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Hoc pater Anchises auro libabat ad aras ;
Hoc Priami gestamen erat, cum iura vocatis
More daret populis, sceptrumque sacerque tiaras
Iliadumque labor vestes.

Talibus Ilionei dictis defixa Latinus Obtutu tenet ora, soloque inmobilis haeret, Intentos volvens oculos. Nec purpura regem Picta movet, nec sceptra movent Priameia tantum, Quantum in connubio natae thalamoque moratur, Et veteris Fauni volvit sub pectore sortem :



245.] 'Aurum' for a thing made of gold. "Pleno se proluit auro" 1. 739. Comp. also "pateris libamus et auro" G. 2. 192.

246-248.] See on 5. 758, " patribus dat iura vocatis," and on 1. 293. Perhaps we ought not to separate so sharply as is done on the latter passage between giving laws and giving judgment, functions which in the heroic age would run very much into each other. The sceptre is the peculiar symbol of the judge in Hom., 11. 1. 238., 18. 505. Populis,' because there were several nations in his empire, 2. 555. 'Gestamen' is most appropriate to a thing held with the hand, as a sceptre or shield (3. 286, "clipeum magni gestamen Abantis"); and so "gerere" 1.657, "sceptrum Ilione quod gesserat olim:" but we have "gerere" applied to a diadem 12. 289. As Ilioneus says 'sceptrum-tiaras-vestes,' he must be supposed to hand over the gifts; and this may account for the somewhat lax way in which the list of objects is appended. This once was borne by Priam when he judged the people; this sceptre, this diadem, these robes, the work of Trojan women. 'Iliadum labor,' Hom. ἔργα γυναικῶν. The tiara or mitre (4. 216., 9.616) is the Eastern head-dress, which Virg., in a somewhat intermittent zeal for accuracy of costume, attributes to the Trojans. He is followed by Juv. 10. 267. Heyne rather ingeniously but needlessly conj. "sceptrum Assaracique tiaras."

249-285.] Latinus is struck with the thought of the approaching fulfilment of the prediction. He welcomes the Trojans, begs that Aeneas will come, and hopes he will prove the destined son-in-law; and dismisses them with a present of horses for themselves and Aeneas.'

249.] Talibus Ilionei dictis,' abl. of circumstance. Comp. v. 284, "Talibus donis-dictisque Latini," and see 2. 336. • Defixa,' κατὰ χθονὸς ὄμματα πήξας, 11.

3. 217. "Defixi ora tenebant" 8. 520. See on 2.1. It seems best to take 'obtutu' adverbially, as equivalent to "obtutu in uno” 1. 499.

250.] 'Haeret:' Latinus remained seated (vv. 169, 193), as Gossrau remarks; but Cerda may be right in supposing the picture to be taken from Ulysses in Il. 3. 1. c. In that case 'nec sceptra movent' is an odd verbal coincidence with σκῆπτρον δ ̓ οὔτ ̓ ὀπίσω οὔτε προπρηνὲς ἐνώμα. Enn. A. 1. fr. 57., 3. fr. 4 seems to use " solum” in the sense of "solium:" but such a thing is not likely in Virg.

251.] "Volvens oculos" 12. 938, of Aeneas gazing on the fallen Turnus. Donatus notices the inconsistency between 'intentos' and 'volvens,' but does not solve it, merely observing that those who are in thought roll their eyes. Virg.'s meaning seems to be that the face is fixed on the ground, but the eyes move. 'Regem'significant after 'purpura' ("purpura regum" G. 2. 495, which, from the context, may have been in the poet's mind here): he is not moved by what would otherwise move a king.

252.] Picta,' embroidered. Priameia:' see on v. 1 above.



253, 254.] Moratur,' is absorbed. "In solo Volscente moratur" 9. 439. Non tantum movent-quantum moratur' expresses that he is too much absorbed in the thoughts suggested by the speech of Ilioneus to look up at his gifts. words 'et-sortem' are a part of the same thoughts, in which Latinus is buried and which prevent him from attending to the gifts: the editors are therefore wrong in placing a semicolon after 'moratur.' 'Connubio: see on 1. 73. Sortem,' oracle, 4. 346. Veteris: perhaps Virg. uses the epithet rather in relation to himself and to his readers than to Latinus. See also on v. 47 above.

