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First Edition 1901.

Reprinted 1914.


THE aim of this book is to give a fairly full account of the Life and Times of King Alfred, so that English boys and girls may gain some idea of "the great King Alfred, the best and greatest of all our kings." There is no Englishman who more deserves our admiration than Alfred-" England's Darling" indeed it would be difficult to find any character in the world's history who is so worthy of our imitation.

Although most of the stories relating to Alfred have been discredited in this age of historical criticism, yet it has been thought well to insert them as they give a certain charm and colour to the life of the "first great English king." Even if they are not true, as is now generally the opinion, they go to show the love in which Alfred was held by his people, and the pleasing memories associated with their remembrance of him.

The Maps and Pictures have been carefully selected, and it is hoped they will be of great service in illustrating the text. The Bibliography of Works relating to Alfred is by no means exhaus


tive, but it may be a guide to teachers and others who wish to consult the best authorities on this interesting period of our history.

The author begs to express his best thanks to MR. F. S. MARVIN, who not only readily consented to write the Introduction, but also made some useful suggestions for the improvement of the book. It is largely owing to Mr. Marvin's efforts that so much. interest was aroused in the Millenary Commemorations; and his zeal has stimulated others in the same direction.


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