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896. falsa insomnia: i.e. deceptive visions of shades, not the shades themselves. sed mittunt Manes: i.e. by the ivory gate.

897. tum: going back to the thought of 890-892. his dictis: Ablative of Attendant Circumstance.

900. recto litore: straight along the shore; Ablative of the Way by Which.

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Regular verbs of the first conjugation are indicated by the numeral 1 following the present indicative. - Roots are in small capitals.

away; tear, rend, cleave. abscondō, ere, condi and condidi,

ā, ab, prep. with abl., from, away | abscindō, ere, scidī, scissus, tear from; with passive verbs, by; of time, from, after, since. Before words beginning with a consonant, either a or ab may be used; before words beginning with a vowel or h, ab only is used.

Abās, antis, m., name of 1) an

Argive king; 2) a comrade of

abdō, dere, didī, ditus, [do, put],
put away; hide; shut up; plunge.
abducō, dūcere, dūxi, ductus, lead
away; draw back.

conditus, put away, conceal; lose sight of.

absēns, sentis, [absum], absent; distant.

absistō, ere, stitī, —, withdraw or

depart from; cease, desist; forbear.

abstineō, ēre, tinuī, tentus, hold
back; refrain.

abstrūdō, ere, ūsī, ūsus, thrust
away; hide.
abstuli, see aufero.

abeō, īre, ii, itūrus, go away, de- absum, abesse, abfui or āfuī, āfu

part, withdraw; deviate.

abiēs, ietis, f., spruce, fir. ablātus, see aufero.

abluō, ere, lui, lūtus, wash off;

abnegō, 1, deny, refuse.
abnuō, ere, ui, [ab + nuo, nod],

refuse (by nod); decline, reject. aboleō, ēre, ēvi, itus, efface, remove, destroy.

abripiō, ere, ui, reptus, [ab + ra

pio], snatch away; snatch, seize. abrumpō, ere, rūpī, ruptus, break off; break, rive; destroy; violate.

tūrus, be absent or away from; be distant; be wanting.

absūmō, ere, sumpsi, sūmptus, take away; consume, devour; destroy.

ac, see atque.

Acamās, antis, m., one of the
Greeks before Troy.
acanthus, ī, m., a plant, the acan-
thus or bear's-foot.
Acarnan, ānis, of Acarnania (a

country of Greece), Acarnanian. accēdō, ere, cessi, cessūrus, [ad + cedo], come or go to; draw near, approach.

abruptum, i, [abrumpo], n., preci- accelerō, [ad+celerō], 1, hasten.

pice, abyss.

accendo, ere, cendi, census, [ad,

cf. candeo, shine], set on fire, | Achāicus, a, um, of Achaea, a kindle; excite, arouse; enrage; district in northern Peloponnesus; Achaean; Grecian.


inspire. accessus, ūs, [accedo], m., ap- Achātēs, ae, m., a comrade of proach. accidō, ere, cīdī, cisus, [ad + Acherōn, ontis, m., a river of the caedo], cut into, hew.

Lower World; the Lower World. Achillēs, is and i, m., the greatest of the Greek heroes before Troy. Achilleus, a, um, of Achilles.

accingō, ere, cinxi, cinctus, [ad + cingo], gird; with a reflexive, or the passive used as a middle, gird one's self; equip, make | Achīvi, ōrum, m., inhabitants of ready; resort to.

accipiō, ere, cēpi, ceptus, [ad + capio], take to one's self; admit, let in, receive, accept; welcome; hear, learn; conceive. accītus, ūs, [accio, ad+cio, cf.

cieo], m., summons. accommodō, [ad + commodo], 1, fit, adjust; gird on.

accubō, āre, cubui, cubitum, lie or recline near.

accumbō, ere, cubui, cubitum, recline at.

accumulō, [ad + cumulo], 1, heap

up; heap upon, load; honor. accurrō, ere, cucurri and curri, cursum, [ad + curro], run or hasten to.

ācer, acris, acre, sharp, keen; fierce, violent, stern, severe; ardent, zealous; spirited, valiant. acerbus, a, um, [acer], sour, bitter; harsh, implacable, savage; untimely.

Achaea, Achaeans; Greeks. Achīvus, a, um, Achaean; Greek. Acīdalius, a, um, of Acidalia (a spring in Boeotia sacred to Venus), Acidalian.

aciēs, ēī, [AC, sharp], f., sharp

edge, edge; keen vision, sight, eye; battle line, battle array. acquirō, ere, quisivi, quisitus, [ad

+quaero], acquire, gain. Acragās, antis, m., Acragas or Agrigentum, a city in Sicily. acta, ae, f., shore, beach, strand. Actius, a, um, of Actium, a prom

ontory on the coast of Epirus. acutus, a, um, [acuo, sharpen], sharpened, sharp; pointed, jagged.

ad, prep. with acc., to, towards; near; among; at; by. adamās, antis, [ådáμas], m., adamant; a very hard metal. Adamastus, i, m., Adamastus, the father of Achaemenides.

acernus, a, um, of maple-wood, addicō, ere, dixi, dictus, assent to;

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adeō, adv., to that point or degree, | adveniō, īre, vēni, ventum, come to. so; in fact, actually, precisely; adventō, [advenio], 1, come or

just; even.

adeō, īre, ii, itus, go to, approach; visit; encounter, meet; aspire


adhibeō, ēre,ui, itus, [ad + habeo],

have present, invite.

adhuc, [ad + huc], adv., hitherto,

till now, as yet.

