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over-abused. So bad as Pope's Homer it cannot by any possibility have been, i. e. it cannot so misrepresent and debase the original.

John Howe.

MR. NICHOLS has transcribed an account of this gentleman, which deserves retranscription. (Nichols' Collection, vol. 1, p. 209.)

Thomas Lord Lyttleton.-1744-1779. POEMS by a young Nobleman of distinguished abilities, lately deceased, 4to. 1780. These, according to Mr. Park, are admitted to be his. The Letters published as his are said to have been written by Mr. Combe. The remarkable story of his death is certainly believed in the family.

Mr. Park has published his portrait. I never saw a countenance so thoroughly expressive of a debauched heart.

Sneyd Davies.-1769.

FELLOW of King's College, Cambridge, rector of Kingsland in Herefordshire, prebendary of Litchfield, archdeacon of Derby, and D. D.

Sir Thomas Burnet.-1753. YOUNGEST Son of the bishop, consul at Lisbon, and afterwards king's serjeant, and judge of the Common Pleas. A volume of his Poems was printed in 1777.

It is recorded of him in the days of his levity, that his father one day seeing him uncommonly grave, asked what he was meditating? "A greater work," replied the son, "than your lordship's History of the Reformation." "What is that, Tom?" "My own Reformation, my lord." "I shall be heartily glad to see it," said the bishop, "but almost despair of it." It was however accomplished.

He edited his father's History of his own Times, and was concerned in the Grumbler,

| and in travesting the first book of Pope's | Iliad with Ducket, under the title of Homerides, by Sir Iliad Doggrel: for which Pope put him in the Dunciad.

Benjamin Stilling fleet.-169*1-1771.

"I HAVE lately," says GRAY, "made an acquaintance with this philosopher, who lives in a garret in the winter, that he may support some near relations who depend upon him. He is always employed, consequently (according to my old maxim) always happy, always cheerful, and seems to me a worthy, His present scheme is to send honest man. some persons properly qualified to reside a year or two in Attica, to make themselves acquainted with the climate, productions, and natural history of the country, that we may understand Aristotle, Theophrastus, &c. who have been Heathen Greek to us for so many ages; and this he has got proposed to Lord Bute, no unlikely person to put it in execution, as he is himself a botanist."

See Gentleman's Magazine, 1776, p. 162. 496, and for 1777, p. 440. See also what Pennant says of him, prefixed to his British Zoology, vol. 4.

Walter Pope.-Fawsley, Northamptonshire, 1714.

WALTER POPE was elected from Westminster to Trinity College, Cambridge, 1645, but removed to Oxford, where he was successively scholar, fellow, and dean of Wadham. In 1658, when he was junior proctor, an attempt was made to abrogate the statute for wearing caps and hoods; he frustrated it, and this he called the most glorious action of his life."

IWATT, in the Bibliotheca Britannica, says he was born about 1702. He was grandson to the Bishop.-J. W. W.

2 "Believe me," says CUMBERLAND, "there is much good sense in old distinctions. When the law lays down its full-bottomed periwig, you will find less wisdom in bald pates than you are

He was half brother to Bishop Wilkins, and one of the first fellows of the Royal Society. His publications were numerous and unimportant; but his Old Man's Wish is one of those ballads which are never likely to lose their estimation and popularity.

One of his works deserves mention, his Moral and Political Fables, ancient and modern; done into measured Prose, intermixed with Rhyme. 1698. By measured prose, blank verse is meant, in which a couplet is occasionally introduced. Daniel had done this before him, and done it far


I have seen also the same thing in Spa


Nichols, vol. 1, p. 173. The Old Man's


But see, if possible, for the enlarged edition, in twenty stanzas, published in folio, 1693, under the title of the Wish.

William Duncombe.—1689-1769. He published, 1. a translation of Racine's Athaliah. 1722. 2. Lucius Junius Brutus, a Tragedy. 1735. 3. The Works of Horace, in English Verse, by several Hands. 1757, 2 vols. 8vo. A second edition in four vo

lumes appeared in 1762. He edited the Works of Mr. Needler in 1724. 2. The Poems of Hughes, his brother-in-law, 1735. 3. The Miscellanies of Jabez Hughes. 4. The Works of Samuel Say, 1745; and, 5. Seven Sermons, by Archbishop Herring.

Thomas Edwards.-1699-1758. AUTHOR of the Canons of Criticism. In

the dark age of English poetry, Edwards

aware of."-Choleric Man. This passage is elsewhere referred to by Southey. I may add from the Gull's Horn-Book, "Come, come; it would be but a bald world, but that it wears a periwig." p. 48. Reprint by J. N. 1812. J. W. W.

had feeling enough to admire and study the great masters of the art. Though one of nine children, he had the misfortune to be the last of his family.

