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Diftrefs of the Weavers in Spital-Fields.

I therefore respectfully prefume to ask you if there is any probability of amendment in the trade, and when it may probably happen. Would a petition to the king, or the executive government'; be productive of any alle. viation of our forrows? Or will the emigration of the weavers to America (the number who are already gone thither is already confiderable) be productive of any relief to the trade, or be attended with circumftances favour. able to the happiness of thofe who may be difpofed to emigrate ?

An answer to thefe queries in the next Magazine will very much oblige, your humble fervant D. S.


Bethnal Green,

October 3 1793.

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YOUR polite, but diftreffing letter came to my hands 11 h. 30 m. P. M. October 16, 1793. Fifteen degrees of the fign Aries culminated, 6 degrees 36 minutes of the fign Leo afcended. The Sun, lord of the horofcope, was in 24 degrees of Libra. Saturn R, in the tenth houfe, in 13 degrees 45 minutes of Taurus, 24 degrees of that fign being upon the cufp of the eleventh. Mars, the fignificator of the king, was in 5 degrees 37 minutes of Virgo. Venus is alfo in 17 degrees 55 minutes of Virgo, her fall. gittarius is intercepted in the fifth houfe; Jupiter lord thereof, and of the ninth houfe, is in 2 degrees 17 minutes of Sagittary, (15 degrees of Pifces being upon the cusp of the ninth) is the ftrongest planet in the figure.


If this figure is radical, the querent is a strong, well proportioned, portly perfon, oval face, fanguine, cheerful complexion, fometimes pimples on the

face; fubject to complaints of the uri nary paffages; of a humane difpofition, and a lover of juftice; very much engaged in what relates to women; the Sun being in Libra, the house of Venus, which is oppofed to Aries, wherein he has his exaltation, is a clear indication that the querent never can be benefited, but will always be detri mented by war, whenever it is poffible for that deftructive foe to public and domeftic peace to affect his concerns.

In this question the planet Mars is the fignificator of our gracious fovereign: what difpofitions that planet indicates when in Virgo, may be gathered from feveral books that have been published concerning the 'refolution of horary questions. Venus being the lady of the feventh house, from the fourth, indicates the fallen flate, and very perilous condition of fome eminent, fhrewd, and beautiful female, with whom his majesty may have corresponded, and is acquainted; for that lady's fignificator is cadent, pe regrine, unaffitted by Jupiter, and has recently tranfited the very degree of the fign in which the Sun was lately eclipfed, while in that helpless condition the Moon afflicted her with an oppofi


Hence alfo we may infer the decayed ftate of the filk manufacture. The unhappy perfons concerned in that branch of bufinefs would furely act conftitu tionally, were they to prefent a petition, not to Pitt, but to the King; it would be received with fome marks of condefcenfion: but the weakness of most of the fignificators in this fcheme do not promife that fuch a measure would produce effectual relief.

With respect to embarking for America, it is a meafure that we can by no means recommend to the querent; the Sun, his fignificator, wanting but fix degrees of a moveable, and thir teen degrees and a half of a fixed

Happiness and rifing Greatness of the American States. 95

fign, of a hateful; unfortunating oppolition of Saturn, lord of the fixth, leventh, and eighth houses. The Sun in the fourth would be oppreffed by the malignant rays of Saturn from the tenth houfe: hence I judge that the latter part of the voyage would be particularly unfortunate, in fome lake, bay, or creek, fignified by Scorpio, fome diafter would happen, that would not only be destructive to his property, but his health, and probably his life; in. deed, this gentleman continuing to refide here, ought to be particularly circumfpect, and if poffible to avoid any dealings or connexion with fuch perfons as he will perceive to be defcribed by Saturn in Taurus. With fuch he will probably have an interview in a very few days after the appearance of this pub.


With refpect to the common people, that is to fay, the working or operative weavers, their fignificator being in the ninth houfe applying to Jupiter, and that benevolert planet located in his own houfe, he is by far the frongelt in the figure: there is therefore no doubt but that fuch who are not too old, or enfeebled by natural or acquir. ed infirmities, (for fuch perfons fhould in all poffible cafes avoid the viciffitudes of climes) would find their condition greatly meliorated and improved by ********* *** *******.

That the treasury of this country is at prefent in a very exhausted state, is evident, from the debilitated ftate of Venus, lady of the fecond, from the tenth; that the Parliament impoverish certain coffers may be easily underflood from the propinquity of Saturn to the cufp of the eleventh houfe. That the King's fervants, Pitt and Pitt's.coadjutors, have got the gift of the gap, or in other words,

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can make the worse appear the better reafon, is clearly denoted by Mercury, lord of the fixth from the tenth, being in an airy fign: but as that planet is combuft, and only a martial planet, and an emaciated Venus in his afcendant, all the good, if any is accomplished for us, may be placed to the account of the Chapter of Accidents. As to any benefit to be de rived from the profecution of the war, I may fafely venture to affirm, that no aftrologer in the kingdom can see any thing in this fcheme that can warrant him to promise it.

