305 Inmanem Lapithum valuit; concessit in iras Ast ego, magna Iovis coniunx, nil linquere inausum Quae potui infelix, quae memet in omnia verti, Vincor ab Aenea. Quod si mea numina non sunt 310 Magna satis, dubitem haud equidem inplorare quod usquam est. of Bacchus. The only light on this passage seems to be derived from Serv., who has a story that Peirithous invited all the gods but Mars to the marriage feast, and that Mars in revenge for the slight brought about the quarrel: but this looks suspiciously like an adaptation of the very similar story of Diana's vengeance on Oeneus of Calydon, who had omitted to sacrifice to her when he sacrificed to all the other gods, Il. 9.533 foll. The ascription of a bloody quarrel to Mars is natural enough, as the Greeks made him the author of violent deaths of all sorts (Aesch. Eum. 355), and even of pestilence (Soph. О. Т. 191). Ribbeck however recalls the second. The first is decidedly to be preferred to the second, as at once neater and more difficult, while in external authority they appear to be equal. If the third could be explained, it might easily be defended on external grounds, as the original reading which was altered in two ways for the sake of symmetry: but there is nothing in the context to supply any construction for 'Lapithis,' and to understand it as an abl. abs., borrowing 'merentibus' from 'merentem,' would be quite impossible. The most probable view then seems to be that the first was the original reading, that the second was introduced by some one 5.] Inmanem' (gigantic) and 'an- who did not understand the construction 305.] tiquam' seem used to magnify the greatness of the enemies whom Mars and Diana had been permitted to destroy, compared with Aeneas-Vincor ab Aenea.' 'Dianae' seems to be dat, after 'concessit," "in iras" meaning for purposes of vengeance.' 306.] Ipse deum genitor,' as Minerva is said to have wielded the thunderbolt of Jove, 1. 42. 307.] The reading of this line is not certain. In Priscian's time, as appears from his words p. 1081, there were three readings, Lapithas-Calydona merentem, Lapithis-Calydone merente,' and Lapithis-Calydona merentem.' Priscian thinks that the third can be explained as a double construction, but prefers the first or second. Serv. is for the second, as the only one which will make sense, but as he does not expressly mention the two others, merely objecting to reading 'Calydona,' it is not clear whether he is arguing against one or both. Of the MSS. Rom. is for the second, unequivocally; fragm. Vat. is for the third, though its original reading was 'Calydo;' Med. was originally for the second, except that it read merentes,' but its second reading is for the first; Gud. was originally for the third, but 'merentem' has been altered into 'merente.' Heins. restored the first, and subsequent editors have followed him : (Pomponius Sabinus, retaining the accusatives, attempts to supply "vidisti"), and simply two. Ribbeck imagines that Virg. himself left a choice of readings, the first and second. The inferior MSS. multiply the variations almost indefinitely. Quod scelus merentem,' a variety for "cuius sceleris poenas merentem:" see on 2. 229, and for a further variety comp. 2.585. Comp. "commeruisse culpam" Plaut. Capt. 2. 3. 42. 308.] Comp. 1. 46, "Ast ego quae divom incedo regina Jovisque Et soror et coniunx." "Inausum' reminds us of 'ausa' v. 300. The word occurs 8. 205. " 309.] 'Potui,' 'stooped to,' which harmonizes with 'infelix. So perhaps 'potui' 4.600, 'had the heart to," "non potui being there explained like "non licuit" 4. 550. Quae memet in omnia verti,' who have taken every shape, i. e. tried every mode of opposition. Comp. Hdt. 3. 124, παντοίη ἐγίνετο μὴ ἀποδημῆσαι τὸν Πολυκράτεα. Cerda comp. "Verte omnis tete in facies" 12. 891, where Aeneas defies Turnus to escape him. 310.] 'I am defeated by one man,' as in 1.47 she complains that she cannot prevail over a single nation ("una cum gente tot annos bella gero”), while Minerva could destroy the whole confederate fleet of Greece. 311.] "Namque aliud quid sit, quod Flectere si nequeo Superos, Acheronta movebo. iam inplorare queamus?" 10. 19. Junohere 312.] Heyne quotes Aesch. Suppl. 160168, as containing a parallel sentiment. There is almost a play on the sense of 'movebo,' which = 'flectere' ("Quo fletu Manis, qua numina voce moveret?" G. 4. 