adigō, ere, ēgī, āctus, [ad + ago],

drive to; drive, hurl; force. adimō, ere, ēmī, ēmptus, [ad + | emo], take to one's self, take away; pluck out. aditus, ūs, [adeo], m., a going to, approach; audience; means of access, entrance.

adjuvō, āre, jūvī, jūtus, aid, assist. admiror, 1, wonder at, be surprised at.

admittō, ere, mīsi, missus, admit. admoneō, ĕre, ui, itus, warn, ad

monish, remind.

admoveō, ēre, mōvī, mōtus, move

or bring to, waft to; offer. adoleō, ēre, olui, ultus, magnify, worship; offer.

adoperiō, ire, operui, opertus, cover. adorior, īrī, ortus, [ad + orior], attempt.

adōrō, 1, pray to; worship, adore. Adrastus, ī, m., an Argive king. adsum, adesse, adfui, adfutūrus,

draw near, approach.

adventus, ūs, m., coming, approach, arrival.

adversor, [adversus], 1, oppose, resist.

adversus, a, um, [adverto], turned

towards, fronting, facing, opposing, face to face, opposite. advertō, ere, vertī, versus, turn to or towards; give heed, note. advocō, 1, call to one's self, sum


advolvō, ere, volvi, volūtus, roll to or towards.

adytum, i, [ăduтo”, place not to be

entered], n., sanctuary, shrine; tomb.

Aeacidēs, ae, m., descendant of Aeacus.

Aeaeus, a, um, of Aeaea, the fabled abode of Circe.

aedēs, is, [AIDH, burn], f., hearth; pl., apartments, house, dwelling. aedificō, [aedes + FAC], 1, build,


Aegaeus, a, um, of the Aegean Sea, Aegean.

aeger, gra, grum, sick, sickly, dis

eased; weary, weak, suffering, wretched; anxious, distressed, heart-sick, pining.

aemulus, a, um, [cf. imitor], rivaling, competing; envious, jealous.

be at hand, be present, be near, be at; appear; assist, be pro- | Aeneadae, ārum, m., comrades of pitious.

adulterium, i, n., adultery. adultus, a, um, [adolesco], adult, full-grown.

advehō, ere, vexi, vectus, carry to;

passive used as a middle, sail to. advēlō, 1, veil, wreathe.

advena, ae, c., stranger, foreigner.

Aeneas; Trojans.

Aenēās, ae, m., a Trojan, hero of the Aeneid.

aēnus, a, um, [aes], of bronze,

brazen; as noun, aēnum, i, n., kettle, cauldron.

Aeolia, ae, f., an island near Sicily, the fabled abode of Aeolus.

Aeolidēs, ae, m., son or descend- | aeternum, adv., forever, unceas

ant of Aeolus.

Aeolius, a, um, of Aeolus.
Aeolus, i, m., god of the winds.
aequaevus, a, um, [aequus + ae-
vum], of the same or equal age.
aequālis, e, [aequus], equal, like;
as noun, aequālis, is, m., com-
panion, comrade.

ingly, eternally.

aeternus, a, um, [=aeviternus,

from aevum, age], everlasting, eternal, undying, endless. aether, eris, [AIDH, burn], m., upper air, ether; air; vault of heaven, sky, heaven; upper world.

aequō, [aequus], 1, make equal, | aetherius, a, um, [aether], of the adjust, equal, match, do justice to; requite; partic., aequatus, a, um, made even, regular, abreast. aequor, oris, [aequus], n., a level surface; sea, waters; wave, billow; ring.

aequus, a, um, even, level; just, fair; equal; requited; kindly, | propitious; as noun, aequum, i, n., justice.

ether, of heaven; heavenly, celestial. Aethiops, opis, m., an Ethiopian. aethra, ae, f., sky, firmament. Aetna, ae, f., a volcano in Sicily. Aetnaeus, a, um, of Aetna, dwelling on Aetna.

aevum, i, n., age, time; old age. affābilis, e, [affor], easily addressed.

āēr, āeris, m., air; breeze; mist, affātus, ūs, [affor], m., address.


aerātus, a, um, [aes], made of or

covered with bronze; brazen. aereus, a, um, [aes], made of or

plated with bronze; brazen. aeripes, edis, [aes + pes], bronzefooted, bronze-hoofed.

affectō, [afficio], 1, make for, seize. afferō, afferre, attulī, allātus, [ad+

fero], bring, bear, or carry to; with reflexive, go, come. affigō, ere, fixi, fixus, [ad + figo], fasten or attach to; passive used as a middle, cleave to.

āerius, a, um, [aer], airy, high, afflictus, a, um, [affligo, smite],

lofty, towering.

aes, aeris, n., copper, bronze; anything made from these materials, as a shield, arms, cymbals, trumpet, cauldron, chariot, or beak of a ship.

shattered, ruined; dejected, disheartened.

afflō, [ad+flo], 1, blow or breathe upon; inspire.

affluō, ere, xi, [ad + fluo], flow to; pour in.

aestās, atis, [AIDH, burn], f., sum- affor, [ad + for], 1, speak to, ad

mer, summer air. aestuō, [aestus], 1, boil; seethe, surge.

aestus, ūs, [AIDH, burn], m., heat, flame; tide; sea, strait; flood, waters.

aetās, ātis, [=aevitas from aevum], f., age; old age, years; time.

dress, pray to.
affore, afforem, see adsum.
Africa, ae, f., Africa.

Africus, i, m., the southwest wind.
Agamemnonius, a, um, of or be-
longing to Agamemnon, leader
of the Greeks in the Trojan
War; son of Agamemnon.

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