Hunc illum fatis externa ab sede profectum
Portendi generum, paribusque in regna vocari
Auspiciis; huic progeniem virtute futuram
Egregiam, et totum quae viribus occupet orbem.
Tandem laetus ait: Di nostra incepta secundent
Auguriumque suum! Dabitur, Troiane, quod optas. 260
Munera nec sperno. Non vobis, rege Latino,
Divitis uber agri Troiaeve opulentia deerit.


Ipse modo Aeneas, nostri si tanta cupido est,

Si iungi hospitio properat sociusque vocari,
Adveniat, voltus neve exhorrescat amicos.


Pars mihi pacis erit dextram tetigisse tyranni.

Vos contra regi mea nunc mandata referte.

Est mihi nata, viro gentis quam iungere nostrae

255.] Hunc illum," "hunc esse illum quem fata portendant." See note on v. 128. Fatis' with 'portendi.' 'Ab sede profectum,' above v. 209.

256.] Paribus auspiciis:' to be his colleague in the kingdom: see on 4. 102. It may be observed that the idea of two kings would be represented to a Roman mind both by the joint reign of Romulus and Tatius, and by the image of a divided monarchy in the two consuls. Possibly here, though not in 4. 102, the reference may be to magistrates created by equal auspices, so that 'auspiciis' may go with 'vocari.' But to connect it with 'regna' seems better. Vocari,' by fate: see on 3. 185, where it is joined with "portendere," and comp. 5. 656, "fatisque vocantia regna."

257.] The Codex Oblongus and the Medicean of Pierius have 'hinc,' the reading before Heins., which is very plausible: comp. 1.21. But all Ribbeck's MSS. give 'huic.' 258.] Many MSS. (including one of Ribbeck's cursives) omit 'et,' and Heyne would have preferred to do so. Wagn. thinks that it gives the clause an adjectival force; but this would be given in either case by the subjunctive. "Totum sub leges mitteret orbem" 4. 231, of Aeneas and his descendants. Occupet orbem viribus' like "occupat os saxo" 10. 699, "flammis" 12. 300, "manicis iacentem occupat" G. 4. 440.

259.] Incepta,' because he now makes the first step towards his great object. Secundent,' 3. 36.

260.] 'Augurium,' the oracle of Faunus, perhaps also the omen of the appearance of the Trojans.

261.] Peerlkamp may be right in thinking that Latinus says 'nec sperno' apologetically, as he had not heeded the gifts. Rege Latino' like "te consule" E. 4. 11. Comp. "regem optatis Acesten" 1.570.

262.] Instead of a pittance of ground on the seashore (vv. 229, 230) he will give them a rich domain. "Ubere glaebae " 1.531. Troiae opulentia' refers to v. 217. Pal. corrected and Gud. have Troiaeque.'. 263.] 'Si tanta cupido est,' 6. 133. Tanta,' as great as the words of Ilioneus and the presents sent imply.

264.] "Hospitio cum iungeret absens" 9. 361. 'Sociusque vocari: comp. 11. 105. Fragmm. Vat. and Verona, Rom. &c. have 'sociusve.'

265.] Voltus amicos:' comp. Ov. M. 8. 677, "super omnia voltus Accessere boni nec iners pauperque voluntas," Aesch. Cho. 671, δικαίων τ ̓ ὀμμάτων παρουσία. There is apparently some playfulness in 'exhorrescat' and in the next line.

266.] Pars pacis,' a condition of, or essential to, our league. In Ov. M. 9. 291, "pars est meminisse doloris," which Thiel. comp., 'pars' is not="magna pars," but means 'some of the pain I felt then comes back as I recall the past.' 'Tyranni' is of course a term of the republican and dramatic, not of the heroic and epic age. Aeneas cites his having come in person, instead of sending ambassadors, to Evander as a special mark of confidence 8. 143. 'Dextram tetigisse,' δεξιᾶς θιγεῖν.

267.] Contra,' in reply, 1. 76.

