"His qualities were beauteous as his form, For maiden-tongued he was, and thereof free. Yet if men moved him, was he such a storm As oft 'twixt May and April is to see, When winds breathe sweet, unruly though they be." SHAKSPEAR, Lover's Complaint. "He's truly valiant that can wisely suffer The worst that man can breathe; and make his wrongs [carelessly, His outsides; wear them like his raiment, And ne'er prefer his injuries to his heart To bring it into danger." Timon of Athens, act iii. sc. v. "No deeper wrinkles yet! Hath sorrow struck So many blows upon this face of mine, Richard the Second, act iv. sc. i. "LEARN, good soul, To think our former state a happy dream, From which awaked, the truth of what we are Shows us but this. I am sworn brother, sweet, To grim necessity, and he and I Ibid. act v. sc. i. "TELL them I AM, Jehovah said To Moses, while earth heard in dread; Ay, in the self-same settle, yet the while Be ne'er one whit the worse." Ibid. p. 273. "Marian. I thought thou wert prepared. Alice. I thought so too. But certainty makes previous expectation Seem, by comparison, a state of hope." Ibid. p. 277. "WHAT a sweet thing is night! how calm and harmless; [breath No whispering but of leaves, on which the Of heaven plays music to the birds that slumber."-SHIRLEY, Constant Maid, vol. 4, p. 494. "Tu vero fili contende intrare per angustam portam; nec quid multi agant attende, sed quid agendum ipsa tibi natura, ipsa ratio, ipse Deus ostendat."-PICUS MIRANDULA, ff. 60. "Si non desipit auditor, a fucato sermone quid sperat aliud quam insidias? Tribus maxime persuadetur, vitâ dicentis, veritate rei, sobrietate orationis."—Ibid. ff. p. 62. "THEY who in former times, like pipes of reeds, have sweetly sounded out the praises of God, but now are cracked with some pardonable error in judgment, or slip in manners, if they be truly bruised with the weight of their sin, and thoroughly contrite, may plead the privilege of the bruised reed in the text, not to be broken by any overhard and severe censure or sentence." FEATLEY, Clavis Mystica. p. 10. EXTRACTS, FACTS, AND OPINIONS, RELATING TO POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SOCIETY. Prospects of Society. EE CLARENDON, vol. 1, part 2, p. 498. Concerning the arts and activity of factious men. "So most men are deceived in being too reasonable; concluding that reason will prevail upon those men to submit to what is right and just, who have no other consideration of right or justice, but as it advances their interest, or complies with their humour and passion."—Ibid. p. 1043. ONE who had hurt his foot by paring a nail to the quick, laughed on being told there was danger of a mortification, and replied, "the foot is a long way from the heart." But the mortification found its way there. BACON observes," it is not incredible that it should have come into the mind of such an abject fellow (as Lambert Simnell) to enterprize so great a matter, for high conceits do sometimes come streaming into the imaginations of base persons, especially when they are drunk with news and talk of the people."-Henry VII. p. 20. BACON says that in the Statute of 19 Henry VII. against vagabonds, there may be noted "the dislike the parliament had of gaoling of them, as that which was chargeable, pesterous, and of no open example. And he notices that in all the statutes of this king there are ever coupled the punishment of vagabonds, and the for bidding of dice and cards, and unlawful games unto servants and mean people, and the putting down and suppressing of alehouses, as strings of one root together, and as if the one were unprofitable without the other."-Ibid. p. 216. NATIONAL Wealth wholesome only when justly, equitably (not equally) diffused. When the workman as well as the capitalist has his fair proportion of gains and com forts. "SED jam pudet me ista refellere, cum eos non puduerit ista sentire. Cum verò ausi sint etiam defendere, non jam eorum, sed ipsius generis humani me pudet, cujus aures hæc ferre potuerunt."-ST. AUGUS TINE. THE Overflow of educated persons in both sexes," the condition of the one being accompanied with more unhappiness than would easily be imagined, and that of the other bringing with it more danger than statesmen perhaps have yet taken into the account of the evils that are to come." "THINGS (in Scripture) manifestly and mercifully undefined."