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mensis Decembrꞌ anno primo suprat', Justice Hall præd', coram præfat' Justic' dicti Dom' Regis ult' nominat', et ad eundem diem Mercur' 30 diem ejusdem mensis Decembr' anno suprad', ad dictam deliberation' gaolæ dicti Dom' Regis adtunc tent' per adjornainent' præd' pro com' præd', apud Justice Hall præd', coram præfat' Justic' dicti Dom' Regis ult' nominat', præfat' Justic' dicti Dom' Regis per dictas literas paten' ipsius Dom' Regis, sub magno sigill' Angl', ut præfertur confect', per manus suas propr' deliberaver' indictament' præd' hic in cur' de record', in forma juris terminand', &c. Ac superinde ad istam eandem deliberat' gaol' dicti Dom' Regis de Newgate tent' per adjorn' præd', pro com' præed', apud Justice Hall præed', præd' die Mercur' 30 die ejusdem mensis Decembr' anno primo suprad', coram præfat' Justic' dicti Dom Regis, ad præed' gaolam ipsius Dom' Regis de Newgate præd', de prisonar' in eadem existin' deliberand' assign', ven' præed' Johannes Hampden sub custod' Benjamin' Thorowgood, et T. Kinsey, Mil' Vic' Com' Mid' præd' in cujus custod' ex causa præd' præantea commiss' fuit, ad barr' hic duct' in propr' persona Et stasua, qui committitur præfat' Vic', &c. tim de præmiss' in indictament' præd' specificat' ei superius imposit', allocut' qualit' se velit inde acquietari, idem Johannes Hampden dic quod ipse non potest dedicere, quin ipse est culpabil' de alta proditione præed' in indictament' præed' spec' ei superius imposit' modo et forma prout per indictament' præd' superius versus eum supponitur, et altam prodition' præed' in indictament' præed' expresse cognovit: Et statin quæsit' est de præfat' Johanne Hampden, si quid pro se babeat, vel dicere sciat, quare cur hic ad judic' et execution' de eo super conviction' suam præd' et cognition' suam propr' altæ proditionis præed' indictament' præd' superius spec' procedere non debeat, qui nihil ulterius dic' præterquam ut prius dixerat, super quo vis', et per cur' hic intellectis omnibus et singulis præmiss' cons' est per cur' bic, quod præd' Jobannes, Hampden ducatur ad gaol' dicti Dom' Regis de Newgate unde ven' et ibidem super traham ponatur, et abinde ad locum execution' trahatur, et ibidem per collum suum suspendatur, et vivens ad terr' prosternatur, et quod secreta membra sua amputentur, et interiora extra ventrein suum capiantur, et in ignem ponantur, et ibidem comburentur, et quod caput ejus amputetur, quodque corpus ejus in quatuor partes dividatur, et quod caput et quarteria sua ponantur ubi Dominus Rex ea assign' voluerit: Et modo, scil' die Mercur' prox' post quinden' Pascha isto eodem termino, coram Do' Rege apud Westm' ven' præd' Johannes Hampden, juxta formam recognition' per ipsum et pleg' suos in hac parte prius cognit' in propr' persona sua, qui committitur Mar', &c. et adtunc et ibidem per cur' dicti Dom' Regis hic quæsit' est de eodem Johanne Hampden, si quid pro se habeat' vel dicere sciat, quare cur' hic ad execution, super judic' præed' in forma præd'

