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justice, self-advantage, impiety of
divine self-sacrifice, immorality of
a Gospel for sinners, reason, ii,
339-344; presentation of the Gos-
pel, and the elements of pagan
responsiveness, ii, 344-349; Paul's
speech at Athens and Epistle to
the Romans, ii, 318, 346-348; the
appeal to the pagan conscience,
ii, 347; the change in converts,
ii, 349; the opposition roused, ii,
350; Christians hated as Jews, ii,
352; nocturnal meetings, ii, 354;
Christians called atheists, ii, 355;
government measures against
them, ii, 355-360; the Roman
principle of intolerance, ii, 357;
Pliny's letter to Trajan, ii, 358;
the course of the persecutions, ii,
360-364; its reasons, ii, 364-369;
Christian misunderstanding of
them, ii, 369-374; imperial jeal-
ousy of corporate organization, ii,

Romans, characteristics, i, 386, 400,
402, 407, 414. 417; ii, 10; ability
for self-government, i, 387; native
literature and art, i, 389, 429; the
Family, i, 389; patria potestas, i,
390; wife's position, i, 391; early
constitution of the state, i, 392;
the king, i, 393; kingship abol-
ished, i, 394; magistracies, i, 394;
patricians and plebeians, i, 395;
demands of the Latins, i, 395;
agrarian struggles, i, 396; politi-
cal development, i, 397; senate
and senatorial government, i, 398;
early military organization, i, 400;
camps, i, 401; international ethics,
i, 403; religion, i, 406; the early
law of debtor and creditor, i, 410-
414; early Greek influence upon,
i, 416 et seq., art and architecture
under the Republic, i, 429; their
position in human progress, ii,
384, 385. See Roman Empire
Romans, Paul's epistle to, ii, 315
Rome, advantages of situation, i,
388; condition in Cæsar's time,
i, 453, 454. See Roman Empire,

Rutilius, ii, 342


Sacramento, legis actio, i, 411, 413
Sacrifices, conception of in Ancient

India, i,67, et seq.; connection with

penances, i, 80, note 3; none in
Buddhism, i, 96; in the Avesta,
i, 117, note; with the Hebrew
prophets, ii, 142, 143

Sadducees, ii, 227, 228, 251, 263
Samaritan woman, discourse with,
ii, 285
Samnites, i, 404

Samuel, ii, 107-109

Sappho, i, 247, 253, 353, 354
Sargon of Accad, i, 33

Satires of Lucilius, i, 424, 435; of
Persius, ii, 49; of Juvenal, ii, 50,

Saturnian metre, i, 418, 422
Saul, ii, 108, 109

Sceptics, later Greek philosophers,
i, 384

Scipio Africanus, (the elder) speech
of, i, 403; attitude towards Greek
culture, i, 424

Scipio Africanus, the younger, i,


Scopas, i, 273; characteristics of
art, i, 361; the Niobe, i, 367
Sculpture, Egyptian, i, 31
Sculpture, Greek, its mode of setting

forth personality, i, 265; progress
in, i, 271; early examples, i, 272;
the beauty sought, i, 273; differ-
ences in carving gods and athletes,
i, 277; unity and symmetry, i,
278; in relief, i, 278; pediments
of Parthenon and the temple at
Ægina, i, 278-281; later Greek,
i, 361-370
"Second Isaiah," ii, 141; passages
from, ii, 139; the servant of
Jehovah in, ii, 155 et seq.
Semites and Aryans, conceptions of
sin, i, 63; conceptions of deity,

ii, 99

Semites, in Mesopotamia, i, 32
Senate and Senatorial government
at Rome, i, 398; remodelled by
Cæsar, i, 458

Seneca, ii, 57-60, 394
Sermon on the Mount, ii, 258, 271
Servant, the, of Jehovah, ii, 154-

171; correspondence in character
with Christ, ii, 238

Severus, Alexander and Septimius,
ii, 363

Shades, conception of in Homer, i,


Shun, Chinese emperor, i, 46
Simonides Iambograph, i, 221
Simonides of Keos, i, 221; ii, 387

Sin, sense of, in Babylonia, i, 35;
among Semites and Aryans, i, 63;
in the Avesta, i, 112. See Israel
Siren song, in Homer, i, 199
Slaves, modification of their condi-
tion under Roman Empire, ii, 54
Social war, i, 396
Socrates, speech upon love in the
Symposium, i, 256; conception of
beauty, i, 260, note; philosophy
and ethics, i, 317-321, 371; death
of, i, 308; ii, 65, 369

Solomon, ii, 117, 118; psalms of, ii,
230, 231
Solon, i, 221

Soma, ancient Indian god, i, 67 et

Son of Man, the, in the books of
Daniel and Enoch, ii, 229, 230
Sophists, the, i, 316, 384
Sophocles, i, 216, 228 et seq.; ii,
387, 394; his mode of greatening
human quality, i, 251, 263; ethos
in his dramas, i, 294

Sparta, i, 235, 241; in the time of
Cleomenes, i, 346

Spells, see Magic, Incantation
Spirit, conceivable only as person-
ality, ii, 304

