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CHAP. Give place to this man;' so thou
wilt begin with shame to take the
10 lowest place. But when thou art
invited, go and take the lowest
place, that when he who invited
thee cometh, he may say unto thee,
Friend, go up higher :' then thou
wilt have respect in the presence of
11 the guests. For every one that ex-the master said to his servant, Go
alteth himself shall be brought low,
and he that humbleth himself shall

master of the house was angry, and CHAP.
said to his servant, Go out imme-
diately into the streets and lanes of
the city, and bring in hither the
poor, and maimed, and lame, and
blind.' And the servant said, 'Sir, 22
it is done as thou hast command-
ed, and still there is room.' And 23


benevo lence.


be exalted."

out among the high-ways and hedges, and importune them to come in, that my house may be filled.' For I say unto you, none 24 of those men who were invited shall

Now great multitudes were go- 25

tions of Christ's

Then he said also to him that inand disin- vited him, "When thou makest a dinner or a supper, invite not al-taste of my supper." ways thy friends, nor thy brethren, nor thy kinsmen, nor rich neigh-ing with him, and he turned and Qualifica bours, lest they also invite thee said to them, "If any one come to again, and recompence be made me, and be not ready to forsake disciples. 13 thee. But when thou makest his father, and mother, and wife, 26 a feast, invite the poor, the maim-and children, and brethren, and ed, the lame, the blind, because 14 they cannot recompense thee; and thou shalt be happy, for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the righteous."



sisters, and even his own life also, when the honour of God and the interest of my religion require such a sacrifice, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not 27 Now, when one of the guests bear his cross, and come with me Parable of heard these things, he said unto cannot be my disciple. For which 28 the supper. Jesus, Happy is he who eateth of you intending to build a tower, bread in the kingdom of God." doth not sit down first, and com16 But Jesus said unto him, "A cer-pute the expence, whether he have tain man made a great supper, and 17 invited many; and at supper time, sent his servant to say unto them that were invited, Come, for all 18 things are now ready.' And they all began alike to excuse themselves. The first said, I have bought a field, and I must needs go and see it: I beseech thee have me 19 excused.' And another said,

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have bought five pair of oxen, and am going to try them, I beseech 20 thee have me excused.' And another said, I have married a wife, 21 and therefore I cannot come.' So that servant came, and told his master these things. Then the

I That kingdom which God is establishing under the Messiah.

Thus the Jews rejected the gospel.

Lest 29

sufficient to complete it? perhaps, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, every beholder laugh at him, and say,This man began to build, and 30 was not able to finish.' Or what 31 king going to war against another king, doth not stay to consult, whether he be able with ten thou Isand men to meet him who cometh against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while he is yet afar off, he 32 sendeth an embassy, and desireth conditions of peace. In like man- 33 ner, whosoever among you doth not feel a readiness, if need be to give up all his substance, he cannot

As the apostles did when they were sent to preach the gospel to persons of all descriptions.

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ment to sinners to repent.

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them said to his father, Father, CHAP.
give me the portion of goods, that XV.
falleth to my share;' and he di- The prodi
vided his substance, so as to allot gal son.
what he could spare to each of
them. And not many days after 13
the younger son got all together,
and went into another country, and
there wasted his substance with
disorderly living. And when he 14
had spent all, a great famine arose
in that land, and he began to be in
want; so he went and connected 15
himself with a citizen of that coun-
try, who sent him into his fields to
feed swine; and he was desirous of 16
filling himself with the husks which
the swine ate, and yet, though he
was reduced to this extreme de-
gree of hunger, no man gave him


Then a great number of taxgatherers, and heathens, drew near Encourage- unto Jesus, to hear him. And the Pharisees and Scribes murmured, saying, "This man receiveth sin3 ners, and eateth with them. Then he spake this parable unto them, 4" What man among you having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety-food. But, coming to himself, he 17 nine in the desert, and go after that said, "How many hired servants of 5 which is lost, until he find it? And my father have bread in abundance, when he hath found it, he layeth it whilst I am perishing with hunger! 6 on his shoulders, rejoicing. And I will arise, and go unto my father, 18 when he cometh home, he calleth and say unto him, Father I have together his friends and neighbours, sinned against heaven, and in thy and saith unto them, Rejoice with sight; I am no more worthy to be 19 me, for I have found my lost sheep.' called thy son; make me as one of 7I say unto you, that more joy thy hired servants.' So he arose, 20 likewise will be in heaven over one and went to his father: But when sinner that repenteth, than over he was yet far off, his father saw ninety and nine righteous persons, him, and had compassion on him, 8 that need no repentance. Or what and ran, and fell on his neck, and woman having ten pieces of silver, kissed him. And the son said un- 21 if she lose one piece, doth not light to him, Father, I have sinned a candle, and sweep the house, and against heaven, and in thy sight: seek carefully until she find it? and am no more worthy to be callAnd when she hath found it, she ed thy son: make me as one of thy calleth together her friends, and her hired servants.' But the father said 22 neighbours, saying, Rejoice with unto the servants, Bring forth the me, for I have found the piece best robe, and clothe him with it, 10 which I had lost.' In like manner, and put a ring on his hands, and I say unto you, there is joy in the sandals on his feet. And bring the 23 presence of the angels of God, over fatted calf, and kill it, and let us one sinner who repenteth." eat, and be joyful; for this my son was 2 dead, and is alive again, he 24 was lost, but is found.