reddit' procedere non debeat, qui statim die' quod dictus Dominus Rex nunc, ex gra' sua speciali, ac ex certa scienc' et mero motu suis, per suas literas paten' sub magno sigillo suo Angliæ, geren' dat' apud Westm' 19 die Febr', anno regni dicti Dom' Regis nunc secundo, pardonavit, remisit, relaxavit ac per præsentes pro se, hæredibus, et successoribus suis, pardonavit, remisit et relaxavit Johanni Hampden nuper de paroch' sancti Ægidii campis in com' Midd', Gen' seu quocunque al' nomine vel cognitione, seu adition' nominis vel cognitionis aut loci, idem J. sciatur, censeatur, vocetur, sive nuncupetur, aut nuper sciebatur, censebatur, vocabatur, sive nuncupabatur, omn' et omnimod' proditiones, misprision' prodition', transgr', malefacta, crimina, et offens' quæcunque, per se solum, sive cum aliqua al' person' vel aliquibus al' person' contra dictum Dom' Regem, vel præcharissimum fratrem suum, Carolum secund' nuper Regem Angliæ, &c. defunct' ante 25 diem Januar ult', quandocunque, qualitercunque, seu ubicunque fact', commiss', sive perpetrat', licet idem J. H. de præmiss', vel aliquo præmiss' indictat', arrestat', appellat', rectat' impetit', attinct', convict', condempnat', utlagar', sive adjudicat' existit, vel non existit, aut inde indictari, arrestari, appellari, rectari, impetiri, attingi, convinci, utlagari, condempnari, sive adjudicari, contigerit in futuro, ac omnia et singula indictament', judicia, condempnationes attinctur', executiones, fines, imprisonamen', punition', pœnas mortis, pœnas corporal', et omn' al' poen' et pœnalitat' quæcunque super vel versus præd' Johannem H. de, pro, sive concernen' præmiss' seu eor' aliquo habeat' fact', reddit', sive adjudicat', aut in posterum habend', fiend', reddend', sive adjudicand', necnon oninia et singula utlagar versus dict' J. H. ratione sive occasione præmiss', seu eor' aliquor' vel alicujus cor' promulgat', sive in posterum promulgand', ac omnia et omnimod' sect', querel', fines, forisfactur', impetitiones, seisuras, process', et demand' quæcunque, quæ dictus Dominus Rex versus ipsum ratione præmiss', seu eor' alicujus habuit, habet, seu in futuro habere poterit, aut hæred' et successor' ejus ullo modo habere poterint in futuro, sectamque pacis suæ, quæ ad dict' Dom' Regem versus præfat' J. H. pertinent seu pertinere poterit, ratione præmiss', seu eor' aliquor vel alicujus eor', et firmam pacem suam ei inde dedit et concess' per præsentes: Et idem J. H. profert hic in cur' literas paten' præed' præmiss' testificant', in hæc verba: Jacobus secundus, Dei gra' &c. omnibus ad quos præsentes literæ nostræ pervenerint, salutem. Sciatis quod nos de gra' nostra special', ac ex certa scienc' et mero motu nostris pardonavimus, remisimus, et relaxavimus, ac per præsentes pro nobis, hæred', et successor' nostris pardonamus, remittimus, et relaxamus J. H. de paroch', &c. Gen', seu quocunq; al' nomine vel cognitione seu additione nominis, vel cognitione, aut loci idem J. sciatur, censeatur, vocetur, sive nuncupetur, aut nuper sciebatur, censebatur, vocabatur, vel nuncupa

