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549. ANTI-SPASMODIC.--Mix four grains of subnitrate of bismuth, fortyeight grains of carbonate of magnesia, and the same quantity of white sugar, and then divide in four equal parts. Dose, one-fourth part. Use, in obstinate pain in the stomach with cramps, unattended by inflammation.

550. ANTI-PERTUSSAL, OR AGAINST HOOPING-COUGH.-Mix one drachm of powdered belladonna root, and two ounces of white sugar, together. Dose, six grains morning and evening for children under one year; nine grains for those under two and three years of age; fifteen grains for those between five and ten; and thirty grains for adults. Caution, this should be prepared by a chemist, as the belladonna is a poison, and occasional doses of castor oil should be given while it is being taken.

551. PURGATIVE (COMMON).-Mix ten grains of calomel, with one drachm of powdered jalap, and twenty grains of sugar. Dose, one-half of the whole for adults.

552. SUDORIFIC. Mix six grains of compound antimonial powder, two grains of ipecacuanha, and two grains of sugar, together. Dose, as mixed, to be taken at bed-time. Use, in catarrh and fever.

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of cloves. Dose, as prepared, early in the morning.

557. TO PREVENT PITTING AFTER SMALL-Pox.-Spread a sheet of thin leather with the ointment of ammoniacum with mercury, and cut out a place for the mouth, eyes, and nostrils. This forms what is called a mask, and, after anointing the eyelids with a little blue ointment (Unguentum hydrargyri), it should be applied to the face, and allowed to remain for three days for the distinct kind, and four days for the running variety. Period to apply it :— Before the spots fill with matter, although it will answer sometimes even after they have become pustulous. It may be applied to any part in the same way.

558. ANOTHER METHOD, and one more reliable, is that of touching every pustule, or poc, on the face or bosom with a camel-hair pencil dipped in a weak solution of lunar caustic (nitrate of silver), made in the proportion of two grains of nitrate of silver to one ounce of distilled water. The time for application is about the seventh day, while each pustule is filled with a limpid fluid, or before suppuration takes place, the lotion arresting that action, and by preventing the formation of matter, saving the skin from being pitted; a result that follows from the conversion of the adipose tissue into pus.

559. A THIRD METHOD of effecting the same purpose is by passing a fine needle through each poc, when fully distended with lymph; the escape of the fluid averting, as in the other mode, the suppuration which would otherwise ensue.

560. MUCILAGE OF GUM ARABIC.Rub one ounce of gum arabic in a mortar, with four ounces of warm water. Use, for coughs, &c.

561. MUCILAGE OF STARCH.-Rub one drachm of starch with a little water, and gradually add five ounces of water, then boil until it forms a mucilage. Use, for enemas, topical applications, and demulcents.


562. Diseases.

For the proper Remedies and their Doses see "Prescriptions."

563. It should be clearly understood, that in all cases of disease, the advice of a skilful physician is of the first importance. It is not, therefore, intended by the following information to supersede the important and necessary practice of the medical man; but rather, by exhibiting the treatment required, to show in what degree his aid is imperative. In cases, however, where the disorder may be simple and transient, or in which remote residence, or other circumstances, may deny the privilege of medical attendance, the following particulars will be found of the utmost value. Moreover, the hints given upon what should be AVOIDED will be of great service to the patient, since the physiological is no less important than the medical treatment of disease.

564. APOPLEXY.-Immediate and large bleeding from the arm, cupping at the back of the neck, leeches to the temples, aperients Nos. 1 and 7, one or two drops of croton oil rubbed or dropped on the tongue. Avoid excesses, intemperance, animal food.

565. BILE, BILIOUS, OR LIVER COMPLAINTS.-Abstinence from malt liquors, cool homeopathic cocoa for drink, no tea or coffee, few vegetables, no broths or soups; lean juicy meat not overcooked for dinner, with occasionally stale bread and a slice of toasted bacon for breakfast. Nos. 59 and 60.

566. CHICKEN Pox.--Mild aperients, No. 4, succeeded by No. 7, and No. 8, if much fever accompany the eruption. 567. CHILBLAINS. Warm, dry woollen clothing to exposed parts in cold weather, as a preventive. In the first stage, frictions with No. 63, used cold. When ulcers form they should be poulticed with bread and water for a day or two, and then dressed with calamine cerate. Or chilblains in every stage, whether of simple inflammation or open ulcer, may always be successfully


treated by the extract of lead (Liquor plumbi acetatis), used pure or applied on lint twice a day.

