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MARCH 17, 1830.]

Executive Powers of Removal.


every appearance of a determination to land troops was ject of military affairs, he concludes as follows: 'I have exhibited. On this occasion, Major Clark, after supplying only to add, that the Government highly applauds your the troops with ammunition, &c., shouldered a musket, patriotic exertions."

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and volunteered as a private in Captain Morris's company, I ask, if examples of such sacrifices were numerous to oppose the landing of the British troops. The brig, during the late war? Do they constitute no claim to pubhowever, hauled off. In obedience to an order of the lic gratitude with those who rule this nation? And the Governor, dated 25th of August, 1812, Major Clark fur-only way left for the Senate to show their disapprobation nished a detachment from his brigade to join the army of the removal, is to do what has been often done heretoordered to Black Rock, under General Tanehill. In pur- fore-to call on the President for his reasons of action. He suance of an order from the Governor, dated September may have been deceived. If so, it will be satisfactory to 5th, 1812, a battalion of militia was organized under general the Senate to know it, and but justice to himself to make orders of the 12th May, 1812, to form part of the army it known. He will not withhold the information. assembling under General Harrison, in the State of Ohio, It may, however, be said, that the President was not for the defence of the Western frontier. Early in 1813, informed of the extent of Mr. Clark's services to the Government commenced building vessels of war at the country, or of his character as a citizen in his native State. Erie harbor, to contend with the British for mastery on I am instructed to say that he did know it; and with the lake Erie, which work progressed with unexampled ra- information before him, it would have been creditable to pidity. About the middle of July the vessels were nearly the President to have suffered him to remain where he completed, and Commodore Perry considered the station found him, at least until he could have had an opportuin imminent danger of an attack from the British with the nity of consulting his constitutional advisers. view of destroying our vessels in their unfinished state, I have now shown the way the late Treasurer served his from the fact that the British fleet daily made its appear-country during the last war. I have shown you the esti ance off the barbor. Under this perilous circumstance, mation in which he was held by his fellow-citizens; the Commodore Perry made a pressing appeal to Major Gene- various offices he has held to their entire satisfaction. I ral Mead to furnish militia immediately for the protection have shown how and when he was transferred to this place, of the vessels and other public property then at Erie, to and appointed Treasurer; the unanimity in the Senate in a vast amount. General Mead was so well aware of confirming the appointment. I now inquire, was there the importance to the nation of having so important a ever a President in the United States, previous to the prestation guarded against danger from the enemy, that he sent, with the knowledge of all these facts before him, ordered Major Clark to march his whole brigade forth-who would have exercised such high-handed measures? I with to the town of Erie. With such promptness was this think I am warranted in saying there was not, and I hope order executed by Major Clark, that, in forty-eight hours such examples hereafter may be rare. after receiving it, one thousand militia had arrived at The whole appointing power is conferred upon the Erie, and, on the fifth day, twenty-eight hundred organized President and Senate jointly. Whenever the Executive militia were tendered by Major Clark to the commanding shows a disposition to abuse the power vested in him by General, the greater portion of them having marched the constitution, by an unlimited exercise of those confrom forty to ninety miles. These troops were furnished structive powers, never intended to be conferred by the with subsistence by him on their march; and while they instrument, the Senate of the United States, who possess remained at Erie, large detachments of them were inces- co-equal and co-ordinate power, ought immediately to santly engaged in assisting to get the fleet over the bar, check such disposition, and restore the instrument to its procuring ballast, &c. And when the fleet was ready for original intention. If the President is permitted, during service, as many of these troops as could be taken on the recess of the Senate, to go on, and remodel the Goboard volunteered with Commodore Perry on his first ex-vernment, by turning out and substituting whomsoever he cursion on the lake in search of the enemy. Late in De- pleases, it at once reduces the Senate of the United States cember, 1813, the British crossed over to the American into a mere registering body, divested of all Executive inside, and burnt the town of Buffalo. Captain Elliott, who fluence or Executive control; and this, too, not only withthen commanded the Erie station, where all our vessels out positive grant, but in plain contradiction to the posiand naval stores lay, considering the station to be altoge- tive expressions of the constitution. ther unprotected by land forces, and nothing to impede Again, I am borne out in my opinion, when I say that the march of the British from Buffalo to Erie, deemed it the power exercised by the President to remove from ofnecessary, for the safety of the station, to call on General fice, during the recess of the Senate, without cause, is arMead for a military force for its defence. To constitute bitrary and unjust; I am borne out in that opinion by a such defence, General Mead issued his orders to Major sentiment that dropped from one of the gentlemen from Clark, on the 1st of January, 1814, commanding him to Tennessee, in the debate on another subject. The genmarch his whole brigade immediately to the Erie station, tleman said, (I took down his words,) “that all men who which orders, considering the inclemency of the season, exercise office for party purposes, ought to be dismissed were executed with extraordinary promptitude and des- from office; but, for the exercise of the rights of suffrage, patch. The time spent by Major Clark in executing these they ought not to be dismissed." I will now appeal to my numerous orders, holding courts martial for the trial of colleague; he has had the best opportunity of knowing, delinquents, and settling with Government, necessarily and I am sure he will state nothing but facts. Did Mr. occupied nearly three years, to the total neglect of all Clark, previous to the last Presidential election, exercise private concerns. And while engaged in performing those the influence which the office he held, that of Treasurer services, numerous and arduous as they were, Major of the State of Pennsylvania, gave him, to party or poliClark received the pay of a major, which compensation, cal purposes? I feel confident my colleague will say he to say nothing of his personal services and those of a horse, was not equal to his actual expenditures.