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batur, omn' et omnimod' prodition', misprision' prodition', transgr', malefacta, crimina, et offens' quæcunque per se solum, sive cum aliqua al' persona, vel aliquibus al' personis contra nos vel præcharissimum fratrem nostrum Carolum secund' nuper Regem Angliæ, &c. defunct', ante 25 diem' Januar' jam ult' elaps', quandocunque, qualitercunque seu ubicunque fact', commiss', sive perpetrat', licet idem J. H. de præmiss' vel aliquo præmiss' indictat', arrestat', appellat', rectat', impetit', attinct', convict,' condempnat', utlagat', sive adjudicat' existit, vel non existit, aut inde indictari, arrestari, appellari rectari, impetiri, attingi, convinci, utlagari, condempnari, sive adjudicari, contigerit in futuro, ac omnia et singula indictament', judic', condempnationes, attinctur', executiones, fines, imprisonament', punition', pœnas mortis, | poenas corporal', et omnia al' pœnas et poenafitat' quæcunque super vel versus præd' J. H. de, pro, sive concernen' præmiss' seu eor' aliquo habit', fact', reddit', sive adjudicat', aut in posterum habend', fiend', reddend', sive adjudicand', necnon omnia et singula utlagar' versus dict' J. H. ratione sive occasione præ miss' seu eor' aliquor' vel alicujus eor' promulgat' sive in posterum promulgand' ac omn' et omnimod' sect', querel', fines, forisfactur', impetitiones, consuras, process' et demand' quæ cunq; quæ nos versus ipsum ratione præmiss', seu eor' alicujus habuimus, habemus seu in futuro sectamq; pacis nostræ, quæ ad nos versus præfat' J. H. pertinet seu pertinere poterit ratione præ miss' seu eor' aliquor', vel alicujus eor' firmam pacem nostram ei inde damus et concedimus per præsentes, nolentes quod idem J. H. per vicecom', justiciar', ballivos, aut al' ministros, hæred' seu successor' nostror' occasione præmiss' seu eor' alicujus molestetur, occasionetur, perturbetur, seu in aliquo gravetur, volentes quodq; bæ literæ nostræ paten' (quoad omnia et singula præmiss' superius mentionat') bon', firm', valid' et effectual' in lege sint et erint, licet crim' et offens' præed' minus certe specificat' exist': Quodque hæc pardonatio nostra in omnibus curiis nostris et alibi interpretetur et adjudicetur in beneficentissimo sensu pro firmior' relaxatione, pardonatione, et exoneratione præd' J. H. ac etiam placitetur et allocetur in omnibus cur' nostris, absque aliquo brevi de allocatione in ea parte prius obtent' seu obtinend', non obstante aliquo defectu ant aliquibus defectibus in his literis patentibus content', aut aliquo statut', act', ordinatione, seu provisione, proclamatione, sive restriction', aut aliqua al' re, causa, vel materia quacunq; in contrar' inde in aliquo non obstante. In cujus rei testimon' has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. T. meipso apud Westm', 19 die Feb' anno regni nostri secundo. Quar' quidem literar' paten' prætextu idem J. H. pet' quod ipse de præmiss' per cur' hic exoneretur. Super quo vis' et per cur' hic intellectis omnibus et singulis præmiss' cons' est, quod præed' J. H. eat inde sine die, &c. Et postea, scil', die Lunæ prox' post crastin' As cension' Dom', isto eodem term', coram Dom' rege apud Westm' ven' præd' J. in propr' per

