length-and New Holland and all those islands just in the course! This could not have been; the way from China is more practicable—but how could Mango Capac conceive such designs in that country? inspiration seems the solution most easy to credit as well as to adopt. Reasoning as a necessarian, and so I must reason, all effects proceed from the first cause. The belief of inspiration is as much produced by that first cause, as what is acknowledged to be real; where then is the difference; or does it result that he who believes himself inspired, is so? Crede quod habeas et habes? this rather puzzles than satisfies me. But in another light why should inspiration be confined to Judea? Mohammed has produced evil assuredly; but Zoroaster, but Confucius, above all Mango Capac? he at least produced extensive good; there is therefore a cause for divine revelation; or if it be deemed undeserving of such agency, intermediate beings may have produced the same effect. Their existence is every way probable, perhaps even their interposition. About A.D. 1150 Mango Capac and Mama Oella, his sister-wife, appeared by the Lake Titiaca. At that time the Mohammedan superstition had triumphed in the East; and the few followers of Zoroaster were persecuted, or safe only in obscurity. Here then the poem roots itself well. The father of these children is a Guebre, rather a Sabean, one driven into mountain seclusion; the children necessarily become enthusiasts; if they see other human beings they at least find none who can feel as they feel or comprehend them-hence they love each other. The spirit of the sun, whom they adore, may drop them where he pleases. The rest is I doubt more philosophical than poetical -the influence of intellect over docile and awed ignorance.-Anno, 1799. 1 See libro iii. de los Commentarios Reales, c. xxv. tom. i. f. 80.-J. W. W. Images. AFTER a battle-the bank weeds of the stream bloody. Tameness of the birds where gunpowder is unknown. The sound of a running brook like distant voices. There is a sort of vegetable that grows in the water like a green mist or fog. Christ Church, Oct. 8, 1799. I crossed the bridge at night; the church and the ruins were before me, the marshes flooded, the sky was stormy and wild, the moon rolling among clouds, and the rush of the waters now mingling with the wind, now heard alone, in the pauses of the storm. Perfect calmness-a spot so sheltered that the broad banana-leaf was not broken by the wind. Bubbles in rain-a watry dome. Beech in autumn-its upmost branches stript first and all pointed upwards. Moss on the cot thatch the greenest object. Redness of the hawthorn with its berries. Water, like polished steel, dark, or splendid. Ice-sheets hanging from the banks above the level of the water, which had been frozen at flood. Willows early leaved, and their young leaves green. The distant hill always appears steep. As we were sailing out of Falmouth the ships and the shore seemed to dance—like a dream. At sea I saw a hen cating the egg she had just laid! An old sailor described a marvellously fine snow-storm to Tom.1 The sun rising remarkably red, a heavy gale from the op This is the late CAPTAIN THOMAS SOUTHEY, R.N. He was an acute observer of nature, and many references are made to his letters. J. W. W. posite point of the horizon driving the large flakes, which, tinged by the sun, looked like falling fire so strikingly so that the men remarked it, and thought it ominous. May 14, 1800. A singular and striking evening sky. The horizon is perfectly clear and blue; just in the west runs a ridge of black clouds, heavy, and their outline as strongly defined as a line of rock-a low ridge the sky behind has the green tinge, the last green light. I well remember when a six years' boy drawing such uncouth shapes, making blotches of ink in the same jagged formlessness, and fancying them into the precipices and desert rocks of faery romance. The trunk of the palm seems made by the ruins of the leaves. The inside of the banana leaf feels like satten. rising to the surface. Trees, like men, grow stiff with age; their brittle boughs break in the storm-a light breeze moves only their leaves. Glitter of water at the bottom of reeds. Storm from the south-east at the Cape. The appearance of the heavenly bodies, as observed by the Abbé de la Caille, is strange and terrible, “ The stars look larger and seem to dance; the moon has an undulating tremor; and the planets have a sort of beard like comets."