He said also, A certain man 12 had two sons, and the younger of

Joy that is sudden, and lasts but for a short time, like the joy of men, when an unexpected good happens to them. Regular

obedience is however much better than re-

* In the apprehension of his father.


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СНАР. Now, his elder son was in the he called to him every one of his CHAP. XVI. field, and as he came, and drew master's debtors, and said to the XVI. near to the house, he heard music first, How much owest thou to 26 and dancing. Then he called one my master!' And he said, A 6 of the servants to him, and enquir-hundred gallons of oil.' Then the 27 ed what these things meant. And steward said, Take thy bill and the servant said unto him, Thy sit down immediately, and write brother is coine, and thy father fifty.' And he said to another, 7 hath killed the fatted calf, because And how much owest thou,' and he hath received him in good he said, A hundred measures of 28 health. And he was angry, and wheat!'. And the steward saith, would not go in ; his father therefore 29 came out, and entreated him. But he said to his father, Lo! these many years have I served thee, nor have I at any time disobeyed thy commandment, yet thou never gavest me even a kid, that I might 30 be joyful with my friends; but when this thy son came, who hath devoured thy substance with harlots, thou hast killed for him the 31 fatted calf.' And his father said unto him, 'Son, thou art always with me, and all that I have is 32' thine. Yet it was right that we should be joyful and glad, for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again, was lost, and is found."




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Take thy bill, and write eighty.' And the master commended his 8 steward for the prudence of this unrighteous dealing, for the 'children of this world are more prudent in the management of their concerns, than the children of light. I say 9 also unto you, make to yourselves friends of these uncertain riches, that when ye die, ye may be received into everlasting habitations.

altered by

"He that is faithful in a very 10 little is faithful also in much, and True fidehe that is unjust in a very little, is lity is not unjust also in much. If therefore circumye have not been faithful in the un- stances. certain riches, who will trust you 11 Then Jesus said also to his dis- with the true? And if ye have not 12 ciples, "A certain rich man had a been faithful in what passeth from The unjust steward, who was accused to him one to another, who will give you of wasting his substance. And he that which will be for ever your 2 called the steward, and said to own? No servant can serve two 13 him, How is it that I hear this of masters of opposite tempers; for thee? give up the business of thy either he will hate the one, and love stewardship, for thou must not be the other, or hold to one, and ne3 any longer steward.' Then theglect the other. Ye cannot serve steward said within himself, What God and wealth." shall I do? for my master is taking Now the Pharisees who were co- 14 away my stewardship? I cannot vetous, heard all these things, and Pharisees 4 dig; to beg I am ashamed. I am they scoffed at him. And he said severely reproved. resolved what to do: that when I unto them, "Ye are they who enam put out of the stewardship, Ideavoured to appear righteous bemay be received into the houses fore men, but God knoweth your 5 of those whom I have obliged. So hearts: for what is highly esteem

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"There was a certain rich man, Parable of who was clothed in purple and fine the rich linen, and feasted sumptuously Lazarus. every day.

man, and


will repent.' Then Abraham said CHAP.
unto him, 'If they hear not Moses
and the prophets, neither will they 31
be persuaded, though one rise from
the dead."


Jesus said also to his disciples, "It CHAP. must be that temptations come; but alas! for him by whom they Danger of come. It were better for him that tempting a millstone were hanged about his any to sin. neck, and he were cast into the 2 sea, than that he should entice one of these little ones now before me to sin.