The metre of the ode in these selections is singular.

Knightley Chetwood.—Coventry, 1720.

DR. CHETWOOD was chaplain to James II. who nominated him Bishop of Bristol, but abdicated the kingdom before his election

passed the seals. He was made Dean of

Gloucester, and went abroad with Marl

borough as chaplain to the English forces. The Dissertation prefixed to Dryden's Virgil in 1697, is his.

Charles Dryden.-1704.

DRYDEN'S eldest son. He was usher of the palace to Pope Clement XI. and was drowned in the Thames, near Windsor.

Thomas Catesby, Lord Paget.-1742.

He died before his father, the first Earl of Uxbridge. He published an Essay on Human Life, which was printed in a supplement to Pope's Works, 1757; and is said by Mr. Park to be perhaps the closest imitation of that poet's ethical essays. And a volume of Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, 1741.

Joseph Spence.-1768.

A VERY amiable man, who was drowned in his own fish pond. In the Tales of the Genii his character is drawn under the clumsy name of Phesoi Ecneps, i. e. Joseph Spence read backwards.

Door brass for the servant's fingers, the clean custom of a dirty people.

Novel prospects. Hedges. Hay-making. Country houses.

The Spanish sheep produce good wool: the English good mutton.

I have heard two instances of the mischief done by wasps; the one in Herefordshire,-a gentleman and his wife in a onehorse chair were attacked in a bye-road by a nest of these insects. They were overturned, and escaped with little injury. The horse died in consequence of the stings. Mr. Rowe knows a lady who with her child was attacked in the same way; her bosom was full of them, but she recovered. Myself once suffered five stings at once. odd circumstance happened at Mr. Lamb's1 -a wasp's nest was taken by the usual method of suffocation, and brought into the parlour to show the family. They went out to walk, and left it there. By the time they returned, the wasps were recovered, and they found them all flying about the




Letters from England by a Spaniard. FAR better mode of exposing folly than by novels.

The journals of my own tours shall be given with characteristic minuteness, in a lively stile and full of all the anecdotes that I have collected. They will derive a Spanish cast, from drawing general conclusions from single circumstances, and from the writer's wish to find the English as much upon a level with his own countrymen as he can.

Thus the theatre affords him an opportunity of retaliating the contempt exprest by Englishmen of the Spanish stage. A strolling play may equal my Coruña exhibition.

The Catholic may in his turn deride reformed worship, the vital Christianity cant. The Quaker silence may be described as striking him with awe-till a speaker rose. Astonishment at the taxes. Stopt win


Heretical intolerance. Elizabeth's persecution of the Puritans. Birmingham riots. Apostle Spoons.

Horses' tails and ears. Wall bills in London. Persons lost. Rewards for apprehending murderers. Quack bills. Debating societies, &c. &c.

Fashions. The pudding cravatts invented to hide a poultice. Two watches. Many under-waistcoats and the coat at the same time dragged back over the shoulders. Hands in the coat-pockets. Bandalores. Padded coats to look broad-breasted.


Dr. Hunter's Museum. I can borrow Carlisle's book.

Crimping. Pressing.

State of the poor. Laws of settlement.
Universities. The seminaries of our cler-


Excellent roads in England; their disadvantages not obvious. The servants who go to summerize in the country with their

This was his early friend, T. P. Lamb, Esq. of Mountsfield Lodge, near Rye.-J. W. W.

masters, corrupt the women. An emulation | fully there, and are very effectual, being of folly and extravagance is excited. The provisions are carried to the great towns, and thus rendered scarce and dear on the spot.

The Catholics' defence of relics, of ceremonious worship, of regulated convents, of purgatory, of a cheerful Sunday. Prayers for the dead, do they not produce a good effect upon the living?

Protestant absolution.

The English have no business to abuse Spanish oppressions and cruelty. The East Indies. The West. The scalping in America. Ireland. Never let them abuse Alva. Besides, English atrocities have been always perpetrated by petty rascals; there has been nothing to counterbalance it in their character, as in Cortes-even in Pizarro. Wyoming. Glencoe.

The remarkable instance of honour in the Spanish prisoner, in Richard II.'s reign. Fox-hunting.

Stone the plumbs. If this were a dead language, said a Frenchman to me,-what would an antiquarian make of that phrase?

"WHAT is thy disease-a consumption? indeed a certain messenger of death; but know, that of all the bayliffs sent to arrest us for the debt of nature, none useth his prisoners with more civility and courtesie." -FULLER. Sermon-Life out of Death.

