ment, he laid the foundation of the Hospital for soldiers; erected Charles Fort, to secure the harbour of Kinsale; and by detecting gross frauds in the revenue, and other measures, very considerably augmented both the finances and the forces of the kingdom. The King at this time, with a view of gaining over his enemies, adopted the method of making them more formidable, by placing them in posts of power and credit; for which end, he desired Ormond to resign his post of Lord Steward of the Household. The account of the Popish plot being sent to Ireland, as including a design upon his Grace's life, occasioned his issuing proclamations and taking various precautions necessary upon such an occasion: as his moderation, however, did not meet the wishes of the more violent tempers with which he was surrounded, a design of assassinating him was strongly rumoured, and letters to that purpose were dropped in the streets, with the hope that for the sake of his own security he might be urged to greater severities. But his firmness of mind was not to be shaken. 6 Lord Shaftesbury in the House of Peers having insinuated, that Ormond was popishly inclined,' from this attack the Duke's friends inferred farther designs against him, and accordingly advised him to come to England. But on writing for the royal permission, the answer he received was, His Majesty had one of his kingdoms in good hands, and he was resolved to keep it so.' As it was still whispered, however, that he was to be removed, Lord Arlington inquired of his royal Master If such a report was true?" "No," replied Charles, "It is a dd lie; I am satisfied, while Ormond is in Ireland, that kingdom is safe." The King, who believed that designs were formed to limit his authority, would have brought Lord Shaftesbury to his trial: but the grand jury properly threw out the bill, and as the ferment afterward abated in England, the Irish mind likewise sunk into a sympathetic repose. Under these favourable circumstances, the Lieutenant in 1682 had an opportunity, on the royal invitation, of coming over to London, leaving his son (the Earl of Arran) Lord Deputy. Upon his arrival he met with a most affectionate reception from his Majesty, was sworn of the Privy Council, and created an English Duke. . After two years' residence in England, he received orders to return to his government. No sooner had he set off, than he was attacked on some suggestions from Colonel Talbot; who made such a report to the King, that a general reformation in the council, the magistracy, and the army of Ireland was determined, and his Grace was warned by Sir Robert Southwell of his intended removal. Shortly afterward, the King himself intimated to him his pleasure upon the subject. On the sixth of February 1685, his Majesty died; and the Duke, having first caused James II. to be proclaimed, within four days laid down his office.* On his way to England, he received the news of Lord Clarendon succeeded him in the Lieutenancy; but, after a twelvemonth's enjoyment of that dignity, was recalled to make way for Colonel Talbot (created Earl of Tyrconnel) who introduced great changes in both the civil and the military establishment. his regiment of horse being given to Colonel Talbot; but notwithstanding these affronts from the court, he was met near London by great numbers of coaches, and received at his house by the populace with loud acclamations. He was, also, continued Lord Steward of the Household, and at the ensuing coronation again carried the crown. At a subsequent period, he withstood the first instance of his Majesty's exercising a dispensing power; and, when James sounded him on the design of abolishing the penal laws, expressed himself unalterably steady in his dislike of what he foresaw would be contrary to the interests of the crown, however it might gratify the inclinations of it's wearer. He was, without doubt, one of the best, as well as the greatest men of his time; with all the virtues requisite to adorn the station which he occupied, and very few foibles. Generous, high-spirited, and upright, in personal accomplishments he was exceeded by none: his behaviour, graceful and easy, was at the same time full of dignity, and created respect in all who saw him. He spoke extremely well both in private and in public, and expressed himself with great elegance and facility. From the comprehensiveness of his genius, there were few subjects, of which he was not entirely master; and yet, with all his talents and experience, he was extremely modest. Constitutionally loyal to his prince in all circumstances, and fearless of consequences in the discharge of duty, he still held that the law was to be the guide of sovereigns as well as of subjects; and, true to the interest of his country, he pursued and asserted it upon all occasions. He was a steady friend to the Church of England, and bred in his family several men of learning who attained to eminence among these were Hough the excellent Bishop of Worcester, and Dr. Thomas Burnet of the Charter House. Descended from a very fortunate family, he was himself the most fortunate of that family. He was extremely happy in domestic concerns, living with his Duchess in a state of the most tender affection, and regarding her death, which took place about four years before his own, as the heaviest of his afflictions. He passed through a long life and a great variety of events with the highest reputation, was esteemed and beloved by the good of all parties, and upon his decease universally regretted. He died of the gout on the twenty first of July, 1686; and, on the fourth of August, was buried in Westminster Abbey. His grandson James (son of the Earl of Ossory, and second Duke of Ormond) was appointed to the high station of Lord Lieutenant of Ireland four times during the reign of Queen Anne, in the years 1703, 1704, 1710, and 1711. He was subsequently attainted by parliament, and retired in 1718 to France, where he died in 1746. 239 EDMUND WALLER.* [1605-1687.] THIS elegant poet was the son of Robert Waller, born in 1605. As he lost his father when very young, the care of his education devolved upon his remaining parent. He had, however, the advantage of being left in very affluent circumstances. The writer of the Life prefixed to his Works says, " His father had the reputation of a wise man, and his economy was one of the distinguishing marks of his' prudence. For though the family of Waller in Buckinghamshire was but a younger branch of the Wallers in Kent, yet this gentleman at his death left his son an estate of 3,500l. a-year; † a fortune, at that time, fit for a nobleman. And indeed the antiquity of this family, and the services they have rendered their country, deservedly place it among the most honourable in England." By the same author & * AUTHORITIES. Life of Waller (prefixed to his Works, 1712); Wood's Athena Oxonienses, and Clarendon's History of the Great Rebellion. † An income which, according to Johnson, " rating together the value of money and the customs of life, we may reckon more than equivalent to ten thousand at the present time.” |