behind large upon it the ly detached e mass that c circle this 1. GREY by dozens, times one bring up e the soil from the om the war, and w the e ash y ap 7. in a sin a h 1 1 1, world which she receiveth from the sun, so The skylark,-rising as if he would soar we ought to bestow the benefits received of to heaven, and singing as sweetly and as God to the profit and commodity of our neighbour."-Wir's Commonwealth. Meet adversity - like the cedar in the snow. The enchanted fountains to the sources of Whang-ho. Convulsions in eastern kingdoms-to a Sound of a trumpet-to Virgil's statue by Bitter resentment, revenge that requires wound. White heat, tremulous, intense-like the sun if steadily beheld. Look of love-to the intense affection in the eye of the ostrich when fixed on its egg. Sorrow, misfortunes. ---I have seen a dark cloud that threatened to hide the moon, grow bright as it passed over her, and only make her more beautiful. August 7, Cintra, eleven at night. Violet virtues-discovered by their sweetness, not their show. "Upon the lake lie the long shadows of thy towers." - Shadows seem to sink deep in dark water. Desertion-weeds seeding in the garden or court-yard, or on the altar. happily as if he were there. The wind hath a human voice. July 1822. I was on the lake with Lightfoot,1 between the General's Island and St. Herbert's, and nearly midway between the east and west sides. The water was perfectly still, and not a breath of air to be felt. We were in fine weather, but on the eastern side a heavy shower was falling, within a quarter of a mile of us, and the sound which it made was louder than the loudest roaring of Lodore, so as to astonish us both. I thought that a burst had happened upon Walla crag, and that the sound proceeded from the ravines bringing down their sudden torrents. But it was merely the rain falling on the lake when every thing was still. BELL-RINGING, a music which nature adopts and makes her own, as the winds play with it. "THE Olive will hardly admit of any graft, by reason of its fatness, nor will the grafts of it easily thrive in any other stock."-DR. JACKSON, vol. 2, p. 639. Ir is remarkable that Reginald Heber should never have noticed the 'pale translucent green' of an evening sky, till he saw it on his voyage to India. - Journal, vol. 1, p. lvii. TURNER'S Tour in the Levant, vol. 3, p. 175. "From the tomb of Orchan I vainly looked for the miraculous drum which was said to sound of itself every night, and on enquiry was informed that it was burnt in the last great fire-at Brusa." SUNSHINE in sheets and falls of light through the refts in a cloud. His old friend, the Rev. Nicholas Lightfoot. which, with untold mines of power, was meek and lowly and of childlike simplicity, as shewn, more or less, in every letter in the Life and Correspondence. That Southey was a great man and a great scholar, is comparatively, a little thing, that he was a good man and a Christian every whit, and a righteous example and a pattern for ages yet to come, that is a great matter! His praise is this, that he was a humble minded man, a good son, a good father, a good Christian! It is scarcely necessary to add, in the words of his prime favourite author, that "he had a rare felicity in speedy reading of books, and as it were but turning them over would give an exact account of all considerable therein." The words occur in the Holy State, in the Life of Mr. Perkins, who preached to the prisoners in the castle of Cambridge, " bound in their bodies, but too loose in their lives." JOHN WOOD WARTER. VICARAGE HOUSE, WEST TARRING, SUSSEX, HE frequent occurrence of monosyllables is unfavourable to hexameters in our language. The omission of the e in the imperfect and participle, the contraction of the genitive, these also by shortening words increase the difficulty. The Saxon genitive, then, must be restored; the pronoun genitive also, "his," and even "her." The latter innovation or renovation will remove one hissing sound. The English hexameter will be much longer to the eye than either the Greek or Latin, but so many of our letters are useless, that I do not think it can be longer to the ear. We often express a single sound by two characters, as in all letters with the h compounded. A trochee may be used for a spondee, perhaps an iambic, but the iambic must never follow a trochee. Like blank verse, hexameters may run into each other, but the sentence must not, I think, close with a hemistich. The reader will find the question of English hexameters fully examined in the Preface to the Vision of Judgment.-J. W. W. Perhaps the Saxon plural in en may be advantageously restored. The fewest possible syllables in a line are thirteen, the most seventeen. The first four feet vary from eight to twelve. I conceive that any arrangement between these will be sufficient if they satisfy the ear. We have in our language twelve feet; the Greeks and Romans had twenty-eight. Spondee Iambic Trochee Egypt Děpārt Languid |