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[blocks in formation]

Subducere, 10. 50, 81
Subigere, 7. 627

Subire, with dative, 7. 161:8.125

-, of entering a harbour, 7. 22
--, of stealthy attack, 9. 344

--, of entering the mind, 9.757

Subjunctive after dum, 10. 800

643: 11. 118, 162

parallel to the future, 7. 99

[blocks in formation]

Tenere, of defending a post, 8. 653
Tenses, false correspondence of, 11. 172

Tenuis vita, 7. 534

Terebinthus, 10. 136

Teres habena, 11. 579

Tergum a hide, 8. 460

Territory assigned to the Trojans on set-

tling in Latium, 11.316

in quasi-imperative sense, 8. Tessera, 7.637

Sublimis, of the mind, 12. 788

Subsidere, 11. 268

Subsistere, 9.806

Subvehi, 8.58

Succedere, 10.439: 12.235

--fluvio, 7. 36

tectis, 11. 145

Summa belli, 10. 70: 12.572
Summae res, 9. 199

Summam imponere, 7. 572
Super = superest, 8. 251

nocte media, 9. 61
usque. 11. 317

Superans, 8. 208

Superare, 8. 58, 95

Superbus, 8. 118

Superi, 10. 34

Superiacio, 11. 625

Testari locum, 8. 346

Testudo, 9. 505

Tetrica, 7. 713

Texere to build, 11. 326

Textum, of a shield, 8. 625

Thermodon, 11. 659

Thraca, Thracia, 12. 335

Threshold, seat of the Furies, 7.343

Thunder in a clear sky, 7. 141: 8.523:


[blocks in formation]

Superstitio, of an object of dread, 12. 817 Tolerare vitam, 8. 409

Supponere ignem, 11. 119

Suppositus, 7.283

Supra, quantity of, 7. 32

Supremus, title of Jove, 7. 220

Surgere, with implied notion of futurity,

10. 28

in cornua, 10.725

Sustentare aciem, 12. 662

Sustinere, 11.750

Swans, 7.700

Toga, 12. 825

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

827: 11.802

Verbena, 12. 120

Veri effetus, 7.440

vanus, 10. 630

Vero, 7.78

Versare = turbare, 7. 336

dolos, 11. 704

Vertere fundo, 10. 88

solum, 7. 725

——, with ad, 11. 282
Vertex, of flame, 12. 673
Veru, 7.665

Verus = aequus, 12. 694
Vestigia referre, 11. 290

Vestis, of the beard, 8. 659
Vesulus, 10. 708

Veteres viri, 8. 500

Vetitum, 10.9

Vetustas, 10. 792

Ufens, 7.745: 12.460

Via, of a method, 9.67: 12.405

Victima melior, 12. 296

Victoria, 11. 436

Victu asper, 8. 318

Videre, of hearing, 8. 529

Viderit, 10.744

Viduare, 7.571

Vina, 9. 319

Vincula pedum, 8. 458

Violare, of wounding, 11. 277, 591, 848


Tuus, of a thing to be consecrated to a god, Violentia, of Turnus, 10. 151: 11. 354

Turritae puppes, 8. 693

Tuta domorum, 11. 882

10.423: 11.558, 560

Tyrannus, 7. 266, 342:10. 448

7.651: 11.686

Tyrrhenians, their fondness for hunting, Virago, 12. 468


Vadum, 11.628

Valles, vallis, 7.565: 11.522

Vana superstitio, 8. 187

Vanus, with genitive, 10. 631


Vir virum legit, 11. 632

Virbius, 7. 762

Virgata sagula, 8. 660

Virgil, his recondite use of words, 8. 23

--, tautology agreeable to his manner,

8. 184

[blocks in formation]

Virgil speaks in his own person through | Vocem premere, 9. 324

the mouths of his characters, 8.135, 268
imitates the reminiscences of Ho-
meric heroes, 8. 157

recurs to previous passages in his
own poems, 8. 449: 9. 151, 237: 11.
877,890: 12.886

speaks in the spirit of his own time,


inconsistent in his manner of view-
ing the past of Italy, 7. 46, 623, 693:
8.55: 11. 253

in description of the shield of Aeneas
observes pictorial effect rather than his-
torical accuracy, 8. 652, &c.

Virtus, 11. 444

Vis and vires, 11. 750

Viscera, 10. 727

Visere, 8. 157

Volatile ferrum, 8. 694
Volcania, 8. 422

Volnera dirigere, 10. 140
Volnificus, 8. 446

Volnus, with genitive of author, 11. 792 :
12. 5, 51

--, of mental wound, 12. 160
Volsci, of the Italians generally, 9. 505
Voltus, 10.821
Volvendus, 9.7
Vota deum, 11. 4
Vox = an utterance, 7. 117

distinguished from verba, 12. 912

Urbs, of Aeneas' camp-town, 9. 8, 48
Urguere oculos, 10. 745

Usquam for uspiam, 7. 311


nearly = umquam, 7.568

occasion, 8. 441

Visions and dreams, confusion between, 7. Ut = utinam, 10. 631

[blocks in formation]

In note on 12. 701 for 3. p. 6 Gerlach read 3. fragm. 7 Müller.
In note on 12. 739 for νῆι read vní.



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