268.] Serv. defends Latinus against objectors who thought it indelicate in the king to offer his daughter, alleging both the oracle and the manners of the heroic

Non patrio ex adyto sortes, non plurima caelo
Monstra sinunt; generos externis adfore ab oris,
Hoc Latio restare canunt, qui sanguine nostrum
Nomen in astra ferant. Hunc illum poscere fata
Et reor, et, si quid veri mens augurat, opto.
Haec effatus equos numero pater eligit omni.
Stabant ter centum nitidi in praesepibus altis.
Omnibus extemplo Teucris iubet ordine duci
Instratos ostro alipedes pictisque tapetis;
Aurea pectoribus demissa monilia pendent;
Tecti auro, fulvum mandunt sub dentibus aurum ;

Absenti Aeneae currum geminosque iugalis

age (comp. with Heyne Alcinous Od. 6. 311 foll.); and Donatus has an amusing note: "Verecunda oblatio et adversus omnem exprobrationem munita: ne forte illud dici posset Terentianum (Andr. 1. 5. 15), 'Aliquid monstri alunt, et quoniam nemini obtrudi potest, itur ad me."

269.] Non sinunt'="vetant." Comp. οὐκ ἐᾶν. Three of Burm.'s MSS. have 'patriae,' which might be worth adopting, if the authority were better. 'Caelo,' in or from the sky.

270.] Generos' plur. as in v. 98 above; comp. 8. 503.

271.] Hoc Latio restare' = "hoc Latium manere." 'Such is the destiny of Latium.' See 10. 29. Latinus partially repeats the words of the oracle, vv. 97-99. Canunt," "sortes et monstra." 'Canunt' is strictly applicable only to the former, but it is used in the general sense of predicting. The coming of Aeneas had been predicted by portents as well as by the oracle, v. 68.

272.] Hunc illum esse quem fata poscunt.' See above v. 255.

273.] Comp. Soph. O. T. 1086, εἴπερ ἐγὼ μάντις εἰμὶ καὶ κατὰ γνώμαν ἴδρις. 'Opto,' I embrace its (fate's) award. Comp. "optavit locum regno” (3. 109), "externos optate duces" (8.503), "non ego cuncta meis amplecti versibus opto" G. 2. 42, and Aesch. Ag. 1650 (according to the best reading), δεχομένοις λέγεις θανεῖν σε· τὴν τύχην δ ̓ αἱρούμεθα, in which δεχομένοις is the ordinary word for accepting an oracle or omen, and αἱρούμεθα involves a use of αἱρεῖσθαι very like this of 'opto.'

274.] 'Numero,' abl. with 'eligit,' from the whole number of horses, not, as Serv. suggests as an alternative, for the whole number of Trojans (v. 273). Thus it is




"Omni ex

explained by 'tercentum.'
numero" 1.170.
275.] 'Nitidi' is perhaps to be explained
in connexion with praesepibus. Comp. Cor
G. 3. 214, "satura ad praesepia," and Il.
6. 506, ὡς δ' ὅτε τις στατὸς ἵππος ἀκο-
στήσας ἐπὶ φάτνῃ. «Praesepibus altis' like
"stabula alta" 9.388. Latium has been
indicated as a horse-breeding country v.
189. Comp. G. 2.145.

276.] Omnibus,' the hundred ambassadors, v. 154. 'Ordine,' successively, G. 4. 4. 'Duci' as in 8. 552, "ducunt exsortem (equum) Aeneae,” perhaps a mixture of leading the horses and taking the gifts (5. 385: see on 5. 534).

277.] Lucr. 6. 765 has "alipedes cervi." For this use of 'alipes' absolutely comp. "sonipes." In 12. 484 ' equi' is expressed. 'Ostro pictisque tapetis, embroidered purple housings. "Equus tuus speciosius instratus erit quam uxor vestita?" Livy 34.7. From this line to v. 645 there is a gap in Pal.

278.] The 'monile' is not the same as "torquis," but a necklace, that is, either a string of beads, circles, &c., or a band with drops. It is mentioned elsewhere as an ornament of horses. Dict. A. 'Monile.'

279.] 'Auro, "tapetis auro pictis." We have often purple ('ostro') embroidered with gold. 'Fulvum,' red, the epithet perhaps denoting the genuineness and richness of the metal (see on 2. 173), though it may be merely an imitation of antique simplicity. Comp. generally 4. 134, 135. Golden bits were perhaps not unusual among the Romans as ornaments of horses for purposes of luxury or state: Sen. Ep. 41. 6, "non faciunt meliorem equum aurei freni."