-BARROW. Where the ship breaks its way, the white dust of the water sinks at first, with a hissing noise, and mingles with the dark blue; soon they rise again in air-sparkles. Sound of a river-a blind man would have loved the lovely spot.1 Waterfall, its wind and its shower, and its rainbow, where the shade and the sun A gentle wind waving only the summit shine met, and its echo from the rock, in of the cypress. At the bull fight I saw the sweat of death darken the dun hide of the animal! The cypress trunk is usually fluted. July 1. The chesnut tree, now beginning to push out its catkin, and in full leaf; has a radiant foliage. Whiter than other trees from its young catkin, and perfectly starry in shape. The Indian corn flowers only at the top; the seed is in a sheath below, near the root; from the point of the sheath hangs out a lock of brown filaments, like hair, green in its earlier stage. The flower is of light brown, somewhat inclined to purple. A thunder-storm burst over Cintra. Koster saw the eagles flying about their nest, scared by the lightning from entering to their young, and screaming with terror. From the Peniña I saw the sea so dappled with clouds and slips of intermediate light, as not to be distinguishable from the sky. View from above of a wooded glen, after describing the visible objects-the billowy wood that hides all-below is the sound that tells of water, &c. Water, only varied by the air bubble creasing the inseparable sound. Insects moving upon smooth water like rain. The wind sweeping the stream showers up sparkles of light. The mountains and the mountain-stream had a grey tinge, somewhat blue, like the last evening light. At Mafra, the sound of the organ when it ceased-like thunder; the rise of the congregation-like the sea. Finland. "The only noise the traveller hears in this forest is the bursting of the bark of the trees, from the effect of the frost, which has a loud but dull sound."Acerbi. Trees seen from an eminence lie grouped below in masses, like the swell of heavy clouds. Flags. I saw the colours in a bright sky flowing like streams of colour with dazzling vividness. When the Marlbro' was wrecked, the goats ran wildly about, and the cats came screaming upon deck, evidently aware of danger. Wind, not in gusts, but one continuous roar, like the perpetual bound of a cataract. The hut enough upon the rising to be above all winter floods, trees enough about it; the alder and the willow by the brook; orchards, and the yew among the stones, and the ash, and the mountain ash, and the birch; but a little beyond and all was dreary the nakedness of nature, the mountain side all ruined, loose stones and crags that waited but the next frost to thunder down; in the bottom, a few lines of those low stone walls, that you hardly suspect to be the works of man. ww From Tom's Letter. "THERE were yesterday two fine waterspouts close to us. They appeared to descend from a heavy black cloud, not in a straight column, but with a round. When they reached the water they blew it about with great violence. One of them looked like the smoking of a vessel burnt to the water's-edge. The other seemed not to raise the water so high, but formed it very like the capital of a Corinthian pillar; the column was more transparent in the middle than at the sides. When it ceased to act the water, it reascended to the cloud, upon forming a circle with a still increasing radius as it drew directly up. The lower point at last formed the centre, it then was so wide. It was then interrupted by other clouds passing over." "A PUESTA del Sol parescio la Luna, e comio poco a poco todas las nubes."--Cron. del Conde D. PERO NINO.1 TOM. "You should have been with us last cruise (Lat. 60 N.) to have seen the Aurora Bore See Second Series, p. 615.-J. W. W. alis flashing in bright columns behind large masses of black cloud. I look upon it the clouds we have here are only detached pieces, driven from the large mass that constantly floats near the Arctic circle this time of the year." The Boiling Well, near Bristol. GREYGREENISH bubbles rise sometimes by dozens, a whole shower of them. Sometimes one huge one; the large ones always bring up a trail of gravel soil. Little volcanos of gravel, where the soil is finer it rises like smoke. The Howk. A SOUND that echoed from the rock aright, aleft, around-and from the vault of rock, you felt the shaking war, and it made the senses shake. GRASS under a gale, as if you saw the stream of wind flowing over it. I have seen the yellow leaves of the ash and birch in Autumn give a sunshiny appearance to the trees-a hectic beauty. Twinkling of the water-lilly leaves in a breeze. Sept. 28. Crackling of the furze pods in a hot day. A