world which she receiveth from the sun, so we ought to bestow the benefits received of God to the profit and commodity of our neighbour."-Wir's Commonwealth. Meet adversity-like the cedar in the snow. The skylark,-rising as if he would soar to heaven, and singing as sweetly and as happily as if he were there. The wind hath a human voice. July 1822. I WAS on the lake with The enchanted fountains to the sources Lightfoot,' between the General's Island and of Whang-ho. "Upon the lake lie the long shadows of thy towers."- Shadows seem to sink deep in dark water. St. Herbert's, and nearly midway between the east and west sides. The water was perfectly still, and not a breath of air to be felt. We were in fine weather, but on the eastern side a heavy shower was falling, within a quarter of a mile of us, and the sound which it made was louder than the loudest roaring of Lodore, so as to astonish us both. I thought that a burst had happened upon Walla crag, and that the sound proceeded from the ravines bringing down their sudden torrents. But it was merely the rain falling on the lake when every thing was still. BELL - RINGING, a music which nature adopts and makes her own, as the winds play with it. "THE olive will hardly admit of any graft, by reason of its fatness, nor will the grafts of it easily thrive in any other stock.”—DR. JACKSON, Vol. 2, p. 639. Ir is remarkable that Reginald Heber should never have noticed the 'pale transDesertion-weeds seeding in the garden lucent green' of an evening sky, till he saw or court-yard, or on the altar. it on his voyage to India.-Journal, vol. 1, p. lvii. PINE and fir groves said to form fine echoes. M. de la Hire after Leonardo da Vinci observes that any black body viewed through a thin white one gives the sensation of blue; and this he assigns as the reason of the blueness of the sky, the immense depth of which being wholly devoid of light, is viewed through the air illuminated and whitened by the sun. Chama Gigas- the name of those huge scallop shells which are placed about fountains. TURNER'S Tour in the Levant, vol. 3, p. looked for the miraculous drum which was 175. "From the tomb of Orchan I vainly said to sound of itself every night, and on enquiry was informed that it was burnt in the last great fire—at Brusa.” SUNSHINE in sheets and falls of light through the refts in a cloud. 1 His old friend, the Rev. Nicholas Lightfoot. See Life and Correspondence, vol. v. 118. J. W. W. FLIES in a bed room when the window curtain is drawn appear in a glance of light, like fire-flies, where they flit across the sunbeam, that beam not being otherwise visible except where it falls upon the wall. FIRST Rochelle expedition. "Men fell a-rubbing of armour which a great while had lain oyled.”—SIR H. WOTTON, p. 222. "SOL la cicala col nojoso metro Fra i densi rami del fronzuto stelo Le valli e i monti assorda, e'l mare, e'l cielo." ARIOSTO, c. 8. st. 20. GRASS twinkling with the morning dew. Ferran Gonzalez, Count of Castille. FERRAN GONZALEZ had slain in battle Sancho Abarea, King of Navarre, with his own hand. He had not provoked the war: Sancho had often infested Castille, and answered the Count's remonstrances and demands of restitution by defying him. He sent home the body honourably. Teresa, Queen dowager of Leon, was AT the edge of the frozen lake, opposite to Lord's Island, the frost had formed little crystalline blossoms on the ice wherever there was the point of a rush to form a nucleus. These frost flowers were about the size of the little blue flower with the orange eye, (O) and exceedingly beautiful, bright as silver. 3 March, 1829. THE lake perfectly still in a mild clear day; but at once a motion began upon it between the Crag and Stable hill, as if an infinite number of the smallest conceivable fish were lashing it with their tails. What could possibly occasion this, neither I, nor Bertha and Kate, who were with me, could discover or imagine. It abated gradually. "WHERE the rainbow toucheth the tree, no caterpillar will hang on the leaves."LILLY. In the Secchia Rapita the hammer of the bell is spoken of "Il martello de la maggior campana." Canto 1. x. and the fire-flies-but in a way worthy of daughter of Sancho and sister to Garcia such a writer. "E le lucciole uscian con cul de foco, Stelle di questa nostra ultima sfera." 8. i. I NOTICED a very pretty image by the side of a little and clear runlet, the large buttercups on its margin moved when there was no wind, rocked by the rapid motion of its stream. THE horse-chestnut in the way in which its boughs incline to rest upon the ground, resembles the fig-tree. "ACHILLES' shield being lost on the seas by Ulysses, was tossed by the sea to the tomb of Ajax, as a manifest token of his right."