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Nunc vivo, neque adhuc homines lucemque relinquo. 855
Sed linquam. Simul hoc dicens attollit in aegrum
Se femur, et, quamquam vis alto volnere tardat,
Haud deiectus equum duci iubet. Hoc decus illi,
Hoc solamen erat; bellis hoc victor abibat
Omnibus. Adloquitur maerentem, et talibus infit:
Rhaebe, diu, res si qua diu mortalibus ulla est,
Viximus. Aut hodie victor spolia illa cruenta
Et caput Aeneae referes, Lausique dolorum

debt to my people: I ought to have given
(or, would I had given) my life myself.'
The pluperf. seems to mean I had owed
it already before the chance of death came.'
Comp. 11. 162, "Animam ipse dedissem,
Atque haec pompa domum me, non Pal-
lanta, referret." On dedissem' see note
on 4. 678. Omnis per mortis' does not
seem to mean every kind of death, but
death from every quarter: he ought to
have exhausted every death himself before
that one should reach Lausus. The allu-
sion is doubtless to vv. 691 foll. above.
'Per' seems partly instrumental, partly,
as Peerlkamp thinks, on the analogy of
"per volnera."

856.] 'Simul hoc dicens' like "simul his dictis" 11. 827. Simul' may go either with part. or verb (comp. 12. 755), but perhaps the former is better: comp. Livy 22. 3, "Haec simul increpans cum ocius signa convelli iuberet " (Wagn.). The construction may be an imitation of the Greek ἅμα λέγων οι ἅμα εἰπών. ‘Attollit se in femur' not unlike "cubat in faciem " Juv. 3. 280. So we say 'raises himself on his thigh, so as to rest on his thigh.'

857.] Quamquam vis' Serv. and Ribbeck's MSS., Pal, however having marks of erasure over the first 'quam' (thus leaving quamvis '). Hence Ribbeck adopts Peerlkamp's ingenious conjecture 'quamvis dolor alto volnere tardet.' Some inferior copies are said by Heyne to give 'quanquam sese alto,' 'quanquam alto sese,' 'quamvis alto se,' &c. Tardat Pal. originally: ardat' Med., corrected into tardet:' 'tardet' Pal. corrected, Gud. originally, with two of Ribbeck's cursives. It is safer to retain 'tardat,' though 'quamquam' sometimes takes the subj., as in Cic. de Or. 2. 1. 1, "quamquam arbitrarentur" (Forc.): comp. A. 6. 394, and see Madv. § 361, obs. 3. If tardat' be taken transitively, 'vis' must his 'diminished strength' (Serv. takes 'vis alto volnere' as "vol



neris alti violentia"): but it is also permissible to take it intransitively comp. Cic. (?) ad Brut. 1. 18, "an tardare et commorari te melius esset:" ad Att. 6. 7, "numquid putes reipublicae nomine tardandum esse nobis" (Wagn. and Forb.): so "retardare" N. D. 2. 20. But it may be questioned whether Serv.'s interpretation, though involving a harsh construction with the abl., is not the true one, as otherwise we should rather have expected 'vires.'

858.] The affection of Mezentius, the tyrant and "contemptor divum," for his horse is striking and characteristic. The passages in Hom. quoted by Heyne (Il. 8. 184 foll., 19. 400 foll.) are not very like this. With 'equum . . . hoc decus erat' comp. 3. 660, "oves; ea sola voluptas Solamenque mali." Decus,' his glory or treasure. 859.] Erit' Gud. originally, whence Heins.conj. 'heri.' "Bellis"="a proeliis:" comp. 2. 439.

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860.] Maerentem:' comp. 11.89,"Post bellator equus, positis insignibus, ethon, It lacrimans, guttisque humectat grandibus ora:" II. 17. 426, "I d Αἰακίδαο μάχης ἀπάνευθεν εόντες, Κλαῖον &c. Ac talia fatur' Rom. for et talibus infit.' 'Infit' 5. 708 note.

861.] Utra est' (meaning perhaps ultra est') Rom. for 'ulla est.' Heyne says, "Gravis sententia et h. 1. affectus plena."

