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i.e. made of triple rings of gold, the rings being linked with each other in sets of threes.

468. conum insignis galeae: i.e. a beautiful pointed helmet.

469. et also. :

470. duces: pilots.

sua: appropriate.

parenti: understand meo.

471. remigium supplet: fills up the complement of the crews. Aeneas had lost some of his men in Crete; see line 140 and cf. line 190.

473. ferenti: one that bears the ships along. Translate: favorable. 475. conjugio superbo: with the proud honor of wedlock; dignor takes the same construction as the adjective dignus. passive force.

dignate: with

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476. cura darling. bis erepte see the note on ii. 642. 477. ecce tibi: lo! before thee; tibi is Ethical Dative. Helenus points toward the Italian coast. arripe .e. strive to reach, - yet not immediately.

478. hanc praeterlabare necesse est: you must sail by this; i.e. for the present; praeterlabare is a Substantive Clause (without ut) Developed from the Volitive, - originally, sail past! you must; and So, you must sail past.

484. nec cedit honore: i.e. she does not yield to Helenus in paying honor to the Trojans.

487. puer she addresses Ascanius.

longum undying.

489. o mihi sola, etc.: O, thou only surviving image of my Astyanax; super, properly an adverb, here has adjective force. Astyanactis son of Hector and Andromache. At the capture of Troy he was hurled to death from the battlements by the Greeks.

490. sic oculos, etc.: such eyes did he have, etc. 491. pubesceret: would be growing up to manhood; apodosis of a contrary-to-fact condition, with omitted protasis. One may easily supply, if he were now alive.'

493. vivite felices: may ye be happy. The imperative here denotes a wish rather than a command; vivere in the sense of esse is not uncommon in the poets.

494. sua destined.

498. melioribus auspiciis: i.e. under better auspices than the real Troy was built.

499. quae fuerit: which shall prove to be.

500. vicina Thybridis: vicinus is here construed with the genitive; usually it takes the dative.

502. cognatas urbes, etc.: we will sometime make the sister cities and kindred nations in Epirus and Hesperia both one Troy in spirit. Aeneas refers to the city of Helenus in Epirus, and that which he himself is to found in Italy. olim with faciemus.

503. Epiro, Hesperia: Ablatives of Place limiting urbes and populos, a poetic usage.

504. idem casus: the same disasters.

and populos.

utramque resuming urbes

505. maneat nostros ea cura nepotes: alluding to the founding by Augustus of the city of Nicopolis in Epirus, near Actium. The emperor decreed that the inhabitants of the new city should be considered kinsfolk of the Romans.

506-569. The Trojans reach Italy and sail along the coasts of Italy and Sicily.

507. Italiam: Accusative of Limit of Motion, used as an attributive modifier of iter and cursus.

509. sternimur: i.e. they land and go to sleep on the shore. ad undam: near the shore.

510. sortiti remos: i.e. they allot the places at the oars, that they may embark and get under way without delay.

511. corpora curamus: refresh our bodies.

512. orbem medium: i.e. the middle of its course through the heavens. nox horis acta: night sped by the hours (Page).

513. haud segnis: Litotes for 'vigilant.'

517. armatum auro: alluding particularly to the bright stars in the belt and sword of Orion. Oriona a spondaic ending.


518. cuncta constare: i.e. that the weather is settled.

519. castra movemus: a technical military expression for 'break camp.'

520. temptamus viam : essay our course. velorum alas: our sails as wings; velorum is Appositional Genitive; the sails are the wings.

523. Italiam, Italiam, Italiam: the grand objective of the wanderers is emphasized by the threefold occurrence of the word.

524. 'Italiam' laeto clamore salutant: take up the greeting, 'Italy!' with glad cry.

525. cratera corona induit: see the note on i. 724.

527. celsa in puppi: the image of the patron deity of a ship was set up in the stern.

528. maris: this and the following genitives all depend upon potentes, masters of.'

529. ferte: bring us.

vento facilem: made easy by the wind. spirate secundi: the gods are asked to 'breathe favorably,' when the winds are really meant.

530. portus: thought to be the Portus Veneris in Calabria. patescit propior: opens to view as it grows nearer.

531. arce Minervae : the locality was known as Castrum Minervae in Virgil's time.

532. proras . . . torquent: they approach the shores by rowing. 533. ab Euroo fluctu curvatus: hollowed out by the eastern waves; the waves are here personified.