Spurius Cassius, i, 450

State, the Greek, i, 234 et seq.
Stilpo, the Megarian philosopher, i,

Stoicism, i, 374; ii, 336, 339; phys-
ics, i, 375; conception of God,
i, 376; ii, 337; Providence, i,
376, 377; ethics, i, 377; ii, 336;
apathy, i, 378; conscience, i, 379;
at Rome under Republic, i, 441 ;
in the time of the Roman Empire,
ii, 56 et seq.; Seneca, ii, 57-60;
its religiousness and thoughts of
God, ii, 59 et seq.; Epictetus, ii,
60-65; its pathos, Marcus Au-
relius, ii, 65-76; the stoical fail-
ure, ii, 76, 77; place in human
progress, ii, 391
Sumer-Acad, peaceful character of,
i, 15; beliefs of as to a future
life, i, 19; culture, i, 32; Ea, i,

Sun, late pagan worship of, ii, 90,

Suppliants, the, i, 226

Symbolism, in Ancient India, i, 67

et seq.
Symmetry in Greek sculpture, i,

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Talionis, lex, in early Roman law,
i, 414, note; in Israel, ii, 118
Taoism, Chinese philosophy, i, 54
Tartarus, in Æneid VI, ii, 21
Tathāgata, title of Buddha, i, 91
Tatian, ii, 370

Teiresias, in Hades, i, 163
Telemachus, i, 175, 182

Tell el Amarna, cuniform tablets, i,
131; ii, IOI

Temperance, Greek, i, 202, 241, et

Temples, Egyptian, i, 29; Greek, i,
269, 281

Terence, i, 425

Tertullian, ii, 348, 371-375

Thales, i, 303, 306

Themis, i, 205, 206, 214, 247

Themistocles, i, 233

Theocritus, i, 355, 357

Theognis, i, 202, 221

Thetis, i, 160, 168
Thothmes III., i, 24

Thoughts, the, of Marcus Aurelius,
ii, 67 et seq.
Thrasea, ii, 60
Tibullus, ii, 41, 52

Tiryns, i, 140; fresco from palace,
i, 141

Tragedy, Greek, origin, i, 286;
Aristotle's definition, i, 287; the
plot, i, 288; function of chorus,
i, 289; the messenger in, i, 290;
ethos in, i, 291 et seq.; Sophocles
and Euripides, i, 294 et seq.;
effect of, i, 298; the tragic char-
acter, i, 298

Trajan, and the Christians, ii, 359,
361, 362

Transmigration, Ancient Indian
thoughts, i, 72

Treaties, formal requirements in
regard to, at Rome, i, 405
Troy, civilization of, i, 129
Truth, the," shall make you free,"
ii, 289; the three stages of, ii,
302, 305; sanctification in, ii,
Turnus, character in the Æneid, ii,
16, 17

Twelve Tables, i, 410, 413
Tyrtæus, i, 220


Ulpianus, ii, 53, 54

Unity, in Greek sculpture, i, 278,
285, in Greek tragedy, i, 287
Universal, the, in the Concrete, in
art, i, 263

Upanishads, Indian Treatises, i, 72
et seq.


Vaphio, gold cups from, i, 142
Varuna, Indian god, i, 63, 65
Veda, see Rig-Veda and Yajur-Veda
Vedic Aryans, i, 58; institutions, i,
59 affinity with Iranians, i, 104-

Ver sacrum, i, 408

Vespasian, ii, 28, 361, 365, 367
Vindex, in early Roman law, i, 412
Virgil, his love of Italy, ii, 8, 9;

the Georgics, ib.; the Æneid ex-
pressive of the public ideal of the
age, ii, 11-19; episode of Dido,
ii, 14, 15; the underworld, Eneid
VI., ii, 19; the Golden Age,
the fourth Eclogue, ii, 24; deifi-
cation of the emperor, ii, 26;
Virgil heralds the coming spir-
itual change, ii, 32; Virgil and
Homer, ii, 32; pathos in the
Eneid, ii, 33-40; tenderness
towards all life, ii, 40; representa-
tive of pagan preparation for
Christianity, ii, 335, 393
Virtue, the Socratic conception, i,
318; the Platonic conception, i,
332; Aristotle's distinctions, i,
336; in Stoicism, i, 377-381; the
general pagan conception, ii, 342

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Women, permitted to form Buddhist
communities, i, 96, note 4; posi-
tion in early Rome, i, 391;
morality at Rome under the Em-
pire, ii, 51, 52

Word, the, in the prologue to John's
Gospel, ii, 274

World, the, and Christ, in John's
Gospel and Epistle, ii, 276-279
Writing, the alphabet, i, 136;
among the Hebrews, ii, 100


Xanthus of Sardis, reference to
Zoroaster, i, 122
Xenophanes, i, 305, 308-310


Yao, Chinese emperor, i, 46
Yu, Chinese emperor, i, 46

Zarathushtra, personality, i, 106;
character of his religion, i, 109;
vicissitudes of his reform, i, 110;
dualism, i, III; sin and right-
eousness according to, i, 111-113;
the later corruption of his faith, i,
116; connection with the Medes
and Persians, i, 119; probably a
Magian, i, 120, 121; his date, i,
121; possible influence on the
Jews, ii, 223; position in human
development, ii, 381. See Avesta
Zechariah, ii, 135
Zend-A vestra,

see Avesta, Zara-

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