-MILLER'S B. Lec tures. "SIMPLE (The) Cobler of Aggawam in America. Willing to help 'mend his Native Country, lamentably tattered both in the upper-Leather and Sole, with all the honest stitches he can take, 10s. 6d. Lond. 1647." "THE Othomacas, one of the rudest of the Orinoco tribes, suppose themselves descended from a pile of stones upon the top of a rock called Barraguan, and that they all return to stone as they came from it; so that this mass of rock is composed of their forefathers. THE system of lying was not practised more impudently by Buonaparte's government, than by the Opposition papers and the Opposition speakers. JOHNSON once said of Derrick, "he may do very well as long as he can outrun his character, but the moment his character gets up with him, it is all over." Alas! character now goes for nothing with the mob, or even the people in this country. “Est enim metus magister longè optimus maximequè opportunus."-GREG. NAZIAN ZEN. ALFRED's police.-TURNER, Vol. 2, p. 304. WORKS of fiction monstrous in kind, devilish in feeling, damnable in purpose. EVERY man his own king, his own priest, and his own God. THE American war destroyed that amicable feeling which till then had for half a century prevailed between the Church and the Dissenters. In Abp. Secker's days, e. g. "MAIS on feint de ne rien croire, afin de tout permettre," was said of the Dragonnades in Poictou, and may be said of the Catostreet Conspiracy, &c. A. D. 1821. In the course of thirty-nine years the Catholics in England are said to have increased sevenfold. Their present numbers are about 500,000. I suspect this is a line from the Carmen de l'itá suá, v. 47. Φόβος γὰρ ἦγεν, ὃς μέγας διδάσκαλος. Tom. ii. p. 678. Ed. Fol. 1840. PRINTING. General education. Emancipation. Association in clubs, &c. Reformation. Revolution in America and France. Church. Universities. Lay Monasteries. Protestant nunneries. Alms-houses. Condition of women. Monastic virtues, humility, obedience. Laws. Literature. Colonization at home and abroad. Progress of trade and manufactures. Question of exclusive companies. Prevention of fires. END of all disputed successions with the factures a new class. Union of the Roses. THE old denominations of small coin becoming too small. MANUFACTURING populace in Flanders. But the higher classes in those days, Comines says, were good people, and sorely disliked the mutinous spirit of the community. Our mischief lies with the half-educated class, the agitators. CONSEQUENCE of the struggle for Reformation in different countries. The League. Accidental effect of the Inquisition. No one put to death for heresy while Sir T. More was chancellor. DESTRUCTION of buildings began with the Reformation, when stronger passions were at work than in the successive war of which Comines speaks. A GOOD remark of Marlborough's upon Lord Halifax, "if he had no other fault but his unreasonable vanity, that alone would be capable of making him guilty of any fault." GROWTH of good government through the wreck of its institutions. Difference in Iceland. THE world may be progressive as a whole, while parts are retrograde, e. g. New Holland, Canada, and America, while Great Britain, &c. CONDITION of the lower classes, physical as to health, diet, clothing, fire, moral, religious, political. Hinds, small farmers, domestic servants, male and female, manufactures, coachmen, &c. QUESTION of improvement examined. Scene, the ruined village. Small farmers and peasantry, certes worsened. ManuServants an altered one. Tradesmen. Quoad marriage, Condition of women. worsened, and quoad education, not so good as in Henry VIII.'s time. Dr. Johnson, Boswell says, 66 was willing to speak favourably of his own age: and indeed maintained its superiority in every respect, except in its reverence for government; the relaxation of which he imputed as its grand cause to the shock which our monarchy received at the Revolution, though necessary; and secondly, to the timid concessions made to faction by successive administrations in the reign of his present Majesty, George III."-Vol. 3, p. 3. "THERE is a strange rout made about deep play," said JOHNSON; "whereas you have many more ruined by adventurous trade, and yet we do not hear such an outcry against it." OPINIONS Concerning the mercantile profession by Cicero, and Plutarch's character of it in eastern times.- WADDIng. vol. 1, p. 17. ESSENES. Basnage, vol. 1, p. 536. "In colonizing new countries provision should be made for towns, and those limited in size. See Henry the Fowler's regulation in Germany.-TURNER, vol. 2, p. 350. |