534. objectae: i.e. exposed to the fury of the waves. spumant aspargine: the accumulation of s-sounds is well suited to the description of foaming waters; cf. ii. 209, sonitus spumante salo. 535. ipse the harbor. gemino demittunt bracchia muro turriti scopuli tower-like rocks send down arms forming a double wall; i.e. on either side of the harbor at the entrance is a towering rock from which springs an arm forming a wall or breakwater; gemino muro (Ablative of Quality) refers to the two walls, one on each side of the harbor.

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537. primum omen: in apposition with equos.

538. tondentis: cropping.

539. bellum, bello, bellum: note the emphatic repetition. The horse has already been mentioned in i. 444, as a symbol of war; bello is Dative of Purpose.

541. olim at times.

curru dative. sueti: understand sunt.

542. jugo: under the yoke; a loose use of the ablative.


cordia: peacefully. The epithet is transferred from the horses to the bit.

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544. Palladis armisonae : for Minerva as a goddess of war, cf. ii. 425, diva armipotens. quae prima accepit: they had landed at Cas

trum Minervae (line 531).

545. Phrygio amictu: the purpureo amictu of line 405.

546. praeceptis Heleni, etc.: in accordance with the urgent injunctions of Helenus; see line 437 f.; the superlative maxima, in accordance with the prevailing Latin tendency, is put with the relative instead of with the antecedent.

547. Junoni Argivae: Argos was a famous seat of Juno's worship. jussos adolemus honores: offer the burnt sacrifices as directed; literally, burn the bidden honors.

549. velatarum antemnarum: of the sail-clad yards. obvertimus: i.e. turn toward the sea or the wind.

550. suspecta arva: cf. 398.

551. hinc with temporal force, after this.

Herculei: founded

by Hercules. si vera est fama : Virgil speaks as though common report attributed the founding of Tarentum to Hercules; but according to the usual tradition, the city was founded by Taras, son of Neptune. 552. diva Lacinia: i.e. the temple of the Lacinian goddess. The Lacinian goddess is Juno, whose temple stood upon the promontory of Lacinium on the coast of Bruttium. contra i.e. at the opposite entrance to the Gulf of Tarentum.

555. gemitum ingentem pelagi: the mighty sobbing of the sea. pulsata saxa: i.e. the rocks along the coast beaten by the surf. 556. longe with audimus, we hear from afar. fractas ad litora voces: broken sounds along the shore; explanatory of pulsata


557. aestu miscentur harenae: the sand is stirred up by the seething waters.

558. nimirum haec illa Charybdis: verily this is that Charybdis ; viz. the one described by Helenus, line 420 ff.

560. eripite understand vos as object.

561. haud minus ac jussi: with the same force as haud secus ac jussi in line 236. rudentem proram: the dashing prow; alluding

to the noise of the dashing water.

562. laevas ad undas, laevam: i.e. they follow Helenus's injunction given in line 412. Note also the same emphatic repetition of laevus here as there.

563. laevam: the left; understand partem. fleet. ventis: velis.

564. curvato gurgite: on the curving billow. likewise.

cohors here for

idem: plural,

565. subducta unda: as the wave gives way beneath. imos to Hell.

566. inter cava saxa: amid their stony caverns.

568. cum sole: at sundown.

ad Manis

570-587. The terrors of Mt. Aetna.

570. portus: i.e. portus Cyclopum.

immotus: i.e. sheltered.

ingens ipse i.e. large in and of itself, but suffering from the proximity of Aetna.

571. horrificis ruinis: with awful eruptions.

576. sub auras glomerat: whirls aloft.

578. Enceladi: Enceladus was a giant who attempted to storm Olympus. Jupiter overwhelmed him with his thunderbolt and then buried him beneath Mt. Aetna.

579. mole hac: viz. Aetna.

ingentemque insuper Aetnam, etc.: Virgil is not clear here. He apparently means to say that according to tradition the fires of the volcano come from Enceladus's buried body, though this is not distinctly stated.

580. ruptis caminis: through the clefts of its furnaces; literally, from its burst furnaces.

581. quotiens mutet latus: i.e. as often as he turns over. intremere murmure Trinacriam: the r's suggest the rumble of the earthquake.

583. noctem illam: Accusative of Duration of Time.

i.e. the mysterious noises from Aetna.


584. nec, quae sonitum det causa, videmus: Aeneas was not at the time aware of the explanation given in lines 571-577.

588-654. Achaemenides appears to the Trojans and describes Ulysses's adventure with the Cyclops.

588. Eoo: Eous, properly an adjective, is here used substantively in the sense of dawn.'

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590. confecta: Virgil represents the form of the man as exhausted by extreme hunger. We should expect confecta to agree with viri. 591. nova strange. miseranda properly belonging, like confecta, with viri. cultu: dress.

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