ,
In mare prorumpit. Variæ circumque supraque
Assuetæ ripis volucres, et fluminis alveo,
Æthera mulcebant cantu, lucoque volabant.
Flectere iter sociis, terræque advertere proras
Imperat; et lætus fluvio succedit opaco.

Nunc age, qui reges, Erato, quæ tempora, rerum
Quis Latio antiquo fuerit status, advena classem
Cum primùm Ausoniis exercitus appulit oris,
Expediam; et primæ revocabo exordia pugnæ.
Tu vatem, tu, Diva, mone. Dicam horrida bella;
Dicam acies, actosque animis in funera reges,
Tyrrhenamque manum, totamque sub arma coactam
Hesperiam. Major rerum mihi nascitur ordo:
Majus opus moveo. Rex arva Latinus et urbes
Jam senior longâ placidas in pace regebat.
Hunc Fauno et Nymphâ genitum Laurente Maricâ
Accipimus. Fauno Picus pater; isque parentem
Te, Saturne, refert: tu sanguinis ultimus auctor.
Filius huic, fato Divûm, prolesque virilis

Nulla fuit, primâque oriens erepta juventâ est.
Sola domum, et tantas servabat filia sedes,
Jam matura viro, jam plenis nubilis annis.
Multi illam magno è Latio, totâque petebant
Ausoniâ: petit ante alios pulcherrimus omnes
Turnus, avis atavisque potens, quem regia conjux

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27. Venti posuere. i. e. Posuere se.

37. Erato. The muse who presides over love. She is invoked, because the source of the following war is from the love of Turnus and Aeneas to Lavinia.

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