sona sua, et profert hic in cur' quoddam breve Dom' Regis nunc clausum, Justic' suis hie direct', qui sequitur in hæc verba: Jacobus secundus, &c. Justic' nostris ad placita coram nob' tenend' assign', salutem. Quia in record' et process', ac etiam in redditione judic' cujusdam indictament' coram Justic' nostris ad gaolam nostram de Newgate de prisonar' in eadem existen' deliberand' assign', versus J. H. de paroch', &c. in com' Midd', Gen', pro altis proditionibus contra person' Dom' Caroli secundi nup' Regis Angliæ, fratris nostri præcha+ rissimi, unde coram eis nup' attinct' fuit, ut dicitur, error interven' manifest', ad grave dampn' ipsius Johannis, sicut ex querela sua accepimus: Nos error' si quis fuerit, modo debito corrigi, et eidem Johanni plenam et celerem Justic' fieri volentes in hac parte, vobis mandamus, quod si judic' inde reddit' sit, tunc visis et examinat' record' et process' præed', quae corami nob' certis de causis Venire fecimus, et coram vobis jam resident, ut dicitur, ulterius inde pro errore ill' corrigend' fieri faciatis, quod de jure et secund' legem et consuetud' regni Angl fuerit faciend'. Test' meipso apud Westm' 14 die Maii, anno regni nostri secund'. Et sup' hoc idem J. H. dic', quod in record' et process' præed', necnon in redditione judicii attinctur' præd' manifest' est errat' in hoc videlicet, quod ubi per indictament' præed' mentionatur quod deliberatio gaolæ in recordo judicii, et attinctur' præd' mentionat', tent' fuit pro com' Midd' apud Justice Hall in le Old Baily, in suburbiis civit' London', non apparet per record' præed' quod Justice Hall, nec le Old Baily, sunt in com' Midd', ideo in eo manifest' est errat'. Erratum est etiam in hoc, videlicet, quod indictamentum præd' mentionatur fore capt' 7 die Decemb' in record' præed' mentionat', coram Justic' de audiend' et terminand' in recordo præd' mentionat', et per eos fore deliberand' Justic' ad goal' deliberation' in eodem recordo specificat', 30 die Decembr' tunc postea in forma juris terminand', sed non apparet per record' convictionis præed', quod sessio de audiend' et terminand' habuit aliquod adjornament' vel continuation' usque dictum 30 diem Decembr', ideo in eo manifest' est errat'. Erratum est etiam in hoc, quod verba vi et armis, &c. omittuntur in indictament' præed', ideo in eo manifest est errat'. Errat' est etiam in hoc, quod constat per record' præd', quod process' et judic' præed' sunt intrat' et recordat' sup' record' Justiciar' de audiend' et terminand', et non super record' Justic' goal' deliberand', ideo in eo manifest' est errat'. Errat' est etiam in hoc, videl', quod non apparet per record' præed', per qualem authoritat' Justic' ad gaol' deliberation' in record' præed' mentionat', process' et judic' præd' reddider' versus ipsum præd' J. H. sup' indictament' præed', ideo in eo manifest' est errat'. Errat' est etiam in hoc, quod sup' reddition' judic' in record' præd' mentionat' non apparet quis fuit, qui ex parte Dom' Regis pro eodem Dom' Rege pet' judic' sup' conviction' de materiis in indictament' præd' mentionat', ideo in eo manifest' est errat'. Erratum est

etiam in hoc, quod in record' præed' dicitur, quod ad deliberation' gaol' Dom' Regis de Newgate, tent' pro com' Midd' apud Justice Hall in le Old Baily in suburbiis civit London' die Mercur', scil', 9 die Decembr' coram Justic' gaol' deliberation' in eodem record' mentionat', quod ista gaol' deliberatio adjorn' fuit per præfat Justic', ubi dici debuit adjornat' est, et non exprimi via recitationis in tempore præterit', et in alio loco record' mentionat' præed' dicitur, quod ista gaol' deliberatio tent' fuit, ubi debuit exprimi tent' est, et non quod tent' fuit, quia in tensu præterito est mera recitatio tenendi et adjornandi cur' ill' et non positivus actus cur' ill gaola deliberation' de determination' indictament' præed', ideo in eo manifest' est errat'. Erratum est etiam in hoc, videl', judic' præd' reddit' est pro Domino Rege, ubi reddi debet pro defend', et in eo manifest' est errat'. Et hoc parat' est verificare, unde pet' judit' et quod judic' et attiuctur' præd' ob error' præed', et al' in record' et process' præed' apparen' compert' existen' revocetur, adnulletur, et penitus pro nullo habeatur, et quod ipse idem J. H. ad communem et liberam legem hujus regni Angliæ, et ad omnia quæ ipse occasione judicii et attinc

