not therefore handle an English cudgel: you find it otherwife; and, henceforth, let a Welsh correction teach you a good English condition. Fare ye well. Pift. Doth fortune play the hufwife with me now? News have I, that my Nell is dead i'the spital Of malady of France; And there my rendezvous is quite cut off. [Exit. [Exit, SCENE II. Troyes in Champagne. An Apartment in the French King's Palace. Enter, at one door, King HENRY, BEDFORD, GLOSTER, EXETER, WARWICK, WESTMORELAND, and other Lords; at another, the French King, Queen ISABEL, the Princess KATHARINE, Lords, Ladies, &c. the Duke of BURGUNDY, and his Train. K. Hen. Peace to this meeting, wherefore we are met! Unto our brother France,-and to our fifter, Health and fair time of day :-joy and good wishes And, princes French, and peers, health to you all! Most Most worthy brother England; fairly met:- 2. Ifa. So happy be the issue, brother England, Great kings of France and England! That I have la bour'd With all my wits, my pains, and strong endeavours, Unto this bar and royal interview, Your mightiness on both parts best can witness. If I demand, before this royal view, Corrupting in its own fertility. Like prisoners wildly over-grown with hair, And as our vineyards, fallows, meads, and hedges, K. Hen. If, duke of Burgundy, you would the peace, Whose want gives growth to the imperfections Which you have cited, you must buy that peace Whose tenours and particular effects You have, enfchedul'd briefly, in your hands. Bur. The king hath heard them; to the which, as yet, There is no answer made. H 2 K. Hen. K. Hen. Well then, the peace, Which you before fo urg'd, lies in his answer. Pafs our accept, and peremptory answer. K. Hen. Brother, we fhall.-Go, uncle Exeter,— And we'll confign thereto.-Will you, fair fister, 2. Ifa. Our gracious brother, I will go with them; Haply, a woman's voice may do fome good, When articles, too nicely urg'd, be stood on. K. Hen. Yet leave our coufin Katharine here with us; She is our capital demand, compris'd Within the fore-rank of our articles. 2. Ifa. She hath good leave. [Exeunt all but HENRY, KATHARINE, and her Gentlewoman, K. Hen. Fair Katharine, and most fair! Will you youchfafe to teach a foldier terms, Such as will enter at a lady's ear, And plead his love-fuit to her gentle heart? Kath. Your majefty fhall mock at me; I cannot speak your England. K. Hen. O fair Katharine, if you will love me foundly with your French heart, I will be glad to hear you con fefs fess it brokenly with your English tongue. Do you like me, Kate? Kath. Pardonnez moy, I cannot tell vat is-like me. K. Hen. An angel is like you, Kate; and you are like an angel. Kath. Que dit-il? que je fuis femblable à les anges? Alice. Ouy, vrayment, (favf vofire grace) ainfi dit il. K. Hen. I faid fo, dear Katharine; and I must not blush to affirm it. Kath. O bon Dieu! les langues des hommes font pleines des tromperies. K. Hen. What fays fhe, fair one? that the tongues of men are full of deceits? Alice. Ouy; dat de tongues of de mans is be full of deceits dat is de princess. : I K. Hen. The princefs is the better English-woman. I'faith, Kate, my wooing is fit for thy understanding: I am glad, thou can't speak no better English; for, if thou couldft, thou wouldst find me fuch a plain king, that thou wouldft think, I had fold my farm to buy my crown. know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say-I love you: then, if you urge me further than to say-Do you in faith? I wear out my fuit. Give me your answer; i'faith, do; and fo clap hands, and a bargain: How fay you, lady? Kath. Sauf voftre honneur, me understand well. K. Hen. Marry, if you would put me to verses, or to dance for your fake, Kate, why you undid me: for the one, I have neither words nor measure; and for the other, I have no ftrength in measure, yet a reasonable measure in ftrength. If I could win a lady at leap-frog, or by vaulting into my faddle with my armour on my back, under the correction of bragging be it fpoken, I should quickly leap into a wife. Or, if I might buffet for my H 3 love, |