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heres to any object brought in contact with it. An insect which touches one of these spirals and tries to escape, becomes entangled in the neighboring lines and is thus held fast until the spider can reach it. If one of these elastic lines be examined with a microscope, it is a most beautiful object. There are strung upon it, like pearls, little drops of sticky fluid, which render it not only elastic but adhesive.

Some species of orb-weavers remain at the center of the web, while others hide in some little retreat near at hand. If in the middle, the

A dewy morning. Insect Life, Comstock.

spider always keeps watchful claws upon the radii of the web so that if there is any jarring of the structure by an entrapped insect, it is at once apprised of the fact; if the spider is in a den at one side, it keeps a claw upon a trap line which is stretched tightly from the hub of the web to the den, and thus communicates any vibration of the web to the hidden sentinel. When the insect becomes entangled, the spider rushes out and envelops it in a band of silk, which feat it accomplishes, by turning the insect over and over rapidly, meanwhile spinning a broad, silken band which swathes it. It may bite the insect before it begins to swathe it in silk, or afterwards. It usually hangs the swathed insect to the web near where it was caught, until ready to eat it; it then takes the prey to the center of the web, if there is where the spider usually sits, or to its den at one side, if it is a den-making species, and there sucks the insect's blood, carefully throwing away the hard parts.

The spider does not become entangled in the web, because, when it runs it steps upon the dry radii and not upon the sticky spiral lines. During the busy season, the spider is likely to make a new web every twenty-four hours, but this depends largely upon whether the web has meanwhile been destroyed by large insects.

The spider's method of making its first bridge is to place itself upon some high point and, lifting its abdomen in the air, to spin out on the breeze a thread of silk. When this touches any object, it adheres, and the spider draws in the slack until the line is "taut;" it then travels across this bridge, which is to support its web, and makes it stronger by doubling the line. From this line, it stretches other lines by fastening a thread to one point, and then walking along to some other point, spinning the thread as it goes and holding the line clear of the object on which it is walking by means of one of its hind legs. When the right point is reached, it pulls the line tight, fastens it, and then, in a similar fashion, proceeds to make


another. It may make its first radius by dropping from its bridge to some point below; then climbing back to the center, it fastens the line for another radius, and spinning as it goes, walks down and out to some other point, holding the thread clear and then pulling it tight before fastening it. Having thus selected the center of the web, it goes back and forth to and from it, spinning lines until all of the radii are completed and fastened at one center. It then starts at the center and spins a spiral, laying it onto the radii to hold them firm. However, the lines of this spiral are farther apart and much more irregular than the final spiral. Thus far, all of the threads the spider has spun are inelastic and not sticky; and this first, or temporary spiral is used by the spider to walk upon when spinning the final spiral. It begins the latter at the outer edge instead of at the center, and works toward the middle. As the second spiral progresses, the spider with its jaws cuts away the spiral which it first made, and which it has used as a scaffolding. A careful observer may often see remnants of this first spiral on the radii between the lines of the permanent spiral. The spider works very rapidly and will complete a web in a very short time. The final spiral is made of the elastic and adhesive silk.

References-Comstock's Manual; Common Spiders, Emerton; The Spider Book, Comstock; Nature's Craftsmen, McCook.



Leading thought-No structure made by a creature lower than man is so exquisitely perfect as the orb-web of the spider.

Method-There should be an orb-web where the pupils can observe it, preferably with the spider in attendance.

Observations-1. Is the orb-web usually hung horizontally or ver



Observe the radii, or "spokes," of the web. How many are there? How are they fastened to surrounding objects? Is each spoke fastened to some object or to a framework of silken lines?

3. Observe the silken thread laid around the spokes. Is it a spiral line or is each circle complete? Are the lines the same distance apart on the outer part of the web as at the center? How many of the circling lines are there?