tur' præed' amisit restituatur, et quod ipse, tam de eadem convictione et attinetur, quam de indictament' præd' per cur' hic dimittatur et exoneretur, et quod cur' hic procedat ad examination' record' et process' præed', &c. et quia necessar' et expediens est, antequam cur' hic in hac parte procedat, quod tenentes terrar' et tenementor', quæ fuer' præed' Johannis 20 die Julii, anno regni dict' Dom' Caroli secundi, nup' Regis Anglia, &c. 35. quo die alta proditio præd' fieri supponitur, vel unquam postea præmuniantur essendi, coram dict' Dom' Rege nunc auditur' record' process præed', si, &c. ideo præcept est vie' com' Midd' præed', quod per probos et legales homines de balliva sua, Scir' fac' separatim tenent' terrar', et tenementor', quæ fuer' præd' Johannis prædiet' 20 die Julii, anno regui dicti Dom' Caroli secundi nuper Regis Angliæ, &c. 35 suprad vel unquam postea, quod sint coram Dom' Rege in crastino sanct' Trinitat' ubicunque, &c. auditor' record' et process' præd', si, &c. idem dies dat' est præfat' J. Hampden, &c. et super hoc de gratia cur' special' præed' J. H. traditur in ball' H. A. de, &c. Arm' et W. J. de, &c. usque ad præfatum terminum, et sic, &c.

336. Proceedings against RICHARD BAXTER, Clerk, for a seditious Libel, at Guildhall, before Lord Chief Justice Jeffreys:

1 JAMES II. A. D. 1685.
Calamy's Life of Baxter.


REX versus BAXTER.
Pasch. 1 Jacobi Secundi. Rot. $5.
London, ss.

[Taken by the Prisoner's Friends. Tremaine's Pleas of the Crown.]


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et fieri, componi, seribi, imprimi et publicari causavit, quendam falsum, seditiosum libellosum, factiosum & irreligiosum librum intitulat” A Paraphrase on the Testament with Notes • doctrinal and practical:' In quo quidem falso, seditioso, libelloso factioso & irreligioso libro iuť al' content' fuer' hæ falsæ, factiosæ, malitiose, scandalosa et seditiosæ sententiæ de eisdem Prelat' Episcopis, aliisq; Clericis Ecclesiæ hujus regn' in his Anglican' verbis sequen', videl't, Note, Are not these Preachers and Prelates (Epo's aliosq; Clericos præd' Ecclesiæ hujus regn' Angl' innuend") then the least and basest that preach and tread down Christian love of all that dissent from any of their presumptions, and so 'preach down not the least but the great com'mand? Et ult' idem Attorn' dict' Dom' Regis nunc general' pro eodem Dom' Rege dat Cur' hic intelligi et informari, quod in al' loco in p'd' falso, scandaloso, seditioso & irre

QUOD Richardus Baxter, nuper, de, &c. Clericus existens person' seditiosa et factiosa, prava mentis, impiæ, inquieta, turbulent' disposition' et conversation', ac machinans, practicans et intendens, quautum in ipso fuit, non solum pacem et communem tranquillitat' dict' Dom' Regis infra hoc regnum Angl' inquietare, molestare et perturbare, ac seditionem discord' et malevolent' int' ligeos et fideles subdit' dict' Dom' Regis movere p'curare et excitare, verum etiam sinceram, piam, beatam et pacificam Protestan' Religion' infra hoc regn' Angl' usitat', ac Prelat', Episcopos, aliosq: Clericos in Ecclesia Anglicana legibus hujus regni Angl' stabilit', ac Novum Testamentu' Dom' Salvator' nostri Jesu Christi in contempt' et vilipend' inducere et inutile red-ligioso libro, int' al' content' fuer' he al' falsæ dere; quodq; p'd' R. B. ad nequissimas, nefandissimas et diabolicas intention' suas pred' perimplend1, perficiend' et ad effect' redigend' 14 die Febr', anno regni dict' Dom' Jacobi Secundi, &c. primo, vi et armis, &c. falso, illicite, injuste, neqnit', factiose, seditiose, et irreligiose fecit, composuit, scripsit, impressit et publicavit,

libellosæ, scandalos, seditiosæ et irreligiosa sentent' sequen' de Clericis Ecclesiæ hujus regn', videlt, Note, It is folly to doubt whe 'ther there be devils, while devils incarnate live 'here amongst us,' (Clericos pred' hujus regni Angl' innuendo) What else but devils, sure, could make ceremonious hypocrites'

