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Ab and ad confounded, 9. 380, 432

origine, 7. 181

usque, 7. 289

Abella, 7. 740

[blocks in formation]

Actutum, 9. 255

aliquem loqui, 10. 742

Abies, of a ship, 8. 91: of a spear, 11. 667 Ad, in composition, 9. 52

Abiuratus, 8. 263

Ablative, of material, 10. 138

-, of attribute, 7. 483


used absolutely of father or

origin, 10. 205


[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

without preposition, 7. 216: 11.

of the efficient cause in the
agent by which a thing is done, 11. 568
-, where genitive would be usual,
8.694: 12.522, 663, 672

, where dative or in with accusa-
tive would be usual, 10. 681

with in where accusative would
be usual, 10. 838

-, of extent, 10. 665
-, rare local uses of in Virgil, 9.

214:10. 361, 681: 12.911

Abunde est, with genitive, 7.552
Ac velut, 12.908

Accipere, with ablative, of welcoming, 7.


omen, 12. 260

sacra, Additional Notes, p. 501

Accusative, cognate, 7.460: 11.573

cognate in apposition to the

action of the verb, 9. 53

[blocks in formation]

limina, of humility in supplication, 7.

[blocks in formation]

7.207: 11. 890

Adlacrimare, 10. 628
Adludere, 7. 117

Admiscere, of mixture of blood, 7. 579

Admovere, of victims, 12. 171
Adnixus, with ablative, 12.92

Adnuere, with infinitive, 11. 20: 12. 187

Adparere, of servants, 12. 850
Adsidere, with accusative, 11. 304

Adspectare, 10. 4


Adusque, 11. 262

Adverbs formed from participles, 10. 405

[blocks in formation]

Aestus, of fluctuation in opinion, 12. 486
Aetherius, of the sun, 8. 68

-, of the heavenly bodies, 8. 137
Agere, of leading to battle, 7. 804:8.678
--, used for ducere, 10. 514: 12.530
Agger moerorum, 10. 24
Agitare, of pursuit, 11. 686

-, with infinitive, 9. 187
Agricola, contrasted with arator, 10. 805
Agrippa, 8. 682

Agylla, 7. 652:8.479

[blocks in formation]

-----, of the top of a helmet, 10. 270
Apollo, worship of, at Soracte, 11. 787
Appenninicola, 11. 700

Ait, introduced towards the end of a Aptare, with dative, 10. 131

speech, 11. 24

Alba, Latium, and Rome, 7.602

Alban kings, 12. 826

Ara Maxuma, origin of, 8. 194

Arabus, 7. 605

[blocks in formation]

Alituum genus, 8. 27

Allia, 7. 717

[blocks in formation]

Alliteration, 9. 89, 340: 11. 151, 160, Arma, of a single piece of armour, 8. 435

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

influence, 7. 580

Attonitus, of one under strong divine Buxum, of a top, 7. 382

Attorquere, 9.52

Auctor, of a god, 8. 336

-, of an authority for a fact, 10. 510

Audax, of Turnus, 7.409:9.3

Audere = τλῆναι, 7.300

-, of making a moral effort, 8. 364
Audire, with accus. = to hear of, 7. 196
Augere, of laying gifts on the altar, 7. 111
Augustus, nearly = sanctus, 7. 170
Augustus, foreign wars of, alluded to, 7.


-, represented on shield of Aeneas,

Aurea, aureo, disyllables, 7.190:10.116
Aurora, for the East, 8. 686

Aurum, for a thing made of gold, 7. 245
Aurunci, 7. 206, 727
Auspicium, 11. 347

Aut for neque, after non, 10, 529

after nec, 11. 802

Aut-aut separative, followed by que-que
conjunctive, 7. 164, 165

Aut, distinguishing two ways of expressing
the same thought, 11. 392

Aventinus, 7.657

Bubo, 12. 862


funeral pile, 11. 201

[blocks in formation]

Avertere, of carrying off plunder, 8. 208: Capys, 10. 145

Avus, used loosely, 10. 76, 619

Axe, the national weapon of the rural
population of Italy, 7.627: 11.656

[blocks in formation]

Berecyntia, 9.82

Bibere, of a spear, 11. 804

Carbaseus, 11. 776

Carbasus, 8. 34

Carmentalis porta, 8. 338

Carmentis, prediction of, 8. 340

Cassida, 11. 775

Cassus aethere, 11. 104

Castra movere, not of breaking up a camp,

11. 446

Castrametation, Virgil's, 11. 159

Cateia, 7.741

Catilina, representation of, in Tartarus, 8.


