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Compagnon le voyage (Fr.), a travelling companion.
Compos mentis (Lat.), of sound mind.

Compte rendu

(Fr.), account rendered; report.

Comte (Fr.), count.

Comtesse (Fr.), countess.

Con amore (It.), with love or great pleasure; earnestly.

Con commodo (It.),

Conditio sine qua non

at a convenient rate.

(Lat.), a necessary condition.

Confrère (Fr.), a brother of the same monastery; an asso


Congé d'élire (Fr.), leave to elect.

Conquiescat in pace (Lat.), may he rest in peace.
Conseil de famille (Fr.), a family consultation.

Conseil d'état (Fr.), a council of state; a privy council.

Constantia et virtute (Lat.),

Consuetudo pro lege servatur


by constancy and virtue.

(Lat.), custom is observed as

Contra bonos mores (Lat.), against good manners.
Contretemps (Fr.), a disturbing meeting.

Coram nobis (Lat.), before us.

Corum non judice (Lat.), before one not the proper judge. Corps de garde (Fr.), the company of men who watch in a guard-room; the guard-room itself.

Corps diplomatique (Fr.), a diplomatic body.

Corpus Christi (Lat.), Christ's body.

Corpus delicti (Lat.), the body, substance, or foundation of the offence.

Corrigenda (Lat.), corrections to be made; typographical


Couleur de rose (Fr.), rose-color; an aspect of beauty and attractiveness.

Coup d'état (Fr.), a master-stroke in politics.

Coup de grace (Fr.),
Coup de main (Fr.),

a death-blow.

taking by surprise.

Coup d'oeil (Fr.), a glance of the eye.

Coup de soleil (Fr.), a sunstroke.

Coute qu'il coute (Fr.), let it cost what it may.

Credula res amor est (Lat.), love is a credulous affair.

Crimen læsa majestatis (Lat.), the crime of injuring majesty; high treason.

Cui bono? (Lat.), for whose benefit is it? what good will it


Cul de sac (Fr.), a street or narrow passage not open at both ends.

Cum grano salis (Lat.), with a grain of salt; with some

Cum privilegio (Lat.),
Currente calamo (Lat.),
Custos rotulorum (Lat.),

with privilege.

with a running or rapid pen.
the keeper of the rolls.


Da capo (It.),

De bonne grace

Débris (Fr.),
De die in diem

from the beginning.

(Fr.), with good grace; willingly.
rubbish; broken remains.
(Lat.), from day to day.
De facto (Lat.), from the fact; really.
Dégagé (Fr.), easy and unconstrained.
Dehors (Fr.), outwardly.

Dei gratia (Lat.), by the grace of God.
Déjeuner à la fourchette (Fr.), a meat breakfast.

De jure (Lat.), from the law; by right.

Delenda est Carthago (Lat.), Carthage must be blotted out

or destroyed.

De mortuis nil nisi bonum (Lat.), let nothing but good bo

Isaid of the dead.

(Lat.), of nothing, nothing is made.
anew; over again from the beginning.
thanks to God.

De nihilo nihil fit
De novo (Lat.),
Deo gratias (Lat.),

Deo juvante (Lat.),

with God's help.

Deo, non fortuna (Lat.), from God, not from fortune.
Deo volente (Lat.), God willing; by God's will; usually con-

tracted into D. V.

De profundis (Lat.),

Dernier ressort (Fr.),

out of the depths.

a last resource.

Désagrément (Fr.), something disagreeable.

Desideratum (Lat.), something desirable or needed.

Desunt cætera (Lat.), the other things are wanting; the remainder is wanting.

Détour (Fr.), deviation; circuitous road.

De trop (Fr.),

Dies ira (Lat.),

Dies non (Lat.),

too much, or too many; not wanted.

the day of wrath.

in law, a day on which judges do not sit.

Dieu défend le droit (Fr.), God defends the right.

Dieu et mon droit (Fr.), God and my right.

Dignus vindice nodus (Lat.), a knot worthy to be untied by

such an avenger, or by such hands.

Dii penates (Lat.), household gods.
Dii majores (Lat.), the greater gods.

Dii minores (Lat.), the lesser gods.

Disjecta membra (Lat.), scattered limbs or remains.

Distingué (Fr.), distinguished; eminent.

Distrait (Lat.), absent in thought.
Divertissement (Fr.), amusement; sport.
Divide et impera (Lat.), divide and rule.
Dolce far niente (It.),
Double entendre (Fr.),

sweet doing-nothing; sweet idleness. double meaning; a play on words, in which the word or phrase is susceptible of more than one meaning.

Dramatis persona (Lat.), the characters or persons represented in a drama.

Dulce domum (Lat.), sweet home; homewards.

Dulce est desipere in loco (Lat.), it is pleasant to jest or be merry at the proper time.

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori (Lat.), it is sweet and becoming to die for one's country.

Dum spiro, spero (Lat.), while I breathe, I hope.
Dum vivimus, vivamus (Lat.), while we live let us live.


Eau de vie (Fr.),

water of life; brandy.

Ecce homo (Lat.),

behold the man-applied to a picture rep

resenting Our Lord given up to the Je vs by Pilate, or

wearing a crown of thorns.

Eclaircissement (Fr.), an explanation.

Editio princeps (Lat.), the first edition.

Égalité (Fr.), equality.

Eyo et rex meus

(Lat.), I and my king.

El dorado (Sp.), the golden land.

Emigré (Fr.), an emigrant.

Empressement (Fr.), ardor; zeal.

Emeute (Fr.), an outbreak; a disturbance.
En arrière (Fr.), in the rear; behind.
En attendant (Fr.), in the meanwhile.
(Fr.), forward.

En avant

En déshabillé (Fr.), in undress.

En échelon (Fr.), in steps; like stairs.

En famille (Fr.), in a domestic state.

Enfans perdus (Fr.), lost children; in mil., the forlorn hope

[blocks in formation]

Entente cordiale (Fr.), evidence of cordial good will exchanged

by sovereigns or heads of two states.

Entourage (Fr.), surroundings; adjuncts.

En tout (Fr.), in all; wholly.

Entrée (Fr.), entrance; side-course at table.
Entremets (Fr.), small dainty dishes at the table.

Entre nous (Fr.), between ourselves.

Entrepôt (Fr.), depot for goods passing between countries. Entresol (Fr.), a low room or apartment between floors. En vérité (Fr.), in truth; verily.

E pluribus unum (Lat.), one formed of many; motto of the United States of America.

Errare est humanum (Lat.), to err is human.
Esprit borné (Fr.), a narrow, contracted mind.

Esprit de corps (Fr.), a unanimous spirit among a body of


Esse quam videri (Lat.), to be, rather than to seem.
Esto perpetua (Lat.), let it be perpetual; let it endure for


Et cætera (Lat.), and so forth.

Et hoc genus omne (Lat.), and everything of the kind.

Et sequentes (Lat.), et sequentia (Lat.), and those that


Et sic de cæteris (Lat.), and so of the rest.

Et tu, Brute! (Lat.), and thou also, Brutus !-said of one from whom such conduct would not have been expected.

Eureka (Gr.), I have found it.

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