505), and at the same time has the notion of stirring up or setting in action. Virg. may have thought of the phrase πάντα κινεῖν πέτρον, which Cerda comp., and of the language of Zeus to Hera Il. 8. 478 foll. 313.] Regnis Latinis,' from becoming king of Latium: he had already found entrance into the territory. 'Esto' 4. 35. 314.] Lavinia coniunx,' his marriage with Lavinia. "Manent inmota tuorum Fata tibi" 1. 257. Fatis' is here abl. of instr. or circumstance with 'manet.' 315.] For the notion that fate cannot be averted, but can be delayed, comp. 1. 299, Hdt. 1.91. 'Tantis' seems meant to give a natural reason why they might be delayed. Trahere' seems better taken with "res" than 'moras, though "trahere moram" is found. With moras addere' Gossrau comp. Ov. Her. 19.8, "parvi temporis adde moram." 316.] Sheincludes Latinusin her enmity, and threatens in fact that he and Aeneas should be kings without nations. 317.] Mercede suorum' may either be the price paid by their subjects, or their subjects paid as a price by themselves. The latter is perhaps better. For instances of this sense of 'merces' as the cost of an advantage see Forc. VOL. III. 315 320 318.] Comp. for 'sanguine dotabere' Aesch. Ag. 406, ἄγουσά τ' (Ἑλένη) ἀντίφερνον Ἰλίῳ φθοράν. For ‘Rutulo' we should have expected 'Latino:' but Juno has passed from the thought that the people of the two kings shall be destroyed to the more general thought that the bridal shall take place after bloodshed. 319.] 'Tantum:' nor is Hecuba the only one that gives birth to a firebrand. "Face praegnans Cisseis " 10. 704. 320.] Virg., like Euripides, and (accord. ing to Serv.) Ennius and Pacuvius, makes Hecuba the daughter of Cisseus. Hom. Il. 16. 718 makes her the daughter of Dymas, in which he is followed by Ov. M. 11.762. This legend of Hecuba's having dreamed that she was pregnant with a burning torch before she brought forth Paris is alluded to by Enn. Alex. fr. 8, and by Cic. de Div. 1. 21. 'Ignis iugalis,' the conflagration caused by the union of Paris and Helen, which Hecuba is said to have brought forth in bringing forth Paris. The torch seems to have portended marriage, which was the source of the conflagration, as well asthe conflagration itself. And this will give a double sense to 'taedae' below. 321, 322.] Venus shall have (or, has) such another offspring of her own. What follows is an explanation of 'idem partus,' 'et' being epexegetic, and 'taedae' answering to 'face.' 'Quin' confirms and adds to what has gone before. The parallel is of course between Paris and Helen on one side and Aeneas and Lavinia on the other. Aeneas is called a second Paris in a different connexion by Iarbas 4. 215. 'Funestae' seems to be an epithet, not a predicate, and in Pergama' is constructed with 'taedae,' or with the verbal notion which has to be supplied to the sentence. 'Recidiva:' note on 4. 344. D Haec ubi dicta dedit, terras horrenda petivit : 323-340.] 'Juno calls up the Fury Allecto, and bids her sow enmity between the Latins and the Trojans.' 323.] Juno follows her complaint, as in Book 1., by appealing for aid to one of the inferior powers; but her appeal to the powers of hell is of course the last resort and shows that destiny is about to be accomplished. Ubi' is constructed, like "postquam," with the perf. in some cases where we should use the pluperf. See Madv. § 338 b. Horrenda' apparently "torva," as in 11. 507. 324.] 'Allecto' for 'Alecto,' like Homer's ἄλληκτον πολεμίζειν for ἄληκτον. So Orph. Arg. 966, Τισιφόνη τε καὶ ̓Αλληκτὼ καὶ δια Μέγαιρα. The names of the Furies are not given in the poets before the Alexandrine period, Müller Diss. Eum. § 78. For dearum,' 'sororum' was the old reading and that of Heyne, and is supported by Med. second reading, Rom., and Gud. second reading. Wagn. introduced 'dearum' from fragm. Vat., Med. first reading, and Gud. first reading. 'Sororum' is less likely, on account of sorores' following so near in v. 327, and was probably introduced from v. 454. We have "dea dira" 12. 914. 'Dira' is sometimes used absolutely as a name for the Furies, 4. 473, 610. Dirus' appears to mean rather awful and appalling than horrible (see 8. 350), so that 'dirae deae' would nearly correspond to σεμναὶ θεαί. 'Luctificus' occurs in Cicero's translation from Aesch. Prom. Unbound, Tusc. 2. 10. Comp. "luctificabilis," Pers. 1, 78. 325.] Infernisque tenebris' epexegetical. Tristia bella' E. 6. 7, Hor. A. P. 73. 326.] Irae' denotes open violence, opposed to 'insidiae,' treachery. Comp. the use of "irasci" for attacking, 10.712. 