568. COMMON CONTINUED FEVER.Aperients in the commencement, No. 1, followed by No. 7, then diaphoretics, No. 8, and afterwards tonics, No. 16, in the stage of weakness. Avoid all excesses.

569. COMMON COUGH.-The linctus, No. 57 or No. 58, abstinence from malt liquor, and protection from cold damp air. Avoid cold, damp, and draughts.

570. CONSTIPATION.-The observance of a regular period of evacuating the bowels, which is most proper in the morning after breakfast. The use of mild aperients, No. 62, brown bread instead of white. There should be an entire change in the dietary for a few days while taking opening medicine.

571. CONSUMPTION. The disease may be complicated with various morbid conditions of the lungs and heart, which require appropriate treatment. To allay the cough, No. 57 is an admirable remedy. Avoid cold, damp, excitement, and over exertion.

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572. CONVULSIONS (CHILDREN). If during teething, free lancing of the gums, the warm bath, cold applications to the head, leeches to the temples, an emetic, and a laxative clyster, No. 24.

573. CROUP.-Leeches to the throat, with hot fomentations as long as the attack lasts; the emetic, No. 19, afterwards the aperient, No. 5. Avoid cold and damp.

574. DROPSY.-Evacuate the water by means of No. 11, and by rubbing camphorated oil into the body night and morning.

575. EPILEPSY.-If accompanied or produced by fulness of the vessels of the head, leeches to the temples, blisters, and No. 1 and No. 7. If from debility or confirmed epilepsy, the mixture, No. 22. Avoid drinking and excitement.

576. ERUPTIONS ON THE FACE.-The powder, No. 34, internally, sponging the face with the lotion, No. 35. Avoid excesses in diet.



tions, hot baths, iced drinks, the pills No. 33; move the bowels with clysters, if necessary, No. 24. Avoid cold, indigestible food, &c.

577. ERYSIPELAS.-Aperients, if the BOWELS.-Leeches, blisters, fomentapatient be strong, No. 1, followed by No. 7, then tonics, No. 31; No. 31 from the commencement in weak subjects. 578. FAINTNESS.-Effusion of cold water on the face, stimulants to the nostrils, pure air, and the recumbent position; afterwards, avoidance of the exciting cause. Avoid excitement.

579. FROST - BITE AND FROZEN LIMBS.No heating or stimulating liquors must be given. Rub the parts áffected with ice, cold, or snow water, and lay the patient on a cold bed.

580. GOUT.-The aperients No. 1, followed by No. 28, bathing the parts with gin-and-water; for drink, weak tea or coffee. Warmth by flannels. Abstain from wines, spirits, and animal food.

587. INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN. -Application of cold to the head, bleeding from the temples or back of the neck by leeches or cupping; aperients No. 1, followed by No. 7; mercury to salivation, No. 18. Avoid excitement, study, intemperance.

588. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS.-Bleeding from the arm, leeches over the seat of pain, aperients No. 5, followed by No. 64, the warm bath. Avoid violent exercise, rich living.

589. INFLAMMATION OF THE LIVER. -Leeches over the right side, the seat of pain, blisters, aperients No. 1, followed by No. 7, afterwards the pills No. 23, till the gums are slightly tender. Avoid cold, damp, intemperance, and anxiety.

581. GRAVEL.-No. 5, followed by No. 7, the free use of magnesia as an aperient. The pill No. 26. Abstain from fermented drinks, hard water. Another form of gravel must be treated by mineral acids, given three times a day. 590. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. 582. HOOPING COUGH.-Hooping-Bleeding from the arm or over the cough may be complicated with con- painful part of the chest by leeches, gestion or inflammation of the lungs, or succeeded by a blister; the demulcent convulsions, and then becomes a serious mixture, No. 17, to allay the cough, disease. If uncomplicated, No. 58. with the powders No. 18. Avoid cold, damp, and draughts.