MEMORANDUM.-Dr. Fothergill intended to leave "a pretty large collection of Quaker Tracts to the Meeting to which he then belonged, in Peter's Court, Westminster."

NICHOLS'S Anecdotes.


SOME empiric chirurgians in Scotland take a journey to the Picts Wall the beginning of every summer; to gather vulnerary plants, which they say grow plenti

It is not necessary to note what is worked up in the Letters referred to.-J. W. W.

sown and planted by the Romans for chirurgical uses.-R. B. Adm. Curios.

GONDOMAR bade a Spanish post who was returning to his own country remember him to the sun, for it was a long time since he had seen him here, and he would be sure to find him in Spain.-R. B.

FANATICS at Newbury.-Adm. Curios., p. 12.


"REGNUM Diabolorum," was a phrase applied to England, and common in unconsidering foreigners' mouths. - Preface to MOLESWORTH'S Account of Denmark.

LONDON Consumes butcher's-meat to the amount of seven millions sterling annually.

A CALF fed for the London market is said to consume as much milk as would make a hundred weight of cheese.

THERE is a Committee of Art or of Taste who decide upon the designs sent in for public monuments. The best artists will not enter into such a competition, very properly not chusing to trust their reputation to the opinion of men whom they may not deem competent judges. An inferior one will send in several designs, speculating upon the doctrine of chances, and the speculation answers. There is a monument to Captain

in St. Paul's, of which the history is this. Ross sent in several designs. The Committee pitched upon one, which was not the best; fixed upon one figure, also not the best of the design which they had chosen; and then desired him to put just such another figure on the other side,—so then they are like an admiral's two supporters!

MRS. WILSON? remembers the time when

2 The kind friend of the children before mentioned.-J. W. W.

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the people of this place did not know what an almanack was. She knew the parties. Two men at work were accosted by an acquaintance, who told them he was going to Kendal on purpose to see an almanack, which was to tell every thing about the weather. They desired him to let them know when he came back what sort of thing it was; and his account on his return was :Why, why, I know not;-it maffles and talks: howsoever I'se been considering that Collop-Monday will be on a Tuesday next year."

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Ir a man be found at work in the Christmas week in Kendal, his fellow-tradesmen lay violent hands on him, and carry him on a pole to the alehouse, where he is to treat them.

CROKER told me that some of his countrymen brought a man before the magistrate for murder, because one with whom he had quarrelled and fought, died in the course of the same evening. It appeared | upon enquiry that the deceased had complained of a pain in his bowels, and that they to relieve him had determined upon spreading the gripe. The way this was effected was by laying the patient on his back, and then putting a plank on his belly upon which all the company stood and jumped.

PALM Soap,-which Patey, Butts and Co. recently removed from Ball-Alley, Lombard Street, to No. 12, Three Kings Court, in the same street, think it an indispensable part of "their duty to inform their friends and the public that they have brought this preparation to the utmost zenith of excellence. It is manufactured wholly from Palm Oil,-which is so vinous and nutritious that the natives of Asia take it internally from choice."

WILLIAM HUTCHINSON, when he was in Rome, skaited on the Tyber, to the great astonishment of the Romans.

TURNER knew a Londoner who had kept a retail spirit-shop, and retired into the adjoining county when he had made a fortune, to enjoy himself. This man used to amuse himself by having one puncheon filled with water, and measuring it off by pints into another.

He knew another retired cit who used every day to angle in his round wash-handbasin sized fish-pond for gold-fish. One fish he knew, because it had once lost its eye in being caught,—and he used to say, "Curse that fellow, this is the fifth, sixth, &c. time that I have caught him this season." It used to provoke him.

Ar Bishop's Middleham a man died with the reputation of a water-drinker; and it was discovered that he had killed himself by secret drunkenness. There was a Roman Catholic hiding-place in the house, the entrance to which was from his bed-room; he converted it into a cellar; and the quantity of brandy which he had consumed was ascertained.

VALENTINE'S Day. Two hundred and fifty valentines delivered at Keswick from the post-office, 1813. The post-woman is given their produce as a gratuity, (they are one penny each), and last year she received fifty shillings. In London they are said to double the receipt of the twopenny post on that day. Long Nanny,' the postwoman, has a whole box-full, which were either directed to persons who have left Keswick, or were refused to be taken in.

Or the Arundel marbles, many were stolen while they lay at Arundel House in the Strand, or cut and worked up by masons. Theobald cut some into slabs for his house at Lambeth, and converted part of a column into a roller for his country house in Berkshire. A colossal Apollo (whose head is at Oxford) and an entire small obelisk, are said

This was the post-woman of the day, as might easily be inferred.-J. W. W.

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