| Edward Bysshe - English language - 1710 - 624 pages
...Deep : His rapid Force no longer helps the Boar, The Stag fwims fafter than he ran before : The Fowls, long beating on their Wings in vain, Defpair of Land,...Now Hills and Vales no more Diftinftion know, And level'd Nature lies opprefs'd below. Dryd.O'viii. DESPAIR. Defpair, whofe Torments no Men fure But... | |
| Charles Gildon - Criticism - 1718 - 490 pages
...Deep : His rapid Force no longer helps the Boar, The Stag fwims fafter than he ran before t The Fowh, long beating on their Wings in vain, Defpair of Land,...Now Hills and Vales no more Diftinftion know, " And lerel'd Nature lies opprefs'd below. Dryd. Ovid. DESIRE. And him befide marcht amorous De/!re, who... | |
| John Dryden - English poetry - 1743 - 352 pages
...deep : His rapid force no longer helps the Boar : The Stag fwims fafter than he ran before. The Fowls, long beating on their Wings in vain, Defpair of Land,...and drop into the Main. Now Hills and Vales no more diflinftion know ; And levell'd Nature lies opprefs'd below. The moft of Mortals perifh in the Flood... | |
| John Dryden - English poetry - 1760 - 526 pages
...deep : His rapid force no longer helps the boar : The ftag fwims fafter than he ran before. The fowls, long beating on their wings in vain, Defpair of land,...and drop into the main. Now hills and vales no more diftin&ion know, And levell'd nature lies opprefs'd below. The moft of mortals perifh in the flood,... | |
| John Dryden - English poetry - 1767 - 396 pages
...force no longer helps the boar: The ftasr fwims fafter than he ran before. * " " U 4 The The fowls, long beating on their wings in vain, Defpair of land,...opprefs'd below. The moft of mortals perifh in the ftood, The fmall remainder dies for want of food. A mountain of ftupendous height there ftands Betwixt... | |
| John Dryden - English poetry - 1767 - 392 pages
...fafter than he rah before. U 4 -•'• Th* The fowls, long beating on their wings in vain, DC! pair of land, and drop into the main. Now hills and vales no more diilinftion know, And levell'd nature lies opprefs'd below. The moil of mortals perifh in the flood,... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 364 pages
...deep : His rapid force no longer helps the boar : The ftag fwims faftcr than he ran before. The fowls, long beating on their wings in vain, Defpair of land,...Now hills and vales no more diftinftion know, And level'd nature lies opprefs'd below. The moil of mortals peri(h in the ftood, The fmall remainder dies... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 360 pages
...Defpair of land, and drop into the main. Now hills and vales no more diftindlion know, And level'd nature lies opprefs'd below. The moft of mortals perifh in the flood, The finall remainder dies for want of food. A mountain of ftupendous height there ftands Betwixt th' Athenian... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 352 pages
...: The flag fwims fafter than he ran before. The fowls, long beating on their wings in vain, Deipair of land, and drop into the main. Now hills and vales no more diftinction know, And level'd nature lies opprefs'd below. The moft of mortals perim in the flood,... | |
| English poets - 1790 - 352 pages
...J)efpair of land, and drop into , the main. Blow hills and vales no more diftinction know, And level'd nature lies opprefs'd below. The moft of mortals perifh...flood, The fmall remainder dies for. want of food. A mountain of ftupendous height there Hands Betwixt th' Athenian and Bceotian lands. The bound of fruitful... | |
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