did not. That he expressed his opinion freely in favor of Mr. Adams, I have no doubt; but at the time of the election he did not vote on either side of the question. It is well known he then resided in this District, and was not entitled to a vote.

"In Governor Snyder's order of the 5th September, 1812, to Major Clark, he expresses his high sense of the valor of these patriotic citizens, who voluntarily flocked to the standard of their country, on the Northwestern fron- I have been somewhat surprised at what we have wittiers of the State, to arrest the progress of an invading nessed in this body, when the nominations made by the foe. In a letter from the Secretary of the Commonwealth, President have been brought up for confirmation, (I allude of the 7th September, 1812, to Major Clark, on the sub-particularly to those of district attorneys.) A member

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First Proceedings.

has not risen upon this floor, however pleased they may have been with the nominee in other respects, but what has admitted them to be inferior in point of capacity to those they have succeeded. And is this no abuse of power in the Executive, to remove good officers, and supply their places with others less qualified? Instead of improving the system of your Government, and the moral and intellectual condition of your citizens, as the President ought to endeavor to do, we find a letting down in every department. Is there no way to put an end to these abuses? There is. Let the Senate pass the resolution now before you, and, my word for it, the President will be more careful in making his selections for the future. There is one other subject I would notice. I would not recur to it, had not so much been said, at different times, by gentlemen in the opposition, about the peace societies that existed throughout the Union during the last war. We, at that period, had a peace society in Pennsylvania; which society did as much, wrote as much, and arrayed them selves as much in opposition to the war and the measures pursued by the then administration as any other similar society. And what do we now find to be the fact? Searcely had half a year rolled round from the time of Clark's removal, until the President bestowed an office on the

[DEC. 7, 1829.

very President of that peace society, the confirmation of which took place not more than ten days since, in this body. It may be asked, why was not this information disclosed at the time? To this I answer, that neither my colleague nor myself knew it to be the same man when the nomination was before us, although I had heard of his removal to the West. Yet it never occurred to me as being the same person, nor would I yet have known it, had I not received the information, a few days since, from a member of the other House. It is, however, but candor to state, that had I known the nominee to be the same person, I should have disclosed the peace society business with reluctance. His connexions in Pennsylvania, so far as I am acquainted with them, are highly respectable, and he himself possesses many estimable and good qualities. I have mentioned this circumstance as a set off to the attempts that have been made to make the world believe that the members of these peace societies are now arrayed in opposition to the administration, when the contrary is the case. I fear men are now more regarded for their devotion to those in power, than devotion to their country. I have nothing further to say, but to express a hope that the Senate will pass the resolution now under consideration.

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MONDAY, DEC. 7, 1829.

