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Lodge, Dr. Tho. conjecture regarding his family........ ii. 228
allusion to his Defence of Plays in

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


ii. 115

Long verse of 14 syllables praised by G. Chapman... i. 35
Love, how far a fit subject for poetry
Lucan, B. I. of his Pharsalia translated by C. Marlow .. i. 130

i. 331

Mad World my Masters, by N. Breton, examined
Magnificence, an interlude by John Skelton, quoted.... ii. 42
Markham, Jervis, his tragedy of Sir R. Grenville praised

by Fitzgeffrey


his fraud upon Tofte regarding Ariosto's satires;
and upon. Barnabe Rich

his tragedy of Sir R. Grenville, 1595, account


quotations from.....


i. 59


ii. 92

ii. 93, 94, 95
ii. 100

Markham, Robt. his poem on the death of Sir J. Burgh


Marlow, Christ. mode of his death differently told... i. 128
his translation of "Lucan's first book,"

[blocks in formation]

ii. 273

ii. 274

T. Beard's expressions regarding him....
probable allusion to, in the " French

Mar-martine, and plagiarism in it from Spenser.... i. 183, 184
Maroccus Extaticus, Bankes's Horse, tract regarding .. i 163
Marston, John, incident in his Antonio and Mellida

[blocks in formation]

his quarrel with Joseph Hall, and the cause of it

i. 231

Marston, his answer to Hall's epigram

Vol. Page

i. 232

i. 233

i. 234


i. 235, 236

why he wrote under the name of W. Kinsayder

his attack upon Hall....

quotation from “ Pigmalion's Image"

second edition of his Pigmalion's Image in 1619 ii 112
extracts from his satires....... i. 240, 242, 243, 248
his "Scourge of Villany," 1598, second edit.


dedication of it to himself

i. 249


i. 250

i. 251, 252, 256, 257

extracts from it
his attacks on Shakespeare's Rich. III.
reference to his own satires in "What you will"

i. 254

i. 255

doubt if he did not go into the Church late in life

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

MS. pageant by, in honour of James I and the

King of Denmark

ii. 315


Massinger, P. his Emperor of the East quoted

May, Tho. quotation from his translation of Lucan's

ii. 36

[blocks in formation]

Meres, Francis, his "Palladis Tamia," 1598, referred to
Micro-cynicon, Six Snarling Satires, 1599, mentioned ..

[blocks in formation]

quotations from, i. 283, 288, 290, 295, 300, 301
its author..

i. 283

Middleton, Tho. his applause of Greek compounds in his
"Mad World my Masters".

i. 34

i. 20

and Decker's "Roaring Girl" quoted.

Milton, John, his mistake in asserting that his Par. Lost
was the first specimen in English of undramatic
blank verse


his obligations to Marston, Anth. Stafford, and
Gusman of Alfarache

quotes Sir J. Harrington's Orl. Fur..

senr. his Six-fold Politician quoted..
Mirror for Magistrates, blank verse in..
Mirror of Monsters, 1587, by Rankin

[blocks in formation]

Mirror for Magistrates of Cities, by Whetstone, quoted

Vol. Page

ii. 37, 240, 241

published in 1586, as

"the Enemy of Unthriftiness"

ii. 38

Mirror of Modesty, 1584, by R. Greene, quoted


Misery of Flanders, Calamity of France, &c. 1579, a

tract by T. Churchyard..

i. 179

ii. 74

ii. 319

Monosyllables, in English, praised by G. Chapman..... i. 35
Moor of Venice, first woman actor in the........
Morley, Henry Parker, Lord, his translation of the

[ocr errors]


Triumphs of Petrarch," printed by J. Cawood.... i. 77
its extreme rarity

i. 79


specimen in Dr. Nott's lives of Wyatt and Surrey
A. Wood's error regarding Lord Morley's death i. 80
extract from the dedication of his translation.... i. 81
extracts from his version


original poem by Lord Morley at the end of his
translation of Petrarch...

[blocks in formation]

i. 87

i. 69

his place among English poets ascertained..
Mornay, de, his work on the trueness of Christianity
translated by Sir P. Sidney and Arthur Golding...
Mulcaster, R. blank verse translation of his Nania Con-

solans, with specimens.

i. 141, 142, 143, 144

Musical Banquet by Douland......
Mychelborne, Tho. commendatory verses by, before Fitz-
geffrey's "Drake".