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(Clericos pred' innuendo) consult with political' Clericos Ecclesiæ hujus regn' Angl' innuenroyalists' (ligeos et fidel' subdit' dict' Dom' do)' deceive you,' (subdit' dicti Dom' Regis Regis hujus regni Angl' innuendo) to destroy hujus regn' Angl' innuendo) who by their the Son of God for saving men's health and long liturgies and ceremonies,' (Liturg' et lives by miracle? Quere, whether if this Ceremon' Ecclesiæ hujus regn' Angl' innuendo) 'withered hand had been their own, they would and claim of superiority, do but cloak their have plotted to kill him, that would have worldliness, pride and oppression, and are re'cured them by a miracle, as a Sabbathbreaker? And whether their successors' terius idem Attorn' dicti Dom' Regis nunc ligious to their greater damnation.' Et ul(Prelat', Episcopos, aliosq; Clericos Eccle, general' pro eodem Dom' Rege dat Cur' hie siæ hujus regni Angl' qui deinceps fuerint intelligi et informari, quod in al' loco in pred' innuendo) would silence and imprison Godly falso, scandaloso, seditioso, et irreligioso libro, 'ministers' (seipsum R. B. et al' factiosas et int' al' content' fuer' hæ al' falsa, libellosa, seditiosas p'son' infra hoc regn' Angl' contra scandalos, seditios, et irreligiose, sentent' leges hujus regni ac Liturg Ecclesiæ infra Anglican' sequent' de et concernen' Clericis hoc reg' stabilit' p'dican' innuendo) if they hujus regn' Angl',, (2) Note, Priests now are 'could cure them of all their sicknesses, and many,' (Clericos Ecclesiæ hujus regn' Angl’ help them to preferment, and give them mo- innuendo) but labourers few; what men are 'ney to feed their lusts?" Et ult' item Attorn' they that have and do silence the faithfullest dict' Dom' Regis nunc general' pro eodem Dom' rege dat Cur' hic intelligi et informari, sedit'as p'son' pred' innuendo) suspecting that labourers,' (seipsum R. B. et al' facti'as et quod in al' loco in pred' falso, libelloso, scandaloso et irreligioso libro inter al' content' fuer' Clericor' Ecclesiae hujus regn' Angl' innuendo.) they are not for their interest?". (interesse hæ al' false, libellos, scandalosæ, seditiosæ et Et ulterius idem Attorn' dicti Dom' Regis irreligiosa Anglican' sentent' sequen' de et nunc general' pro eodem Dom' Rege dat Cur concernen' Ep'is p'd et Ministris Justitiæ hujus hic intelligi et informari', quod in al' loco in regn' Angl', videl't, Note, Men that preach in pred' falso, scandaloso, seditioso et irreligioso Christ's name' (seipsum R. B. et al' factiosas libro, inter al' content' fuerunt hæ al' false, et seditiosas p'son infra hoc regn' Angl' contra libellose, scandalosa, seditiosa, et irreligiose, leges hujus regn' Angl' et Liturg. Ecclesiæ sentent' sequen' de et concernen' Clericis hujus hujus regn' per legem stabilit' pred' innuendo,) regn' Angl', videl't, (3.) Note, 'Christ's mis therefore are not to be silenced, though faulty,nisters use God's ordinances to save men, if they (pred' malæ dispo'it' factiosas et seditiosas p'son' pred' iterum innuendo,) do