At 12 o'clock, precisely, the House was called to order by MATTHEW ST. CLAIR CLARKE, Esq. Clerk to the last Congress.

The roll of members having been called over by States, it appeared that there were present one hundred and ninety-four Representatives, and three Delegates from


to the individual who fills it, and of increased importance to the public.

How far it will be in my power to meet the expectations of the House, by an able and enlightened discharge of the duties of this high station, it is not for me to say. Distrustful of my own abilities, I can promise but little else than zeal and fidelity. I shall shrink from the performance of no duty, however painful; shun no responsi A quorum of the House being presentbility, however severe; my time and talents shall be deThe House proceeded to ballot for a Speaker. Mr. voted to your service; and, in pursuing the manly and CONDICT, of New Jersey, Mr. RIPLEY, of Maine, and steady course which duty directs, I shall, at least, be Mr. POLK, of Tennessee, being appointed Tellers, an-cheered and sustained by a consciousness of the purposes, nounced, after counting the ballots, that ANDREW STE- and a confidence in the principles, which I shall bring VENSON had received one hundred and fifty-nine votes; with me into this arduous service. On your part, gentle which, being a majority of the whole number, men, I shall expect and need your kind and cordial coANDREW STEVENSON, of Virginia, was declared operation, and that general confidence, without which all to be duly elected Speaker of the House. the efforts of authority would be nugatory; and I entreat you to afford me that aid and support in maintaining the established rules and orders of the House, so necessary to the character and dignity of its deliberations, and the des patch of the business of the nation.


Being conducted to the chair, the SPEAKER elect addressed the House in the following terms:

GENTLEMEN: I receive this renewed and distinguished In assembling again to consider the condition of our be proof of the continued confidence and approbation of my loved country, I seize the occasion to offer you my corcountry, with feelings of deep sensibility and unaffected dial congratulations upon its prosperity and happiness, gratitude; and since it is your pleasure that I should again and the still more exalted destinies that await it. Whilst preside over your deliberations, I accept the trust, with our relations with foreign Powers are distinguished by alan earnest hope that the choice of the House may not liances and good will, which serve but to render our prove injurious to its interests, or detrimental to its honor. friendship more valuable to cach, and more courted by Of the importance and responsibility of this high office, all, our situation at home, under the influence of virtuous it is unnecessary to speak. It has been justly regarded, and patriotic councils, is peaceful, united, and happy; both in relation to its elevation, and the nature and extent How long these blessings are to be enjoyed by us, of its duties, as one of the most delicate and responsible secured to our children, must depend upon the virtue and trusts under the Government. Indeed, the great increase intelligence of the people; the preservation of our happy of legislative business, both of a public and private nature, Union; and the virtuous, liberal, and enlightened adminis(occupying, as it does, so large a portion of the year,)tration of our free institutions. the number of this House, and the habit of animated, pro- That our confederated republic can only exist by the tracted, and frequent debate, have, of late, tended-very ties of common interest and brotherly attachment, by mu much to render the duties of the Chair peculiarly arduous tual forbearance and moderation, (collectively and indivi


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dually,) and by cherishing a devotion to liberty and union, of clerk took place, the Speaker answered that he premust be apparent to every candid mind; and, as our fa- sumed that he would. thers united their counsels and their arms, poured out Mr. CAMBRELENG, of New York, suggested the their blood and treasure, in support of their common postponement of the election to to-morrow instead of rights, and by the exertions of all succeeded in defending the liberties of each, so must we, if we intend to continue Mr. JOHNSON proposed Wednesday, as the medium a free, united, and happy people, profit by their counsels, between to-morrow and Thursday. The object of his moand emulate their illustrious example. tion for postponement, and the only object of it, was to How much will depend upon the conduct and delibera- obtain time to make up his mind upon information which tions of the national legislature, and especially of this he might receive as to the relative merits of the several House, it is not needful that I should admonish you. I candidates for this office. To-morrow the message of the need not, I am sure, remind you, gentlemen, that we are President might be expected to be received, and the other here the guardians and Representatives of our entire coun-officers of the House also were to be elected; so that the try, and not the advocates of local and partial interests: election of clerk could not well be made until Wednesthat national legislation, to be permanently useful, must day, to which day, therefore, he now moved to postpone be just, liberal, enlightened, and impartial: that ours is the consideration of Mr. RAMSAY'S motion. the high duty of protecting all, and not a part--of main- Mr. BURGES, of Rhode Island, said that if the old taining inviolably the public faith--of elevating the pub-clerk could continue to act as clerk for several days, withlic credit and resources of the nation-of expending the out an election, why not for the whole session? When public treasure with the same care and economy that we was his service to end? would our own--of limiting ourselves within the pale of our constitutional powers, and regulating our measures by the great principles contained in that sacred charter, Mr. BURGES said that the mere necessity of the case and cherishing in our hearts the sentiment that the union made it proper that the clerk to the last House should act of the States cannot be too highly valued, or too watch-in organizing the present. But, when the House had fully cherished.