583. HYSTERICS.-The fit may be prevented by the administration of thirty drops of laudanum, and as many of ether. When it has taken place open the windows, loosen the tight parts of the dress, sprinkle cold water on the face, &c. A glass of wine or cold water when the patient can swallow. Avoid excitement and tight lacing.

591. INFLAMMATION OF THE STOMACH.-Leeches to the pit of the stomach, followed by fomentations, cold iced water for drink, bowels to be evacuated by clysters; abstinence from all food except cold gruel, milk and water, or tea. Avoid excesses, and condiments.

584. INDIGESTION.---The pills No. 2, 592. INFLAMMATORY SORE THROAT. with the mixture No. 22, at the same-Leeches and blisters externally, apetime abstinence from veal, pork, mac- rients No. 1, followed by No. 7, garkarel, salmon, pastry, and beer; for gle to clear the throat, No. 20. Avoid drink, homoeopathic cocoa, a glass of cold, damp, and draughts. cold spring water the first thing every morning. Avoid excesses.

585. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER.-Bleeding, aperients No. 5 and No. 7, the warm bath, afterwards opium: the pill No. 12, three times a day till relieved. Avoid fermented liquors, &c.


593. INFLAMED EYES.-The bowels to be regulated by No. 5, a small blister behind the ear or on the nape of the neck-the eye to be bathed with No. 39.

594. INFLUENZA. No. 4 as an aperient and diaphoretic. No. 17 to allay fever and cough. No. 31 as a tonic, when weakness only remains.



Avoid cold and damp, use clothing the same time a regulated diet. When suited to the changes of temperature. te piles are external, or can be reached, 595. INTERMITTENT FEVER, OR one or two applications of the extract AGUE. Take No. 16 during the in- of with an occasional dose of termission of the paroxysm of the fever; lenit electuary, will generally suckeeping the bowels free with a wine-ceed in curing them. glass of No. 7. Avoid bad air, stagnant pools, &c.

596. ITCH.-The ointment of No. 32, or lotion No. 33.

597. JAUNDICE.-The pills No. 1, afterwards the mixture No. 7, drinking freely of dandelion tea.

598. LOOSENESS OF THE BOWELS (ENGLISH CHOLERA).—One pill No. 23, repeated if necessary; afterwards the mixture No. 25. Avoid unripe fruits, acid drinks, ginger beer; wrap flannel around the abdomen.

599. MEASLES.-A well-ventilated room, aperients No. 4, with No. 17 to allay the cough and fever.

600. MENSTRUATION (EXCESSIVE). -No. 47 during the attack, with rest in the recumbent position; in the intervals, No. 46.

607. QUINSEY.-A blister applied all round the throat: an emetic, No. 19, commonly I succeeds in breaking the abscess; afterwards the gargle No. 20. Avoid cold and damp.

608. RHEUMATISM.-Bathe the affected parts with No. 27, and take internally No. 28, with No. 29 at bedtime, to ease pain, &c. Avoid damp and cold, wear flannel.

609. RICKETS.-The powder No. 37, a dry, pure atmosphere, a nourishing diet.

610. RINGWORM.-The lotion No. 36, with the occasional use of the powder No. 5. Fresh air and cleanliness.

611. SCARLET FEVER.-Well ventilated room, sponging the body when hot with cold or tepid vinegar, or spirit 601. MENSTRUATION (SCANTY).-In and water; aperients, No. 4; diaphostrong patients, cupping the loins, ex-retics, No. 8. If dropsy succeed the ercise in the open air, 47, the feet in disappearance of the eruption, frequent warm water before the expected period, purging with No. 5, succeeded by the pills No. 45; in weak subjects, No. 7. No. 46. Gentle and regular exercise. 612. SCROFULA.-Pure air, light but Avoid hot rooms, and too much sleep. warm clothing, diet of fresh animal 602. MENSTRUATION (PAINFUL)-food; bowels to be regulated by No. 6 No. 48 during the attack; in the and No. 30, taken regularly for a conintervals, No. 45 twice a week, with siderable time. No. 46. Avoid cold, mental excitement, &c.

603. MUMPS.-Fomentation with a decoction of camomiles and poppy heads; No. 4 as an aperient, and No. 9 during the stage of fever. Avoid cold, and attend to the regularity of the bowels.