862.] Viximus' applies both to horse and master. 'Cruenti' Pal. originally, and so Ribbeck: 'cruenta' Med., Rom., Pal. corrected, and Gud. Cruenta' Serv., who mentions cruenti: "Si autem cruenti,' intellexeris scilicet crudelis." 'Cruenta' gives far the best sense: 'you will bring back those arms of Aeneas stained with his blood.' Serv. takes it, those arms that Lausus' blood has stained. Comp. II. 8. 191, 'Aλλ' èpоμаρтεITOV Kal σπεύδετον, αἴ κε λάβωμεν ̓Ασπίδα Νεστ τορέην, τῆς νῦν κλέος οὐρανὸν ἵκει.

863.] Dolorem' Pal. and originally Gud. Rom. has 'u' in an erasure. Lausi

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Ultor eris mecum, aut, aperit si nulla viam vis,
Occumbes pariter; neque enim, fortissime, credo,
Iussa aliena pati et dominos dignabere Teucros.
Dixit, et exceptus tergo consueta locavit
Membra, manusque ambas iaculis oneravit acutis,
Aere caput fulgens, cristaque hirsutus equina.
Sic cursum in medios rapidus dedit. Aestuat ingens
Uno in corde pudor mixtoque insania luctu,
[Et furiis agitatus amor et conscia virtus.]
Atque hic Aenean magna ter voce vocavit.
Aeneas adgnovit enim, laetusque precatur :
Sic pater ille deum faciat, sic altus Apollo !
Incipias conferre manum.

Tantum effatus, et infesta subit obvius hasta.

dolorum' may mean either Lausus' pains' or my pains for Lausus:' if the latter, comp. "dolores suarum rerum Cic. Phil. 8. 6. 18: "agri ademti dolorem" Livy 8. 13. Perhaps Virg. was thinking of the ambiguous line Τίσασθαι Ελένης δρμήματά τε στοναχάς τε Ι1. 2. 356, 590.

864.] "Fit via vi" 2. 494. "Aperire viam" 11. 884.

865.] Pariter' as in 9. 182, "Pariterque in bella ruebant." Comp. with the thought Shakspeare, Rich. II. 5. 5, "That jade hath eat bread from my royal hand: This hand hath made him proud with clapping him. Would he not stumble? would he not fall down, Since pride must have a fall, and break the neck Of that proud man that did usurp his back?"

866.] Wagn. rightly makes 'credo' parenthetical; but it is not clear that he is right in supposing a double construction, 'dignabere pati' and 'dignabere dominos,' as 'pati' could govern dominos' as well as 'iussa.'

867.] "Exceptus equo" Sil. 5. 149 (Gossr.). "Ille ... regem sponte genua submittens excipiebat" of Bucephalus, Q. Curtius 6. 5. 17.

868.] "Iaculo palmas armavit acuto" 11. 574, where some MSS. have 'oneravit.' We should rather have expected 'armavit' here, as oneravit' can hardly be meant to indicate his comparative weakness.

870.] Cursu redit' Rom. for cursum dedit,' rather plausibly. Cursum dare' like "fugam dare" 12. 367.

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871.] Una' for 'uno' Gud. corrected. Many edd. and perhaps some MSS. read 'imo.' The words are constantly confused




in cursives. Dolor' for 'pudor' the MS.
known as the Medicean of Pierius: 'pudor'
is confirmed by Serv. Mixto insania
luctu' like "mixta cruor arena
"12. 340,
"mixto pulvere fumum" 2. 609. This
line recurs 12. 668, and is followed there
by the verse "Et furiis agitatus amor et
conscia virtus," which is also added here
(by a later hand) in the margin of Gud.,
and forms part of the text in another of
Ribbeck's cursives. One or two copies
give it after v. 875. But it is omitted in
Med., Pal., and Rom., and was not read by
Serv., who says, "Tribus affectibus contur-
batum significat, pudore, ira, dolore."

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873.] Aeneae' Med. first reading. 'Magna Manis ter voce vocavi" 6. 506. 874.] It is unnatural (with Wagn.) to put adgnovit enim' in a parenthesis. Enim' here is merely emphatic: see 6. 317 note, and comp. 8. 84, G. 2. 509.