The SPEAKER said that that was a matter for the discretion of the House.

gone so far as to choose a Speaker, it appeared to him that the necessity was over, and that the House would be without a clerk, unless one should be immediately chosen. Without a clerk thus chosen, he did not see how the House was to make any record of its transactions.

These are some of the great landmarks which suggest themselves to my mind, as proper to guide us in our legislative career. By these means, gentlemen, we shall not only render ourselves worthy of the high trust confided to us, but we shall endear to our people the prin- Mr. ALSTON, of North Carolina, thought that no difciples of their constitution and free institutions, and pro- ficulty could arise from a postponement of the consideramote a sentiment of union and action, auspicious to the tion of the resolution. He thought the resolution improsafety, glory, and happiness, of our beloved and common per in itself, and, when the gentleman from Kentucky country. rose, he was about to have risen himself, and propose that The oath of office was then administered to the Speaker the House should proceed to an election by ballot. by Mr. NEWTON, of Virginia, (the father of the House,) preferred that the whole question should lie upon the taand by the SPEAKER to the members, by States in suc-ble for the present, and that, whenever the House should cession. proceed to the election of a clerk, it should be by ballot. This ceremony being endedAs to the old clerk continuing to act, [Mr. A. said] it had Mr. RAMSAY, of Pennsylvania, submitted the follow-been the universal practice that the old clerk should coning resolution:

Resolved, That Matthew St. Clair Clarke, Clerk to the late House of Representatives, be appointed Clerk to this


tinue to act until another should be appointed.


Mr. RAMSAY expressed his willingness, if it would meet the views of his friend, so to modify his resolution, as to propose that the House should now go into an elec tion of a clerk.

Mr. JOHNSON, of Kentucky, said that he was informed that there would possibly be several other indiviMr. BUCHANAN, of Pennsylvania, said he trusted that duals who would be candidates for the office of clerk. such a course would be pursued as that the House should He therefore proposed to postpone the election to twelve at once go into an election by ballot. And perhaps his o'clock on Thursday, to enable members to make up a colleague was wrong in now proposing a different course. judgment upon the information which they might in the It had been the practice, Mr. B. knew, where no opposimean time receive of the characters of the various candi-tion to the old clerk was intended, to re-appoint him by dates. This officer, he said, was the chief controlling resolution. The gentleman from Kentucky, however, executive officer of this body; his situation was one high-had stated that he believed that there were other candily confidential and responsible. It was due to the mem-dates for the office. Mr. B. said he did not know the fact: bers, and to the candidates, that a better opportunity but, if there were, the proper course was, as usual in should be afforded for selection from amongst the latter, such case, to proceed to ballot for a clerk. He should, than he at least had enjoyed. He had himself intended himself, vote to lay the resolution on the table, and then to move that on Thursday next, at twelve o'clock, the to proceed to an election by ballot. House would proceed to the election of a clerk; and with this view he moved to postpone until Thursday next the ⚫ consideration of the resolution now under consideration. Mr. RAMSAY asked what was the House in the mean time to do for a clerk? Could the House proceed in its business without that officer? In offering the resolution, [Mr. R. said] he had only followed the example, set by former Congresses, of electing the clerk immediately after the choice of Speaker. And he asked that the question of postponement should be taken by yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were accordingly ordered upon the question.