more hujus regn' Angl' innuendo) and the devil's clergy' (Clericos Ecclesia good than harm; dreadful then is the case of them' (Episcopos et Ministros Justitia (Clericos Ecclesiæ hujus regn' Angl' innuendo) snares, mischief and murder. (2.) They use them for infra hoc regn' Angl' innuendo) that silence 'Christ's faithful ministers' (seipsum R. B. Angl' innuendo) be neuters between God and will not let the people (subdit' hujas regn' et al' seditiosas et factiosas person' pred' innuendo.) Et ulterius idem Attorn' dict' Dom' regn' Angl' innuendo) to be informing perthe Devil, but force them (subdit' hujus Regis nunc general' pro eodem Dom' Rege dat Cur' hic intelligi et informari, quod ad ex- Regis nunc general' pro eodem Dom' Rege 'secutors.' Et ulterius idem Attorn' dicti Dom' citand' popul' hujus regn' Angl' in illicit' Con- dat Cur' hic intelligi et informari, quod venticul' convenire, et defamand' Justit' hujus in al' loco in præd' falso, scandaloso, seregn' impuniendo illicit' Conventicul', in al' ditioso et irreligioso libro, int' al' content' loco in pred' falso, scandaloso, seditioso, et ir-fuerunt hæ aliæ falsa, libellosa, scandalos, religioso libro, int' al' content' fuer' hæ al' seditiosæ et irreligiosa sententiæ Anglicanæ sefalse, scandalosa, libellosa, seditios, et irre- quen' de et concernen' legibus hujus regn' ligiosa Anglican' sentent', videl't, (1.) Note, Angl' contra illicit' Conventicul' et ad exciIt was well that they considered what might tand' popul' convenire in illicit' Conventionl', 'be said against them. which now most Chris-videl't, (2.) Note, To be dissenters and dis'tians do not in their disputes. (2) These per'secutors, and the Romans, had some charity'tions upon conscience' (leges et statut' hujus putants against errors and tyrannical imposiand consideration, in that they were re-regn' Angl' contra person' factios' et Liturg' 'strained by the fear of the people, and did not Eccl' bujus regn' Angl' adversar,' Anglice, 'accuse and fine them as for Routs, Riots, and against dissenters,' edit' et proyis innuendo) Seditions. (3) They that deny necessary is no fault but a great duty.' In magnam premisses are not to be disputed with.' Et Dei omnipotent' displicent, in contempt' leg' ulterius idem Attorn' dict' Dom' Regis nunc hujus regn' Angl' manifest' in malum et pergeneral' pro eodem Dom' Rege dat' Cur' hic nitiosissim' exemplum omniu' al' in, tali casu intelligi et informari, quod in al' loco in pred' delinquen', ac contra pacem dicti Dom' Regis falso, scandaloso, seditioso et irreligioso libro, nunc, coron' et dignitat' suas, &c. Unde idem int' al' content' fuer' hæ al' false, libellosa, Attorn' dicti Dom' Regis nunc general' pro scandalose, seditios et irreligiose Anglieau' eodem Dom' Rege pet' advisament' Cur' hie sententiæ sequent' de et concernen' Episcopis in premiss' et debit' legis process' versus ipet al' Clericis hujus regn' Angl', videl't. 3.) Let not those proud bypocrites (Episcopis et dicto Dom' Regi de et in premiss', &c. sum prefat' R. B. in hac parte fieri ad respond