4. Is the center of the web merely an irregular net, or are there bands of silk put on in zigzag shape?

5. Touch any of the "spokes" lightly with the point of a. pencil. Does it adhere to the pencil and stretch out as you pull the pencil away? Touch one of the circling lines with a pencil point, and see if it adheres to the point and is elastic. What is the reason for this difference in the stickiness and elasticity of the different kinds of silk in the orb-web?

6. If an insect touches the web, how does it become more entangled by seeking to get away?

7. Where does the spider stay, at the center of the web or in a little retreat at one side?

8. If an insect becomes entangled in the web, how does the spider discover the fact and act?

9. If the spider sits at the middle of the orb, it has a different method for discovering when an insect strikes the web than does the spider that hides in a den at one side. Describe the methods of each.


How does the spider make fast an insect? Does it bite the insect before it envelops it in silk? Where does it carry the insect to feed upon it?

II. How does the spider manage to run about its web without becoming entangled in the sticky thread? How often does the orb-weaver make a new web?

A partially completed orb-web.

a, the temporary spiral stay line; b, the sticky
spiral line; c, the fragments of the tem-
porary spiral hanging to a radius.
Comstock's Manual.

3. How does it make the first radius?


How an Orb-web is Made

Spiders may be seen making their webs in the early morning or in the evening. Find an orb-web with a spider in attendance; break the web without frightening the spider and see it replace it in the early evening, or in the morning about daybreak. An orbweaver may be brought into the house on its web, when the web is on a branch, and placed where it will not be disturbed, and thus be watched at leisure.

Observations-I. How does the spider manage to place the supporting line between two points?

2. How does it make the framework for holding the web in place?

How does it make the other radii and select the point which is to be the center of the web?

5. How does it keep the line which it is spinning

clear of the line it walks upon?

6. After the radii are all made, are they fastened at the center?

7. How and where does the spider first begin to spin a spiral? Are the lines of this spiral close together or far apart? For what is the first spiral used?

8. Where does it begin to spin the permanent spiral? Where does it walk when spinning it? By the way it walks on the first spiral, do you think it is sticky and elastic? What does it do with the first spiral while the second one is being finished?




The zigzag strengthening band at center of an orb-web.

If the center of the web has a zigzag ribbon of silk, when was it put

IO. How many minutes did it take the spider to complete the web? Supplementary reading "Argiope of The Silver Shield," Insect Stories,


[graphic][merged small]


Teacher's Story

'IKE bubbles cut in half, these delicate domes catch the light rays and separate them like a prism into waves of rainbow colors. One of these domes is usually about the size of an ordinary bowl, and is suspended with the opening on the lower side. It is held in place by many guy-lines which attach it to surrounding objects. Above a filmy dome are always stretched many crisscrossed threads for some distance up. These are for the purpose of hindering the flight of insects, so that they will fall into the web. The little spider, which always hangs, back downward, just below the center of the dome, rushes to its prey from the lower side, pulls it through the meshes of the web, and feeds upon it. But any remains of the insect or pieces of sticks or leaves which may drop upon the web, it carefully cuts out and drops to the ground, mending the hole very neatly.



Leading thought-One little spider spins a filmy dome, beneath the apex of which it hangs, back downward, awaiting its prey.

Method-On a sunny day in late summer or early autumn, while walking along woodland paths, the careful observer is sure to see suspended among the bushes or in the tops of weeds, or among dead branches of young hemlocks, the filmy dome webs. They are about as large as a small bowl, and usually so delicate that they cannot be seen unless the sun shines upon them; they are likely to be exquisitely iridescent under the sun's rays. Such a dome may be studied by a class or by the pupils individually.

Observations-1. Where did you discover the filmy dome? What is the size of the dome? Does it open above or below? How is it held in place?


Are there many crisscrossed threads extending above the dome? If so, what do you think they are for?

Where does the spider stay? Is the spider large and heavy, or small and delicate?


What does the spider do if an insect becomes entangled in its web? 5. Throw a bit of stick or leaf upon a filmy dome web, and note what becomes of it.

"With spiders I had friendship made,
And watch'd them in their sullen trade."


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