In reply to a question put to the Chair, whether the late clerk would be considered in service until an election

Mr. RAMSAY then withdrew his resolution in favor of Mr. Clarke, and moved, in lieu thereof, that the House do now proceed to the election of a clerk.

Mr. JOHNSON, of Kentucky, moved to amend this last motion, so as to go into an election on Wednesday next at twelve o'clock, instead of this day.

On this question the House divided-ayes 54, the noes being a large majority.

The motion to proceed directly to a balloting was then agreed to. Mr. RAMSAY then nominated Mr. Clarke, and Mr. JOHNSON nominated Virgil Maxcy, of Maryland. The votes having been collected and counted by Mr. RAMSAY, Mr. JOHNSON, and Mr. BUCHANAN, it appeared that the number of votes given in for Mr. Clarke

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President's Message.

[DEC. 8, 9, 10, 1829.

ing acquainted with the new members, &c.

was one hundred and thirty-five; which, being a majority table, to give the Speaker a better opportunity of becom of the whole number, MATTHEW ST. CLAIR CLARKE was elected Clerk of the House of Representatives, and was forthwith sworn into office.

On motion of Mr. MILLER, of Pennsylvania, it was resolved, nem. con. that JOHN OSWALD DUNN be appointed Sergeant-at-Arms to the House.

On motion of Mr. MILLER, the House then proceeded to the election of a doorkeeper. The late venerable (though now infirm) doorkeeper, Capt. BENJAMIN BURCH, was nominated, in a very appropriate manner, by Mr. TUCKER, of South Carolina. Several other persons were nominated by different members. The ballots having been counted by tellers named by the Speaker, Mr. TUCKER reported that Mr. Burch had received one hundred and thirty-six votes, (a large majority of the whole number,) and was consequently chosen.

On motion, it was then resolved, nem. con. that OVERTON CARR be appointed Assistant Doorkeeper to this House. The usual message having been interchanged with the Senate, it was resolved that a committee be appointed on the part of this House, to join such committee as have been, or may be, appointed on the part of the Senate, to wait upon the President of the United States, and inform him that quorums of the two Houses have assembled, and that Congress are ready to receive any communications he may be pleased to make.

Mr. CAMBRELENG suggested to Mr. CONDICT the expediency of withdrawing his motion for the present, and renewing it to-morrow or another day.

Mr. CONDICT said, the practice heretofore had been to adopt a similar order before the message was considered; and, as the committees were not announced until the reading of the Journal on the day following the adoption of the order, a whole day was thus given to the Speaker for the selection of the committees.

The SPEAKER said, that it had been the practice, at the opening of a new Congress, to allow the Speaker three or four days for the selection of the committees.

Mr. BUCHANAN said, he should not have moved to postpone the motion for now appointing them, if he had not known that to be the fact.

Mr. MALLARY said, that, should the order be now made, it would, he presumed, not necessarily follow that the committees should be announced to-morrow.

The SPEAKER said, that, if the order was now made, the committees must be announced to-morrow.

Mr. BUCHANAN said, if the pending motion was laid upon the table until to-morrow, and should then be adopt ed, the House might then, following precedent, adjourn over to Monday, and thus afford the Speaker the requisite time of three or four days for a selection of the com

A motion having been made for the usual order for fur-mittees. nishing members with newspapers-

Mr. WICKLIFFE, of Kentucky, objected to it. He said, that the subject of furnishing, at the public expense, papers for the private convenience of the members of this House, was referred to a committee last session, and that that committee had, in its report, recommended a discontinuance of the practice. His mind, he said, had undergone no change on this subject. He was of opinion that the application of the public means to this object was not justifiable. But, in order to test the question, he moved to lay the resolution on the table.

This motion was negatived; and the resolution for continuing the usage was agreed to without a division.

TUESDAY, DEC. 8, 1829.

Mr. DRAYTON, from the committee appointed on the part of this House, to join the committee appointed on the part of the Senate, to wait on the President of the United States, &c. reported that the committee had waited on the President accordingly, and that the President answered that he would make a communication to Congress this day. The message of the President of the United States was soon after received, by the hands of A. J. DONELSON, Esq. his Private Secretary, and read. [See Appendix.] Whereupon, ten thousand copies thereof were ordered to be printed for the use of this House.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 9, 1829.

