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Heart Gardens


Note: On Monday morning the teacher can read the story for the week during the opening exercises. Ea morning she can write the memory gems for the day on the backboard for the school to read in concert as a part of the opening exercise.


Seed Sowing

Ted and Fred were hard at work in the library. What? You don't believe those two could be together for work? Oh, I know that usually Ted and Fred stand for fun and frolic; but sometimes they really did work. And this was one of the times. For they were writing a composition on "Weeds."

Their teacher had given them a list of questions to answer; and if they answered all, those answers would make a nice long composition, by themselves. Here are a few from the list. Ted and Fred could answer these, and most of the others. I think you could, too, couldn't you?

1. Why is it harder to pull weeds when they are large?



What harm does pulling up large weeds do to the good

3. Why is it easier to keep weeds from starting than to pull them out?

4. Why are bad habits like weeds?

The teacher had told them the Bible story of the wheat and the tares; of course the boys knew that; but they had somehow not realized before that they were sowing seed every day in their heart gardens. And now part of their work was to make ut a list of good seeds to plant; they put down Unselfishness, thfulness, Honor, Kindness, etc.; their list covered a whole

Then there was to be a list of weeds to keep out; the oys had Unkindness, Deceit, Selfishness, Sabbath-breaking, Envy, and a whole page full of the bad habits or weeds. Indeed, they were quite discouraged at the long list of bad habits, until they remembered that the good plants were to be cultivated so thoroughly that they would grow tall and strong and smother out the weeds.

And their April "compos" on "Weeds" and "Seeds" were the best they had ever written, the teacher told them.

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Let it thrill the heart of each hero true

As it greets the eye on this hallowed day.

The flowers of spring with their sweet perfume

Are lovingly laid where these colors wave,

In the quiet place where each soldier sleeps,

All alone in the silent grass grown grave.

When the plaintive call of Taps lingers long,

On the quiet wind; mingled with the prayer,

At the graves of men who have fought and died;

For the cause they loved when life was so fair.

Let each loyal heart beat with honest pride,

For these faithful soldiers, and let it stir

The deeper feelings of pity and love, For these aged heroes of days that were.

May our glorious banner ever wave, Unstained; far above us in lofty pride;

Twas to keep its colors so pure and fair,

These true, loyal patriots suffere and died;

May the eagle bird fold its wings i Peace,

Forevermore; while we silently pra For a blessing on this country we lov At the close of each Memorial day MAUD FAVOR LITTLE.

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