'Crimina,' grounds of quarrel, and so quarrels simply. Comp. "crimina belli " v. 339. 327.] Comp. Aesch. Eum. 73 (Apollo of the Erinnyes), Μισήματ' ἀνδρῶν καὶ θεῶν Ὀλυμπίων. Virg. was also thinking of 325 330 Il. 20. 65, τά τε στυγέουσι θεοί περ. Heyne comp. II. 5. 890 (Zeus to Ares) Ἔχθιστος δέ μοι ἐσσὶ θεῶν, οἱ Ὄλυμπος ἔχουσιν· Αἰεὶ γάρ τοι ἔρις τε φίλη, πόλεμοί τε μάχαι τε, from which vv. 325, 6 are evidently taken. Virg.'s sentiment is, of course, stronger than either. 'Pater' is probably to be understood strictly, as Orph. Hymn. 69 calls the Eumenides ἁγναὶ θυγατέρες μεγάλοιο Διὸς χθονίοιο Χερσε φόνης τ', and 'sorores' is the natural correlative of 'pater.' Other accounts assigned a different parentage to the Furies Serv. e. g. speaking of them as daughters of Acheron and Night. See Lobeck, Aglaophamus pp. 546, 7. We must suppose them then in Virg.'s view to be the children of Pluto and Night, though to a Greek this would have involved a confusion between the older and younger gods. Pluton, the Greek form: so Hor. 2 Od. 14. 7, "illacrimabilem Plutona." 328.] 'Ora,' aspects, nearly the same as "voltus;" facies,' forms. "Faciem mutatus et ora" 1. 658. Tot sese vertit in ora' seems to be an allegorical expression parallel to "tibi nomina mille, mille nocendi artes" v. 337. This multiformity is a substantive part of the Fury's horrors, and there is no need to fetch an epithet for 'ora' either from 'saevae' or from the general context. Comp. generally v. 447 below, "tot Erinys sibilat hydris, Tantaque se facies aperit." 329.] 'Atra' belongs in sense to 'colubris.' Rom. and some other MSS. have 'ora.' 330.] Rom., Gud., and others have 'dictis' for 'verbis.' 331.] 'Sata Nocte' 12. 846, Aesch. Eum. 69, Νυκτός παλαιαὶ παῖδες. 'Proprium,' especial, for herself alone (see the next line); opposed to the duties of Allecto in the moral world. Donatus explains 'proprium' peculiar to thyself: "ergo non laborabis, quia nihil peto alienum a te," an interpretation also given by Serv. as an Hanc operam, ne noster honos infractave cedat Exin Gorgoneis Allecto infecta venenis alternative. 'Dare laborem' on the analogy of "dare munus " &c., combined with "dare operam," which is a phrase for taking trouble. Rom. has laborum,' which could not well stand. There is the same variety in E. 10. 1. 332.] For the sentiment comp. 1. 48, "Et quisquam numen Iunonis adorat," &c. The construction of 'ne' after 'dare operam' is common. 'Infracta cedatloco' is well explained by Heyne as an amplification of "infringatur" or "inminuatur." It is opposed of course to establishment on a solid foundation. We may contrast Lucr. 5. 1164, "Quae nunc in magnis florent sacra rebu' locisque." "Loco cedit" 9. 220. 333.] Neu connubiis,' &c. would appeal to the malignity of the Fury. Comp. v. 329. Ambire Latinum connubiis' may be simply construed to conciliate or gain over Latinus by this marriage; though there may be also a reference to "ambire connubium," like "ambire magistratum." The plural 'connubiis' (their marriages) perhaps has something of bitterness in it, as also has 'obsidere,' to beset. 335.] Unanimes,' the reading before Heins., is found in one of Ribbeck's cursives. 336.] 'Versare' hardly = "vertere," to overturn (v. 407), but rather i. q. "turbare." So perhaps in the passage of Ennius quoted on v. 345. Verbera' and 'faces' are the whips and torches of the Furies (comp. vv. 451, 457), and here that which the whips and torches allegorize, whether the madness of crime or the fires and lashes of remorse. 'Funereas' is only the same as "atro" v. 456 and "atris" 4.384. Another view makes 'verbera' quarrels and funereas faces the funerals of those who are slain. But besides the fact that 'verbera' and 'faces' are the undoubted attributes of the Fury, 'verbera' is never used in Virg. in the general sense of blows, but only of a whip or lash. 335 340 337.] Nomina mille' alludes to the variety of names, expressive of their various attributes, which were given to the gods, and from which they were called πολυώνυμοι. 'Your power is felt under a thousand names;' a reason why she would find it easy to gratify Juno. 338.] Concute:' the metaphor is probably from the shaking of a cloak, or something of the same kind, to see if there is anything in it. See Macleane's note on Hor. 1 S. 3. 34, "denique te ipsum Concute," which Heyne comp. There may be a further notion of arousing what is dormant. Gossrau quotes an imitation in Sil. 2. 