Mr. CONDICT, of New Jersey, observing that it seemed proper, before proceeding to distribute among committees the several subjects of the President's message, that the standing committees of the House should be appointed, therefore moved the following order:

Mr. CONDICT said he had no objection to this course. The motion of Mr. CONDICT was then ordered to lie upon the table.

THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1829.

for the appointment of the standing committees; which Mr. CONDICT called up his motion, made yesterday, was agreed to by the House.


The House then went into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union; when the several branches of the President's message were referred to the different standing and select committees.

The several resolutions for the reference of the message were offered by Mr. POLK. On one of them, the fourth, which was in the following words:

"Resolved, That so much of the said message as relates to the modification of the existing tariff of duties on goods imported into the United States, be referred to the Committee on Manufactures"

A debate occurred.

Mr. J. W. TAYLOR said, he considered the general arrangement of the business as judicious; and the gentleman from Tennessee had so prepared his resolutions, as to present the various points in the most clear and perspicuous manner. He wished to have, however, some limitations in this resolution which refers to the modification of the tariff. If the gentleman from Tennessee would refer to the President's message, he would find that it contains sug gestions looking to proposed modifications of the tariff. One modification is to be found in the ninth page, and be gins thus: "The general rule to be applied in graduating the duties upon articles of foreign growth or manufacture, is that which will place our own on a fair competition with "Ordered, That the standing committees be now ap- those of other countries," &c. presenting the great prinpointed, pursuant to the rules and orders of the House." ciple in regard to the protection of American manufac Mr. BUCHANAN said that there was, he believed, an tures. The other class, referred to in the 10th page, unusual number of new members in the present House of commences thus: "Looking forward to the period, not Representatives; and it was desirable, certainly, that the far distant, when a sinking fund will no longer be reSpeaker, who was to appoint these committees, should quired," and going on to state, that, in reference to tea and have time and opportunity for inquiry before he appointed coffee, a reduction of the existing duties "will be felt as them. It was not probable, he said, that any legislative a common benefit."

business would be done in the course of the present week, His object was to move an amendment to this resoluand for that reason he moved that the motion lie upon the tion, which would have the effect of referring that part

DEC. 10, 1829.]

President's Message.

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which relates to such modification as looks to the protec- cussed. What he proposed was, to give a respectful retion of our own manufactures, to the Committee on Manu- ference to the appropriate committees of all the matters factures, while it refers so much as pertains to the modifi- which the Chief Magistrate had submitted to the considecation contemplated by the reduction of the duties on tea ration of the House. It was not now for him to oppose, and coffee, which is exclusively a revenue arrangement, to vindicate, or approve of those matters. That was a to the Committee of Ways and Means. Only so far as the subject for discussion hereafter, and "sufficient for the duties are regulated with a view to the protection of our day is the evil thereof." Let that matter, therefore, rest. manufactures is it properly an object of reference to the He wished the subject to go to that committee, where it Committee on Manufactures. He would therefore move would receive the fullest consideration. When he was to amend the resolution by inserting, after the words up before, he read a paragraph from the message, which, "United States," the words "with a view to the protec-after stating that the general rule was to "place our own tion of manufactures." [manufactures] in fair competition with those of other countries," went on to state that "the inducements to advance Mr. POLK said, that, as the resolution had been adopted even a step beyond this point are controlling in regard to in committee, it was no longer under his control. It was those articles which are of primary necessity in time of suggested, however, by a gentleman near him, that the war." The President had thus expressed his opinion on amendment, with a modification, might be proper. The this point in explicit terms. If there be a single article modification which he suggested was, to add the words manufactured in the United States, which is of primary except that part which refers to the reduction of the du- importance in time of war, the President, in regard to that ties on tea and coffee, which is referred to the Committee article, recommends a protecting duty. Here, then, apof Ways and Means."