—EUPHUES. Abarea, then reigning in Navarre. There exists a jealousy between Sancho of Leon and the Count, whom his victories and renown made too formidable for a vassal. At a Cortes which he attended, Sancho had asked of him his horse and his hawk. These the Count would have given, but the King would only receive them as a purchase-and contracted for 1000 marks, to be paid on a certain day, if not, the debt was daily to double; it was his own contract. The writings were drawn out " partidas por A.B.C." and sealed and witnessed in all form. At this same Cortes, Teresa proposed to the Count, her niece Sancha of Navarre for wife. This was concerted with Garcia, that so he might entrap Ferran, and imprison or slay him in revenge of his father's death. A meeting was appointed to conclude the marriage, each party to be accompanied by only five knights. The Count kept his promise; Garcia brought thirty-five, and seized him, but not till after a hard resistance, for the Castilians refuged in an Ermida, and defended it till they had secured their lives by a capitulation. The five knights were released, the Count fettered and imprisoned. A Lombard Count on pilgrimage to Santiago, visits Ferran in prison, and upbraids Sancha for her part in the wrong. She sent her damsel to see him, and then went herself; the marriage promise passed between them, and they fled together; his chains were heavy, and she at times sustained them. A priest who was riding with hawk and hound, discovers them, and only consents to let the Count escape on condition that Sancha abandons her person to him, she retires with him, contrives to throw him down, and Ferran kills him with a knife. They proceed, and meet the Castilians coming to his rescue, with a stone image of the Count before them, which they had sworn never to forsake. Garcia infests Castille till the patience of the Count fails, and he meets him in a pitched battle, defeats and takes him-he refuses to liberate him at Sancha's request, but she appeals to his knights, and pleads so well that they obtain his deliverance for her sake. The King of Leon summons him now to a Cortes, and immediately seizes him. Sancha sets out with her knights, leaves them concealed, and proceeds as on pilgrimage. The King of Leon allows her to see her husband and pass the night with him. In her pilgrim dress Ferran escapes and joins his troops; but their aid is made needless by an interview between Sancha and the King of Leon, the able mind of the Countess overpowers him, and all is settled. Catholic Mythology. ADAM in Limbo beholding the light of the Annunciation. Simile,-suggested by Bettinelli's Sonnet, Pern. Mod. 19, p. 169. SABBATH of Hell. See the legend of Judas and St. Brandon. How much more humanly is this conceived than Monti's Sonnet, vol. 17, p. 77, who describes Justice as writing upon the traitor's forehead as soon as he has expired, sentence of eternal damnation, with the blood of Christ! dipping her finger in the blood. This is hideous! The angels, says the second sonnet, made fans of their wings to shut out the sight. "Per spavento Si fer de l'ale a gli occhi una visiera." I thought I had done when at the end of the first sonnet, but it seems there is yet a third, to tell us that as the soul had resumed flesh and bone, the sentence appeared in red letters,-it frightened the damned -he tried to tear it out, but God had fixed it there. "Ne sillaba di Dio mai si cancella!" Perhaps this horrible absurdity suggested to Lewis his fine picture of the Wandering Jew. A GOOD paper in the manner of Addison, might be made upon the motion of a Board of Suicide, instituted to grant licenses for that act, upon sufficient cause being shown. www Would this story mature into a useful OLIVER Elton is the second son of wealthy parents, who live up to the extent of their income; he is not their favourite; his mother had not nursed him. She would not perform maternal duty, and was therefore deprived of maternal affection. Oliver's provision was a good living; he has scruples, and cannot accept it. The date must be 1793. During a vacation Oliver sets out for a long walk-to botanize, and to be from home. At a country inn, he is requested by the landlady to sit in her room, the house being full. The landlord had been a respectable tradesman, by misfortunes bankrupt, and reduced to this The Adonic line, the Dactylic, the Anacreontic, the Sapphic. The sentence must not too often close on a long syllable. The trochaic line of eight is the only double ending. This may be palliated by running the lines into the decimal one. And the anapæstic of nine will bear a redundant syllable at the end. There may also be occasionally introduced the trochaic of six, and