THE Young Gentleman's ARITHMETICK; CONTAINING The more Easy and Useful By EDWARD WELLS, D. D. The Second EDITION. ( LONDON, Printed for JAMES KNAPTON, at the Crown L.C.11-1295.M. The General PREFACE. A Sit is an Happiness So it is an Happi- 1 For as it is one Branch of the Transcendent Excellency of GOD, that He is the infinitely Wife Creator of all Things; So it is one Branch of the Excellency of Man, that He is able to contemplate and apprehend the infinite Wisdom of bis Creator, manifested in the Works of the Creation: Whereunto Nothing conduces more than the Knowledge of Mathematicks. For we are affured (+) by the wisest of Men, that GOD has order'd all Things in Measure, Number, and Weight, that is, according to the Rules of Mathematicks : (+) Wisdom of Solomon, Chap. 11. Ver. 20. And And therefore, He that would rightly apprehend the Excellent Order or Contrivance of the Creation, must first understand the Sciences relating to MeaSure, Number, and Weight, that is, the several Parts of Mathematicks. And, fince GOD sends no One into the World, to be idle, or only to take Lis Pastime therein; but the more He has free'd Gentlemen from bodily Labour, the more He expects they should exercise the Faculties of their Minds, in order to bis greater Glory, by raising their Minds to more clear and Sublime Apprehenfions of bis Divine Perfections; and fince A 4 the |