280.] Iubet duci' is repeated from v. 276. Vv. 278, 279, like v. 275, are paren

Semine ab aetherio, spirantis naribus ignem,
Illorum de gente, patri quos daedala Circe
Supposita de matre nothos furata creavit.
Talibus Aeneadae donis dictisque Latini
Sublimes in equis redeunt, pacemque reportant.
Ecce autem Inachiis sese referebat ab Argis
Saeva Iovis coniunx, aurasque invecta tenebat,
Et laetum Aenean classemque ex aethere longe
Dardaniam Siculo prospexit ab usque Pachyno.
Moliri iam tecta videt, iam fidere terrae,
Deseruisse rates. Stetit acri fixa dolore.

Tum quassans caput haec effundit pectore dicta:

thetical, like "Tyrii tenuere coloni" 1.12. 'Iugalis' subst. Sil. 16. 400.

281.] Comp. the description (II. 5. 265 foll.) of the horses of Aeneas, which Anchises had bred by stealth from descendants of those given to Tros by Zeus, Τῆς γενεῆς ἔκλεψεν ἄναξ ἀνδρῶν ̓Αγχίσης Λάθρη Λαομέδοντος ὑποσχὼν θήλεας ἵππους. 282.] 'Patri' the Sun. Hence the horses are 'spirantes naribus ignem', like the horses of Diomedes, Lucr. 5. 29, from which the words are taken. Fragm. Vat. has 'flagrantis.' 'Patri creavit,' raised up to her father, as the owner of the horses. "Creare prolem alicui" is said of a woman bearing children to her husband (12, 271 &c.): here it is applied to Circe, as the real agent. 'Daedalus,' a favourite word with Lucr., applied by Ennius (inc. lib. 21) to Minerva. 283.] 'Furata' is ἔκλεψεν, 11.1.c. In construction it is taken closely with 'creavit' i.q. "furtim creavit." "Supposita de matre' is a translation of ὑποσχὼν θήλεας ἵππους, 'supposita' posita' being g further intended to give, like 'nothos,' a notion of spuriousness, being the word applied to illegitimate children introduced into a family. Varro R. R. 2. 8 has "suppositicia," apparently of a mare suckling an ass's foal. Observe the use of pater' and 'mater' here, not as correlatives, and comp. E. 8. 49.

284.] Comp. v. 249, though here 'sublimes' may have a notion of "superbi.” "Arduus

285.] In equis, 5. 554. altis equis" v. 624 below. "Fidem reportant" 11. 211.

286-322.] Juno observes the landing of the Trojans, compares her baffled efforts with the successes of other gods, and resolves to retard what she cannot wholly prevent, by stirring up war.'

286.] Juno passes over Pachynus on her return from Argos to Carthage, as the



gods were supposed to visit each of their
favourite seats in the course of the year.
See, among many other instances, 4. 143.
Here Virg, was thinking of the return of
Poseidon from the Ethiopians, when he
sees Odysseus on the sea, Od. 5. 282 foll.
'Inachius' of Argos 11. 286. 'Referre se,'
2.657: comp. v. 700 below. With the fol-
lowing speech comp. Juno's speech 1.34

287.] "Cara Iovis coniunx," 4.91. 'Tenebat,' she had left the land and was well embarked (so to say) on the air. "Pelagus tenuere rates" 5.8. "Caelo invectus" 1.155.

288.] Heins. read 'longo' from Med. and apparently one other MS. The corruption probably arose from 'aethere.' 'Longo' might stand, not as = "longinquus," which seems never to be the case, but as indicating the length of the prospect, and it is confirmed by Val. F. 3. 43, Stat. Theb. 12. 659, quoted by Heins. (comp. G.3.223): but 'longe' is simpler, has much greater authority, and is supported by Od. 5. 283, τηλόθεν ἐκ Σολύμων ὀρέων ἴδεν. "Longe prospexit" occurs again 11. 909.


39.] ' 'Prospexit,' from the air above Pachynus: see v. 323. 'Ab usque' is found in no prose writer but Tacitus, who imitates the Augustan poets. Comp. "ad usque 11.262. "Trinacrii Pachyni" 3. 429.

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290.] 'Moliri tecta' v. 127: comp. 1. 424., 3. 132. Fidere terrae,' settle on it, as safe and assured: comp. 3. 387, "Quam tuta possis urbem conponere terrae," and the use of "credere" v. 97 above. Some inferior MSS. have 'sidere.'

291.] Fixa dolore,' ὀδύνῃσι πεπαρμένος II. 5. 399.