Myrrha, the mother of Adonis, by W. Barkstead..


Nabbes, Tho. his "Scipio and Hannibal," 1637, quoted
Nash, Tho. two lines in his "Pierce Pennyless" also
found in the "Yorkshire Tragedy".
his" Pierce Pennyless' Supplication to the Devil".
the second part, or answer to it, called "The Return
o the Knight of the Post from Hell," 1606.......
quotation from the anonymous address....

i. 161

i. 8

i. 30

i. 53
i. 215

i. 216

i. 216

doubt whether he did not bring the trade of rope-

making into disrepute. . . .

i. 218

specimen of the poetry in "the Return of the
Knight of the Post," &c..

i. 219

the Knight of the Post described

i. 220



Vol. Page

Nash, extracts from the Devil's "Answer" i. 222, 223, 224
his praise of Churchyard's " Shore's Wife"....... ii. 89
his "Lenten Stuff," 1599, spoken of.... ii. 127, 230
his" Christ's Tears over Jerusalem," 1593, quoted ii. 269
his apology in it to Gabriel Harvey
ii. ib.
Nero, justification of a strange action by, by G. Chapman ii. 60
Netherlands, Tho. Churchyard's Discourse regarding ii. 88
Nicholas's History of the West Indies, lines by Gosson



Nichols's Progresses of Q. Elizabeth cited..



ii. 215

ii. 270

Niobe, 1611, by A. Stafford, Milton's obligation to
and "Niobe dissolved into a Nilus," quoted.

i. 244

ii. 45

Nixon, Anthony, his plagiarism from Lodge

i. 302

his "Strange Foot-post" examined...
Nocturnal Lucubrations, by R. Chamberlain, cited
Nania Consolans translated into blank verse by R.
Northbrooke, John, his "Treatise against Vain Plays,"
1579, &c...
ii. 231
quotation from his Treatise.. ii. 232, 233, 234
Nott, Dr. lives of Lord Surrey and Sir T. Wyat..

[blocks in formation]

Oldcastle, Sir John, history of, by Munday, Drayton, &c.

containing the embryo of a scene in Shakespeare's
Henry V.......

i. 52

Old Plays, indecency of, contrasted with those after the

ii. 320

Orpharion, by Robert Greene, quoted.

i. 296, 299

Overthrow of Stage-plays, by Dr. Rainoldes.

ii. 253

Owl's Arraignment, by William Goddard

i. 318

Painter, William, author of a poem called "Chaucer

painted," printed about 1630.......

[blocks in formation]

his Palace of Pleasure mentioned ii. 167, 191,

Pap with a Hatchet, syllogism in,

ii. 305

Paris Garden, accident at, and Field's Exhortation


ii. 242

Parke, R. his History of China, 1588, cited..

Parrot, Henry, his " Mastiff or young Whelp".

his plagiarisms....


Vol. Page

ii. 203

i. 276

i. ib.

Pasquil's pass and passeth not, by N. Breton, quoted i. 229
Peele, George, a poet and sharper, according to his

"Merry conceited Jests".

the same man as George Pieboard in
"the Puritan," proved from the jests and the play
his Farewell to Sir John Norris and

i. 48


Sir Francis Draké," 1589, and quotations.... i. 54, 56, 58
his "Tale of Troy" quoted

specimens of, in Censura Literaria

i. 58

Enone's Complaint by, in blank verse,

from his "Arraignment of Paris," 1584

i. 123

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Percy, Bishop, his work on the writers of blank verse
Perimedes the Blacksmith, 1588, by R. Greene



quotation regarding the motto, &c. ii. 183

Peters, Hugh, his jest concerning George Wither
Petrarch's Triumphs, translated by Lord Morley
by Mrs. Hume

ii. 24

i. 77

i. ib.

ii. 50

quotations from ... ii. 51, 52

Phillip, John, his "Life and Death of Sir P. Sidney,"



his poem on the Countess of Lenox ..... ii. 125
quotation from, regarding

Queen Elizabeth

- probably mentioned by Nash..

Play of Plays, a tract in defence of the stage, by T.

ii. 126

ii. ib.


Player, common, character of...

ii. 209, 222
ii. 225
ii. 309

Plays confuted in five actions, by S. Gosson
answered by Tho. Lodge..

ii. 208, 221

ii. 225, 226

cause of its excessive scarcity

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