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ON the 28th of February, 1684-5, Mr. | Baxter was committed to the King's-Beach prison by the lord chief justice Jeffreys's warrant, for his Paraphrase on the New-Testament, printed a little before, which was called a scandalous and seditious book against the government. On the 6th of May, which was the first day of term, he appeared in Westminster-Hall, and an information was ordered to be drawn up against him. May 14th, he pleaded Not Guilty to the information. May 15th, he being much indisposed, moved by his counsel, that he might have farther time given him for his trial; but it was denied him; and Jeffreys* cries out in a passion, "I will not give him a minute's time more to save his life. We have had (says he) to do with other sort of persons, but now we have a saint to deal with; and I know how to deal with saints as well as sinners. Yonder (says he) stands Oates in the pillory,+ (as he actually did at that very time in the New Palace-Yard,) and and he says be suffers for the truth, and so says Baxter; but if Baxter did but stand on the other side of the pillory with him, I would say, two of the greatest rogues and rascals in

"Before this magistrate was brought for trial, by a jury sufficiently prepossessed in favour of Tory politics, the Rev. Richard Baxter, a dissenting minister; a pious and learned man, of exemplary character, always remarkable for his attachment to monarchy, and for leaning to moderate measures in the differences between the church, and those of his persuasion. The pretence for this prosecution was, a supposed reference of some passages in one of his works, to the bishops of the Church of England; a reference which was certainly not intended by him, and which could not have been made out to any jury that had been less prejudiced, or under any other direction than that of Jefferies. The real motive was, the desire of punishing an eminent dissenting teacher, whose reputation was high among his sect, and who was supposed to favour the political opinions of the Whigs. He was found guilty, and Jefferies, in passing sentence upon him, loaded him with the coarsest reproaches and bitterest taunts. He called him sometimes, by way of derision, a saint, sometimes, in plainer terms, an old rogue; and classed this respectable divine, to whom the only crime imputed, was the having spoken disrespectfully of the bishops of a communion to which he did not belong, with the infamous Oates, who had been lately convicted of perjury. He finished with declaring, that it was public notoriety, that there was a formed design to ruin the king and the nation, in which this old man was the principal incendiary. Nor is it improbable that this declaration, absurd as it was, might gain belief, at a time when the credulity of the triumphant party was at its height." Fox's Historical work, p. 96.

See his two Trials for Perjury, vol. 10, pp. 1079, 1227, of this Collection. VOL. XI.

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the kingdom stood there." On May 30th, in the afternoon, he was brought to his trial before the lord chief justice Jeffereys at Guildhall. Sir Henry Ashhurst, who could not forsake his own and his father's friends, stood by him all the while. Mr. Baxter came first into court, and with all the marks of serenity and composure, waited for the coming of the lord chief justice, who appeared quickly after with great indignation in his face. He no sooner sat down than a short cause was called and tried; after which the clerk began to read the title of another cause: You blockhead you, (says Jeffreys) the next cause is between Richard Baxter and the king;' upon which Mr. Baxter's cause was called. The passages mentioned in the information, were his paraphrase on Matth. v. 19. Mark ix. 39. Mark xi. 31. Mark xii. 38, 39, 40. Luke x. 2. John xi, 57, and Acts xv. 2. These passages were picked out by sir Roger L'Estrange, and some of his companions and a certain noted clergyman (who shall be nameless) put into the hands of his enemies some accusations out of Rom. xiii. &c. as against the king, to touch his life; but no use was made of them. The great charge was, "That in these several passages he reflected on the prelates of the Church of England, and so was guilty of sedition, &c." The king's counsel opened the information at large with its aggravations. Mr. Wallop, Mr. Williams, Mr. Rotheram, Mr. Atwood, and Mr. Phipps, were Mr. Baxter's counsel, and had been feed by sir Henry Ashburst.

Mr. Wallop said, "That he conceived, the matter depending being a point of doctrine, it ought to be referred to the bishop his ordinary; but if not, he humbly conceived the doctrine was innocent and justifiable, setting aside the Innuendos, for which there was no colour, there being no antecedent to refer them to (that is, no bishop or clergy of the Church of England named). He said the book accused, i. e. the Comment on the New Testament, contained many eternal truths: but they who drew the information, were the libellers, in applying to the prelates of the Church of England those severe things which were written concerning some prelates, who deserved the character he gave. My lord (says he), I humbly conceive the bishops Mr. Baxter speaks of, as your lordship, if you have read church-history, must confess, were the plagues of the church and the world." "Mr. Wallop, (says the lord chief justice) I observe you are in all these dirty causes; and were it not for you, gentle.

"We could never find (though great inquiry has been made among the dissenters) that this trial was ever taken in short-hand, which is a great pity, because it must have been very curious; so have inserted this short account, which shews the temper of the chief justice, and the cruel usage of the prisoner, taken from Calamy's Life of Baxter." Former Edition.

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