604. NERVOUSNESS.-Cheerful society, early rising, exercise in the open air, particularly on horseback, and No. 15. Avoid excitement, study, and late meals.

605. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. --The pills No. 2, with the mixture No. 15.

606. PILES. The paste No. 38, at

613. SCURVY. - Fresh animal and vegetable food, and the free use of ripe fruits and lemon juice. Avoid cold and damp.

614. SMALL-POX.·

A well-ventilated apartment, mild aperients; if fever be present, No. 7, succeeded by diaphoretics No. 8, and tonics No. 16 in the stage of debility, or decline of the eruption.

615. ST. VITUS'S DANCE. The occasional use, in the commencement, of No. 5, followed by No. 7, afterwards No. 61.

616. THRUSH.-One of the powders No. 6 every other night; in the intervals a dessertspoonful of the mixture No. 22




three times a day; white spots to be dressed with the honey of borax.

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617. TIC DOLOREUX.-Regulate the bowels with No. 3, and take in the intervals of pain No. 31. Avoid cold, damp, and mental anxiety. 618. TOOTHACHE. Continue the use of No. 3 for a few alternate days. Apply liquor ammonia to reduce the pain, and when that is accomplished, fill the decayed spots with silver succedaneum without delay, or the pain will return. A drop of creosote, or a few drops of chloroform on cotton, applied to the tooth, or a few grains of camphor placed in the decayed opening, or camphor moistened with turpentine, will often afford instant relief.

hours, till they act thoroughly on the bowels: in cases of inflammation, apoplexy, &c.

2. Powdered rhubarb, Socotrine aloes, and gum mastiche, each one scruple; make into twelve pills: one before and one after dinner.

3. Compound extract of colocynth, extract of jalap, and Castile soap, of each one scruple; make into twelve pills.

4. James's powder, five grains; calomel, three grains: in fevers, for adults. For children, the following:-Powdered camphor, one scruple; calomel and powdered scammony, of each nine grains; James's powder, six grains; mix, and divide into six powders. Half 619. TYPHUS FEVER.. Sponging of one powder twice a day for an infant the body with cold or tepid water, a a year old; a whole powder for two well-ventilated apartment, cold applica-years; and for four years, the same tions to the head and temples. Aperients three times a day. No. 4, with refrigerants No. 9; tonics No. 16 in the stage of debility.

620. WATER ON THE BRAIN. Local bleeding by means of leeches, blisters, aperients No. 5, and mercurial medicines No. 18.

621. WHITES.-The mixture No. 43, with the injection No. 44. Clothing light but warm, moderate exercise in the open air, country residence.

622. WORMS IN THE INTESTINES. The aperient No. 5 followed by No. 7, afterwards the free use of lime water and milk in equal parts, a pint daily. Avoid unwholesome food.

623. Prescriptions.

To be used in the Cases enumerated under the head"Diseases."

624. The following prescriptions, originally derived from various prescribers' Pharmacopoeias, embody the favourite remedies employed by the most eminent physicians:

1. Take of powdered aloes, nine grains; extract of colocynth, compound, eighteen grains; calomel, nine grains; tartrate of antimony, two grains; mucilage, sufficient to make a mass, which is to be divided into six pills; two to be taken every twenty-four

5. James's powder, six grains; powdered jalap, ten grains; mix, and divide into three or four powders, according to the child's age: in one powder if for an adult.

6. Powdered rhubarb, four grains; mercury and chalk, three grains; ginger in powder, one grain: an alterative aperient for children.

7. Dried sulphate of magnesia, six drachms; sulphate of soda, three drachms; infusion of senna, seven ounces; tincture of jalap, and compound tincture of cardamoms, each half an ounce: in acute diseases generally; take two tablespoonfuls every four hours till it operates freely.

8. Nitrate of potass, one drachm and a half; spirits of nitric ether, half an ounce; camphor mixture, and the spirit of mindererus, each four ounces: in fevers, &c.; two tablespoonfuls three times a day, and for children a dessertspoonful every four hours.

9. Spirit of nitric ether, three drachms; dilute nitric acid, two drachms; syrup, three drachms; camphor mixture, seven ounces: in fevers, &c., with debility; dose as last.

10. Spirit of mindererus and camphor mixture, of each three ounces and a half;

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