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And there was a cer20 tain poor man, named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at the rich man's porch, desiring to eat the crumbs that fell from his table; 21 moreover the dogs also came, and 22 licked his sores. Now, when the poor man died,' he was conveyed by the angels into Abraham's bosom, to partake, as it were, of an heaven- "Take heed to yourselves: If 3 ly banquet with him; and the rich thy brother offend against thee, re- Duty of 23 man also died, and was buried; buke him, and if he repent, forgive forgiving and in the state of death, he lifted him. Even if he offend against when they up his eyes being in torments, and thee seven times a day, and seven repent. saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus times a day turn unto thee, saying, 4 24 in his bosom. And he called to I repent, thou must forgive him." him, saying, Father Abraham, And the disciples said unto the 5 take pity on me, and send Lazarus Lord, " Add some directions about to dip the tip of his finger in water, our faith." And the Lord said, "If 6 and cool my tongue, for I am tor-ye had faith as a grain of mustard 25 mented in this flame.' But Abra-seed, ye might have said to this ham said, • Son, remember that very sycamine tree, Be thou thou in thy lifetime didst receive rooted up, and planted in the sea, thy good things, and Lazarus in and it would have obeyed you." like manner evil things; but now Then to teach them humility, 7 he is comforted, and thou art tor-notwithstanding all their attain- The best 26 mented.' And besides all this, be-ments, Jesus said, "Which of men do no tween us and you a great gulf is you will say to his plowman or their duty. fixed, so that they who wish to shepherd, at their return from the cross from us to you, or from you field, Come hither, and sit down to us, are not able to pass over. immediately at table?' Will he 8 27 Then he said to Abraham, I be- not rather say, Get supper ready, seech thee, therefore, father, send and prepare thyself to wait upon him to my father's house; for I me, whilst I eat and drink, and af28 have five brethren; that he may terwards do thou also eat and expostulate with them, lest they al- drink!' Is he under any obliga-9 so come into this place of torment.' tion to that servant for doing what 29 Abraham saith unto him, "They he commanded him? I think not. have Moses and the prophets, let In like manner, say ye also, when 10 30 them hear these.' And he said, ye have done all that was comNay, Father Abraham, but if one manded you, We are servants go to them from the dead, they that have conferred no favour :


more than

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in the days of Noah, so it will be al- CHAP
so in the days of the son of man.
They ate, they drank, they married 27
wives, they were given in marriage,
until the day when Noah entered
the ark, and the flood came, and
destroyed them all. In like man- 28

them how to escape.

And on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus heals as he was passing through the midst ten lepers; of Samaria, and Galilee, and was 12 entering a certain village, there met him ten lepers, who stood afar 13 off, and lifted up their voices, say-ner, as it was also in the days of ing, "Jesus, master! have pity on Lot, they ate, they drank, they 14 us. And when he saw them, he bought, they sold, they planted, said unto them, "Go, show your- they built. But on the day when 29 selves unto the priest." And as Lot went out of Sodom, fire and they were going, they were cleans-brimstone were rained down from 15 ed. And one of them, when he heaven, and destroyed them all. saw that he was healed, turned Even so will it be on the day when 30 back, glorifying God with a loud the son of man is revealed. 16 voice. And fell on his face at the "In that day, whoever shall be 31 feet of Jesus, giving him thanks; on the house top, and his goods in directs 17 and he was a Samaritan. Then the house, let him not 3 come Jesus said, "Were not the ten down, and take them away; and cleansed? but where are the nine ?in like manner, let not him that is in the field turn back. Remember 32 Lot's wife. Whosoever shall seek 33 to save his life, shall lose it, and re-whoever shall be willing to lose his life in the cause of truth, shall preserve it. I say unto you, in that 34 night there will be two men upon the same couch, one will be taken away, and the other left. women will be grinding together, one will be taken away, and the other left. Two men will be in 36 the field, one will be taken away, and the other left." And they say 37 unto him, " Where, master," and he said unto them," Where the body is, there will the eagles be gathered together!"*

18 None have returned to give glory to
19 God, except this stranger."
Jesus said unto the man, "Arise,
go thy way; thy faith hath
stored thee."


mistake of the Phari

sees re->



them of evils to come ;


Two 35

Now, having been asked by the corrects a Pharisees, when the kingdom of God was to come, Jesus answered, "The kingdom of God cometh not specting the with outward show ; nor will men kingdom of say of it, 'Lo! here; or lo! there;' for behold the kingdom of God is among you. I am now preaching it." Then he said to the disciples, "A time will come when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the son of man, and will not see it. 23 And if any shall say unto you, 'Lo! he is here, or lo! he is there,' Then too Jesus showed his dis- CHAP. XVIII. 24 go not out in search of him. For ciples by this parable, that they as the flash of lightning which ought to pray often without being Parable of lighteneth out of one part under weary. "In a certain city there was the unjust heaven, shineth to another part a judge, who feared not God, nor under heaven, so will the son of regarded man; and there was a 3 25 man be in his day. But first widow in the same city, who came must he suffer many things from to him, saying, Do me justice this generation, and be scornfully against my adversary; and he re- 4 26 rejected by them. And as it was fused for some time; but afterward


* Such peaceable days as you now see.
He refers to the war with the Romans.


But hastily escape by the outer stairs.
• Wherever the unbelieving Jews are,


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