steady rain, so slow and in so still a day, that the leafless twigs of the birch were covered with rain-drops-no raindrop falling till with its own weight. ing dew lies still upon the grass undried, An Autumn day, when at noon the mornyet the weather delicious. "We were most dreadfully annoyed by flies which swarm about the heaps of old forage and filth scattered over the camp." This was near the camp in India which had been abandoned the day before. Similies. AN uncharitable man to the desert-which receives the sunbeams and the rain, and returns no increase. "As the moon doth show her light in the world which she receiveth from the sun, so we ought to bestow the benefits received of God to the profit and commodity of our neighbour."-WIT's Commonwealth. Meet adversity-like the cedar in the snow. The enchanted fountains to the sources of Whang-ho. Convulsions in eastern kingdoms-to a stone cast into a green-mantled pool; for a moment it is disturbed, but the green stagnation covers it again. Sound of a trumpet-t Virgil's statue by Naples. Bitter resentment, revenge that requires blood-the sting of a scorpion, only to be healed by crushing it and binding it on the wound. White heat, tremulous, intense-like the sun if steadily beheld. Look of love-to the intense affection in the eye of the ostrich when fixed on its egg. Sorrow, misfortunes.-I have seen a dark cloud that threatened to hide the moon, grow bright as it passed over her, and only make her more beautiful. August 7, Cintra, eleven at night. Violet virtues-discovered by their sweetness, not their show. "Upon the lake lie the long shadows of thy towers." — Shadows seem to sink deep in dark water. The skylark,-rising as if he would soar to heaven, and singing as sweetly and as happily as if he were there. The wind hath a human voice. July 1822. I WAS on the lake with Lightfoot,' between the General's Island and St. Herbert's, and nearly midway between the east and west sides. The water was perfectly still, and not a breath of air to be felt. We were in fine weather, but on the eastern side a heavy shower was falling, within a quarter of a mile of us, and the sound which it made was louder than the loudest roaring of Lodore, so as to astonish us both. I thought that a burst had happened upon Walla crag, and that the sound proceeded from the ravines bringing down their sudden torrents. But it was merely the rain falling on the lake when every thing was still. BELL - RINGING, a music which nature adopts and makes her own, as the winds play with it. "THE olive will hardly admit of any graft, by reason of its fatness, nor will the grafts of it easily thrive in any other stock."-DR. JACKSON, vol. 2, p. 639. Ir is remarkable that Reginald Heber should never have noticed the 'pale transDesertion-weeds seeding in the garden lucent green' of an evening sky, till he saw or court-yard, or on the altar. it on his voyage to India.— Journal, vol. 1, p. lvii. "WHERE the rainbow toucheth the tree, no caterpillar will hang on the leaves."LILLY. In the Secchia Rapita the hammer of the bell is spoken of "Il martello de la maggior campana." Canto 1. x. and the fire-flies—but in a way worthy of such a writer. "E le lucciole uscian con cul de foco, Stelle di questa nostra ultima sfera.” 8. i. I NOTICED a very pretty image by the side of a little and clear runlet, the large buttercups on its margin moved when there was no wind, rocked by the rapid motion of its stream. THE horse-chestnut in the way in which its boughs incline to rest upon the ground, resembles the fig-tree. "ACHILLES' shield being lost on the seas by Ulysses, was tossed by the sea to the tomb of Ajax, as a manifest token of his right."-EUPHUes. Teresa, Queen dowager of Leon, was daughter of Sancho and sister to Garcia Abarea, then reigning in Navarre. There exists a jealousy between Sancho of Leon and the Count, whom his victories and renown made too formidable for a vassal. At a Cortes which he attended, Sancho had asked of him his horse and his hawk. These the Count would have given, but the King would only receive them as a purchase-and contracted for 1000 marks, to be paid on a certain day, if not, the debt was daily to double; it was his own contract. The writings were drawn out" partidas por A. B. C." and sealed and witnessed in all form. At this same Cortes, Teresa proposed to the Count, her niece Sancha of Navarre for wife. This was concerted with Garcia, that so he might entrap Ferran, and imprison or slay him in revenge of his father's death. A meeting was appointed to conclude the marriage, each party to be accompanied by |