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292.] κινήσας δὲ κάρη προτὶ ὃν μυθήσατο θυμόν Ολ. 5. 285. "Caput quassans Luer. 2. 1164.

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Heu stirpem invisam, et fatis contraria nostris
Fata Phrygum! num Sigeis occumbere campis,
Num capti potuere capi? num incensa cremavit
Troia viros? medias acies mediosque per ignis
Invenere viam. At, credo, mea numina tandem
Fessa iacent, odiis aut exsaturata quievi-
Quin etiam patria excussos infesta per undas
Ausa sequi, et profugis toto me opponere ponto.
Absumptae in Teucros vires caelique marisque.
Quid Syrtes, aut Scylla mihi, quid vasta Charybdis
Profuit? optato conduntur Thybridis alveo,

Securi pelagi atque mei. Mars perdere gentem

293.] Fatis contraria nostris fata Phrygum,' because the destinies of the Trojans and of Rome were contrary to, and conflicted with, those of Argos and Carthage, which were the favourites of Juno. This is the chief cause of her hostility in the Aeneid. Comp. 1. 12-24. Fata contraria fatis' of course implies the idea of a number of particular destinies acting like separate forces in the world, as opposed to that of one universal law. Comp. 9. 133 foll., and Venus' words 1. 239, "fatis contraria fata rependens," where, though the fates spoken of are the prosperous and adverse fates of Troy, the contrast is really the same, as the adverse fates of Troy would be the prosperous fates of its enemies.

294.] This oxymoron is borrowed from Enn. A. 11. fr. 3 (preserved by Macrob. Sat. 6. 1), "Quae neque Dardaniis campis potuere perire, Nec, cum capta, capi, nec, cum combusta, cremari." Heyne remarks that Virg. has here imitated the rhetorical point and spirit of the tragedians, especially of Euripides. See Introduction to Aeneid. "Iliacis occumbere campis" 1.97. The whole Troad is supposed to take its name from the Sigean promontory (2. 312), as in 3. 108 from the Rhoetean. The object of 'potuere occumbere' is 'Phryges,' not 'capti,' which is confined to the next clause. For the general sentiment of the indestructibility of the Trojan race comp. the wellknown lines Hor. 4 Od. 4. 49 foll

296.] Comp. 2. 632 foll., 664, Hor. Carm. Sec. 41 foll., and for the preposition with the second of two substantives 5. 512., 6. 692.

297.] Numina' plural of a single god, 3. 543, G. 1.30. With the case ironically put here comp. the more serious language

of Hera Il. 4. 26 foll.



298.] "Iaceant perculsa" 11. 310. 'Odiis exsaturata quievi:' comp. 5. 781, 784, 786.

299,] Ausa' is constructed with 'quievi.' She negatives the ironical supposition that the escape of the Trojans was owing to her inactivity by pointing to what she had done. Peerlkamp ingeniously conjectures 'quaene,' which Rib2. 768. beck supposes to be really identical with 'quin.' "Ausus quin etiam" Excussos, forced out of, 9. 68. 300.] 'Ausa, "τλᾶσα, 'I who brought my8.364, "Au Aude, Hor. 1 Ep. 2.


self to follow them.' Comp.
hospes, contemnere opes,
40, "sapere aude." "Toto ponto:' Juno
means that she had proved their enemy in
every part of the deep: but the contest is
represented as extending over the whole
deep, to give an increased notion of grandeur.

301.] Comp. G. 3. 178 note. Cerda quotes Catull. 62 (64). 242, "Anxia in adsiduos absumens lumina fletus." "Caelique marisque" 5. 802.

302.] The form of the line is from Catull. 62 (64). 156, "Quae Syrtis, quae Scylla rapax, quae vasta Charybdis," as Pierius remarks.

303.] "Portu se condidit alto" 5. 243. 'Alveo' dissyll. 6. 412.

304.] Securus' with gen. 1. 350. 'Mars' &c. So in 1.37 foll. Juno compares her case with that of Minerva, who had been permitted to destroy the Greek fleet for the sin of Ajax, son of Oileus. Serv. well remarks that she here chooses instances of destruction by war as there by shipwreck. The quarrel between the Centaurs and Lapithae at the marriage of Peirithous (in which the Lapithae were victorious) is generally, and by Virg. himself (G. 2. 456), ascribed to the influence

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