The times are fo hoftile to indepen dence of opinion, that we can take no further notice of this querent's application than by quoting the fentiments of others--

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Empire," fays Morfe," has been travelling from east to west; probably her last and broadeft feat will be in America: Here the fciences and the arts of civilized life, are to receive their higheft improvement: Here civil and religious liberty are to flourish unchecked by the cruel and blighting hand of civil and religious tyranny: Here genius, aided by all the improvements of former ages, is to be exerted in humanizing mankind-in expanding and enriching their minds with religious and philofophical knowledge-and in

* The measure of time for this, application, feems to be a day for each degree of the moveable fign, and a week for each degree of the Sun's progretion into Scorpio, a fixed fign. In giving judgment concerning the re-capture of Touton, in the laft Magazine; I perceived that i had allowed too thort a fpace of time, for the accompliament of that undertaking; the fignificators being pofited in fixed figns, and fuccedent houfes. My aftrological conjectures have been partly realized by the command of that place being affigned from Lord Hood, to Lrd Mulgrave: the re-capture of the place, I think ftill, is an event that will certainly happen, probably by the twenty-feventh of this, or the firth of next month, Or are we, feeing Venus wanted ten degre;s of the square of Jupiter, in the figure to suppoft that it will be fo many weeks ?



Means of Relieving the Tooth-ach.

planning and executing a form of go vernment which shall involve all the excellencies of former governments, with as few of their defects as is confiftent with the imperfection of human affairs, and which shall be calcu lated to protect and unite in a manner confiftent with the natural rights of mankind, the LARGEST EMPIRE that ever exifted.

Elevated with thefe profpects, which are not merely the vifions of fancy, we cannot but anticipate the period as not far diftant, when the American Empire will comprehend millions of fouls, even weft of the Miffifippi.

Judging upon probable grounds, the Miffilippi was never defigned as the western boundary of the American Empire: for can it be probable that the God of Nature ever intended that fome of the best part of his earth fhould be inhabited by the fubjects of a monarch refiding four thousand miles from them? And may we not venture to predict, that when the Rights of Man fhall

be more fully known, (and the know. ledge of them is faft increafing both in Europe and America) the power of European potentates will be confined to Europe, and their prefent American, and other of their prefent foreign dominions, become, like the United States, free, fovereign, and independent empires."

In fine, the American States will deteit the conduct of fome European governments, who, not content with being hoftile to the liberty of individuals, and dictating a form of government for twenty millions of people, by menacing states and kingdoms that wish to decline becoming parties in a difgraceful and fanguinary conteft, feem to imitate the example of Herod, who tormented the INNOCENT, rather than those whom they deem GUILTY fhould escape.

October 17, 1793.


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* Dr. Allen, Dr. Brookes, and, after them, Dr. Buchan, and fome others, recommends the root of the Yellow Water Flower-de Luce rubbed upon the topth, or a little of it chewed, for giving cafe in the tooth-ach, but it thould be cautiously ufed; the two following articles (which we have fomewhere feen before) are added not becaufe we have faith in them, but because we fuppofe our correfpondent has, or elfe he would not, we think, have been at the trouble of fending them, and paying the postage. We fhall always be thankful to our friends for their prompt communicating of any thing new or curious, provided especially that it have a useful tendency; but things of a doubtful nature, where our friends cannot vouch for their practicability or effect, we shall in future decline to infert.

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Lieutenant. "NOT far from this place ftands a village, which is faid to be haunted by a whole troop of devils. The manor-houfe, it feems, is their nocturnal place of rendezvous. These gentlemen, together with myfelf, have kept watch in the caftle these two nights paft

Pilgrim. (interrupting him)" And yet are not a whit the wifer than be. fore for thou art not the man to whom wifdom deigns her hidden lore; nor is the management of ghosts to thee entrusted."

Lieutenant. "That man, we fuppofe, can be no other than yourself." Pilgrim. "I understand the language of wifdom."

The lieutenant, naturally addicted to raillery, could no longer refrain from bursting into a loud laugh. Of this the pilgrim took no manner of notice, but returning to his former ftudy, was foon abforbed in meditation, from which, however, he was again roufed by the Count.

"Friend (began the latter) as fuch great wisdom appears to be contained in the book you read, maye be allowed to afk, who thofe fpirits are, and for what reafon they thus infest the abovementioned castle ?"



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How happens it, then, that you have never effayed your art upon thofe, which difturb the peace of the neighbouring village?"

Pilgrim. "Because I have no wifh, no interest in the case.”

Lieutenant. "Well but, Mr. Wifeacre, fuppofe that we should make you an offer of our purfes; might not money, perhaps, have fome weight in perfuading you to make a trial of your skill?”

Pilgrim, (in a violent rage) "Mean, fordid wretch! begone can gold be deemed equivalent to wisdom ?"

Lieutenant. "What then can purchafe it ?”

Pilgrim. courage ftand the teft ?" Lieutenant. 66 Were there any doubt of that, we fhould not have ventured to keep watch in a place fo formidable.”

"Nothing!--Will your

Pilgrim. night more

"Well then, watch one precifely three quarters

(after a long paufe) past eleven you will fee me to a cerN tainty

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