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THE rise, progress, Reformation, and Establishment of the Church of England ought to engage the attention of every British Christian ; more especially of the Divinity Student, and the aspirants of our Public Schools, and Universities. To assist these, therefore, the following pages have been put together in the hope of stamping upon the memory the more prominent and important facts connected with the 'Reformation of the English 'Church' while, at the same time, its prior and subsequent history have not been left unnoticed. The work, in fact, aims at including every important feature connected with the Church of England from the age of St Paul to the present time. Questions of Examination from University Papers have also been appended to each page in order to improve its usefulness.

The Authorities consulted have been very many; among them may be mentioned Gildas, Bede, Wil

kin's Concilia, Strype's Ecclesiastical Memoirs, Collier's Ecclesiastical History, Bishop Sparrow's Collections, Wordsworth's Ecclesiastical Biography, Burnet's History of the Reformation, Burnet's History of his own Times, Twysden's Historical Vindication, Dr Cardwell on the Books of Common Prayer, and on the Conferences, Neal's History of the Puritans, Parker Society's Books, Bishop Short's History of the Church of England, and other histories, and individual biographies.

For further information, however, beyond what will here be found, the student is particularly directed to the perusal of Bede's Ecclesiastical History, Professor Corrie's edition of Burnet's History of the Reformation, and Bishop Short's History of the Church of England.


IN putting this Second Edition to the Press the Author has been induced to add much additional matter in order to make it subservient to the Examinations for Ordination.

THE RECTORY, Somersham, Hunts.

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