There is a school abroad, there is a school in England and in Canada, a school which is perhaps represented on the floor of this parliament, a school which wants to bring Canada into the vortex of militarism which is the curse and the blight of Europe.... Life and Letters of Sir Wilfrid Laurier - Page 293by Oscar Douglas Skelton - 1921Full view - About this book
| Encyclopedias and dictionaries - 1903 - 914 pages in England and in Canada, a school which is perhaps represented on the floor of this Parliament, which wants to bring Canada into the vortex of militarism,...curse and the blight of Europe. I am not prepared to indorse any such policy." The conference, as finally constituted, was composed of the Premiers of Canada,... | |
| Estelle Marie Burns - 1926 - 208 pages
...of this Parliament, which wants to bring Canada into the vortex of militar lam that is the curse and blight of Europe. I am not prepared to endorse any such policy. "3 The conference in London, however, marked the beginning, in Mr. Harcourt's words "of Imperial co-operation."... | |
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