the Adonic, perhaps the Sapphic or Phaleucian line. Thus are there thirteen usable lines. The more complicate ones can, however, only be inserted in polishing; composition will not pause for them. NOAH. Or all subjects this is the most magnificent. This is the work with which I would attempt to introduce hexameters into our language. A scattered party of fifty or a hundred do nothing; but if I march a regular army of some thousands into the country, well disciplined, and on a good plan, they will effect their establishment. My plan should be sketched before I have read Bodmer's poem; then, if his work be not above mediocrity, it may be melted at my convenience into mine. For the philosophy, Burnett's Theory is the finest possible; for machinery the Rabbis must give it me, and the Talmuds are in requisition. The feelings must be interested for some of those who perished in the waters. A maiden withheld from the ark by maternal love, and her betrothed self-sacrificed with her. Their deaths and consequent beatitude may be deeply affecting. In the despotism that has degraded the world, and made it fit only for destruction, there is room for strong painting. The Anakim have once already destroyed mankind! one of the just may tell well. A father of one of the wives; his son should be the love victim. A martyrdom also;-some hero, burnt offering to the god-tyrant,-a rank Romish priesthood. Why not an Atheist friend of Noah? one who reasons from the wickedness of the world, a good man, but not stiff-necked, who has never swallowed the poker of principle, nor laced on the strait waistcoat of conscience, an incenseburner to the idols whom he derides. Anguish of Noah when the sentence of the world is past. The spirit of Adam might announce it, on his own grave. The chief tyrant? some beef-headed booby brute. The universal iniquity will be difficultly made conceivable. There must be an universal monarchy to account for it, and focus it. How to heighten the crimes? to bring about the crisis of guilt? all must be bad, even those who see the evil must seek to remedy it by evil means; some United Irish violence. The burnt offering the outstanding figure; a young man full of all good hopes and arrogance, who would revolutionize the world; his error, the working with evil means, and his ruin. The final wickedness; his death, after an Abbe Barruel-Bartholo mew-massacre. Is language equal to describe the great crash? one line of comfort must be the ter minating one—lo, yonder the ark on the waters. The great temple-palace should be some Tower of Babel building, made in despite of prophecy, and mockery of God's vengeance. It should resist the water weight, and overlive all things, till the vault of the earth bursts. Arbathan the self-confident hero. Some act of solitary goodness seen by Japhet should win his affections, which the darkness of conspiracy had shocked. Arbathan would act like Omniscience. He would dare do ill for the good event. Thus, too, he should argue, and assume to himself the praise of humanity in only destroying half,—when Noah threatens all with extermination. At length-the doom voice was uttered,— and the Lord God Almighty turned from mankind the eyes of his mercy. The statue omen. They should fear Noah, and attempt to destroy him so; but the blow harms not the statue's head, it shivers the mallet, and palsies the arm that struck. The peace-virtues of the holy family, violet virtues more sweet than showy. The young hopes and heat of Japhet may force him into a livelier interest; he should be for isocratizing. The general embarkation must be kept out of sight; it savours too much of the ridiculous. MANGO CAPAC.1 I HAVE completely failed in attempting to identify Madoc with Mango Capac. He goes indeed to Peru, but this is all-The historical circumstances totally differ, but he has a fleet of companions, and assumes no divine authority;-therefore will I remove the Welsh adventurers to Florida, and celebrate the Peruvian legislation in another poem. From whence was Mango Capac? he could not have grown up in Peru, nor indeed in any part of America. There is no instance, no possibility of any such character growing up among savages; it is a miracle more unbelievable than his inspiration; but whence or how came he to Peru. Europe was too barbarous to furnish a civilizer for America; and from Europe he must have taken the impossible way up the Maragnon, where I had led Madoc. But a European would have been a Christian. From the East his opinions might have proceeded; but the voyage from Persia! its impassable The reader is referred to the Commentarios Reales, escritos por el Ynca Garcilasso de la Vega. The copy before me was SOUTHEY'S. Lisboa, Año de M.DCIX.-J. W. W. |