7. Messages of President Hayes. § 359.
8. Discussions of 1881-1883. § 360.
9. Frelinghuysen-Zavala convention. § 361.
10. President Cleveland's message, 1885. § 362.
11. Executive utterances, 1889-1894. § 363.
12. Mr. Olney's memorandum, 1896. § 364.
13. Recommendations by President McKinley. § 365.
14. Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 1901. § 366.
Treaty of Feb. 5, 1900.
Negotiation as to amendments.
Treaty of Nov. 18, 1901.
Message of President Roosevelt.
Resolution of Second International American Conference.
15. Mosquito question, since 1860. § 367.
Instructions of Mr. Fish, 1873.
Award of Emperor of Austria, 1881.
Mr. Bayard's representations.
Lord Salisbury's reply.
Mr. Foster's representations.
Insurrection of 1894, and subsequent events.
IV. American routes and grants. § 368.
V. Suez Canal. § 369.
VI. Corinth Canal. § 370.