875.] Ille:' comp. "ita ille faxit Iuppiter," Plaut. Most. 2. 1. 51, Pseud. 4. 1. 19. See 7. 110, 558., 2. 780. 'Altus' in 6.9 (note) has a special force as applied to Apollo of Cumae: here the idea seems to be that of majesty. Comp. "alta Juno" Ov. M. 3. 284., 12. 505 (Forb.). Virg. thought of Hom.'s At yàp Zeû Te TáTEρ Kal 'A@nvain kalˇAñoλλov (Il. 2. 371., 16. 97), which is followed by an optative: so that the early editors are right as against Wagn. (after Heyne) and the later in connecting incipias' closely with faciat.'

876.] Incipias,' perhaps rather undertake' than begin :' comp. 2. 13. Some inferior MSS. add "et mihi iungere pugnam.”

877.] "Tantum effatus, et in verbo vestigia torsit" 6. 547.

Ille autem: Quid me erepto, saevissime, nato
Terres? haec via sola fuit, qua perdere posses.
Nec mortem horremus, nec divom parcimus ulli.
Desine nam venio moriturus, et haec tibi porto
Dona prius. Dixit, telumque intorsit in hostem;
Inde aliud super atque aliud figitque volatque
Ingenti gyro; sed sustinet aureus umbo.
Ter circum adstantem laevos equitavit in orbis,
Tela manu iaciens; ter secum Troius heros
Inmanem aerato circumfert tegmine silvam.
Inde ubi tot traxisse moras, tot spicula taedet
Vellere, et urguetur pugna congressus iniqua,
Multa movens animo iam tandem erumpit, et inter
Bellatoris equi cava tempora coniicit hastam.

878, 879.] Why do you try to frighten me now that you have done your worst and I have nothing more to fear?' The force of the pres. 'terres' is the same as that of 'proturbant' v. 801 note. Rom. has 'terreas,' which Pierius seriously deliberates about reconciling with the metre.

880.] Nec divom parcimus ulli,' referring to Aeneas' invocation of the gods (Serv.). 'Your gods shall feel my spear as well as you.' Comp. Diomed's conduct to Aphrodite Il. 5. 330 foll. This is a more natural way of taking the words than Heyne's, who strains parcere' into the meaning of 'curare.' The word 'parcere' may have been suggested to Virg. by the language of Polyphemus, Od. 9. 277, Oud' av ey Διὸς ἔχθος ἀλευάμενος πεφιδοίμην Οὔτε σεῦ οὔθ ̓ ἑτάρων (Cerda). Verum parcite dignitati Lentuli, si ipse. famae suae, si dis aut hominibus unquam ullis pepercit" Cato ap. Sallust. Cat. 52. 33.

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881.] "Nam' is rightly restored by Jahn and Wagn. for iam,' which is found in Gud. alone among Ribbeck's MSS. 'Moriturus:' see on v. 811. 'Porto' rather than 'mitto: Mezentius is carrying the presents himself, and he proceeds to offer them immediately.

883.] Fugit' originally Pal. and Med., corrected 'figit.' Heyne was much inclined to adopt fugit,' wishing to punctuate'Inde aliud super atque aliud: fugitque, volatque: a violent change of tense. Volutat' Gud. originally for volatque:' whence Heins. read volutatque.' Figitque volatque' he throws them as he flies.

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884.] 'Aereus' Pal. and one of Ribbeck's cursives for 'aureus:' perhaps from 'aerato'

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v. 887. Med. has a similar error v. 271 above, where, as here, 'umbo' stands for the whole shield.

885.] Adstantem,' standing ready to meet him. He rides round Aeneas towards the left, so as to have his shield always towards him. With laevos equitavit in orbis' comp. Ov. M. 12. 468, "certumque equitavit in orbem."

886, 887.] "Tela manu iaciunt" v. 264 above. 'Secum,' he turns round and turns the shield with him. Gud. gives 'agmine' in the margin as a variant for 'tegmine.' 'Aerato' probably not xáλkeos but xaλkóderos (xaλkodéтwv σakéwv Aesch. Theb. 160). Both brass and gold were used in the texture of Aeneas' shield: see 8. 415. ‘Silvam, the forest of arrows. Forb. comp. Lucan 6. 205, "densamque ferens in pectore silvam."