539 foll., where Juno similarly excites Tisiphone against the Romans, "quidquid scelerum, poenarum quidquid et irae Pectore fecundo coquitur tibi, congere praeceps In Rutulos, totamque Erebo demitte Saguntum." 339.] Disiice' = "rumpe." Sil. 2. 295 has "disiectaque pax est," doubtless an imitation. Pacem conponere' occurs again 12.822. Sere crimina' like "serit rumores" 12. 228. 340.] Juno says in effect, Cause a sudden quarrel that may lead to bloodshed before Aeneas and Latinus can interpose.' The wish, the demand, and the taking of the demand for granted are to be contemporaneous. "Arma volunt" 12. 242. 'Poscat,' apparently of Latinus and Aeneas, like "bellum poscunt" below v.584. Some of Pierius' MSS. gave "Troiana iuventus" for 'rapiatque iuventus.' 341-372.] Allecto goes to Latinus' palace, and plants a snake in the bosom of the queen, who inveighs against the Trojan alliance, reminds her husband of his promise to Turnus, and attempts to explain away the oracle.' 341.] Infecta venenis' instead of "cincta serpentibus veneno infectis," because the venomous serpents on her head were part of herself, vv. 346, 450. Comp. Principio Latium et Laurentis tecta tyranni 345 Volvitur attactu nullo, fallitque furentem, Claud. in Rufin. 1. 66, "torsos serpentum 343.] Tacitum' has been interpreted either as in a retired part of the house and so silent, or as lonely, because Amata was sitting apart to indulge her melancholy. It may however have reference to the silence of night. Comp. v. 413, where Allecto visits Turnus at midnight. Obsedit' implies hostility. Limen' is the threshold of Amata's room; and as the rooms were very small there is no incongruity in the idea of the Fury reaching Amata where she was lying without passing the threshold. For the threshold as the seat of the Furies comp. 4. 473., 6.563. 344.] 'Super' as in v. 358 below, 1. 750 &c. 345.] The sense of 'coquebant' is fixed by 'ardentem' as being nearly i. q. "in. flammabant," perhaps with a further notion of agitation, as in the simile vv. 462 foll. The sense therefore is not the same as πέσσειν χόλον, to digest, smother one's anger. Virg. probably thought of the well-known lines of Ennius (A. 10. fr. 5), "O Tite, si quid ego adiuero curamve levasso Quae nunc te coquit et versat in pectore fixa, Ecquid erit praemi ?" 346.] Coniicere' with dat. below v. 456. "Caeruleos inplexae crinibus anguis" G. 4. 482: see on G. 1. 236. The identity of the hair and the serpents is shown here partly by the epithet caeruleus,' partly by the expression 'unum de crinibus anguem' instead of "unum de anguibus" "de crinibus." Gossrau comp. Ov. M. 4. 495, where the description of the agency of the Fury upon Ino and Athamas is throughout modelled on Virg., though Ovid's luxuriant fancy contrasts signifi or cantly with Virg.'s self-restraint. 350 347.] The meaning expressed in full would be "subdit in sinum ita ut ad praecordia perveniat." 348.] Furibunda' (Amata) with 'monstro.' Monstro' may refer specifically to the serpent or generally to the whole agency, like "quo motu" G. 1. 329 note. Domum permisceat' like "versare domos" above v. 336. "Miscentur moenia luctu," "miscetur domus interior gemitu miseroque tumultu" 2. 298, 486. 349.] Levia' gives the reason of 'volvitur attactu nullo,' as 'furentem' does of 'fallit:' and throughout the passage there is an effort of ingenuity to sustain the physical probability. The serpent takes the form of the serpentine "torquis" and 'taenia,' and it infuses its venom by the breath, not with the tooth. "Inter pateras et levia pocula serpens" 5.91. Rom. and some of Pierius' MSS. have 'levia corpora.' 'Devia' is rather an ingenious variety in one MS., the Rottendorph. tert. 350.] 'Attactus,' a very rare word, found only in the abl. sing. Freund. 'Fallit,' passes unnoticed by her. 'Fallit,' though governing 'furentem,' is to be joined with 'inspirans,' ἔλαθεν εἰσπνέων, as Heyne suggests. Gossrau comp. Lucan. 6. 64, Prima quidem surgens operum structura fefellit Pompeium." With the general character of the passage we may comp. 1.688, "Occultum inspires ignem fallasque veneno." " 351.] Vipeream animam,' not, a spirit like that of a serpent, but its poisonous breath. "Inspirantque gravis animas " Ov. 1. c., who adds characteristically "nec volnera membris Ulla ferunt: mens est quae diros sentiat ictus." 'Collo' probably a local abl. (see on v. 140 above), rather than, as in 1. 654, a dative. 352.] Tortile aurum,' i. q. "torquis." a |