The question being on the amendment,

Mr. TAYLOR reminded the gentleman from Tennessee that he had already referred every thing relating to the revenue to the Committee of Ways and Means, and that reference embraced the object of his present motion. This is a subject of revenue, and it is by no means necessary to go into the particular specifications as to the duties on tea, coffee, &c. That matter is of necessity before the committee, unless it shall be particularly excluded.

pears the propriety of considering what class of articles is here alluded to, and what are embraced in the principle, and these are fit subjects of consideration for the Commit tee on Manufactures. But, in regard to the whole subject, it appears that if we take what is said in the last paragraph in the ninth page, we shall find there is a distinct recommendation to carry the principle further. That paragraph reads thus: "The agricultural interest of our country is so essentially connected with every other, and Mr. POLK stated that his only object was to render the so superior in importance to them all, that it is scarcely nelanguage of the resolution more specific than it was before cessary to invite to it your particular attention. It is he offered this amendment. His object was to give to the principally as manufactures and commerce tend to inCommittee of Ways and Means all the duties which legiti-crease the value of agricultural productions, and to exmately belong to it, and to refer to it all those topics in the tend their application to the wants and comforts of society, message which are within its sphere. It was suggested to that they deserve the fostering care of the Government." him that there might arise a conflict between the Commit- How are these to receive the fostering care of the Gotee of Ways and Means and the Committee on Manufac-vernment, unless by the protecting duties referred to in tures, as to which was in possession of the specific recom-the amendment he had offered, with a view to the considemendation contained in the message; and, in consequence ration of the committee? It was far from his intention at of that suggestion, he had proposed his modification. It this time to invite discussion. He had supposed that, as could do no harm; if it were productive of no other good, there were two classes of modifications, the one relating it would indicate the will of the House as to the commit-to manufactures, and the other to revenue, it was proper, tee to which the subject should be referred. The Com-as the resolution of the gentleman from Tennessee would mittee of Ways and Means has all the subjects relating to carry the whole subject to the Committee on Manufacthe revenue before it; and the modification he had suggested tures, to limit the reference to those points which the would have the effect of making this reference more clear. gentleman, doubtless, intended to refer to that committee. Mr. EVERETT suggested that either the original reso-To carry that into execution, and to divide the matter aclution of the gentleman from Tennessee, or the amend-cording to the arrangement in the message, he had made ment of the gentleman from New York, might produce his present motion.

the effect; but the amendment now suggested by the gen- Mr. DAVIS, of South Carolina, suggested an alteration tleman from Tennessee, following the amendment of the in the phraseology, so as to make it read, that so much gentleman from New York, would lead to the inference as relates to manufactures be referred to the Committee that the duties on tea and coffee were laid "with a view on Manufactures; and that so much as relates to revenue to the protection of manufactures." be referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. Mr. POLK then withdrew his proposition to amend. Mr. MARTIN said, that his object was not to provoke, Mr. McDUFFIE then stated that he disliked the phrase-but to allay discussion, when he offered his amendment. ology of the amendment. It seemed to be framed under It appeared, however, that the only difference between the impression that the modifications recommended by the the gentleman from New York and the gentleman from message looked exclusively to the benefit of the manufac-Tennessee, and himself, was about words. The question turers. He hoped that this impression was not the cor- was simply, how much should be referred to these distinct committees? The only fear of the gentleman from New Mr. MARTIN, of South Carolina, suggested to the gen-York seemed to be, that the Committee on Manufactures tleman from New York the propriety of withdrawing his might decide on matters which did not come properly proposition, and accepting an amendment to the following within its sphere. He thought the committee might be effect: "And that so much as relates to a reduction of fairly left to determine its own sphere of duties. It apduties on those articles of import which cannot come in peared to him to be plain and intelligible. The idea is that competition with our manufactures, be referred to the the tariff, so far as it concerns our manufactures, is a subCommittee of Ways and Means.” ject appropriate for the action of the Committee on Manu

rect one.

Mr. TAYLOR said he should be happy to give this factures; and that the subject, as it relates to revenue, is gratification to the gentleman if he could. But it must for the action of another committee. To meet this view, be evident to all that the message docs recommend the he had submitted his proposition to the House; and he protection of manufactures. Whether the recommenda- would take occasion to move it, should the amendment of tion is judicious or not, is not now the question to be dis- the gentleman from New York be rejected; so that not VOL. VI.--60

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