888, 889.] Tot moras' is peculiar for "tantum morae," but Virg. probably wished to balance tot spicula.' Iniqua pugna' because he is on foot. Serv.

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890.] Multa movens animo' 3. 34. Erupit' Gud.

891.] ΙΙ. 8. 83, ̓́Ακρην κὰκ κορυφήν, ὅθι τε πρῶται τρίχες ἵππων Κρανίῳ ἐμπεφύασι, μάλιστα δὲ καίριόν ἐστι, Αλγήσας δ ̓ ἀνέπαλτο &c. Comp. also Livy 8. 7, where the equestrian fight between the young Manlius and Maecius is described in language not unlike Virg.'s: "Circumactis deinde equis quum prior ad iterandum ictum Manlius consurrexisset, spiculum inter aures equi fixit: ad cuius volneris sensum quum equus prioribus pedibus erectis magna vi caput quateret, excussit equitem" &c. (Heyne.) "Bellator equus" 11. 89, G. 2. 145.

Tollit se arrectum quadrupes, et calcibus auras
Verberat, effusumque equitem super ipse secutus
Inplicat, eiectoque incumbit cernuus armo.
Clamore incendunt caelum Troesque Latinique.
Advolat Aeneas, vaginaque eripit ensem,

Et super haec: Ubi nunc Mezentius acer, et illa
Effera vis animi? Contra Tyrrhenus, ut auras
Suspiciens hausit caelum, mentemque recepit:
Hostis amare, quid increpitas mortemque minaris ?
Nullum in caede nefas; nec sic ad proelia veni ;
Nec tecum meus haec pepigit mihi foedera Lausus.

892.] The horse rears, throws his rider, and falls upon him. 'Calces' usually means the hind-feet of a horse: and so Heyne would take it here, straining the words unnaturally. But Sil. 17. 134 imitating this passage uses calces' for the fore-feet, "erexitque ore cruento Quadripedem, elatis pulsantem calcibus auras” (of fire thrown at the horse's nostrils).

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894.] Electo' Med. and originally Gud. Delecto' Gud. corrected. Eiecto' Heyne joins with domino' understood, 'his fallen master: but it is better to take it with armo,' 'putting out his shoulder,' for 'eiicere' appears to have been the ordinary word for dislocating a limb: see Veget. Vet. 3. 41, "Si iumfentum cervicem eiecerit aut laxaverit (luxaverit ?) :" ib. 45, “Quod si eiecerit iuxta consuetudinem ad rotam armum, ponito:" comp. also Hyginus Fab. 57 and Muncker's note (Forc. s. v. 'eiicere' and 'eiecto'). Silius' imitation 10. 255 leaves it doubtful how he understood 'eiecto:' "quamquam Cernuus inflexo sonipes effuderat armo." 'Cernuus,' with head bowed forwards. The word occurs twice in the extant fragments of Lucilius: Sat. 3. 43, "Cernuus extemplo plantas convestit (convertit ?) honestas:" 27. 34, "Modo sorsum modo deorsum tanquam collus cernui." "Ceruuare' is used of a tumbler by Varro ap. Non. 1.76, and of a horse thrusting down his head by Solinus 45. Cernulus' Rom., Pal. corrected, and originally Gud.

895.] Clamore incendunt caelum' is an instance of the not uncommon poetical licence which speaks of sound in language properly applicable to light: comp. with Heyne Aesch. Pers. 395, Záλmiye 8' aüτ πάντ ̓ ἐκεῖν ̓ ἐπέφλεγεν. Heyne's explanation, that incendere' 'augere,' and


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'clamore incendunt caelum'clamorem incendunt caelo,' is unnatural. "Incendunt clamoribus urbem" 11. 147. Comp. 9. 500 note. The hypermeter is like that in 4. 629, G. 2. 344 &c.

897.] Super,' over him: see v. 556 above. The words are something like II. 5. 472, Εκτορ, πῇ δή τοι μένος οἴχεται, πрlv Exεσкes; comp. also Il. 13. 219.