Cato of Utica, representation of, in Elysium,

.8 670

Catullus imitated by Virgil in the last
six books of the Aeneid, 7. 302, 356,
395, 593:8.19, 518: 9.106, 313, 435,
500, 582, 695: 10.102, 230, 670, 844:
11. 68, 269, 581, 764: 12. 473, 669

Biforis, of the sound of a flute with two Cava nubes, 10. 636

stops, 9. 618

Bimembris, 8. 293

Bipatens, 10.5

[blocks in formation]

Bipennis, in original adjectival sense, 11. Cedere = bene cedere, 12. 148


locis, 7. 559

[blocks in formation]

Circeii, 7. 10

-, with accusative of thing, 11. 344

Circulus, of a band to confine the hair, 10. Consurgere in ensem, 9.749:12.729


Contra, of replying, 9. 280

Citus for citatus, 8. 642

Contus, 9. 510

Clamorem tollere, of combatants, 9.566: Converti not = συστρέφεσθαι, 12. 548


Co-ordination of ideas not strictly expressed,

Clarus, epithet of Alba, 8. 48


Classicum, 7.637

Copulative, place of, supplied by repetition,

Classis, ancient sense of, 7. 716

11. 171

Clausae portae, a sign of war, 8. 385

Coquere = inflammare, 7. 345

Clausus, 7. 707

Cornu, of helmet, 12. 89

Clipeatus, 7.793

= bucina, 7. 513

Clipeum, neuter, 9. 709

Cornus, of a javelin, 9. 698: 12.267

Coctus, of a spear hardened in the fire, 11. Corona, 10. 122: 11.475

[blocks in formation]

Collateral forms, employment of, 10.571: Corythus, 7. 209:9.10:10.719

[blocks in formation]

magnum, 11. 234

Concipere foedus, 12. 13
Concutere, 7.338:8.4

Condensus, 8. 497

Condere to compose, 10.35

Confundere, metaphorical, 12. 619
Confusion between impressions on different
senses, 12.591

Congeminare, 11. 698: 12.714
Congressus, of friendly meeting, 8. 467
Coniicere, with dative, 7. 456
Coniugium, for coniunx, 11. 270
Coniungere, with abl., 10. 653

Coniurare, of a general rising, 8. 4
Conjunction, used to couple words which

are not co-ordinate, 9. 48
Connixus, of a charge with lances, 11.613
Connubiis, as a trisyllable, 7. 96
Conplere, a naval term, 11. 327

Credere campo, of giving battle on level

ground, 9. 42

Crepido saxi, 10. 653
Cretheus, 9. 774: 12.538

Crimen a ground of quarrel, 7. 339

= cause of reproach, Additional

Notes, p. 506

= guilty cause, 12. 600

Crinalis, 7. 403: 11.576
Crinitus Apollo, 9. 638
Crudus = crudelis, 10.682
Crustumerium, 7. 631
Cum ex quo, 12. 208
Cum tamen, 9. 513
Cuneus, of an army, 12. 457
Cupavo, 10. 186
Cupencus, 12. 539
Currus, plural for singular, 10. 574

= horses, 7. 163

Cursu = at full speed, 11. 879
Cursum dare, 10. 870
Cursus, of a voyage, 9. 91

[blocks in formation]

more, 10.832

[blocks in formation]

Dirigere aciem, 7. 523

Dead, both buried and burnt at Rome, 11. Discere = learn about, 12. 435

[blocks in formation]

Discessio caeli, 9. 20

Discinctus, of Carthaginians, 8. 724
Disfigurement of features forbidden to
women by Roman law, 12. 606
Disiicere = rumpere, 7. 339

--, of laying in ruins, 8. 290
Disjunctive in questions, use of, 10. 150
dividing two clauses not really

distinct, 10. 740

Dissidere, of physical separation, 7. 370
Diversus, 7.150:12.621
Dives, of abundance, 9. 26
Divi = images of gods, 12. 286
Divine favour and human prowess viewed

as independent, 11. 118

Divortium, 9. 379

Docere, of recounting, 11. 249

Doliturus, 11. 732

Deprensus and depressus confounded in Dolo, 7. 664

MSS., 10. 98

Dercennus, 11. 850

Descriptions in Virgil localized, 7.516:

10.708: 12.4

[blocks in formation]

Dolon, 12. 347

Dolor, 8. 220, 501: 9.66

Domus, of place of extraction, 8. 114: 10.


Aeneae, 9. 448

Dona ferre, 8. 284

Donec, with subjunctive, 11. 860

Donum = beneficium, 8. 658
Drances, 11. 336
Dubitare, 9. 191

Ducere = inducere, 10. 192

= to extend by beating, 7. 634

= to protract, 8. 55

-, of drawing a bow, 11. 860

sacra, of a religious procession, 8.

loci, 8. 31


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