898.] Et' for 'ut' a m. s. Med., and so Pal. corrected. 'Et' Gud., giving 'ut' as a variant. Rom. has the first letter of 'ut' in an erasure. 'Auras suspiciens' 3. 600 note.

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899.] Ἡ δ ̓ ἐπεὶ οὖν ἄμπνυτο καὶ ἐς φρένα Ovuds ayépon 11. 22. 475 (Cerda). 'Hausit caelum' like "lucem pecudes hausere " G. 2. 340 note, where perhaps it is too hastily assumed that the reference here is to drinking in by the eye. "Et nostra infantia caelum Hausit Aventinum is Juvenal's imitation 3. 84, and would seem to show that he understood it of breathing. Comp. Cic. Cat. 1. 6. 15, "Potestne tibi haec lux, Catilina, aut huius caeli spiritus esse iucundus "&c.: "caelo hoc ac spiritu' pro Rab. Perd. 5. "Alium domi esse caeli haustum, alium lucis aspectum" Quint. Curt. 5. 5. 19. "Paullatim redit in sensus animamque receptat" Lucr. 3. 505. "Recipere se is a phrase: see Dictt.

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900.] The thought is that Aeneas need not make words about what Mezentius regards as a matter of course.

901.] Nec sic' &c., I did not come to the battle on these terms: i. e. with any thought of quarter. He may refer to his own words just above, v. 880. Notice the emphatic juxtaposition of 'tecum' and meus.' With the expression generally, comp. "aut haec in foedera veni" 4. 339.

902.] It is doubtful whether the meaning is Lausus when he attacked you did


Unum hoc, per, si qua est victis venia hostibus, oro:
Corpus humo patiare tegi. Scio acerba meorum
Circumstare odia: hunc, oro, defende furorem ;
Et me consortem nati concede sepulchro.
Haec loquitur, iuguloque haud inscius accipit ensem,
Undantique animam diffundit in arma cruore.

not suppose that you would spare me and did not intend to spare you,' or 'Lausus by his death sealed the covenant that neither of us was to spare the other:' as we might say, his death settled that question between us. But it is quite possible that both meanings may be included, the whole of Lausus' relation to Aeneas' doing and suffering being regarded as a negotiation on his father's behalf, conducted on certain terms. The latter meaning is parallel to v. 532 above," Belli commercia Turnus Sustulit ista prior iam tum Pallante perempto." Very possibly Virg. may have thought of Achilles' reply to Hector 11. 22. 265:

ὡς οὐκ ἔστ ̓ ἐμὲ καὶ σὲ φιλήμεναι, οὔτε

τι νωϊν

ὅρκια ἔσσονται, πρίν γ' ἢ ἑτερόν γε πεσόντα

αἵματος ἆσαι ̓́Αρηα, ταλαύρινον πολεμιστήν.

903.] 'Per si qua' &c. 2. 142 note. After his repudiation of all claim to consideration, it is natural that he should speak doubtfully.

904, 905.] "Humo tegere" of burial 3. 558. With circumstare odia' comp.

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Tac. H. 1. 18, "Circumsteterat interim Palatium publica expectatio." Defende furorem' like Horace's "defendit aestatem capellis," quoted on E. 7. 47.

906.] The words should be taken 'concede me sepulchro, consortem nati:' as 'consors' (see Forc.) is generally constructed with the gen., not the dat.

907.] Haud inscius,' deliberately: comp. 4. 508, "haud ignara futuri," and 9. 552, "seseque haud nescia morti Iniicit." Ensem accipit' suggested by the phrase "ferrum recipere," used of a conquered gladiator yielding himself to death (Taubm.). See Cic. Tusc. 2. 17. Pro Sest. 37 (Forc.). Comp. also "solio accipit" 7. 210, “toro accipit ” 8. 177, of welcoming, where as here the abl. may be either local or modal.

908.] Anima' and 'cruorem' Pal. originally. Med. also originally cruorem.” Cruore' confirmed by Serv. 'Defundit ' Rom., and originally Gud., for 'diffundit.' For arma' one inferior MS. has arva :' "non male," says Ribbeck. Wagn. comp. 9. 349, Purpuream vomit ille animam." The thought is like that in Shaksp. Rich. III. 1. 1, "Sluiced out his innocent soul through streams of blood."

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